NOT HOT! Just FYI: Cyberwings - Received an email from

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Platinum Member
Apr 12, 2000
I received a refund.
However it was thru 2checkout not paypal. My ticket number was in the low 300s.

But most importantly, I filed for a refund ticket under a different name than I used in the cw chats or else I'd be in the same boat as everyone else that CEO-Shawn (& his little koolaid drinking dweebs) targeted to receive their refunds after Hell freezes over. There is a pattern of delaying/refusing to refund the 'naysayers', since many have very low ticket numbers [even lower than mine] yet have not received their refunds.


Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
In other developments, the "clarifications" issued by Shawn have continued:

Regarding how many people are setting up accounts - he originally said there would be 10 staff setting up accounts 24/7. Then he said it would be 7, 3 for AYW accounts and 4 for resellers. He most recently said there were 6 people actually working on setting up accounts.

Regarding how many accounts would be setup - he originally said there would be a minimum of 40 per day setup, but he expected a lot more in actuality, he just wanted to be on record with a low number. His latest communication said 30 - 50 were being setup per day. (Do the math - 6 staff members setting up 30 accounts per day equals 5 new accounts per staff member per day. If you assume an eight hour day, that means it's taking 1.5 hours to setup each account.)

Regarding updates on their web site - He originally said when the questionnaire went online they would update their site "hourly". He said he hired someone just to do this task. Then he changed that to approximately three times per day. The web site hasn't been updated at all since July 28.

Regarding releasing ticket #'s already processed - he originally said the web site would be updated with "progress reports, ETA's, etc." every hour. Then he changed it to three times per day, Then he said they wouldn't be releasing any information regarding ticket #'s. Then an IRC channel was setup (#cwprogress) so those who have been rebuilt could post their ticket #'s. (BTW - according to that channel the highest trouble ticket # that has been rebuilt with an AYW account is only 54). Shawn addressed this by saying that the web site would be updated with trouble ticket #'s "daily ... starting this weekend". His phrase "this weekend" referred to the first weekend in August, since he said it on Friday August 2. Of course, that promised update never happened.

So, to recap:

Shawn has said they are rebuilding 30 - 50 accounts per day, and have been since the 27th, yet the highest ticket # for an individual account that has been rebuilt still stands at #54.

Shawn has promised progress updates on his web site after the rebuild was started anywhere from hourly to daily and no progress reports have ever been posted. The web site was updated on July 28, but only to warn people not to apply for refunds as well as rebuilds. The web site has had no progress reports since the questionnaire was posted.

The IRC channel #cyberwings, which was to be their preferred means of communication until the web site was operational, has been moderated for all but the briefest of periods. They moderate the channel even when Shawn decides he wants to address the "Cyberwings community". You must send questions to a staff member, who then screens the question and, if they find it appropriate, will then forward it to Shawn for an answer, if you're lucky.


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2002
:disgust: Seems pretty obvious that what actually happened is CW managed to get one, maybe two servers online. They then put onto those servers the first batch of tickets they had, and in doing so, appeased a few and stifled some of the rumors going around that the rebuilding was not going to happen.

Once those servers filled up - no more accounts to set up. Doesn't matter how many employees are working, if they don't have any servers (and why should we think there are more spankin' new servers online when they can't pay their bills elsewhere???) then they can't put anyone's account on them.

Meanwhile, hoping for new servers is likely the best everyone over ticket #54 can do.


Senior member
Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: paradice<br....Once those servers filled up - no more accounts to set up. Doesn't matter how many employees are working, if they don't have any servers (and why should we think there are more spankin' new servers online when they can't pay their bills elsewhere???) then they can't put anyone's account on them.
Meanwhile, hoping for new servers is likely the best everyone over ticket #54 can do.
Not accurate. They could load much more than 54 accounts on a server. They could load 5400 accounts. Now depending on the servers capability and the requirements of the sites, it might be slow, but 54 is nothing for a legitimate pentium 4 w/1gb of ram. Unless of course he is using old p100's or something like that....which with all his other BS is certainly a possibility



Senior member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: mccall
In other developments, the "clarifications" issued by Shawn have continued:...

Thanks for the thorough post mccall Just more evidence that CEO_Shawn is still a scumbag liar.

I've missed the hourly entertainment that this thread used to provide. Oh well...


Platinum Member
Apr 12, 2000
Originally posted by: HarryK
Originally posted by: mccall
In other developments, the "clarifications" issued by Shawn have continued:...

Thanks for the thorough post mccall Just more evidence that CEO_Shawn is still a scumbag liar.

I've missed the hourly entertainment that this thread used to provide. Oh well...

