NOT HOT! Just FYI: Cyberwings - Received an email from

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Jun 9, 2002
I don't think today was a big "Cyberwings News Day" -- this forum has been pretty quiet, and the Cyberwings home page is still the Admin page for Plesk. However....


Thanks for sending me information regarding your "investment" into Cyberwings. Over the past 24 hours, I received 27 e-mails from Cyberwings customers regarding their losses in this company. Many gave me additional information I thought would be interesting to pass along to you.

First for the raw data...

Total paid to Cyberwings (27 customers): $2,018.85
Average paid per customer: $74.77
Total refunds paid: $129.50
Percent refunded of total: 6.4%
Percent refunded by Cyberwings: 4.9%

Also, from this and other misc data sent to me in your e-mails, certain details have come to light:

While there are plenty of very inexpensive accounts, there are almost as many expensive (high end) accounts. I believe it is because while the cheap accounts offered a good bargain, the expensive accounts were actually even better when looking at overall services vs. cost from other hosting providers.
Most of the cheaper accounts were online for about two weeks before service died. I believe this gives credance to those that believed Cyberwings was scrambling for cash, and in turn was giving away services for almost nothing.
One of the most ridiculous accounts reported to me was a lifetime two for one with triple bandwidth for 4.00! Who's the marketing genius that thought up that little money maker???


Only 1 of the 3 refunds that were reported to me was from Cyberwings. All the others were from credit card companies.
PayPal is researching Cyberwings on a case-by-case basis, as requests come in. I have read about one PayPal refund, but you better get in line and be prepared to wait. After a claim in PayPal is filed, they provide 10 days for the seller (Cyberwings) to remedy the claim. Past the 10 days, PayPal will "investigate" your claim -- and that can take an additional 30 days.

I hope this information is of use to the group. Although I know 27 isn't exactly a fat random sample to draw conclusions on, but I am open to continually accepting your information for furthur reporting to the group. If you haven't already, please send me 1) Your total investment into Cyberwings, and 2) If you've requested a refund, if you've received it. Mail your info to me here.

Who knows, maybe this info will become valuable to the group.... maybe someday soon


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2000
Good job, Brasscat. I think it will be very interesting to see how many people get refund from CW, when they asked for the refund and how long ago they paid CW.


Golden Member
Apr 4, 2000
Total refunds paid: $129.50
Percent refunded of total: 6.4%
Percent refunded by Cyberwings: 4.9%

My math may be a little rusty here, but 4.9%/6.4% is roughly 75%. So, value wise, 75% of all refunds were reported came from cyberwings.

Only 1 of the 3 refunds that were reported to me was from Cyberwings. All the others were from credit card companies.

Is this 1/3 in terms of the number of people or total dollars. If total dollars, it conflicts with the prior number. If it is in terms of number of people, it means twice as many people paid with credit cards for 1/4 as much money. It's not impossible, but it just seems hard for me to believe that the people who spent the most money didn't use their credit cards (and thus must of used something less "secure").


Senior member
Mar 11, 2000
Originally posted by: y00ycdz

They also have around 10-15 plesk servers up and running, you can go to the login screen on around 15 IPS and TRY logging into plesk but i'm 100% sure that there are NO acounts there b/c Shawn lost all the data to LS...everything has to be recreated, most likely everyone lost their data. Ex of those plesk logins is


Originally posted by: FastEddieG

y00ycdz: come on now.. you asked the same question in #cyberwings 4 hours ago and were told by Shawn himself that only 2 servers were up, not 15....

* CEO-Shawn - New DC in Virginia is online, 100% Functional, 2 servers online immediately, 16 more to follow as soon as we get cabling in place to hook them into the Switch. Already configured, ready to roll.

(+Willowdream) [02:07] <y00y`> Shawn: Here is my Q you want to answer publically. You stated you have 2 servers live and online. I was viewing about 15 of your ips and notice PLESK running on 10+ servers. How come you say you have 2 servers live and 16 to be cabled and I see 10+ PLESK login ips live. Can more then 1 ip be on 1 box (doubtful, can be done but not likely in this situation) .. you answer

(@CEO-Shawn) y00y: MANY servers have MULTIPLE IP's - they are not individually EACH one server.

Spreading "rumors" FOR cyberwings is just as bad as spreading "rumors" AGAINST cyberwings. PLEASE DO NOT DO EITHER


Originally posted by: y00ycdz

FastEddie: and you still believe everything Shawn says to be TRUE? ...WTF?

y00ycdz: No I DO NOT believe ANYTHING Shawn says.. I do not even believe he had 2 servers online.. YOU were the one saying he had 10+ when he said he only had 2.. which means you not only believed him.. you exaggerated what HE said!! Which is pretty bad

Shawn's word is worth nothing. It's July 22 and services has been out almost 3 weeks now, and very shaky 2-3 weeks before that. "Anyone is entitled to a refund, they will be processed between 7-10 days"... I'm waiting 13+ days now... and especially the "We will be back online by Sunday!.... SH!T.. ok.. we will be online by next Saturday (gut feeling thursday-friday)... SH!T.. ok.. I will not give any more deadlines!"

