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Apr 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Wolfgang
I don't think Shawn is maliciously trying to harm "the Cyberwings community"; he's just very foolishly irresponsible (and perhaps suffering from the resultant stress- and failure-induced breakdown).

"Stress- and failure-induced breakdown?" I rather like the sound of that. Somehow, I'm comforted by the thought of CEO-Shawn in a padded cell, curled tightly in a fetal position, sucking his thumb, while awaiting his next electro-shock treatment. (Nobody point out that ECT has improved over what it was 40 years ago; this is my fantasy, and if I want to imagine CEO-Shawn being ZAP'ed with enough current to power all the air conditioners in south Florida, that's what I'm going to imagine.)

But while I may be petty, I'm not selfish. Any of you who want to use this fantasy for non-commercial purposes are welcome to do so. However, if you find that it's proving valuable to you, a small contribution to me would be appreciated. (My "CEO-Shawn is suffering" fantasy is shareware, not freeware.)


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2000
I can't believe so many people still think he's running a legit business. At the first 9 months, may be. Then he realize he's not going to make it, so he came up with all those crazy sales and lifetime memberships, that's when the scam started. Too bad it was a stupid scam, and money didn't come in quick enough for him. He was thinking if everyone in this world will give me a buck, I will have a success scam. Too bad not too many people need their own web sites. Don't try to give reason to a scam, you are just as guilty as CEO because you are trying to convince others this is legit.


Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
(With apologies to all the younger set, you probably won't get the reference)

Speaking of stress-induced breakdowns, when I think of Shawn, I can't get the image of Humphrey Bogart as Capt. Queeg in The Caine Mutiny out of my mind ;-)

The court room scene. Where Bogart, a once proud, blustering, bullying ship's commander, reduced by paranoia and obsession into a pathetic deranged figure, ranting on about strawberries, duplicate icebox keys, and how the whole crew was plotting against him.

"Ah, but the strawberries! That's ... that's where I had them. They laughed and made jokes, but I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, and with geometric logic, that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox did exist. And I'd have produced that key if they hadn't have pulled the Caine out of action."


Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by: SinMen
I can't believe so many people still think he's running a legit business. At the first 9 months, may be. Then he realize he's not going to make it, so he came up with all those crazy sales and lifetime memberships, that's when the scam started. Too bad it was a stupid scam, and money didn't come in quick enough for him. He was thinking if everyone in this world will give me a buck, I will have a success scam. Too bad not too many people need their own web sites. Don't try to give reason to a scam, you are just as guilty as CEO because you are trying to convince others this is legit.

But in a true scam, do you refund anyone's money? Do you hang around to get slammed, or do you take a flyer? I can't imagine the number of people that have said that the users are guilty for trying to promote this, because you won't find anyone who is doing that today. (Well, there's those few guys left on CW-Supporters, but they really don't count). I think Shawn just really thinks that thinks will somehow work out for the overall good, no matter how much he's messed them up on his own. Now those of us who aren't drinking the Kool-aid and waring rose-colored glasses can look at this and see the train wreck for what it is, and can see that the last of the wreckage will probably come to a stop soon enough. For those who got decent service until the whell finally came off, why wouldn't they say it was a good deal? I couldn't in good conscience say that today, but it worked great for me while it was going. My account was setup quickly, didn't have to jump through any hoops, and worked good until they all stopped. For that matter, it's up and running today, so I still can't complain as much as some others ( can complain as much as anyone else about the downtime - I went through that as much as the rest of us. And the mistreatment, etc.). Should I blame anyone else, or keep the focus wherre it should be? Shawn J. White is responsible for this, not a poster here. He made the decisions that shafted all his customeers, not anyone else (including his staff). Everything that took place was his doing, and that's what people should be focusing on. Blaming each other here is wrong - no one made anyone get in on any deal here. How many other deals have gone bad from places that once were good companies? Is that the customers fault that gives them a good review, or the companies fault for deciding to start doing business in a foul manner?


Senior member
Dec 30, 2001
Originally posted by: RSG2
Originally posted by: LeaDxPainT
So I take it no one has their account/refunds yet....ugh

Ummm...several people have gotten one or the other...

That only happened for about the first day of the "rebuild". Has anyone gotten anything say in August?



