Not really religious but this has got me thinking


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2003
I remember when I was younger my mom preaching about how war would come and would signal the end of the world. Yeah, I know there has always been some type of war, most of the time. But it seems that lately there's more and more wars happening around the world, not in just one certain part of the world. I know most of us are not religious, but what do you think?


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
According to the report, the world saw a shift in global security after the end of the Cold War with a 40% decrease in the number of armed conflicts being waged around the world since the early 1990s, and an 80% decrease of genocides between 1998 and 2001, notwithstanding the atrocities that took place in the Balkans and Rwanda in the last decade.

I think this.



Dec 25, 2004
Another one I've read is that the end would be near when the world is using only one currency.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2003
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
According to the report, the world saw a shift in global security after the end of the Cold War with a 40% decrease in the number of armed conflicts being waged around the world since the early 1990s, and an 80% decrease of genocides between 1998 and 2001, notwithstanding the atrocities that took place in the Balkans and Rwanda in the last decade.

I think this.


In other words, you're not convinced that if there was a prophecy regarding the end of the world, this is not the time.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Cdubneeddeal
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
According to the report, the world saw a shift in global security after the end of the Cold War with a 40% decrease in the number of armed conflicts being waged around the world since the early 1990s, and an 80% decrease of genocides between 1998 and 2001, notwithstanding the atrocities that took place in the Balkans and Rwanda in the last decade.

I think this.


In other words, you're not convinced that if there was a prophecy regarding the end of the world, this is not the time.

Wait..what? I'm not convinced that there are "more and more wars going on around the world" today-that was my point.


Oct 10, 2006
I fail to see how anything short of an all-out nuclear war is going to cause the end of the world. The only countries that are crazy enough to use a nuke IMO are Iran, North Korea, and maybe Syria (if they got one). Even then, 1 nuke won't destroy the world. If anything, it would simply prompt an all-out multi-national (meaning 80% USA) invasion of the perpetrator, and as said perp would probably not have much of an arsenal, that would be the end of it,

Of course, there's always the chance that some virus off the northern shore of Lake Victoria will mutate and start turning people into zombies, Or that SETI willl pick up an Alien transmission, send a transmission in response, and inadvertently insult the aliens into annihilating us. Or that this post will somehow short out one of Anand's servers, which will set his new home theater on fire, which will spread to a nearby forest, which will spread into an uncontrollable wildfire, which will burn down the houses of CasioTech, SavoyBoy, Goku, and other morAns, which will in the process cause a surge that will feedback all the way to the power plant, which will shock some maintenance guy, which will send a surge all the way to NORAD, which will cause a temporary power outage, causing NORAD to switch to backup generators. Which will happen while the Stargate is on with an alien artifact in the Stargate's buffers, which will cause an overload that will take out the entire state of Colarado, which will ignite the Van Allen belt and boil the oceans, leading to the end of the world.

But hey, can't plan for everything.

Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.


Aug 12, 2001
What do you mean by lately? There has always been war. Look back even a few thousand years and you'll find war everywhere. This couple of decades have been relatively peaceful, probably one of the most peaceful times ever. It's just we hear about every conflict now. A thousand years back the common Englishman wouldn't know a peep about a major war in China for example.

Frankly, I think this is a great age we are living in. It's not perfect, not by far, but it's been far worse. All this doom and gloom I hear all the time seem very near sighted.



Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Yeah, I heard that in the future there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. And there shall be signs. Very ambiguous signs. Such that it shall always be upon us.


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2002
Originally posted by: irishScott
I fail to see how anything short of an all-out nuclear war is going to cause the end of the world. The only countries that are crazy enough to use a nuke IMO are Iran, North Korea, and maybe Syria (if they got one). Even then, 1 nuke won't destroy the world. If anything, it would simply prompt an all-out multi-national (meaning 80% USA) invasion of the perpetrator, and as said perp would probably not have much of an arsenal, that would be the end of it,

Of course, there's always the chance that some virus off the northern shore of Lake Victoria will mutate and start turning people into zombies, Or that SETI willl pick up an Alien transmission, send a transmission in response, and inadvertently insult the aliens into annihilating us. Or that this post will somehow short out one of Anand's servers, which will set his new home theater on fire, which will spread to a nearby forest, which will spread into an uncontrollable wildfire, which will burn down the houses of CasioTech, SavoyBoy, Goku, and other morAns, which will in the process cause a surge that will feedback all the way to the power plant, which will shock some maintenance guy, which will send a surge all the way to NORAD, which will cause a temporary power outage, causing NORAD to switch to backup generators. Which will happen while the Stargate is on with an alien artifact in the Stargate's buffers, which will cause an overload that will take out the entire state of Colarado, which will ignite the Van Allen belt and boil the oceans, leading to the end of the world.

