NOT HOT! Just FYI: Cyberwings - Received an email from

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Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001

this thread is getting me sooo...sooo tired, literally.
i might need some protein shakes soon..


Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
I took the 16,000 number from the CW Status site. I thought he said customers and not accounts, but I could be wrong. I tried to check it before I posted but the chat transcript pages are gone.

As far as I know, since their servers are still at the LS facility, they have no access to their customer data. I would suspect that's why everyone has to fill out one of those questionnaires. Whether it's one questionnaire per customer or per domain, I don't know. Either way, that's still a staggering amount of emails they'll have to wade through. And even if the do have a script in place for users, every single domain and it's limits will have to be re-entered by hand first, using the info on the questionnaires. Ouch. And that's assuming they don't have to double-check the info (like I stated earlier, I don't think they have any customer records).

If his staff is small, which I suspect it is, that is a hell of a lot of data entry.

I didn't even figure all the paperwork that goes into upgrading all these accounts either, as you mentioned. I didn't sit down and calculate his available storage space or bandwidth, using the figures he supplied, but with all of the "zapping" and sales he's had I would have a hard time believeing that he isn't oversold by magnitudes of 10. If even some people are going to use their storage space for download sites, which many have said they're going to ... Well, let's just say it won't be pretty.


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Wolfgang
For example, your shouted statement is rather vague ("EVERY SINGLE THING")--if you mean by "thing" "plan to be up", and limit yourself to last the couple weeks, then you're right. But that's a pretty narrow range and length to base your assertion on, and doesn't consider the external obstacles present then not applicable here. (The most obvious example: Lightship.)
How about all those last sale? They are selling all their I plan by the end of April, then in May, they have it again. And all those last chance to ZAP the accounts? I believe he did it like 3 times in June alone. Promises doesn't mean a thing to this guy. He is just lie after lie.
Now I have 2 sites that was down for almost 3 weeks. He had used up 3 years worth of the 98% guaranteed up time. And I opt in to receive email from CW and never get a thing since this mess. Do you think I still need to trust him?
Will I still use CW if come back up? Yes, because it's paid for back in March. But I am smart enough not to recommend it to anyone I know.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Wolfgang
Just got this in the e-mail:


Cyberwings is down to the final hours before our servers go live at our new Premier Data Center. Our Class C issue (duplication) has been resolved - new Class C's will consist of 66.250.148.XXX, 66.250.149.XXX, 66.250.150.XXX, etc. Other Class C's have been reserved as well for strictly Cyberwings use.

Pardon Me - Since when did 66.250.148.XXX become a Class C network? Last time i checked, that is still a Class A network. What's this guy smoking?


Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Pete888
If this all turns out to be true, i'm going to take my $17 2.5gb storage 60gb bandwidth account and shove it in all of your faces.

You better do it fast, though -- because you probably won't be able to rub it in our faces for long. Keep in mind before this happened, Cyberwings had a slightly shakey rep, but now Cyberwings has got to have the worst rep in the hosting business. This will hurt future sales, and with a significantly dimished existing customer base (they MUST have lost at least 30% of their customers this month), plus a terrible rep (will hurt new sign-ups), PLUS a very discounted price point, Cyberwings can't stay afloat for more than 90 days. They were skippin rocks BEFORE this happened (remember the March "donations" to keep Cyberwings afloat?). Is Cyberwings going to be in any better situation after they're back online?

I believe the Cyberwings story will end within 90 days of "go live." The wounds from this 15+ days downtime, aggrivated by CEO-Shawns lack of finesse, I believe has cast the fatal blow to the company. It's just a matter of time before the practicality of the situation catches up with the Super Ego of the CEO.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2001
hey guys update from the irc chat:

<@CEO-Shawn> Yes, all special accounts, lifetime accounts, etc. STILL apply. I gave guarantees and am standing behind them - did I mention that the 100Mbit line is BLAZING fast and our Dual T3's have 2 second BGP4 Routing Redundancy!?!?


Senior member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Wolfgang
What I said is that, contrary to the "dominant theories" here, Cyberwings is, it appears, coming back up.
How is it that it appears that way to you? Because CEO Shawn said it was coming back up?
Remind me, what is CEO-Shawn's track record on saying things that actually are true? Why would this statement be any different than any of the other lies that he's spewed?

Originally posted by: Wolfgang
Something is indeed screwed up with the automatic refund thing at Paypal--don't know why. It seems that PayPal's 30-day policy is trumping the automatic refund policy, so until that changes on PayPal's end, the refunds will be manual.

Ahhh I see, this current little problem is PayPal's fault? I guess since CEO-Shawn always tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, that it couldn't possibly be that he was "mistaken" (read: lied) about the automatic refunds, it must be that PayPal is screwing everything up. Uh-huh....

