NOT HOT! Just FYI: Cyberwings - Received an email from

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Junior Member
Jul 23, 2001
Ok. The way I see it is this - if you are/were a customer of CW then you have three options: 1) file for a refund 2) file for a refund AND file a complaint to the appropriate agencies or 3) fill out the questionnaire (following the directions) and see if you get the service you paid for. That's it.

He's made his public apologies (is he sincere? who knows?) and he's outlined what's he's going to do (lies? who knows?). Let's move on...there's alot better "Hot Deals" out there waiting ....

<ok...flame retardent suit - ON!>


Jun 9, 2002
Sorry if this has been covered, but I just received an e-mail from PayPal stating that they've investigated Cyberwings and found them in fault, however, they could not recover my funds from their account.

I'm just getting back up to speed now (I'm out of town at the moment) and will be using the official "cyberwings channel" for refund requests.

I can't imaging Shawn would have many customer after all this.


Jul 18, 2001
It is so much fun to read this thread......
I jump to this deal back in April, so refund for me is no good. :|
I just can't help, but give *Mr. CEO* one more chance......
For my $3.95 I can't think of better way to spend it than give to our l**CEO/CFO/CCO/or Mr. do it all* another try.
I don't expect it will do me any good, but I just can't stop reading this thread.
If no one try their/his *REBUILD PLAN* we can't follow up with and find out what happen.

is taken by anyone???


Senior member
Dec 14, 2001
IF one of you is the guy Hosting #wingtalk, thanks for being an @ss and kicking me without even asking me to change my Nick, you are the first TOOL to ever take offense to the word BOT being in my name.... all you had to do was ask me to change it, I would have......... I'm glad to see you're as arrogent as Mr. White.


May 11, 2001
Well I filled out the questionaire at 3:30 this afternoon. My ticket number was 300, so I must be pretty close to the top of the pack. We'll see how long it takes...three hours so far...I'm just wondering what the unit of measure will be:

- Hours -
- Days -
- Weeks -
- Months -
- Never -

Still, I am hoping that Cyberwings does succeed. I know it's been a mess and I feel for everyone who really needed hosting. For me it's just a fun thing, so for $19.50 I'm not sweating it.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
Also please realize that is illegal for anyone to harass, slander, or stalk our staff or myself.l

This is a message for CEO Shawn. This would be libel, not slander, btw, but then again its true so its neither..... Anyway cyberwings sucks. I particularly like how he brags about running fine for a year then having 3 weeks of down time. What world does this man live in, 3 weeks is an eternity on the internet.....


Senior member
Jul 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Soybomb
Also please realize that is illegal for anyone to harass, slander, or stalk our staff or myself.l

This is a message for CEO Shawn. This would be libel, not slander, btw, but then again its true so its neither..... Anyway cyberwings sucks. I particularly like how he brags about running fine for a year then having 3 weeks of down time. What world does this man live in, 3 weeks is an eternity on the internet.....

Yeah, I mean, his servers are only down 8% of the time (barring any other downtime in the past year).



Senior member
Aug 23, 2000
$3.95? HAHAHA, you got RIPPED OFF dude!

I only paid $3.90!!!

Originally posted by: cnwk64
It is so much fun to read this thread......For my $3.95 I can't think of better way to spend it than give to our l**CEO/CFO/CCO/or Mr. do it all* another try.


Apr 2, 2000
Thanks for the entertainment - I've given up TV.

I'll be that this "CEO" of ours hasn't set up a proper company. (How many of you report your eBay sales as income??)

The "CEO" has collected many $$thousands through PayPal. He is most probably not incorporated (for legal protection). I'll bet he hasn't reported his PayPal income to the IRS.

You may never get your money refunded but the IRS may be interested in TAX FRAUD. Remember that is how the Feds got Al Capone.

I don't have the time or vindictiveness to pursue this but I know some of you do. If you want to get the CEO go report him to the IRS - I'm guessing he owes thousands in taxes!!!


Dec 17, 2000
The Feds caught Al Capone through PayPal???

I have a lot of mean feelings for this man and his company right now. For the most part, I have kept my mouth shut about them. I feel he will be successful in restoring old accounts but I don't see how he is going to make it down the road. This is by far the worst incident in the web hosting biz, Cyberwings is like the Chernobyl of cyberspace. I truly feel for the people that hosted with him to make a living. I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through. I don't think CEO has ever comprehended the repercussions of this whole situation. The way he has handled the whole situation is very poor. I never once saw him sympathize with the customer. Every time someone would question him he would only take the offensive. I think this whole situation would have been a little more overlooked if he just would have spoke some truth and had some heart.

Anyway, my heart goes out to all of you who lost money on this. I myself was naive enough to spend more than 3 bucks on this company so I hope he lasts a little longer than 90 days.

Anyway, I'll end this before someone ends up thinking that I am saying the nay!