For HarryK and the rest of AT that are suffering from CW entertainment withdrawal, here's a little something I found through WHT:
The latest episode from the Cyberwings entertainment network



Golden Member
Jan 27, 2000
Any lawyers in the crowd that would like to file a class-action against this dirt bag? He may have only taken my $40; but that is no reason we, as a community, shouldn't try to ruin his life. Can someone say, "Interstate Fraud"

It's only a matter of time before he tries this "Troll Trick" again. I saw we get him before he gets others...

If this is a repost, my bad...I'm lazy (don't believe me, check my post count)


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2002
Im really starting to think CW is a scam. With all the lack of updates, it seems that he just disappeared. And with only a handful of customers reinstated, it doesn't even seem as if he has a new Data Center. Just seems that he is hosting them off one computer, perhaps at home?

This must be one of the worst businesses ever, if it even is one.

I was a supporter, but now I am eager to start a class action suit. This is just unacceptable.


Sep 20, 2001
I'm sure now that the world is coming to an end, or that I've stepped into a parallel dimension. Geek4Rent is in #wingtalk, and is being most gracious. He doesn't have much to say except to confirm what was speculated on earlier - there are only two servers up right now - One for all CW stuff, the other for customer stuff, which is full. No one seems to have spoken to Shawn in days including the staff(Geek's last contact was apparently last Friday), and I think several of them want to get off the comet...Geek claims that he is still getting paid, but doesn't know about the other staff (except for the other rant by Parx, whom I'd never seen before). Geek also claims that the staff has been told that the other servers are in hand but not setup, but also readily admits that really no one other than Shawn has seen can draw the rest of the conclusion from there...

Just when you thought the fun was over...Viva la Cyberwings!

This is somewhat interesting - part of a larger collection of links that point to more erratic behavior, the rest of them are Shawn threatening to get his lawyers again, because someone ratted out his business papers to the state...An old associate of Shawn's pulls the curtain aside...


Senior member
Jan 31, 2001
everyone that STILL has an account needs to read this link posted by RSG2.

I didn't really care too much about this debacle until I read that. now I'm ready to join a lawsuit!


Oct 26, 2000
I've known Shawn since 1996 or so. He was a student at UMaine for a little while, lived in Searsport, Maine. I knew him because he ran a BBS for the High School he was attending, so I dropped him a line because he happened to be in the #Maine chat room on IRC. Went out, had lunch and all, that was alright. So we kept in touch for a while after that.I had decided to meet some of the other people from the #Maine chat room, which included Cindy Dowling, her daughter Lauren, and later on Jen Reed (Cindy's older daughter) and Pat Reed her husband. Shawn had met these people all a little before I had, and then I went down with him to meet them as well.
Shawn was working for Downeast Technology, which made Salesbook ( in Belfast ME, allegedly making 90K a year, which is possible I guess. He didn't go to work a lot of the time, didn't talk about going to work very often, etc. He was also going to UMaine @ Orono, which is about an hour commute from Searsport. Searsport and Belfast are next door to each other geographically.
Shawn's always been about flashing money. Most of us would have accepted him as an individual, which we had. However, he had to do things like rent vehicles and claim he owned them, buy lavish things to try to impress, rent Limos, etc. Well, here in Maine anyway, we're not interested in people that are like that. After all, I like my truck, my 4 wheeler, mudding, etc. All these things are what make this state unique, there isn't high population or 'big money' all over the place.
Anyway, back to my story here. Shawn left Downeast Tech and decided to pursue other lines of work which included working for the State in Data Entry amongst other things. His family weren't too impressed with him being homosexual supposedly, which later came out. Shawn lived with his grandparents because of poor ties with his mother. He also has a younger brother, who is probably 16 or 17 by now I'd imagine. Shawn tried to convince me I was gay, but that kind of backfired in his face, which is part of why I don't talk to him anymore. I'd disappoint some women if I was gay, besides I like the women. I have homosexual friends and colleagues, but they act a lot different than Shawn does by far.

Through this time we had discussed starting a business, providing ISP access across the state. Not a lot of traffic is in Maine at the time, so it was a solid idea. He had talked to another gay fellow in MD, which funded the expansion of, Metro Internetworks in MD. Gary had offered to fund a project here in Maine for Shawn, sent him a check for 20,000$ even. However, Gary had a specific love interest in Shawn, and since Gary was some 40-something years old, that ended up with the check going back. AccessMaine was never born, which is probably better that way.

Shawn and a friend of mine discussed starting a hosting business later in time. This started the name Cyberwing Communications, and logo ideas were discussed at that time as well. However, Shawn and the friend became less close, and then the project was terminated. Shawn later in time reinvented this business when his job at IDEXX Labs in Westbrook Maine failed.

