Not much interest in the LG G6, huh


Aug 22, 2004
Just put in a preorder (Google Home speaker to flip and new TV to gift, $200 off for trade in promo). Looks like it has pretty much all the features of my S7 edge without the poor edge hand rejection and Samsung Pay (which I may miss, but haven't used in like 4 months).

Actually excited for it. Looks solid. It's not exactly flagship specs, but it's not flagship priced either.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
With LG phones I worry about longevity, as in long term reliability and faster value depreciation. I'm potentially looking at having to turn in my employer issued smart phone cause of a new job and I don't really know what to get in the current market. I want a Note 8 or Pixel 2 but those are later in the year.


Aug 22, 2004
Reliability is yet to be determined - but the V20 hasn't had any issues like the G4 and V10 had. Plus, my mom had a G4 for over a year and it was perfect.

As for the value depreciation, that's actually never a factor in anything I buy. I don't buy things based on how much they will be worth in the future, if I did I'd own stocks and not physical objects.

Honestly, if you're wanting to hold out for the Note 8 or Pixel 2 (odd things to cross-shop), I'd buy a carrier agnostic unlocked device in the $200-300 range (like the Motorola G4/G5) or an older phone that you can live with. Don't buy a phone now if you're unsure it's going to be what you want. I made that mistake after turning in my Note 7 for an S7edge - it's actually a regret of mine. I should've just turned in my Note 7 and been done with it.


Golden Member
Jul 23, 2010
I really like the design of the G6. This is what LG should have done when they had success with the G3. Just like HTC, I ponder how these 2 companies can fuck up so much after a sucessful product. It took LG a 4th try to come up with the G6.
If I had to pick between this and the S8, I would pick this just because the edge is useless to me. (I currently own a S7 edge now). The problem is the width of the G6 is still the same as a normal 5.5" phone. All LG did was added real estate to the height of the phone. LG should have done 2 size phones like Samsung did with the S8+. I think I will wait till the V30 to see what LG has in store. Probably a bigger version of the G6 with the SD 835 which is what I'm looking for. Design wise, The G6 looks fantastic to me.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Looks like a fine phone, one that has me wondering if I should jump on the deals or wait to see if Samsung has something good for the s8


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
As for the value depreciation, that's actually never a factor in anything I buy. I don't buy things based on how much they will be worth in the future, if I did I'd own stocks and not physical objects.
I normally agree but the LG flagships have been very bad on this front for a while. Literally 2 months after launch selling at 250-300 off even before getting to actual promos. After that they even out like other phones.

Now the G6 does look quite good honestly compared to the G4 and especially the G5 but we'll have to see how much goodwill LG gets.

I have heard about random bootloop issues but haven't owned an LG since the G2. Anything to it or just a few edge cases?


Aug 22, 2004
I have heard about random bootloop issues but haven't owned an LG since the G2. Anything to it or just a few edge cases?
Well, they were fixing G4s outside of warranty for it, though they never admitted to an issue publically. There is also a class action in the works about it.

I really like the design of the G6. This is what LG should have done when they had success with the G3. Just like HTC, I ponder how these 2 companies can fuck up so much after a sucessful product. It took LG a 4th try to come up with the G6.
If I had to pick between this and the S8, I would pick this just because the edge is useless to me. (I currently own a S7 edge now). The problem is the width of the G6 is still the same as a normal 5.5" phone. All LG did was added real estate to the height of the phone. LG should have done 2 size phones like Samsung did with the S8+. I think I will wait till the V30 to see what LG has in store. Probably a bigger version of the G6 with the SD 835 which is what I'm looking for. Design wise, The G6 looks fantastic to me.

The G4 was actually a very nice device. It did end up with a bad reputation that left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. Much like the Galaxy S6. The G5, however, was a failure and a disappointment. G6 is what the G5 should've been.
Last edited:
Mar 11, 2004
How long was it before Samsung was doing buy 1 get 1 plus a bunch of other stuff on the S7? I'd wait, as a desperate LG with a compelling phone combined with Samsung also desperate to make people forget about the Note 7, and we should be seeing some very good deals.