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2000
It's almost been a day since they started the "rebuild" process. Anyone get their site set up again?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Well, this thread was at around 1100 posts when I decided it must be worth reading, and I now realize that is an understatement.

To those who are still trying to stick it out w/ Cyberwings - i honestly don't know what to say to you...

To those who got their refund - I am very surprised you got your money back

To those who seem to be the majority and waiting in limbo with a cancelled account and no refund - I hate to see people taken advantage of, and truly wish you guys could do something.

ANYWAY, What happened to the Kwad letters and Wolfgang's blind faith and Monty's snide comments?? Those are what made the thread!!! Well actually the gullible people who thought Kwad's letters were real made the thread...


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2002
WoHo! I actually got a refund. I sent an email a couple weeks ago, then filled out his stupid form again, I got the response about 1:30AM. My account was only $3.90, so that may be why I got one. 2Checkout sent an email confirming the reverse charge.

I'm finally out


Platinum Member
Mar 8, 2001
Some of the stuff on the CW site cracks me up!!

Regarding refunds:
At that point our responsibility to you is done and you are asked to not return to our services in the future.

So just because people insisted they get their money back for a service that died for months, he never wants them to be a paying customer again? I don't get it!

Hey, not that I'm going to go back to CW... I love DixieSys


Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
Now that the euphoria over the appearance of the oft-delayed questionnaire has died down it would be a good time to take a look at Shawn's statement:

"I am very disappointed with all of those people on the IRC Chat Channel, in the forums, etc. who are trashing Cyberwings"

This is what happens when you continually miss your self-appointed deadlines. This is what happens when, after you miss those deadlines, you keep your customers waiting for days for an explanation. He has no one to blame for this but himself.

"Those of you who run hosting companies know the troubles that we face as service providers - no one is ever happy no matter how hard you try."

Obviously Shawn thinks that three weeks of downtime (and counting) is a minor annoyance, one that customers have no right to complain about.

"Luckily, the ones that are being vocal and trashing Cyberwings all over the place only represent a VERY small majority of our customer base. While we appreciate your comments, they are unprofessional, slanderous, and will not be tolerated."

Customers don't need to be professional, CEOs', even self-appointed CEO's, do. And Shawn's behavior during this month has been anything but professional. Ans I have no idea what he means when he says such comments "will not be tolerated". Perhaps he's talking about banning people from his chat room.

"We sold a service, provided it for the full 12 months from 06/01 through 06/02, and then ran into issues for the past 3 weeks which we are working through and will be fully restored by the end of August back to a normal status again."

There it is people, what you've all been waiting for. Service will not be restored "fully" until the end of August. With that little pronouncement Shawn is hoping to buy himself another 5 weeks.

"We did something that no other hosting company has ever done - made other hosting companies talk amongst themselves."

And the talk wasn't good, that's for sure. I wouldn't brag about that. Cyberwings has become the textbook example of how not handle an interruption in service. They have become the textbook example in bad customer relations.

"we will not tolerate the harassment & slander that we are being subjected to. ... If you do not want to stay with us, follow these refund instructions, get your refund, and please find another host ... "

Many of those people who are making what Shawn calls slanderous comments want nothing more than their money back. They have been waiting patiently. They have jumped through all the hoops that Sean and company have asked of them. If they get their money back they'll be more than happy to move on.

"Cyberwings will NOT be taking on ANY new customers until the Rebuild Project is 100% complete"

Well that's going to upset those who signed up during their "pre-launch" sale.

"Cyberwings is prepared to issue all refunds that are requested. Please go to our HelpDesk at and file a trouble ticket to get your refund.... Only refund requests inside our HelpDesk, under the proper department, and with ALL requested information, will be processed."

Now he's telling the people who have already filed for refunds, using the process that Cyberwings outlined during this downtime, that they must jump through yet another hoop in order to get their money back. That's certainly not good business, and it's just plain wrong. He's already made them ask for refunds through email, to two different addresses yet, and now he's making them ask again? That's just wrong. he should process teh requests he already has, without any further delay.

"At that point our responsibility to you is done and you are asked to not return to our services in the future."

During this downtime Shawn has repeatedly said that people requesting a refund would be able to return to Cyberwings, only at the new increased prices. Now he's saying they're not welcome back (as if they would even think of giving him their money again). Now he's acting like a pouting, petulant child.

"We will have 100% of all refunds processed & mailed by August 9th, 2002."

There it is, the final date for mailing of refunds. That's not going to make the people who have already been waiting over 10 days happy.


Oct 9, 1999
Can't wait until all those "certified bank checks" start filling up the mailbox.....

Are they going to be like the Publisher Clearing House checks that are mailed to me yearly?

He's just buying time and trying to do everything that will keep his a$$ out of court for a few more weeks while hwe schemes his way out of this situation. Maybe he could only get tickets to the Taheti with a 14 day advance ticket purchase?