I can not believe the followers he has and how they defend him.. any "normal" person looking at this as a true 3rd party would see and understand how wrong this situation is and how poorly Cyberwings has acted and went back on its word over and over again.

It's pretty pathetic, but quite humorous


Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Hector13
Total refunds paid: $129.50
Percent refunded of total: 6.4%
Percent refunded by Cyberwings: 4.9%

My math may be a little rusty here, but 4.9%/6.4% is roughly 75%. So, value wise, 75% of all refunds were reported came from cyberwings.

Only 1 of the 3 refunds that were reported to me was from Cyberwings. All the others were from credit card companies.

Is this 1/3 in terms of the number of people or total dollars.

FYI - It's 1 or three refunds, not considering dollars. Yeah, it's good that roughly 75% of all refunds dollars are paid via Cyberwings... But piss poor when the total refund percent is only 6.4%. I, for one, am in the other 93.6% that haven't got a refund.


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2002
Originally posted by: clarkmo
Originally posted by: RobK
Is it clear to anyone else that Largo = Wolfgang ?

Similiar, but Wolfgang actually seemed more intelligent. This guy seems like a groupie. I can just picture the cherry red mustache and stain down the front of his purple robe. Wolfie seems to be a bit on the fence with the kool aid/robe thingy.

That's pretty childish, and sorry but i'm not going to insult you back.

Is it clear to anyone else that Largo = Wolfgang ?
Exactly the same "it's not Shawn's fault!" attitude...

You've got me wrong RobK, I give blame where it's due, and Shawn is certainly to blame for the terrible handling of their downtime situation, and the lack of communication to customers etc. But i'm not stupid enough to assume that he is to blame for their issues at both rackshack and lightship. If I don't have the facts, I'm not going to believe either way.

Umster: I'd give you the same advice about switching hosts for your business as everyone else here. And I would've switched hosts a long while ago. A fraction of this kind of downtime is intolerable for a business. I'm still in because it's dirt cheap, and if they come back up with a better DC, I'm the winner.

Blah blah blah....

Also, if helping CW people out in the forums (with information) gets me branded a CW lapdog, you guys should maybe try not to jump to conclusions so fast.

Mccall did a nice analysis on my post a while up in the thread, saying nothing that I don't really agree with. One thing I'd ask is for him to provide some quotes (in context) that support this:
I know that. Here is what I wrote: "In previous postings I believe that him or his staff have put them number of people working on the servers in the DC much higher."

No I'm not willing to wager that the questionnaire will be up by midnight tonight (EST)
Shawn hasn't proven himself all that adept at keeping his 'guarantees' and deadlines. Not that it matters to me in the least if it's a day or even a week late. I don't depend on my hosting at CW at all.



Apr 13, 2002
id be willing to bet things go back up and pretty quickly back down again and this time prob gone with more peoples money $$$


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2001
You guys got scammed.

Whats so hard to figure out?

Too bad I don't know how to create a cool looking website or I would of probably gotten scammed also.



Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2001
is it me or are the placeholders down? i dont get anything when i load up

in addition ... i paid with credit card through 2checkout. i have a citibank card. any chance i could get my money back?


Sep 20, 2001
I see that Geek has been deopped (as stated before). Being the childish person that he is, he now has his own channel specifically for the purpose of kicking people. Doesn't he have some tech work to do?

Note: I suppose I wouldn't mind the channel if it were anyone else, but after his extremely unpleasant and childish behavior, I can't get next to anything Geek does...


Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
Largo said:
One thing I'd ask is for him to provide some quotes (in context) that support this:

"In previous postings I believe that him or his staff have put them number of people working on the servers in the DC much higher."

I believe he said there was more than just him working on the servers in a chat log that was hosted on the site. It might have been the July 15th one, I'm not sure. Of course, that site is now down so I can't get to that transcript, or any other ones. I'll continue to look and if I find a site with the chat log I'll post the quote(s).

In the meantime here's something I posted in this thred on 7/17:

If I can be so presumptuous as to engage in some rampant speculation, gazing into my crystal ball I see:

the account at RackShack has the plug pulled on it also
all CW accounts are now offline, including the CW status site
Shawn, when he finally surfaces, blames the RackShack termination on some sort of conspiracy, threatens to sue RackShack, and once again appeals for support and understanding from his "community".
Oh yeah, and then he'll add that the servers in Virginia will be up by next weekend

Except for the RackShack conspiracy part I'm looking better than Miss Cleo!


Sep 20, 2001
Except for the RackShack conspiracy part I'm looking better than Miss Cleo!

Now I don't know about that - Not only was Miss Cleo authentic, she was a smokin' red hot babe...

Im going to go have some more Kool-Aid now, while I wait for the comet to get here...


