NOT HOT! Just FYI: Cyberwings - Received an email from

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Jun 9, 2002
OK - how bout this:


Shawn, we've all got your number, and EVERYTHING you say will be interperted as a lie. Why? Because NOTHING you've said to date seems to come to fruition. EVERY DATE CLAIMING SERVICE RESTORATION has only resulted in more "unexpected delays."

We're asking for you to just provide something, ANYTHING as evidence of what you are REALLY doing, BEYOND YOUR MEANINGLESS ANGRY RHETORIC, to restore Cyberwing's service.


Junior Member
Jan 12, 2001
schuang74 and Jaybert, I stand corrected on the privately held servers. Thanx for the heads up.

In fact, RackShack at one time had their equipment in someone elses space. Now it's in their own building.

Kinda raises a question. If someone allegedly had the wherewithal to own equipment in Maine, why lease in Tejas ?

Now, I personally think RackShack has some excellent rates, but it would take a heck of a pencil trick to make the deals I've seen floating around from CW, work in that scenario, even if everyones time was valued at a nickel an hour.

To RobsTV's point of ensuring customer satisfaction by migrating accounts to Texas:

Assuming a number of folks have bitten on this deal, it would take a heck of a staff to configure new servers to handle the load. Then the nameserver propagation would have to take place from Maine to Houston. Only to have the entire process repeated, when the 'new' CyberWings DC is in existence.

Man I'd love to snap some pix of Plex whiteboxes being loaded into the trunk of a rental car.

BTW, I found it curious that RackShack has issued a notice that the 10 day delinquent account rule will be enforced. Chmod 000 anyone ?


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2000
Originally posted by: doggyworld
Is there any way we can request the Police or Government to investigate this issue and maybe just put him in jail or something? It's true this deal was quite amazing.. but isn't this still fraud?

Yes, I think there should be. While you may only be out a few dollars, some I'm sure are out more. And if Shawn's claims are true,i.e. 16,000 subscribers, then the cumulative total would possibly be 6 figures. This may be racketeering and the FBI would only have to prove one case, I think. The Rack Shack servers are going down soon, they may have caught up to him, and more people will be out $$.
So, by all means, go the the FBI website and file a complaint. Be sure to mention the number of people affected. At least you can get a legal opinion form them.


Feb 20, 2002
First, I want to say thanks for the entertainment over the last week.

Originally posted by: Wolfgang

Actually got answers, mostly anyway:

(1) the drives are 120GB 10k EIDE, not SCSI.

(2) The systems are dual 1.6G P4, but it's not clear yo me if that means Xeon, necessarily. BUT: I would guess so, since TigerDirect is nor offering Compaq Dual 2G Xeon's system (with 15K HDs) for $2000. 1.6s should be substantially cheaper, I'd imagine. (Dual-capable Single CPU 1.7 system for $700.)

That's all for tonight. Man--too much time wasted here today. I'll see if I can skip a whole day tomorrow. May be hard with the no-doubt credulous thread response to LS's statement tomorrow, but I'll try.

Thanks for the update, and I hope he is not buying his servers from TigerDirect. I think the drive issue has been cleared up but he still didn't answer what RAID he was using. Judging from his other answers, I don't think he knows what RAID is (other than a bug spray).

* CEO-Shawn is very disappointed & fed up with the community talking here right now. Please know that our legal counsel IS present and is logging all names, netmasks and everything SAID in these rooms presently. Those of you against CW, please state your position and take your side, those of you with us, do the same, and those of you against us, I am about to raise hell with those of you aginst us immediately.

WHEN are we going to be online.. (forgetting about the past here.. looking to the future..
I already have 30 servers + 8 AMD's in my hands, two of them are already in the DC already in Virginia.

He has enough money to have a "legal" team monitor chat and buy 30+ new servers, but he cann't pay his LS bill? I believe LS's version of the story because if CW was really terminated by LS as CW claims, they would've cryed foul early to keep customer's faith. Reading these forums and watching the news, I know when people are done wrong they make sure people know and are not secretive about their situation. I am not a saleman or a CEO, but I believe that if I ran a company I would settle an disputes to keep my customers happy while I look for solutions to better my company. But that's just me. He claims my legal team will do this and that, I don't think this constitutes a legal team and the delay in getting new servers was because he was reading this.