But hey, can't plan for everything.

Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.

The US is the only country crazy enough to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another nation, I can see it happening again.


Senior member
Jan 6, 2008
in just the last 100 years, both WW1 and WW2 were periods of greater worldwide conflict than we have today. So by the logic that the end of the world will come after a period of great worldwide conflict, both of those periods would have portented the end of days to a greater degree than the current times would. Following the same logic (and skipping a few steps), it would have to be concluded that if the end of the world will be signaled by great world wide conflict, the conflict would have to be greater than that of either WW1 or WW2, which we are not currently experiencing.

I don't personally buy into this debate from either side of the argument, but based on the logical proposition proposed in this thread, the logical conclusion would be that there is nothing to worry about, as of today.

That said, the whole 2012 thing is right around the corner...


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2003
Originally posted by: dighn
It's just we hear about every conflict now.

I agree with you there. I guess when I was younger, really didn't hear about all the different little wars, terrorism, etc in other parts of the world as much as we hear about them today. Seems any conflict that happens, is televised and spoken about by everyone.


Oct 10, 2006
Originally posted by: wetcat007
Originally posted by: irishScott
I fail to see how anything short of an all-out nuclear war is going to cause the end of the world. The only countries that are crazy enough to use a nuke IMO are Iran, North Korea, and maybe Syria (if they got one). Even then, 1 nuke won't destroy the world. If anything, it would simply prompt an all-out multi-national (meaning 80% USA) invasion of the perpetrator, and as said perp would probably not have much of an arsenal, that would be the end of it,

Of course, there's always the chance that some virus off the northern shore of Lake Victoria will mutate and start turning people into zombies, Or that SETI willl pick up an Alien transmission, send a transmission in response, and inadvertently insult the aliens into annihilating us. Or that this post will somehow short out one of Anand's servers, which will set his new home theater on fire, which will spread to a nearby forest, which will spread into an uncontrollable wildfire, which will burn down the houses of CasioTech, SavoyBoy, Goku, and other morAns, which will in the process cause a surge that will feedback all the way to the power plant, which will shock some maintenance guy, which will send a surge all the way to NORAD, which will cause a temporary power outage, causing NORAD to switch to backup generators. Which will happen while the Stargate is on with an alien artifact in the Stargate's buffers, which will cause an overload that will take out the entire state of Colarado, which will ignite the Van Allen belt and boil the oceans, leading to the end of the world.

But hey, can't plan for everything.

Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.

The US is the only country crazy enough to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another nation, I can see it happening again.

You sir, are an historically ignorant moron.

We used two relatively low-scale atomic fission bombs, and taking the mainland of Japan conventionally would have caused at least twice as many casualties, including those that later died from radiation sickness.

Modern nuclear ICBM >>>>>>>>>>>>>> WWII atomic bomb.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Originally posted by: irishScott
Originally posted by: wetcat007
Originally posted by: irishScott
I fail to see how anything short of an all-out nuclear war is going to cause the end of the world. The only countries that are crazy enough to use a nuke IMO are Iran, North Korea, and maybe Syria (if they got one). Even then, 1 nuke won't destroy the world. If anything, it would simply prompt an all-out multi-national (meaning 80% USA) invasion of the perpetrator, and as said perp would probably not have much of an arsenal, that would be the end of it,

Of course, there's always the chance that some virus off the northern shore of Lake Victoria will mutate and start turning people into zombies, Or that SETI willl pick up an Alien transmission, send a transmission in response, and inadvertently insult the aliens into annihilating us. Or that this post will somehow short out one of Anand's servers, which will set his new home theater on fire, which will spread to a nearby forest, which will spread into an uncontrollable wildfire, which will burn down the houses of CasioTech, SavoyBoy, Goku, and other morAns, which will in the process cause a surge that will feedback all the way to the power plant, which will shock some maintenance guy, which will send a surge all the way to NORAD, which will cause a temporary power outage, causing NORAD to switch to backup generators. Which will happen while the Stargate is on with an alien artifact in the Stargate's buffers, which will cause an overload that will take out the entire state of Colarado, which will ignite the Van Allen belt and boil the oceans, leading to the end of the world.

But hey, can't plan for everything.

Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.

The US is the only country crazy enough to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another nation, I can see it happening again.

You sir, are an historically ignorant moron.

We used two relatively low-scale atomic fission bombs, and taking the mainland of Japan conventionally would have caused at least twice as many casualties, including those that later died from radiation sickness.

Modern nuclear ICBM >>>>>>>>>>>>>> WWII atomic bomb.

Well, I've heard counterarguments to this. There's no way we can *know* what result a land invasion would have yielded, to any great detail.

But for the record, I agree with you.


Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: irishScott
Originally posted by: wetcat007
Originally posted by: irishScott
I fail to see how anything short of an all-out nuclear war is going to cause the end of the world. The only countries that are crazy enough to use a nuke IMO are Iran, North Korea, and maybe Syria (if they got one). Even then, 1 nuke won't destroy the world. If anything, it would simply prompt an all-out multi-national (meaning 80% USA) invasion of the perpetrator, and as said perp would probably not have much of an arsenal, that would be the end of it,

Of course, there's always the chance that some virus off the northern shore of Lake Victoria will mutate and start turning people into zombies, Or that SETI willl pick up an Alien transmission, send a transmission in response, and inadvertently insult the aliens into annihilating us. Or that this post will somehow short out one of Anand's servers, which will set his new home theater on fire, which will spread to a nearby forest, which will spread into an uncontrollable wildfire, which will burn down the houses of CasioTech, SavoyBoy, Goku, and other morAns, which will in the process cause a surge that will feedback all the way to the power plant, which will shock some maintenance guy, which will send a surge all the way to NORAD, which will cause a temporary power outage, causing NORAD to switch to backup generators. Which will happen while the Stargate is on with an alien artifact in the Stargate's buffers, which will cause an overload that will take out the entire state of Colarado, which will ignite the Van Allen belt and boil the oceans, leading to the end of the world.

But hey, can't plan for everything.

Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.

The US is the only country crazy enough to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another nation, I can see it happening again.

You sir, are an historically ignorant moron.

We used two relatively low-scale atomic fission bombs, and taking the mainland of Japan conventionally would have caused at least twice as many casualties, including those that later died from radiation sickness.

Modern nuclear ICBM >>>>>>>>>>>>>> WWII atomic bomb.

Killing the Japanese emperor could have done the same. But they weren't sure of it, so they decided on killing lots of innocent people instead of the one ordering all the rapes and killing by the army.


Oct 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Originally posted by: irishScott
Originally posted by: wetcat007
Originally posted by: irishScott
I fail to see how anything short of an all-out nuclear war is going to cause the end of the world. The only countries that are crazy enough to use a nuke IMO are Iran, North Korea, and maybe Syria (if they got one). Even then, 1 nuke won't destroy the world. If anything, it would simply prompt an all-out multi-national (meaning 80% USA) invasion of the perpetrator, and as said perp would probably not have much of an arsenal, that would be the end of it,

Of course, there's always the chance that some virus off the northern shore of Lake Victoria will mutate and start turning people into zombies, Or that SETI willl pick up an Alien transmission, send a transmission in response, and inadvertently insult the aliens into annihilating us. Or that this post will somehow short out one of Anand's servers, which will set his new home theater on fire, which will spread to a nearby forest, which will spread into an uncontrollable wildfire, which will burn down the houses of CasioTech, SavoyBoy, Goku, and other morAns, which will in the process cause a surge that will feedback all the way to the power plant, which will shock some maintenance guy, which will send a surge all the way to NORAD, which will cause a temporary power outage, causing NORAD to switch to backup generators. Which will happen while the Stargate is on with an alien artifact in the Stargate's buffers, which will cause an overload that will take out the entire state of Colarado, which will ignite the Van Allen belt and boil the oceans, leading to the end of the world.

But hey, can't plan for everything.

Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.

The US is the only country crazy enough to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another nation, I can see it happening again.

You sir, are an historically ignorant moron.

We used two relatively low-scale atomic fission bombs, and taking the mainland of Japan conventionally would have caused at least twice as many casualties, including those that later died from radiation sickness.

Modern nuclear ICBM >>>>>>>>>>>>>> WWII atomic bomb.

Killing the Japanese emperor could have done the same. But they weren't sure of it, so they decided on killing lots of innocent people instead of the one ordering all the rapes and killing by the army.

The military leaders were effectively in charge, and had been since the beginning of the war. Killing a figurehead would only have done so much. Never mind that they'd have to either infiltrate Japan, which would have been all but impossible given the loyalty of the Japanese population, or invade the mainland and push towards whatever heavily defended bunker he'd be hiding in.