Reliability is yet to be determined - but the V20 hasn't had any issues like the G4 and V10 had. Plus, my mom had a G4 for over a year and it was perfect.

As for the value depreciation, that's actually never a factor in anything I buy. I don't buy things based on how much they will be worth in the future, if I did I'd own stocks and not physical objects.

Honestly, if you're wanting to hold out for the Note 8 or Pixel 2 (odd things to cross-shop), I'd buy a carrier agnostic unlocked device in the $200-300 range (like the Motorola G4/G5) or an older phone that you can live with. Don't buy a phone now if you're unsure it's going to be what you want. I made that mistake after turning in my Note 7 for an S7edge - it's actually a regret of mine. I should've just turned in my Note 7 and been done with it.

I saw people claim the V20 had bootloop issues as well, can't recall where exactly I saw that, think it was some Android forum. Given their track record (the only real home run device LG has made was the G2 and they frankly seem to be bumbling through trying to figure out how to make phones that don't have some glaring flaw of some sort). The main reason the G series is popular at all is because they pretty much have to sell them for hundreds off pretty shortly after releasing them just to get people to buy in. Otherwise they've basically been ok but generally flawed phones. I'd almost say LG should just target sub $500 on the G series from the outset (something like the Moto X), but they'd probably find a way to screw that up so then it'd be like they should've targeted $200 instead.

The depreciation matters to me as if it's drastic there's a reason for that. And it's more about the value you get from the outset. No way am I going to pay more than $500 for any LG phone anytime soon, and even then it had either be excellent or come with a bunch of other goodies. At this point, people basically should be expecting a bunch of good deals and a very good device from Samsung, so LG had better offer an even better deal or a better device (and it's looking like the G6 is not going to be better than the S8 unless the latter has some major flaw or defect). The current LG deal is good but I don't think it beats the S7 deals from last year and it's not compelling enough otherwise to get me to care. The Chinese companies are offering up comparable (and plenty of times superior) hardware/specs for much less from the outset. I mean the Axon 7 had compelling hardware (has features I'd take over the G6 personally, namely AMOLED, higher quality audio), unfortunately it falls short in the software. But they are improving (if them or Le Eco would just figure out that they could make massive inroads by offering a stock Android)

Not sure why you think those are odd to cross-shop since they'll likely be two of if not the two best Android phones you can get. Yeah, I'd buy something cheap. Actually I'd use that as an opportunity to try a device that there's a decent chance I wouldn't want to keep but try out, and then relegate that to like a backup device or something. Could jump on the G6 since the deals for it are decent, but I'd probably go for something a bit older.


Junior Member
Mar 21, 2017
Personally I am not intrigued with Lg G6, LG User Interface is specifically something that repels me from their phones.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
I dig it. I'm sure some people will think the Galaxy S8 is more impressive, and it may be faster if it has a Snapdragon 835. However, every review I've seen has suggested that the G6 is a proper workhorse -- it does nearly everything well. And it sounds like LG will still be your only choice if you want a wide-angle secondary camera.

Hopefully there are no long-term gotchas, but when you can get Google Home and a TV if you play your cards right, I'd say it's a safe choice.


Jan 4, 2013
I'll be getting one, but most likely not new. As with cars, I like to let someone else suffer the initial depreciation.


Aug 22, 2004
How long was it before Samsung was doing buy 1 get 1 plus a bunch of other stuff on the S7? I'd wait, as a desperate LG with a compelling phone combined with Samsung also desperate to make people forget about the Note 7, and we should be seeing some very good deals.
Honestly, I've no idea. I pretty much ignored the S7 launch. I do know they were giving away GearVRs and big uSD cards with the Note 7 launch (I got two microSD cards and the blue GearVR when I traded mine in, plus a TV).