Originally posted by: Wolfgang
For example, your shouted statement is rather vague ("EVERY SINGLE THING")--if you mean by "thing" "plan to be up", and limit yourself to last the couple weeks, then you're right. But that's a pretty narrow range and length to base your assertion on,
and doesn't consider the external obstacles present then not applicable here. (The most obvious example: Lightship.)

Righhhttttt... it was Lightship's fault that Cyberwings went down. Those greedy SOB's actually wanted to get paid. Well screw them! I think a class-action lawsuit is in order. All the Cyberwings' customers should get together and sue the pants off of those bastards at Lighsthip and PayPal for forcing poor innocent CEO-Shawn's company to provide horrible service!!

Originally posted by: Brasscat
I haven't got an automatic refund yet - as Shawn has promised, in writing at cwstatus --- by the way THIS site is down right now too. This guy can't keep a server up to save his life :|

The guy can't keep a promise to save his life.

Originally posted by: NetworkDad
Originally posted by: Wolfgang
Just got this in the e-mail:


Cyberwings is down to the final hours before our servers go live at our new Premier Data Center. Our Class C issue (duplication) has been resolved - new Class C's will consist of 66.250.148.XXX, 66.250.149.XXX, 66.250.150.XXX, etc. Other Class C's have been reserved as well for strictly Cyberwings use.

Pardon Me - Since when did 66.250.148.XXX become a Class C network? Last time i checked, that is still a Class A network. What's this guy smoking?

You must be mistaken about that being a Class A network, I can't believe that CEO-Shawn would put out any false information.


Sep 20, 2000
I too am waiting for my automatic refund from paypal. I sent paypal an email last night with a link to the cwstatus site pointing out that they should investigate this guy and refund my money of course. Luckily it has been less than thirty days and he did not even set me up. I guess that is a good thing.



Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
Originally posted by: NetworkDad
Where's the IRC chat server at? ???

Yes channel #CyberWings or #CWStatus

I think the mods should check Wolfgang's IP to see if he's really Shawn or another CW troll in disguise.


Sep 20, 2000
I was just in the chat room it was making me sick. There are folks in there trying to bribe the cw volunteers and staff so that they can move up in the account setup pile. I am in there trying to find out where my money is and they are clamoring to get moved up in this mythical pile.

I give up!


Senior member
Apr 20, 2001
Originally posted by: NetworkDad
Originally posted by: Wolfgang
Just got this in the e-mail:


Cyberwings is down to the final hours before our servers go live at our new Premier Data Center. Our Class C issue (duplication) has been resolved - new Class C's will consist of 66.250.148.XXX, 66.250.149.XXX, 66.250.150.XXX, etc. Other Class C's have been reserved as well for strictly Cyberwings use.

Pardon Me - Since when did 66.250.148.XXX become a Class C network? Last time i checked, that is still a Class A network. What's this guy smoking?

you are the uberdork! (ala triumph star wars)... yeah you are correct, but I even forget that sometimes so I'm willing to forgive



Dec 12, 2000
now u know why Paypal has to charge fees, because of all the online fraud and manpower spent dealing with it. although now they are GayPal with the eGay empire, they will unilaterally raise rates in the future, in which then u may legitamtely complain


Senior member
Apr 20, 2001
wait a minute, this guy actually said,

"Did I mention that the 100Mbit line is BLAZING fast and our Dual T3's have 2 second BGP4 Routing Redundancy!?!?"

now im no network engineer, but 2 seconds have nothing to do with bgp4, correct??

also, (stupid question) if ip addresses are non portable, does that not only mean they can't be transferred away to another company but also that they can't be routed over over companies lines?? all the ips he has announced are cogent ones... does that mean the t3s are simply bs?


Sep 20, 2001
You know, all of the people in here thinking that Wolfgang is Shawn in disguise are almost as bad as the ones who get pissed off that "CEO" is writing Kwad exclusively. Any reasonable person that can read can tell the difference - Wolfgang obviously know how to use the english language, can spell, and isn't given to fits of irrational behavior. If Shawn was smart he'd hire him for PR - but I think we've all figured out that he isn't that smart. There are some poeple that just can't let arguments pass without at least trying to get all the facts straight - Woldgang has taken that on, however unpopular it may be (and it's largely unpopular here). In fact, he's getting the same brunt of the CW volunteers - unpaid, owed maony and serevices like the rest of the customers, and getting hammered. One wonders how they can hang on. Even if they did believe, I think I would be on vacation unitl the end.