Sep 20, 2001
Some refunds have gone out as of late - there are currentlyNO accounts being set up, due to a lack of servers (Which staff admits that they can't really confirm even exist). The last official word that I heard was that a cabling issue was holding them up - I think that it has been long enough since then that no one should be buying that excuse (No one should havve bought it in the first place). I personally have a hard time believing that the servers exist, or they'd find a way to get them online somehow. Then again, Shawn would find someway to make it take a month or two, so maybe they are there. Either way, I wouldn't be banking on it...


Golden Member
May 14, 2001
Here is what bugs me. If Shawn has all these banks and banks of servers, how come nobody else in the company knows about it? He can't possibly keep these things running and kept up all by himeself! What's the function of CW technical staff if they aren't working on the servers? Then how come nobody knows about these servers? Something fishy.


Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by: GundamF91
Here is what bugs me. If Shawn has all these banks and banks of servers, how come nobody else in the company knows about it? He can't possibly keep these things running and kept up all by himeself! What's the function of CW technical staff if they aren't working on the servers? Then how come nobody knows about these servers? Something fishy.

No one else in the company is near the servers, so they can't admit to having seen them. All they know is that Shawn has told them that he has them, but they are offline due to a "cabling issue". Shawn is the only staff member that comes into the chat room (when he was doing that) that also was near the server(s). I tend to believe that they don't exist, but I could be wrong. Doesn't matter if they do or not if they aren't hooked up though. Most of CW's tech staff seems to be more towards account setup and the like. I think that Parx guy must have been a server guy, but he was complaining about money when he surfaced, so I doubt that he is still around, or will be for long if he is. Geek himself was the one who finally told that they only had one server online for customer accounts, and another for company stuff. That's it - he can't verify Shawn's claim to have more servers in hand either (And after this long of a delay, is there anyone who does believe that he has them?). CW has a bank of IP's and two servers online. That's it, period.


Senior member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: RSG2
Originally posted by: GundamF91
Here is what bugs me. If Shawn has all these banks and banks of servers, how come nobody else in the company knows about it? He can't possibly keep these things running and kept up all by himeself! What's the function of CW technical staff if they aren't working on the servers? Then how come nobody knows about these servers? Something fishy.

No one else in the company is near the servers, so they can't admit to having seen them. All they know is that Shawn has told them that he has them, but they are offline due to a "cabling issue".

Yeah, the "cabling issue" is Shawn hoping and praying that his fairy godmother will cable him a million bucks. BBBWWWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA.... get it? "cable" issue? HAHAHAHAHAHHAAA whew... sometimes I just crack myself up

BTW, I think I agree with you, RSG2, about this not being a "scam" in the sense of "make a lot of money from initial setups and move to the tropics". I think that Shawn has got some major psychological problems that cause him to lie about who he is and what he is capable of and (as somebody else alluded to earlier) I wouldn't be surprised if he was found hanging from his shower rod.

But beyond that, I would call it a "scam" in the sense that Shawn was obviously lying to people all along in an effort to convince them to hand over their cash. I'd still call that a scam, just one that didn't go as well for Shawn as he'd hoped


May 23, 2002
Ah well. COudln't wait any more. I requested my refund from yesterday and got my confirmation email from them today. All I can say is Good Riddance to Shawn and CyberWings.


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2001
Request Details
Call ID 2204
Status OPEN
Logged 30-7-2002-10:18
Priority 2 [change]

Elapsed Time 17 days
Since Last Action 17 days

Ok, that is my ticket info... I wonder how many days it will go until the server is shut off...


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Anyone with a ticket, you may be able to get more information about it. After you log into the helpdesk, click 'OPEN REQUESTS' at the top. Then towards the bottom right you will see 'EXPAND (+)'. After you clik that any notes that you couldn't see will be listed there.


Golden Member
Jan 5, 2002
Originally posted by: RSG2
Hosting requests

Follow this link - post your requirements in the fourum that it leads to. Hosting companies will get back to you with offers to host your account based on your requirements. Search the boards for info about the hosts theat get back to you, then make an informed opinion.

Hint: you will find good and bad stuff about all of them - that's the nature of business that not everyone will be happy. The trick is to pick someone who seems reputable to the majority.