Aug 17, 2000
Ok, what about our domain registrations? Were multiple years of registration forwarded to godaddy or was CW sending these out yearly?



Senior member
Aug 30, 2001
If you purchased your domain(s) through CyberwingsDomains (an affiliate of Godaddy), you can manage your domains using this link to make any necessary changes. HTH


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2001
This is the placeholder Cyberwings has installed temporarily while we reinstall our website and related services. We are fully installed into our new Premier Cyberwings Data Center and will begin our rebuilding project immediately. All sites from the Maine DC and the Texas RackShack DC will be reinstated on our Premier Cyberwings Data Center servers during our rebuilding project. Please watch here for more updates VERY shortly.

Does anyone care?


Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2001
Without trashing the CEO any more or saying "scam!!!! scam!!!" these are the things that bother me the most:

1. Total lack of communication about downtime. The only "reports" we got were secondhand from people who happened to be in a chat room when Shawn was there. Most of us do not have the time to hang out on IRC waiting for an update about our hosting.

2. Constant references to "premier datacenter" and mysterious "non-disclosure agreements". I thought for sure that the DC in Maine was "premier" too. If he has nothing to report, just say "nothing to report", don't make up stuff.

3. Apparent financial distress of the company. Since I have had an account (since April), they have gone through 2 major problems with other providers, Rackshack and now Lightship. Both times, of course, there were 'serious legal infractions' by the other companies. I'm fairly confident that companies like those don't pull the plug on you if you pay your bill. Even if one had screwed him over, why would he get the same screw job AGAIN only a month later, from a totally different company? He claims that they're not allowed access to THEIR servers. Well, if the bill was paid, why not? That always seemed rather fishy.

4. Promises of this "new premier DC". Well, I believe we heard this same mantra a couple of months ago. I'm not sure exactly why we're supposed to believe that the "third time's the charm". How long will it be before the company that owns this DC decides to attempt to "screw over" Cyberwings?

Do I like the prices I got from cyberwings? Yes. Do I feel that I "got my money's worth"? Well, no, because I had only about a month of actual solid hosting, and now my data has been lost. So no, I don't think I got my money's worth. I am not requesting a refund, though, I'm just going to ride it out and see what happens. But I won't be putting anything important up on my site.


Senior member
Jul 31, 2001
Originally posted by: stingygrrl
For those of you you haven't dumped cw yet..
I've said it before but now I'm sceaming it!!

THIS IS FREE!! and takes all of only a few minutes!

go to
add your domain to their zone (you can do up to 5 domains for free!)
they will immediately give you a nameserver- go give that to the registrar-- remove the CyberWings nameservers
go back to zoneedit and do email forwarding from that domain to something that works.. like yahoo email

voila! you can do whatever you want (or not) about the hosting, but as soon as the registrar propogates the nameserver, your new email will get to you. I don't know if the email you've missed these past few weeks will get to you.
Also the email forwarding **isn't instantanious** (there's like a day delay).. but IT WORKS...

go, run..

Actually is a hot deal on its own. Great for ensuring e-mail reliability, since even genuine hosting companies can have glitches or outages. Highly recommended.

Good post!



Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
The latest "facts":

On July 22 at 2 am Shawn was in the IRC channel and said that would be up within 24 hours. Obviously he didn't meet that deadline because as I write this it's not functional. It merely has a placeholder page. Those of you with long memories will remember that account holders were originally told on July 3 that the downtime would be 2 - 3 days.

He also said on July 22 that the user questionnaire would be available within 24 hours. It is not yet available. It was originally promised within 24 - 48 hours on July 15 and at that time Shawn also said it would be disseminated through IRC, web sites, email, any way they could get it to the customers. He's now saying it will only be available on the new site.

The promise of 30 servers at the new VA datacenter, which Shawn said he already had "in hand", has been revised. Shawn now says there will be 18 servers. No further info is available on the 12 missing servers.

The IRC channel is back on I guess they didn't really mean those nasty things they said when they switched for a brief time to the server. Especially this stuff : "HOWEVER, some of the IRCops on don't seem to want us here ... Thus, the forced moderation ... So, we are MOVING the chatroom to a BETTER server."

The staff, in the IRC channel, is also refusing to divulge the mailing address for the company. I don't understand why, as it should be a matter of public record.

Lastly, there has been no update on the new status page, the "staff" on the IRC channel have no clue what's going on (or not going on) and is not functional, unless you count a placeholder as being functional. Here is the text of that placeholder:

"This is the placeholder Cyberwings has installed temporarily while we reinstall our website and related services. We are fully installed into our new Premier Cyberwings Data Center and will begin our rebuilding project immediately. All sites from the Maine DC and the Texas RackShack DC will be reinstated on our Premier Cyberwings Data Center servers during our rebuilding project. Please watch here for more updates VERY shortly."

When the word "shortly" was used on the IRC channel (when it was on chatspike) by the staff, they were asked to define it. Their response was (paraphrasing) greater than 2 minutes but shorter than 6 months. I kid you not.
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