NOT HOT! Just FYI: Cyberwings - Received an email from

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Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Yea, I was there tonight at around midnite. I got kicked like everyone else. All the CW people are at #wingtalk now. He kicked everyone and put the channel +I as soon as the IRCOP said he was leaving for the night. Sneaky bastard. At least I'm getting free entertainment out of this since I never bought anything from cyberwings. Kind of feel bad for the idiots that bought lifetime accounts etc... Some people are owed like $200 and up. This is more then $4.


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2000
Some one said their friends are out 2800. Not sure if that's true. That will be like 2 dedicated servers.


Senior member
Apr 7, 2002

BSD Hosting is still accepting new accounts, I signed up for one tonight just for the hell of it, seemed like an interesting idea so Im going to try it out, worst case is I'm out $5, I'm only out for $4 for the cyberwings thing provided they don't somehow come back.



Sep 20, 2001
The train wreck gets worse - Geek cleared and locked down the main channel - Jan is gettting hammered on elsewhere, and one of the customers has posted a bounty for info that will lead to CEO being legally served (100 bucks - guess that makes this a somewhat hot deal again!)


Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by: RSG2
The train wreck gets worse - Geek cleared and locked down the main channel - Jan is gettting hammered on elsewhere, and one of the customers has posted a bounty for info that will lead to CEO being legally served (100 bucks - guess that makes this a somewhat hot deal again!)

100 big ones! That's like 30 lifetime Cyberwings accounts!



Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2000
Originally posted by: Brasscat
Originally posted by: RSG2
The train wreck gets worse - Geek cleared and locked down the main channel - Jan is gettting hammered on elsewhere, and one of the customers has posted a bounty for info that will lead to CEO being legally served (100 bucks - guess that makes this a somewhat hot deal again!)

100 big ones! That's like 30 lifetime Cyberwings accounts!





Oct 26, 2001
The sad part is we're going to miss out on the; "Stand up and be counted, you are with us or against us, our legal team (perhaps that's why he can't pay any other bills, lawyers are expensive) is monitoring this room 24/7 and will hunt you down like macsamurai's are hunting me down, I will not have any more of these naysayers, we will be up by Wed., Fri. at the latest, our issue with Rackshack was not one of nonpayment but I have a non-discloser agreement in place and I won't be the one to break it." rantings as there's no site for him to put it up on.

Yeah but just think about the bandwith you'd have if you took that $100 woth of accounts and 5x zapped them.


Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2000
i guess its back to selling weight-loss plans for shawn....

another corporate scandal has taken down a great CEO.



Sep 20, 2001
You know, after all of this I still think that Shawn will get back online just to thumb his nose at you naysayers...unfortunately, I don't think anyone one else will be left to care ( ought to load up real fast since it won't have to share bandwidth with any of those pesky customers, but the bandwidth bill ought to be cheap since no one will be loading it)- some of the people that really got the heavy end of the hammer tonight were the fanboys, and they flipped on CW. Hard.

Shawn may want to think about selling the golden fleeces again...I don't know if this hosting thing is going to work for him...:disgust:


Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2000
Originally posted by: RSG2
You know, after all of this I still think that Shawn will get back online just to thumb his nose at you naysayers...unfortunately, I don't think anyone one else will be left to care ( ought to load up real fast since it won't have to share bandwidth with any of those pesky customers, but the bandwidth bill ought to be cheap since no one will be loading it)- some of the people that really got the heavy end of the hammer tonight were the fanboys, and they flipped on CW. Hard.

Shawn may want to think about selling the golden fleeces again...I don't know if this hosting thing is going to work for him...:disgust:

come monday i give up.




Senior member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: staticfly

I will say... if this IS a scam, then ceo-shawn is the greatest conartist ever.

Oh yeah, he's a great conartist. Nobody saw it coming.

Originally posted by: largo

I take this as evidence of Shawn's claims that he has substantial resources that he is willing to invest in the company to get it up and keep it running.

If CEO_shawn had substantial resources he should/could have:
(a) Hired somebody who had any amount of technical knowledge about web hosting
(b) Set up a merchant account to accept credit cards instead of using PayPal
(c) Hired somebody to design the Cyberwings webpage. Jeeze, a 14 year old with no experience could have put up a better page.