I did this a month ago and got a totally sweet deal and i'm very happy with em! Also, I emailed 2Checkout and requested my $$ back. They gave me a credit card refund in 3 days -- didn't even have to deal with Shawn or CW.


May 20, 2002
The way i look at it is this... I payed $30 for an AYW account. Got about a month and a half of good service. That's a little more than what i would've payed with my old host so i didn't really lose much. I put in a rebuild request... if by some miracle the account gets set up, then great, i'll just use the extra space... if not, no biggie. I've just set up an account with Dixie-sys and will use them for my main sites for now on.

I don't think CW was built to be a scam, it was just a bunch of bad business dicisions that snowballed into a huge mess that Shaun couldn't handle anymore.

Those of you that lost hundreds of dollars, i feel for you, the others that only lost a little bit of beer money, lighten up


Senior member
Dec 14, 2001
Originally posted by: FrankyJunior
Ah well. COudln't wait any more. I requested my refund from yesterday and got my confirmation email from them today. All I can say is Good Riddance to Shawn and CyberWings.

I did the same thing finally, had confirmation within 24 hours. I have a question about that though...who is going to pay for all the refunds the 2checkout sends back? I mean I'm happy to have my money, but I'd like to think that it'll come outa shawns pocket, and not from 2checkout, who seems to be a very reliable business.



Senior member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: ParagonX
The way i look at it is this... I payed $30 for an AYW account. Got about a month and a half of good service. That's a little more than what i would've payed with my old host so i didn't really lose much.

Those of you that lost hundreds of dollars, i feel for you, the others that only lost a little bit of beer money, lighten up

So when you paid your $30 you were only wanting about 6-weeks of service out of it?
You would have paid $20/month to Cyberwings for service?
You don't mind that a host guarantees you a certain amount of uptime and just goes down for a month?

Hey, you sound like the kind of person who really knows a deal when they see it. You're a perfect candidate for this business I'm starting. You give me $5 (much less than what you gave to Shawn) then you go out and find 10 people to give you $5 each. Then you give $40 of that to me and you keep $10! Look at that, your investment has doubled!!!!!!

Now each of those 10 people will go find 10 people and get $5 each from them. They'll keep $10 and pass the rest to you. You'll get to keep $5 from each of them ($50!!!!!) and give the rest to me ($350). This will continue on and on, and once you make "Grande Poobah" level, you'll be making money hand over fist FOR DOING NO WORK!!!

I'm telling you, there is no way that you can lose!!! Thousands of dollars a day with no work! This is a much better deal than what Cyberwings offered you, and think of all the beer money you'll have!!!!



Jun 9, 2002
Take a gander....

Cyberwings is not registered in the state of Maine anymore by CEO-Shawn. Someone else snatched up the name with the state!

(Yesterday, it read "Expired" with Shawn's name on it.)



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Brasscat
Take a gander....

Cyberwings is not registered in the state of Maine anymore by CEO-Shawn. Someone else snatched up the name with the state!

(Yesterday, it read "Expired" with Shawn's name on it.)

Looks like it was registered about 2 months ago...

The funny thing is, Shawn thought it would be smart to register other people's company names.


Senior member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Brasscat
Take a gander....

Cyberwings is not registered in the state of Maine anymore by CEO-Shawn. Someone else snatched up the name with the state!

(Yesterday, it read "Expired" with Shawn's name on it.)


EDITThanks for the info paradice not nearly as sweet as I thought


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2002

Actually, it's the same guy who was listed as the "Registered Agent" for one of Shawn's earlier registrations. More than likely an attorney in Maine so he can keep the 'official residency' there rather than wherever his current whereabouts actually are.
If you use the search option on the same page, search for "cyberwing" (not cyberwings, tho), and you'll see the current as well as the previous attempts to reserve the name.

I'd say Shawn's taking his name off the company :Q in an attempt to make it harder to track him down. :frown:


Jun 1, 2002
Anyone remember a few months ago when Cyberwings was actually working and your site worked? Well, go back to and you'll see a blast from the past. They've rebuilt the home page (OK, so they just changed the OLD home page). At least they have taken off Shawn's message of Rebuilt or Refund!

Not holding my breath, but it's yet another part to this saga.

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