I saw people claim the V20 had bootloop issues as well, can't recall where exactly I saw that, think it was some Android forum. Given their track record (the only real home run device LG has made was the G2 and they frankly seem to be bumbling through trying to figure out how to make phones that don't have some glaring flaw of some sort). The main reason the G series is popular at all is because they pretty much have to sell them for hundreds off pretty shortly after releasing them just to get people to buy in. Otherwise they've basically been ok but generally flawed phones. I'd almost say LG should just target sub $500 on the G series from the outset (something like the Moto X), but they'd probably find a way to screw that up so then it'd be like they should've targeted $200 instead.

The depreciation matters to me as if it's drastic there's a reason for that. And it's more about the value you get from the outset. No way am I going to pay more than $500 for any LG phone anytime soon, and even then it had either be excellent or come with a bunch of other goodies. At this point, people basically should be expecting a bunch of good deals and a very good device from Samsung, so LG had better offer an even better deal or a better device (and it's looking like the G6 is not going to be better than the S8 unless the latter has some major flaw or defect). The current LG deal is good but I don't think it beats the S7 deals from last year and it's not compelling enough otherwise to get me to care. The Chinese companies are offering up comparable (and plenty of times superior) hardware/specs for much less from the outset. I mean the Axon 7 had compelling hardware (has features I'd take over the G6 personally, namely AMOLED, higher quality audio), unfortunately it falls short in the software. But they are improving (if them or Le Eco would just figure out that they could make massive inroads by offering a stock Android)

Not sure why you think those are odd to cross-shop since they'll likely be two of if not the two best Android phones you can get. Yeah, I'd buy something cheap. Actually I'd use that as an opportunity to try a device that there's a decent chance I wouldn't want to keep but try out, and then relegate that to like a backup device or something. Could jump on the G6 since the deals for it are decent, but I'd probably go for something a bit older.

I haven't seen any reports of the V20 having a bootloop issue, except a couple of people screwing it up over on XDA because they decided they must have root despite having the technical prowess of a soggy potato. I can't comment on the popularity of the G devices past the Optimus G Pro - that was my last one. I've been a Samsung fan since the original Galaxy S, but I grabbed a G Pro at ~$400 retail when my Note 2 was stolen. The G Pro was a great device for the time.

The Chinese devices are compelling but completely out of the picture - I have Verizon and I'm not switching.

And yes I do find it odd to be cross-shopping a giant feature-packed stylus-driven Galaxy device with a super-expensive barebones Google-built device. Pixels are for people who are fine trading choice and features for bleeding-edge buggy code. Galaxies are for people who want the best hardware (and yes, software) features and best looking devices.

I preordered a G6 not just because of the freebies, though they are nice (and the Google Home should be easy to pawn off on some sucker for $100), but because I'm tired of the edge screen and it's poor touch rejection. The S8 will not have a non-edge variant, and I don't want to buy an S7 flat because the screen is too small. There's literally nothing else coming out that's interesting and usable on Verizon.

Honestly, if I could scrape up the $900 and abide the 3-month wait, I'd buy a Xiaomi Mi MIX. Now THAT is a sexy phone, and EverythingApplePro proved on video it works on Verizon.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Honestly, if I could scrape up the $900 and abide the 3-month wait, I'd buy a Xiaomi Mi MIX. Now THAT is a sexy phone, and EverythingApplePro proved on video it works on Verizon.

We have one in the office and while sexy, it is a very wide phone. I've owned all the Notes and I don't think I could daily drive the Mi Mix. It passes some threshold where you can hold it comfortably.