Shawn was at IDEXX as a Purchasing jockey for some time, about a year or two I believe. He ended up leaving because he had 'had enough' supposedly. We're convinced that he was asked to leave, but we don't really have any proof of that. He was flashing around a lot of money during that time though, in the form of rental vehicles and such. I had by this time told him to go away, my family was disinterested in his attitude and could see through him as well. Shawn spent most of his time in Ellsworth trying to buy interest in Cindy, Jen, etc. It worked for a while, but after too many broken promises, he was told to go away as well. It took a LONG time for this all to happen, but noone wants to see him there anymore, finally.

I myself started @Network, which has been a dream of mine since 1994. @Network designs machines and provides testing for products, we're mostly a developmental name right now. Sometime, however, we'll become an organization and expand the system designs and support that people have expected from me over the years. Needless to say, I'm not disappointed that I wasn't involved in any of Shawn's scams.

Shawn also was involved in a lot of MLM traffic, such as Long Distance with Excel Communications, FreedomStarr, and other things. If you do a search on Usenet ( you'll find a lot of various posts he's made over the years. He's always been involved in the quick dollar, but a dollar earned can end up being thousands of dollars lost if it isn't earned properly.

Jen Reed wrote something herself. I only gave a little bit of background because it's hard to remember since much of this happened many years before now. Some of this stuff may be inconsistent, but most of the major facts are there, and it gives you a good idea of what kind of person Shawn is either way. Jen's a little better about keeping track of things than I, but also they just recently managed to push Shawn away, some 6 months or better ago.

Jen Writes:
I met Shawn through my mother. She met him over the net. He seemed like a very nice person, he is very convincing and made it known he was gay. He and my mom became friends, my 2 younger sisters also liked him very much. He would come up from Portland to stay the weekend sometimes alone and sometimes with a friend. He was very helpful to my mom, who was very vulnerable due to the recent death of my father. He spent unimaginable amounts of money. He offered to put a car in his name while she paid payments. Everything was fine, until I noticed he wasn't who he seemed. I was standing in his way from getting my mom's house in his name.

He then came from Portland saying he wanted to take it for a test drive (she was having check-engine problems) and never returned. . Turns out his was broken down. He later tried to sue my mom for detailing, replacing tires, and other normal wear. He was very manipulating and conniving. He loves to intimidate people with lawyers he doesn't have. I know this because I called him on his story to sue. He gave me the name of his lawyer. I'm assuming it was meant to intimidate me. He never thought I would call. I did and the lawyer didn't even know Shawn White.

I am just speculating but I believe the reason he no longer works at IDEXX as a purchaser is because he was asked to leave. I believe all the money he was flashing around may not have been his. Shawn buys his friends, you can't believe a word he says. I've been reading the whole Cyberwings thing. It's a classic Shawn: trying to control things with lies and threats. When that doesn't work he threatens with legal action. Doesn't sound like he's changed much.This is just the tip of the iceberg in the Shawn White saga. Please don't be intimidated by his big words and threats. I hope he has finally met his match. He has hurt many people and unless someone calls him on it, he will go on to others.

By the way, when registering for reservation with the State of Maine for Cyberwing Communications (the name), his check bounced.---

That's all Jen had to say, but if you have questions then let me know. I have the following e-mail from the State of Maine when I e-mailed them about this too. I actually considered registering the company so he couldn't:

>From: "Wright, Nancy" <>>To: "''" <>>Subject: FW:>Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 14:33:09 -0400>Importance: high>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)>>Mr. Baxter:>Cyberwing Communications was reserved for 120 days beginning on 7/2/01 and>is due to expire 10/29/01 if the check is replaced. If not, the name will be>removed from our records 8/9/01.>The secretary of state's office does not administer taxes - they are handled>by Maine Revenue Services.>Nancy Wright, Supervisor>Corporation Division>Tel: (207) 624-7740 ext. 50380>E-mail:>>>>-----Original Message----->From: Drew Baxter []>Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 11:30 AM>To: Hanks, Carol>Subject:>>I went and looked up Cyberwing Communications as a business in Maine. This>is what turned up:>By the looks of it, I'd say he registered the name (similar to state>trademark) and then he bounced the payment for it.. But it doesn't look>like there's any tax paperwork on file for him doing a business.>He claims that the business is registered with a FEIN, but I've always>thought that you need to charge local State tax in your area and thus would>need to be at least registered for state taxes in your state of origin>and/or any places where you have warehouses, etc.