It would still have resulted in a traditional invasion.


Aug 9, 2008
Originally posted by: irishScott
Originally posted by: wetcat007
Originally posted by: irishScott
I fail to see how anything short of an all-out nuclear war is going to cause the end of the world. The only countries that are crazy enough to use a nuke IMO are Iran, North Korea, and maybe Syria (if they got one). Even then, 1 nuke won't destroy the world. If anything, it would simply prompt an all-out multi-national (meaning 80% USA) invasion of the perpetrator, and as said perp would probably not have much of an arsenal, that would be the end of it,

Of course, there's always the chance that some virus off the northern shore of Lake Victoria will mutate and start turning people into zombies, Or that SETI willl pick up an Alien transmission, send a transmission in response, and inadvertently insult the aliens into annihilating us. Or that this post will somehow short out one of Anand's servers, which will set his new home theater on fire, which will spread to a nearby forest, which will spread into an uncontrollable wildfire, which will burn down the houses of CasioTech, SavoyBoy, Goku, and other morAns, which will in the process cause a surge that will feedback all the way to the power plant, which will shock some maintenance guy, which will send a surge all the way to NORAD, which will cause a temporary power outage, causing NORAD to switch to backup generators. Which will happen while the Stargate is on with an alien artifact in the Stargate's buffers, which will cause an overload that will take out the entire state of Colarado, which will ignite the Van Allen belt and boil the oceans, leading to the end of the world.

But hey, can't plan for everything.

Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.

The US is the only country crazy enough to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another nation, I can see it happening again.

You sir, are an historically ignorant moron.

We used two relatively low-scale atomic fission bombs, and taking the mainland of Japan conventionally would have caused at least twice as many casualties, including those that later died from radiation sickness.

Modern nuclear ICBM >>>>>>>>>>>>>> WWII atomic bomb.
Don't get your panties in a wad.

The US is the only country that is crazy enough to use nuclear bombs in the past and is actively making more nucular weapons. The US also has meddled and invaded more countries than any others in the last 60 years.

IMHO, backwater countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, and the alike are not going to get ICBM or high yield nuclear weapon at any time soon with or with out interventions from the West.

And, It might slow down the nuclear race for other nations if the US stop pointing missiles at them, stop nuclear missile research, and stop invading on false pretense.



Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: irishScott
Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.

That is considered to be a misinterpretation.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
The US is the only country that is crazy enough to use nuclear bombs in the past
Only because the Germans couldn't built theirs in time. Ask the British about Axis bombing of their civillian population in wartime.

and is actively making more nucular weapons.
Putin says "Hi," then points to Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Iran. Everyone except the country our president decided to invade "to stop WMD."


Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: irishScott
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Originally posted by: irishScott
Originally posted by: wetcat007
Originally posted by: irishScott
I fail to see how anything short of an all-out nuclear war is going to cause the end of the world. The only countries that are crazy enough to use a nuke IMO are Iran, North Korea, and maybe Syria (if they got one). Even then, 1 nuke won't destroy the world. If anything, it would simply prompt an all-out multi-national (meaning 80% USA) invasion of the perpetrator, and as said perp would probably not have much of an arsenal, that would be the end of it,

Of course, there's always the chance that some virus off the northern shore of Lake Victoria will mutate and start turning people into zombies, Or that SETI willl pick up an Alien transmission, send a transmission in response, and inadvertently insult the aliens into annihilating us. Or that this post will somehow short out one of Anand's servers, which will set his new home theater on fire, which will spread to a nearby forest, which will spread into an uncontrollable wildfire, which will burn down the houses of CasioTech, SavoyBoy, Goku, and other morAns, which will in the process cause a surge that will feedback all the way to the power plant, which will shock some maintenance guy, which will send a surge all the way to NORAD, which will cause a temporary power outage, causing NORAD to switch to backup generators. Which will happen while the Stargate is on with an alien artifact in the Stargate's buffers, which will cause an overload that will take out the entire state of Colarado, which will ignite the Van Allen belt and boil the oceans, leading to the end of the world.

But hey, can't plan for everything.

Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.

The US is the only country crazy enough to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another nation, I can see it happening again.

You sir, are an historically ignorant moron.

We used two relatively low-scale atomic fission bombs, and taking the mainland of Japan conventionally would have caused at least twice as many casualties, including those that later died from radiation sickness.