Aug 22, 2004
We have one in the office and while sexy, it is a very wide phone. I've owned all the Notes and I don't think I could daily drive the Mi Mix. It passes some threshold where you can hold it comfortably.
I'm jealous. It might be really wide, but I bet it's still easier to use than an Edge, because you don't have to worry about random touches from your fingers on the side of the phone.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
V20 is now currently $480 from T-Mobile. I predict the exact same thing happening with the G6, especially when the 2nd half of 2017 = Note 8, Pixel 2, and new iPhones.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
I think more than the boot-loops haunting LG, the use of the 820 in 2017 immediately put it off a lot of enthusiasts' radars. And I might even go so far as to say that the enthusiast crowd is much more interested in the V series now.

I want to have what Google's cooking, so I was never interested in this phone. The S8, looks very pretty, but it'll still be running Samsung software on that pretty hardware. And if I didn't care about the software on my pretty hardware, I'd use an iPhone.


Senior member
Nov 11, 2013
I can't trust LG's build/reliability given all the bootloop issues for past flagships. I also hate that LG is including "exclusive" features for each market. We don't get quad-DAC or 64 GB storage but we get wireless charging? Why not just build one phone with all those features? Anyways, it just is an alright phone, but definitely not on my radar for my 6P replacement.


Senior member
Mar 7, 2008
Just another vanilla phone with no wow-factor, last year's specs and consistently horrible reliability. Gee, wonder why people aren't hyped about it.

Now the Mi Mix 2, that's where the excitement is at.


Aug 22, 2004
I can't trust LG's build/reliability given all the bootloop issues for past flagships. I also hate that LG is including "exclusive" features for each market. We don't get quad-DAC or 64 GB storage but we get wireless charging? Why not just build one phone with all those features? Anyways, it just is an alright phone, but definitely not on my radar for my 6P replacement.

Only 32gb is disappointing, but I don't see losing a "quad dac" as a negative point. I much prefer wireless charging over the DAC. I don't want Google's firmware, I'm getting tired of the way the Edge works on the S7e, and the S7 flat is too small. What other phone am I supposed to get?

Not only that but I get a Google Home to sell and a 1080p smart tv to gift or keep.


Oct 18, 1999
Im not a fan of LG phones. I had the V10 and used it for a couple of months but went back to my Note 4. Got the V20 when I was going to send in my Note 7, but I really hate the screen on it and decided to keep the Note 7. The V10 and the V20 are just collecting dust on my desk. I probably should sell them.


Senior member
Nov 11, 2013
Only 32gb is disappointing, but I don't see losing a "quad dac" as a negative point. I much prefer wireless charging over the DAC. I don't want Google's firmware, I'm getting tired of the way the Edge works on the S7e, and the S7 flat is too small. What other phone am I supposed to get?

Not only that but I get a Google Home to sell and a 1080p smart tv to gift or keep.
It's just disappointing that they even have exclusives. Quad-DAC, 64 GB, wireless charging would definitely make the LG G6 more compelling. If LG wants to compete with Samsung, they have to have all the bells and whistles in this flagship.The S8/S8+/Note 8 is the one to wait for. Outside of the iPhone, the Galaxy/Note phones are what enthusiasts look forward to.


Aug 22, 2004
It's just disappointing that they even have exclusives. Quad-DAC, 64 GB, wireless charging would definitely make the LG G6 more compelling. If LG wants to compete with Samsung, they have to have all the bells and whistles in this flagship.The S8/S8+/Note 8 is the one to wait for. Outside of the iPhone, the Galaxy/Note phones are what enthusiasts look forward to.
While it would've been awesome, I'm gonna cry over it.

The S8 line is edge-based, and likely staying that way forever. I'm done with the edges.


Oct 18, 1999
It's just disappointing that they even have exclusives. Quad-DAC, 64 GB, wireless charging would definitely make the LG G6 more compelling. If LG wants to compete with Samsung, they have to have all the bells and whistles in this flagship.The S8/S8+/Note 8 is the one to wait for. Outside of the iPhone, the Galaxy/Note phones are what enthusiasts look forward to.
The quad dacs in the V20 are a joke. 99% of the time it wont even turn on regardless of headphone type. At least with the V10 someone created an app that would force it on.
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