>Of course, it is peculiar that he's been doing 'business' for several years>(, and admits to doing so. Even though, he just filed>for name reservation on 07-02-2001.>I was namely wondering if his situation is illegal. Mr. White is a pretty>shady individual. Can anyone clarify this for me?>Thanks.>>--->Drew Baxter (Dr. Droo), Project Coordinator>OneEX: The OneNetwork Exchange, @Network of Maine>Phone: 207-942-0275 / Pager: 207-471-2719, 800-498-0077x3203>E-Mail: / Web:


Sep 20, 2001
Geek is addressing the #cyberwings channel right now - Seems like he's pushed the kool-aid aside. Not actually slamming them, but not the mindless follower either...This is all too bizarre.

And I think the Wolfgang realized that his explanations (which werre plausible, but the way) just weren't going to pan out. Shawn is a pretty bizarre individual, and I think he could do well with some therapy...

Update - Geek is stating publicaly that he isn't off the train, just providing the info that he feels the customers should know.

Or in other words, we've been waiting for the wizard as well...And we can't talk to him we're going to let you guys know that you shouldn't be taking the hammer to us. This guy Shawn has really turned out to be a piece of work...I think that he's led EVERYONE down the primrose path - customers, volunteers, staff, and providers. When someone catches up with him - I wouldn't want to be there. I could get viewing on PPV though...What a train wreck this turned out to be...



Oct 26, 2001
This is frickin great! Go Here!

More Goodness!

Even More!
<Apacapacas-Notabot> SquirrelGuy- here's Geek's statement, posted by Lars:
<extrapc-63> Why not make that the topic?
<SquirrelGuy> thanks, ill check it out.
<Apacapacas-Notabot> Thanks, extrapc-63 - I'll do that.
<extrapc-63> np
<denium> that page is rather depressing
* Apacapacas-Notabot changes topic to 'Here's Geek's Statement, posted by Lars:'


Oct 9, 1999
Hmmmmm, can I get my lynchin' rope ready?

Buhahahahahaha!!!!! This guy is an idiot and a scumbag!

(But he does provide entertainment value. Please don't put me on the stand for this lawsuit. They'll ask me if I got my $4 worth and I can't lie, I'd say yes, $4 of pure entertainment.)


Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
oh geeze come on. There's no way this "anonymous" tipster has information about grand jury indictments, or when police are going to issue warrants. That crap helps no one. And the biggest crime is that it's not even funny.



Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2001
for anyone that used 2checkout to pay, i just got a refund through them. i didn't want to deal with shawn's bs "refund or rebuild" so i filed a ticket with themselves since i used them to pay. i didn't think they wanted their reputation smeared by the likes of cyberwings and i was right. it took about a week but the issue was resolved and i got my $3.90 back in my bank account WITHOUT having to go through cyberwings or their shady tickets which they will probably process 20 years from now.


Golden Member
Jan 5, 2002
Originally posted by: preCRT
Originally posted by: HarryK
Originally posted by: mccall
In other developments, the "clarifications" issued by Shawn have continued:...

Thanks for the thorough post mccall Just more evidence that CEO_Shawn is still a scumbag liar.

I've missed the hourly entertainment that this thread used to provide. Oh well...

For HarryK and the rest of AT that are suffering from CW entertainment withdrawal, here's a little something I found through WHT:
The latest episode from the Cyberwings entertainment network

That's the funniest thing I've seen in years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lololololololol ---- heheheheh

(ps -- must be ex-cyberwinger to understand)


Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
Well, you are all going to love the latest.

Shawn supposedly talked to Jan this afternoon and, get this, the 17 servers exist, and they're at the datacenter, but they aren't online because of a "cabling issue". I kid you not. A bank of 17 servers ... located in a datacenter ... being held offline for two weeks ... because of a "cabling issue". It's absurd.

I've seen drug addicts come up with better stories. This is getting past the point of being entertaining and now we are entering the realm of farce. Just when I think it can't get any wierder, when the stories can't get any stranger ... biometric hand scanners, top secret govt. servers, the golden fleece, magic weight loss pills, faulty media converters, moderated IRC channels, naysayers, kool-aid drinkers ...

AHHHHHHHH! Stop the merry-go-round I need to get off.


Sep 20, 2001
I wonder if this is the same cable that kept him from hooking them up in the beginning (anyone else remember that? This excuse has been used before). You know, you can walk into any major hardware store and get that stuff now, and quite cheap to boot. I'm sure I've got a 100' or so of cat 5 laying around here that I don't know when I'll get to use - I'd give it to him if that would help (trust me, it wont). And that crap about the indictments and stuff is probably nonsense meant to pander to the lynch mob. Now if it were true, there would be a whole lot of splainin' to do...
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