Jul 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Crackabot
IF one of you is the guy Hosting #wingtalk, thanks for being an @ss and kicking me without even asking me to change my Nick, you are the first TOOL to ever take offense to the word BOT being in my name.... all you had to do was ask me to change it, I would have......... I'm glad to see you're as arrogent as Mr. White.

actually, many IRC servers are setup to auto-kick any nick with the word "bot" in it. i used to run one and that was one of the options in the config....

just a thought.



Jul 21, 2001
ok, this is my first post to this thread concerning cyberwings (not counting the one directly above this one cuz it had to do with IRC, not cyberwings). i have remained silent but have been following along with the events as they have unfolded. i too took advantage of the $3.90 deal since it came along at the same time that i was looking for a new host. i should have know there was going to be trouble when it took over 4 weeks for my account to become active after submitting payment. less than 3 weeks later is when all their servers went down. at that time, i thought "well, i only paid $4, so i cant expect first-rate service". since then, i have switched to my account was setup in less than 2 hours. not 2 weeks, not 2 days, but 2 HOURS. granted, it's 5 times more "expensive" but i'd rather pay more and actually get something than to piss away even a small amount of money.

having said that, i HAVE asked for a rebuild. i want to see what type of compensation package they are offering. after they make the official announcement, i will see if i can get an additional domain as my compensation instead of more space. here is my rebuild request "form" that i submitted:

wait, before you read it, i must comment on this "form" : what a friggin joke! why did it take DAYS to "test" this?? i could have built an interactive form that tied directly into their db server in 1/4th the time it took them to get this up, and i dont even KNOW perl! even if they have something on the receiving end that parses the data, it STILL shouldnt have taken as long as it did. it's a totally back-@$$wards way of doing things!. there. [forest gump voice] that's all i have to say about that.[/forest gump voice]

Please be sure to read the explanation below regarding creating a Security Question/Answer carefully.

Security Question: best way to piss off a customer or employee?
Security Answer: keeping them in the dark

actually, i have several comments to make.
since PLESK is written in perl and ties back into MySQL or some other SQL-based server application, there is no reason why customers should have to copy and paste this "form" into a help desk ticket form. you should have been able to write a form inside of PLESK that specifically deals with a rebuild or refund request. second, asking that customers copy everything in "red" ignores that some 30% of males suffer from some form of COLORBLINDNESS.

more importantly, i have several concerns with the way shawn and the entire staff have handled the events over the last few weeks. there was VERY little communication between your organization and the customer. the majority of the communication that DID happen, was sent through an IRC channel. while i have been using IRC for many years, there are multitudes of your customers who are not versed in IRC. also, i do not have time to sit in the channel moniting it for updates. I did sign up for your e-newsletter, but beyond the confirmation email confirming i had subscribed, that was the ONLY email i received from cyberwings.

last, and most importantly, i have WITNESSED and read through several IRC logs where your shawn was EXTREMELY *RUDE* to many of his own customers. i witnessed one customer who was kicked from the channel by shawn simply because he asked how much longer it was going to be before the servers would be back online. that type of behavior from the owner of the company is UNACCEPTABLE *REGARDLESS* of what the customer has said or done. "the customer is always right" PERIOD. even if the customer is completely wrong, they are still RIGHT. accepting any other attitudes towards customers will only kill your business.

i have been a customer servie rep, a technician, the president of a company, a system administrator, a marketing manager, a public relations manager, and numerous other positions across a wide-range of industries. i have dealt with numerous customers who i wished i could have strangled. i understand how it can become frustrating when customers are negative and harrassing. however, had i done anything even REMOTELY close to what i witnessed shawn do, i would have been terminated IMMEDIATELY.

Shawn needs to seriously re-think why he is in this business. if he truly wants to make it a success, he needs to either receive more training in customer service, or hire someone with more experience in this area. if not, then he stands to lose even more customers. just providing a service for "cheap" means nothing if there is no support for the service.

while i'm sure the person reading this ticket will most likely stop reading after the colorblind statement, hopefully some of it will makes it way through to shawn.

by the way, my customer ticket is number 1297

edit: oops, forgot to close my bold tag


Sep 20, 2001
An update from the help desk (hey, here's an idea - instead of coming up with these literary masterpieces, how about setting up an account or two?)

Author: admin
Time: 26-7-2002-11:54

Subject: Update & Thank you, from Shawn.

Announcement: Thank you for the overwhelming number of responses we have received from 3:00pm EDT today through Midnight tonight (Friday July 26th, 2002) - we are happy to report that less than 10% of all tickets filed are refund requests and we have had MANY good comments in our REBUILD tickets in support of our project. We appreciate your support - we will prevail - now that we have a partial snapshot as to how many people want to be Rebuilt vs. Refunded, we are very happy to report we are preparing to install more servers in response to this snapshot. I have personally been looking at many tickets tonight, reading comments (thank you for your constructive criticism as well as positive support) and just please know that I am personally involved in this rebuild project from the ground up.

Thanks for your support.


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