Oh yeah, he could have also paid his Lightship bills

CEO_shawn is a glorified reseller who got caught up in trying to make as much money as possible without having the ability to make good on the service. His mouth wrote checks that his ass can't cash.

Originally posted by: garyboz
I think it would be great if it actually came back up and then everyone intentionally used all of their bandwith. You know, put a 100 meg (or whatever is your space limit) dummy file on your website and then download it up to your monthly limit over and over again.

That is a fantastic idea. If anybody compiles a list of sites that are hosted by Cyberwings, I'd spend all day downloading stuff to suck up their bandwidth. Of course, Cyberwings would actually have to exist for that to happen... and somehow have customers....



Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
oh yeah... that's a great idea

when/if CW comes back up and tries to get their act together, lets pointlessly and maliciously waste bandwidth to shut them down.
i'm sure customers that are still with them would appreciate that.

you people never cease to amaze me.


Senior member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: dc
oh yeah... that's a great idea

Cyberwings should be able to actually provide the services that they sell. Don't you agree?
Taking money in exchange for something that you then can't/won't provide is a scam.

Not that it matters anyway. Nobody in their right mind would ever host anything with a company who can't even keep up with their pathetic guarantee of 98% uptime calculated annually

Cyberwings disappearing forever would be exactly what it deserves. And CEO_shawn deserves less than that.


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
cyberwings took my $8... but i'm very happy with dixiesys now. for those that haven't checked their site, you can get their cheapest hosting package for $20/year, and until the end of july, get two for one. thats $10/year for hosting... pretty cheap, and the service is great so far.


Platinum Member
Feb 11, 2000
As a loyal follower I waited, and waited, and waited, and then waited some more.
After this last deadline, and "shawns personal word" that it would be done by Saturday, I filed a request for refund with PayPal.

PayPal response was "NOT A CHANCE".

They responded that after 30 days they will not even look into anything, and since I paid June 20, 2002, I am SOL.
Nothing they can or will do.

So it seems this was a well thought out plan.
There was a reason after all, for keeping is on the leash for as long as possible.
He has fled with thousands, and no one will ever see any of it.

The point is not how much you or I paid, the point is that combined, he accumulated 10's of thousands
of dollars on this well thought out scam, and he should not be allowed to get away with it.


Junior Member
Jul 1, 2002
heh... remember this from another thread?


06/07/2002 8:39 AM

This is Shawn, CEO of cyberwings. I have been watching these threads now for days about all of the rumors about cyberwings. The rumors that we're another company. The rumors that we are going under. The rumors that are totally baseless. Here are the facts, I'm just going to lay them right out on the table for everyone:

1. cyberwings is not going anywhere. Despite how much some of you other hosts want us to.

2. I personally fund everything cyberwings needs to be successful. Why is that a problem? If I've got the money in my pocket, why can't I build a community and provide an awesome service at a reasonable price? MUST I be a typical capitalist and want profit profit profit? I don't think so.

3. I have a right to privacy and my right to privacy WILL be defend legally in all ways.

4. My finances and my personal life are no one's business. Those rights will be defended as well.

5. If other people would put HALF as much energy into their OWN hosting businesses as they do into TRYING to figure out HOW we run ours, they might be more of a competitor to us right now. Why not go back to your own drawing board and try to compete with us instead of trying to knock us down which only makes you look bad?

6. Our sales will continue. cyberwings is not going anywhere. IN fact, I need 3 more staff in July and we need about 40 more servers to fill coming this month - so hey, I think we're doing just fine.

7. I would like to THANK our loyal customer base who have defended us right from day one. Since last year we have had a group of people following our progress and we hope those loyal people, as well as our BAND of CW Volunteers will CONTINUE to support us!

Basically, that's about it. I would really like to STRESS #5 above - it's so true. We'd love some friendly hosting competition out there, why can no one do the same thing we're doing? You can, just stop worrying so much about GOUGING your customers and maybe take a bit of profit out of your business - why not run a business for the goal of building a community, providing a good service, instead of getting rich?

Just my thoughts. But please know that my rights to privacy and cyberwings rights will be defend to every full extent.