Having said all that, the addresses posted are class A's (I'd have to pull out my book that I've been sorely neglecting, but Class C starts well into the hundreds - 192-223 to be exact). Class A's are rare and aren't just handed out for nothing - I can remember MS buying a company just to get it's Class A address. And I don't think that Shawn qualifies to get his hand s on one - I don't even know if any more are available. For that matter, all the address are getting thin, which is one of the reasons you hear techie type clamoring for the move to IPv6 (along with the increased security and other advantages the protocol provides. So it will remain to be seen why this doesn't jibe. I'm curious...


Mar 14, 2001
A Class C network doesnt really mean a damn thing when it comes to speed, reliability, or webhosting performance.

*** start attempt at network class system ***

Here is my best attempt at a simple explanation:
Every network address is classified into a class (either A, B, or C). A network address' class determines how many node addresses(i.e. individual machine) and subnetworks can be obtained from the address.

Example using the private address ranges

Class A: 10.x.x.x - only the first octet is set in this example, you can divide the rest of the octets between nodes and subnetworks as you wish.

Class C: 192.168.x.x - the first two octets are set, so you only have the last 2 to work with.

*** end attempt at network class system ***

Of course there are many many exceptions, and the above is oversimplified. It is all pretty complicated.

Bottom line: Class C doesnt mean a damn thing to web hosting performance. I think he puts it on the webpage because it sounds impressive ?? maybe ??


Mar 14, 2001
johto, i am not sure who your 'wrong' comment is directed towards, but the only incorrect item in my post was that I was missing the Class D address range, which is used for multicasting.

the link you provide does explain things in a more clear manner, but it is in line with what i have said.

a certain part of an address (what they call the network address) is set - you cannot change it. the rest of the address (what they call "local addresses") can be divided into subnetworks as you choose and used for individual IP addresses.

was i wrong? no.... un-clear? perhaps

edit: thanks for removing the word wrong johto


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: RSG2
There are some poeple that just can't let arguments pass without at least trying to get all the facts straight - Woldgang has taken that on, however unpopular it may be (and it's largely unpopular here).
Good point. So why would someone try to defend CW when they can't get all the facts straight, like that Class C IPs? Isn't that just another lie from CEO? Or is it just another honest mistake because he is no techie?
Only time will tell.


Sep 20, 2001
No, having a class C doesn't mean a thing performance wise - most people would want a class A because of the number of hosts that it can support - which is why you can't get one...thus subnetting of class C addresses to extend the amount of IP space. The problem is at least twofold - how does one get a class A address (I know he says he's wealthy, but he'd have to throw around a lot of money to get a class A), and the fact that there aren't any more available public mean that you'd have to buy someone elses (driving up the price further).

Also, how's does he not know what he's got - any first semester networking student learns this (Which is why the guy in CS didn't - take some networking stuff like CCNA and they'll teach it to you). And for that matter, he once claimed to be getting 1024 IP's - Why would he need that many for 30 servers? And how would he get them (like I said, IP address are getting tighter than phone numbers, so they aren't just putting them in boxes of cereal)? CW isn't running a big enough network to qualify for one even if one were available. Now if they work, I guess I don't care what class they are. But it doesn't wash. Perfomance doesn't have a thing to do with what I'm talking about...and if I had to guess, that was probably what the incorrect comment was about (I didn't make it, so I really don't know). By the way, technically you missed Class E (It experimental, so like Class D it isn't talked about much).

And I didn't get the e-mail even though I signed up...

But time will tell...


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
haha...i seriously doubt CW was assigned 1000 distinct, independent IP addresses.
...we would all be in very, VERY good hands if they were.

the other thing is...who the heck uses class addressing these days?..
all major, even minor, if not all isps, colos, enterprises use classless addressing(cidr) when it comes to
ip allocation..

anyway, we'll see...and frankly i don't give a crack, long as he gets my site up


Sep 20, 2001
Alright, I'll pick up for Wolfie on that last one (who know when he'll get to it, and I was curious enough to find out). The netblocks in question are from Cogent, just like the old one were from Lightship (if you look them up, they have CW's name on them, but then a number attached that begins with LS). So that could explain it...non-techine Shawn still doesn't have a clue. As long as they work, it won't really matter. Of course, he isn't there to ask, and I don't think that the staff know for sure (but that's they're guess).

Besides, I need to get my post count up...

Now before everyone starts calling me names and flaming me, remember, I'm just holding Wolfie's place until he posts again (but he does at least make a compelling argument for one of the worst hosting companies in business). If Shawn can somehow manage to pull his tail out of the fire (unlikely, but I'm willing to watch either way), it'll be one of the greatest turnarounds of all time (I've always been one to root for the underdog in the face of insurmountable odds - It works every once in a great while).

And another thing - they won't have nearly 5000 accounts to setup - after all, the nember of people that have bailed out is staggering. Just because the fanboys are loud doesn't mean that there are a lot of them...
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