I did give CW the benefit of the doubt in the beginning, but it is starting to get rediculous. His claims are getting bigger and bigger as time goes by. Next he's going to say, he believes his servers are located in Area 51, but is unsure because he is not allowed access with the aliens sharing the space. He should just set up a server in someone's house to get things started for this transistion. At least show some sort of progression and not the same old Q and A sessions where he gives the same answers and no results. If he keeps up at this pace, he won't have any customers to host in this "PCDC".



Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2000
I believe LS's version of the story because if CW was really terminated by LS as CW claims, they would've cryed foul early to keep customer's faith.
Me too. That's why the routers looped or there were looping routers or whatever. His connection was broke as a result of no $$.


Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2002
Have any of you watched what happens when a downstream link with multiple paths to it get's disconnected? The packets bounce back and forth trying to find the active link. Maybe I can explain this a little better (unlike Mr CEO, my tech skills are better than my verbal/written, at least in my opinion anyway). Say his network sits behind router C, and router C is connected to Routers A his primary, and B a secondary for backup purposes. Typically a link from A to B also exists. If the link from A to C breaks, A would then pass data to B and on to C. If the link from B to C is down, B would pass data to A for forwarding to C. What happens if links from A to C and B to C are both down? A passes to B which passes back to A. Each pass called a hop will decrement a TTL (time to live) until the TTL is 0, and the network is declared unreachable. Now I wasn't looking at CW's situation when the routing issues occurred, but from what I've heard this sounds pretty close to what was going on.

Glad to hear about 120GB SCSI drives... Funny that Seagate hasn't announced them. You'd think they'd at least issue a press release - every one else does for each new product. Their press releases on the website seem to be current as of yesterday...


Senior member
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: aiko
Exactly. We have been strung along for all this time....a classic, textbook Ponzi scheme....
The incoming cash has slowed to a trickle and now it's time for the fat lady to sing.....

It's becoming quite obvious that the above is the exlanation for all of this. Of course he's going to adjust his plans to a more "reasonable" (hight) cost when he's running out of money...

Wolf, how can you defend Shawn after seeing what you term as his "cheesy" business dealings, which I, and I think everyone else, would refer to as his "fraudulent" business dealing? If it looks like a duck...

Originally posted by: Wolfgang

It does seem unlikely to me that Shawn is just flat-out lying--that's not his way

I think that's COMPLETELY his way!! Looks like when Shawn couldn't make money anymore with his traditional scams (too much competition, you see; just look at your Hotmail junk-mail folder), he came up with this more elaborate scame. I am sorry to say it worked...


Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Urinal Mint
Jeez, people, so you lost $4... big deal.

Ok if $4 is ok, then is $5? What about $10? $20? Maybe $50? Where does the line get drawn exactly? I'd like to know.

And "Jeez" it's only $4 (or more) times 16,000 accounts (per Mr CEO). That's $64,000 or more. Is that OK?

If I walked up to you and demanded $4 say with the threat of bodily harm or something like that, would that be ok? I mean it's still just $4 no "big deal" right?

If we allow people to walk all over us for the little things, next will come the medium thing, then the large, then the huge. Where does it stop? I personally would rather put a stop to such thing right up front. People allow too much to slide by because it's "not worht it". Thankfully some people stand up for "the little guy" and won't put up with such (stuff). And I'm not including myself in that as I don't do anywhere near as much as I should.



Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
And by the way, NO, the drive issue HASN'T been cleared up.

First we were told it was 120gig SCSI drives. THEN Wolfgang said he talked directly to Shawn, and got it cleared up that these are in fact 10,000rpm EIDE drives. We all challenged that, and a CyberWings rep said that they were in fact 10K EIDE drives, and were specificially "Western Digital Platinum." Obviously, we now know that isn't true either.

It doesn't sound like they were just "guessing." They offered a particularly manufacturer and even model, and it doesn't appear to exist. So, what do you call that? Wolfie?