Shawn J. White

Edited: 06/07/2002 at 8:44 AM by Cyberwings


Jun 9, 2002
I was thinking about that too --- Was Shawn purposely stringing his customers along so that they'd past the 30 days and lose protection under PayPal's claim process? I don't think CEO-Shawn is that smart. Really. But I certainly do think he lies to his customers. Well, look -- he either lies or CEO's an idiot of infathomable depths.

We were warned that the Houston datacenters would be going offline "any time now" becasue they were going to consolidate services with the Viginia datacenter-- and that customers should start backing up data. When asked when specifically they would take the servers down, Shawn said "I don't know." This guy is a totaly idiot, to say the least, and a liar. Why wouldn't the "CEO" of a company be privvy to information regariding his own companies migration plan to the Virginia DC? And why would he pick NOW of all times to perform such a move? Yeah, right, in the middle of the worst hosting service downtime, Cyberwings is going to move their Houston services to a totally new, never lit (for CW that is) facility?

Shawn has proven he's more than just stupid. He's a stupid liar. And that makes US even more stupid for believing all his stories that just don't add up. (yes, I include myself in this group -- at least for a little bit )


Senior member
Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: RobsTV
As a loyal follower I waited, and waited, and waited, and then waited some more. After this last deadline, and "shawns personal word" that it would be done by Saturday, I filed a request for refund with PayPal. PayPal response was "NOT A CHANCE".
They responded that after 30 days they will not even look into anything, and since I paid June 20, 2002, I am SOL.
Nothing they can or will do.

Well you never mention how much you were scammed for but you must bristle now when you read Wolfie's posts about keeping an open mind. The ceo was a noob. The fact that he is traceable and the ire that he has created with some people (the bounty to have him served) means that someone will at the very least try to cause him legal grief. In the larger scheme of things, this guy is not even a pimple compared to some of the fraud and scams going on.

So I would take it as a look, learn and listen. I am more disappointed in the lost files and info stored on the now inaccessible servers.

Anyone from Maine actually know this guy? Stakeout time. Does he (or did he recently) live with his parents?
Anyone try to contact them to tell them that he is a noob.
He is almost worth doing one of those pseudo "60 Minutes follow him around and try to get a statemet from him" type of confrontation. I swear if I had the time, this could be an interesting documentary simply due to the the cult-like devotion of some and the bitter ire of others. Stay tuned. Anyone with real info on his where abouts...please pm me. THANX

You are a wanted man CEO and your shameful past is going to be displayed. What are nanna and grandpop going to think?

Ps: In respone to claims about him stringing people along beyond the 30 days, I think that was 100% the plan. You dont have to be smart to be a liar. Its easy to recognzie when most of the accounts were paid for and baboozle people into thinking...."just a couple more days" and string them along beyond 30 days. He is the worst type of liar in that he continued it on and on. (there are just so many totally outrageous lies that this began to be entertaining because of those that really wanted to believe them)


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2000
Yes come Monday, I too will be giving up on the data stored on those servers and moving on. Maybe in the future, when they 'might' go back up, I may be able to grab that information. But until then I can't wait any longer.


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2000
This is all expected, from day one of all his crazy sales. I hope the cheerleaders have learnt that by defending CW, they became part of the scam. And when someone else pointed out the obvious signs of a scam, don't argue.
It's funny now to think how people keep saying "it's a sound business model", "Shawn is not infor the money, only to help the community, and to get market share", "it's the fault of LS for Shawn not to pay the bill because of bad service", "Shawn is working hard to try to bring CW back",... Now you know it's all a big lie. He ZAP everyone's accounts.
Even if he really bring back CW today, his business is finished. Who would want to host with him anymore? So next time, think before you defend and recommend something that's too good to be true.
Or may be only time will tell.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2001
All I can say is "told ya so". Buy into a business model thats not feasible (nor legal). Don't you guys remember Cyberrebates (Cyberwings, hmm the name sounds similar).

If he wanted to pay his bill, most isp's take mastercard,visa,american express..


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2000
Guys, something fishy about the "moving" the servers in Houston.

They're with Rackshack, and AFAIK, RS has not/will not/won't ever sell the servers in their facility. They won't even move data from one server to another for a subscriber that wishes to do so (e.g. from a slower to a faster,newer server).

If they managed to get the servers out of RS the kudos to them. But so far, judging from RS's own forum's and responses from RS directly, they don't do that kind of stuff.
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