Modern nuclear ICBM >>>>>>>>>>>>>> WWII atomic bomb.

Killing the Japanese emperor could have done the same. But they weren't sure of it, so they decided on killing lots of innocent people instead of the one ordering all the rapes and killing by the army.

The military leaders were effectively in charge, and had been since the beginning of the war. Killing a figurehead would only have done so much. Never mind that they'd have to either infiltrate Japan, which would have been all but impossible given the loyalty of the Japanese population, or invade the mainland and push towards whatever heavily defended bunker he'd be hiding in.

It would still have resulted in a traditional invasion.

Or flown over it and drop a nuke.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Mayans say 2012 means DOOOOOM!!!!!!

From wiki (but citing someone who ought to know):
"^ Susan Milbrath, Curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology , Florida Museum of Natural History, quoted in USA Today, Wednesday, March 28, 2007, p. 11D.
"For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. in Crystal River, Florida. To render December 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in." (Quoted in USA Today, Wednesday, March 28, 2007, p. 11D.) "


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
1. Every generation is told that theirs will see the end of the world. This has been going on for thousands of years.

2. The US had no choice but to drop the bombs on Japan. FFS we even warned them what we could do. Not specifically, but they had a good idea after we bombed Tokyo. They were crazy and refused to surrender.

3. The Mayans did not predict the world would end on 12/21/2012. What they did was accurately predict the earth's precession centuries before European astronomers did. Winter solstice 2012 is the day when the sun will align with the center of the galaxy. This is purely observational though, much like the daily 'rising' and 'setting' of the sun.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: wetcat007
The US is the only country crazy enough to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another nation, I can see it happening again.

Originally posted by: BackFlow
The US is the only country that is crazy enough to use nuclear bombs in the past and is actively making more nucular weapons.

Oh my God.

If you guys honestly think that back in '45 we were just completely nuts and decided for the hell of it to drop two atomic bombs on Japan just because we could, then I think the both of you are probably the two most ignorant posters here on this forum. I mean, come on, how fucking stupid do you have to be? What the hell is wrong with you? Jesus fucking Christ get a clue.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Killing the Japanese emperor could have done the same. But they weren't sure of it, so they decided on killing lots of innocent people instead of the one ordering all the rapes and killing by the army.

A bombing raid on the Imperial Palace on July 20, 1945 missed the target.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about here. You know what was the deadliest bombing raid in history? Not Nagasaki. Not Hiroshima. It was Tokyo on March 9, 1945. Where's your outrage there?


Diamond Member
May 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Originally posted by: irishScott
Originally posted by: wetcat007
Originally posted by: irishScott
I fail to see how anything short of an all-out nuclear war is going to cause the end of the world. The only countries that are crazy enough to use a nuke IMO are Iran, North Korea, and maybe Syria (if they got one). Even then, 1 nuke won't destroy the world. If anything, it would simply prompt an all-out multi-national (meaning 80% USA) invasion of the perpetrator, and as said perp would probably not have much of an arsenal, that would be the end of it,

Of course, there's always the chance that some virus off the northern shore of Lake Victoria will mutate and start turning people into zombies, Or that SETI willl pick up an Alien transmission, send a transmission in response, and inadvertently insult the aliens into annihilating us. Or that this post will somehow short out one of Anand's servers, which will set his new home theater on fire, which will spread to a nearby forest, which will spread into an uncontrollable wildfire, which will burn down the houses of CasioTech, SavoyBoy, Goku, and other morAns, which will in the process cause a surge that will feedback all the way to the power plant, which will shock some maintenance guy, which will send a surge all the way to NORAD, which will cause a temporary power outage, causing NORAD to switch to backup generators. Which will happen while the Stargate is on with an alien artifact in the Stargate's buffers, which will cause an overload that will take out the entire state of Colarado, which will ignite the Van Allen belt and boil the oceans, leading to the end of the world.

But hey, can't plan for everything.

Also, the Mayans predicted that the world would end in December of 2012. Should be interesting.

The US is the only country crazy enough to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another nation, I can see it happening again.

You sir, are an historically ignorant moron.

We used two relatively low-scale atomic fission bombs, and taking the mainland of Japan conventionally would have caused at least twice as many casualties, including those that later died from radiation sickness.

Modern nuclear ICBM >>>>>>>>>>>>>> WWII atomic bomb.

Killing the Japanese emperor could have done the same. But they weren't sure of it, so they decided on killing lots of innocent people instead of the one ordering all the rapes and killing by the army.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
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