Mar 29, 2001

You forgot DOE. I'm sure they will colocate with shawn as soonas they would with al queda (sp)


Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2002
Ok someone was asking if the authorities could get involved. I have a suggestion, let Shawn and his IRC watching lawyers come after me if they wish, I've done nothing wrong. First l think we should try to get the word out. I think the best way may be with of Tech TV. Email with your story - keep it to the facts as you see it, dont embelish. A common sucject like "Story idea -" may get noticed faster if we all use it.

File a complaint at:
FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection Consumer Response Center$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01

Maine Attorney General's page about consumer complaints (email to file complaint near bottom). Again I'd try to use a common subject in email like "Business practices -" - keep it to the facts.

Ask Plesk about thier "Platinum Partner" - email Simple email should do. Don't do anything libelous.

Need to go to a meeting, will edit shortly.



Jul 17, 2001
"Support is by far the key component, and it doesn't appear that CyberWings offered much in that department. "

I've been with them since March and my site has served up tens of gigs of throughput since then and I really don't have a complaint. I am , of course, backing up everything just in case, but the service I received was just fine.

In fact, the service I got from CW, both from online support chat as well as trouble tickets (usu 1-2 day turnaround until the recent problems) was good IMO. And 1000 times, no, 10,000 times better than the service I got from a more well known web host known as Telaweb, that had 100% non-existent customer service, never responded to emails, and never had their support chatroom open.

Hopefully CW will indeed go back up and they will have everything straightened out, but to be honest, for what I've invested (less than 20 bucks) and the uptime I've had, and amount of pages and throughput served out, I have no complaints at all.

My account is on one of the RackShack servers by the way so I have been up this whole time. Thus far that is.

Paul E.


Senior member
Feb 7, 2001
Hmm.... I wonder if this is where Shawn got the 10k idea--from Western Digital's site:


The previously announced WD Caviar Special Edition 120 GB and 100 GB hard drives deliver the desktop performance of a good 10K RPM drive according to tests constructed from real-world, high-level applications, said Eugene Ra, editor of If you want SCSIs performance without its price or capacity limits, the WD Caviar Special Edition is the drive for you.


Easy to imagine someone putting that in a spec list for a server: "10000 rpm performance!" or something.

But it's just more speculation.


Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
Yes, speculation.

I guess the question is: If the guy doesn't even know how fast his drives are, and whether or not they are RAID, and whether or not they are SCSI or EIDE... do you think he knows how to configure and manage a web server?



Feb 20, 2002
Originally posted by: MontyBurns
And by the way, NO, the drive issue HASN'T been cleared up.

First we were told it was 120gig SCSI drives. THEN Wolfgang said he talked directly to Shawn, and got it cleared up that these are in fact 10,000rpm EIDE drives. We all challenged that, and a CyberWings rep said that they were in fact 10K EIDE drives, and were specificially "Western Digital Platinum." Obviously, we now know that isn't true either.

It doesn't sound like they were just "guessing." They offered a particularly manufacturer and even model, and it doesn't appear to exist. So, what do you call that? Wolfie?

Sorry, by saying cleared up I meant he doesn't know nor will not know what he has.


Sep 20, 2001
The new update on that was posted today says alot of things but specifically states:

I DID authorize PayPal DIRECTLY to IMMEDIATELY issue refunds WITHOUT my consent - I told them to REFUND ANYONE who asked for one and we would be sure their accounts were deleted or never setup again, period. I have a name & department at PayPal that I work with directly - I spoke to her the other night AND I have reference numbers of people who's refunds have already been processed to PROVE it. We are granting ALL refund requests - even the ones that PAYPAL CLOSES due to EXCESS over 30 days.

Has anyone had any luck with Pay Pal and this Cyberwings mess or if there is a special way to contact them for this situation?



Senior member
Feb 7, 2001
I believe he has several techies helping him (or maybe more accurately, the other way around)--because you're right, Shawn doesn't seem techie enough to do that by himself. And I'm quite sure he knows that. (We'll see soon enough; rather, NOT AT ALL soon enough, but within a few days.)


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: hapahaole
Hopefully CW will indeed go back up and they will have everything straightened out, but to be honest, for what I've invested (less than 20 bucks) and the uptime I've had, and amount of pages and throughput served out, I have no complaints at all.
Isn't it always this way for this type of scam? People get in the scam first will have no complaints, only good words and will reccommend it to everyone. They will defend the scam as much as they could, of course, not knowing it is one. Then people get in at the end are all screwed big time. Like many people used to defend CyberRebate as legit business model.
Anyway, nobody know for sure if this is going to be a scam, not until CEO run away. But I would not try to defend it or reccommend it because at this point, CW sucks big time.


Jun 9, 2002
OK - everyone -- this will help straighten out the HARD DRIVE MESS....

You can see the actual HDD product picture HERE and HERE.

It does exist. I guess score ONE for Shawn!

Kwad Guy

Diamond Member
Dec 1, 1999
Got another message from CEO. He's getting pissed people...


That picture of a turkey that Brasscat posted is the final straw. I have forwarded it
to my attorney, and he tells me that we have a firm case for slander, as the poster is
clearly insinuating that either our servers are turkeys, our hard drives are turkeys or
that I am a turkey, and any of those is patently false and an impediment to our continued
successful operation.

Please also let everyone know that I have talked to my contact at PayPal and have instructed
them to immediately make cash payments to anyone who asks. I do not currently have time
to confirm any requests, so they will be paying $1.17 to each person who asks for a refund,
at which point their account will be permanently terminated. This will continue until all our
funds on hand at PayPal (currently $272.40) are depleted. We do not expect all funds to be
depleted so there is no hurry.

As to the naysayers who question our use of the Western Digital 10K 120Gb IDE drives: I am
prevented by nondisclosure to say much, but suffice to say that Western Digital has come up
with a way to run their IDE drives in parallel and in series, so that if you take two banks for 30
4Gb 5400rpm drives run in series and run those two banks in parallel, you will achieve an
effective 120Gb 10800rpm drive. This is basically the solution we are going with. Again, I
can't say more right now, except to say that if you don't believe me, demand your $1.17 refund
and we will remove your account. But you will be sorry when we get back up and running.



Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Brasscat

It does exist. I guess score ONE for Shawn!

See, you just have to have a little faith...and since Kwad isn't keeping us posted enough (Is he out of the loop now? Must have decided to join the naysayers...) I have had to turn to alternate source of info - one who finally has posted the proof that we all need to keep the faith (pics and all). It was the customer testimonials that really convinced me though...No more naysaying - now is the time to buy! Pay now by Paypal and recieve a tube to the righteous sweat of indignation to spinkle upon yourself and be cleansed...

Click here now! Don't delay - you'll be sorry if you don't do it now!

Damn, Kwad beat me here, but my source must be more trusted...after all, he's got pics!

Wolfie - I really did try to hold out, but it was just too easy. Forgive me, for I am weak (with boredom)...It really was a plausible theory, but Shawn put too many of his own holes in it...I guess we'll se if he pulls it off, but then again, he wont have much left to hold on to - I'm fairly certain that even if he does get things going again, he won't survive long-term...his name is mud everywhere...


Sep 20, 2001
I notice after doing some more research that CEO decided to partner up with both the Atari-colocation people and the Commodore hosting folks - now how's that for redundancy!


Jun 9, 2002
I had to throw that link into Cyberwings chat ---- then I ducked out before I was booted.


PS - I got my refund from PayPal, but it was only for $1.16... Apparrenty you have to file a seperate claim for every charge... The $1.16 was for my lifetime account (unlimited bandwidth) and the 1 cent was another charge to "ZAP5" to unlimited x 5 bandwidth.


Sep 20, 2001
In this day and age I hoghly doubt ANY gov't agency in Washington DC would colo any server with a civilian firm!!!! Too many people to do background checks on and issue security clearances to.

Actually, I don't think this is totally true - but the access to the government's section is going to be SEVERLY limited...I would tend to agree that most of the important agencies aren't going to be colocated, but some of the non-critical stuff (department of cow-flatulence studies) could be hosted somewhere outside of direct government control (whe whole building, that is - the rack space is not going to be accessible to every tech and maintenance man that want in...). Or so I understand from others who have some government servers in their centers (I can't tell who, it's confidential, of course...)
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