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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Does anyone watch Craig Ferguson's new show 'Join or Die?'


I have mixed feelings about Ferguson. He can be pretty funny at times but mostly he annoys me. I can't explain why either, it's a visceral thing.

I watched a couple of episodes, then gave it up. I love Craig Ferguson, but I can understand why someone else -- someone who really, really likes the ponderous turkey that is Tyrant, for instance -- may not.

Ferguson's talk show was ace. ***He's a genuine gonzo, balls out, dirty boy charmer with the ladies*** and a wicked wit. But this new show of his didn't make it for me.


Jul 11, 2001
so i watched
Lawrence of Arabia -

what can i say; if you can endure the nearly 4 hours running time, it's a masterpiece. Don't be fooled by the "misrepresentations" they attribute to O'Toole, i have read Lawrence's book and he is almost identical to the real deal.

Having been made in the 60s, there is obviously a great deal of old school mastery here, so the film is shot beautifully; the sets and costumes are absolutely gorgeous and the film doesn't suffer from whitewashing, if we exclude the top billed Alec Guinness (he's Obi Wan Kenobi, yo) who, imho, is possibly the worst of the bunch, as he jumps between broken-english bedouin and Oxford laureate between takes.

For the book lovers, the film also skips most of the guerrilla era, although this is understandable given the 700-odd pages of this thunderous tome.

Instead, the film does an adequate job of explaining the story, which centers more on Lawrence's skill at uniting the feuding arab tribes, his unusual character (which allows him to both blend in with a foreign culture, and to be viewed as something more than an ordinary man), and the political intrigue that helms the entire campaign.

The book is still better (it's an incredible epic - if you chose to believe it as true), this film is a must watch for everyone; it might not have that genial creative spark, as it is quite a "conventional" film, but it's been done with such a meticulous care, that it's impossible to be anything short of amazed.

my vote: 9/10
It was David Lean's epic contribution, I saw it when it came out and I have seen it twice since, have had the DVD for many years. I have a pretty great home theatre (yes I'll spell theatre that way when talking about David Lean!), but I suppose it should be argued that this is best experienced in a wonderful huge theater in 70mm!

Given your comments, I will think toward reading the book.

To my knowledge, I've seen this 3 times, the first when it came out in the 1960's. The second time was in 2004, and I recorded these comments then:

Rotten Tomatoes stats:
Reviews counted: 38
Fresh: 37 Rotten: 1
Average Rating: 8.9/10

"Saw it for first time since 1962 or so around a month ago. Very impressed. What I like best is that it doesn't sensationalize. In fact, quite the opposite, compared to what they are turning out these days. Nowadays it's try to trump the other guy's special effects and they've been taking that to absurd extremes and it's trashed the modern cinema. At the end I thought that David Lean had gone out of his way to make his movie truly mirror life. That may not be accurate or even true, but the way the movie ends struck me as the way life really is. I wonder if Lean wasn't trying for just that effect."
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Jul 11, 2001
No Blu Rays in our county unfortunately, but the library is indeed a great resource for movies. The online reservation system has a pretty big selection here, missing some older, smaller movies sometimes though.
I use our library's website to get most all of the movies I watch these days. They have a lot, there are many times they don't have something I want to see. They have a "suggest" link, and I can (and have many times) hit that and entered a movie. You include the publisher, year and comments, such as "this is a classic film, one of his best." They've since procured a number of my suggestions. I have to remember what I requested, and have a database table of them so I'll remember to check and see if they've gotten what I've suggested. Many times I don't bother to suggest something, but if I want to see it enough and feel like it would be a logical and appreciated addition to the library, I'll suggest it.
Wow, i thought i was old, but you must be ancient.
I don't think I'm old, much less ancient. I try to be as spry as possible, am doing pretty well all in all. Knock on wood... I have a certain drive, don't know where it comes from, exactly. Well, it's me.
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Jul 11, 2001
It's one of those movies where you had to have read the book. I saw the flick before reading the book and had the same reaction. It makes a little more sense if you read the book but I think the movie is still a little bit of a departure. Can't remember at this point.
Yes, and I did read the book (2001 ASO) before seeing the movie. The movie's ending is actually a reasonably good rendering of the book's ending. But yeah, you should have read the book to understand the ending of the movie. But that ending was necessary, it would have been a terrible omission if they'd neglected to include the book's ending. The concept was that mankind was ushered into an exponentially/astronomically elevated level of consciousness by virtue of a gift by extra-terrestrials. It's the entire premise, that ending was requisite. I haven't seen it in a while, but I think there was some influence by the whole psychedelic movement, as it were... LSD, shrooms, peyote, the hippy revolution, grass, all that.
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Jun 3, 2011
It was David Lean's epic contribution, I saw it when it came out and I have seen it twice since, have had the DVD for many years. I have a pretty great home theatre (yes I'll spell theatre that way when talking about David Lean!), but I suppose it should be argued that this is best experienced in a wonderful huge theater in 70mm!

Given your comments, I will think toward reading the book.

To my knowledge, I've seen this 3 times, the first when it came out in the 1960's. The second time was in 2004, and I recorded these comments then:

Rotten Tomatoes stats:
Reviews counted: 38
Fresh: 37 Rotten: 1
Average Rating: 8.9/10

"Saw it for first time since 1962 or so around a month ago. Very impressed. What I like best is that it doesn't sensationalize. In fact, quite the opposite, compared to what they are turning out these days. Nowadays it's try to trump the other guy's special effects and they've been taking that to absurd extremes and it's trashed the modern cinema. At the end I thought that David Lean had gone out of his way to make his movie truly mirror life. That may not be accurate or even true, but the way the movie ends struck me as the way life really is. I wonder if Lean wasn't trying for just that effect."

Yes, i agree. In fact, reading the Trivia at IMDb is very interesting to see what he pulled off to do this production.

Also agree that this is a film you really should watch in the theaters; it even has an "intermission" part, complete with black screen and running music.

As for the book, i cannot recommend it enough - i consider it one of the great works of literature; it has been said that, according to some, it is between part and almost complete fiction, but then consider that:
1) lawrence was essentially a spy. 2) it depicts the british empire as scheming colonialists (yeah, nothing further from the truth). 3) lawrence himself was disliked or even hated, for him being - quite clearly - a closet homosexual, and also a pacifist "of the worst kind".

According to a source i recently read, there are even hints that he might have been killed by the british government, after he was retired, for allegedly he was on his way to a meeting with Hitler to discuss a possible peace treaty.

And finally, he actually lost the complete first draft of the book. And to top that off, he had destroyed his notes once he completed it. After which he re-wrote it from memory (he said it was "linguistically a disaster, but historically accurate") and that is the version which was printed.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
I watched a couple of episodes, then gave it up. I love Craig Ferguson, but I can understand why someone else -- someone who really, really likes the ponderous turkey that is Tyrant, for instance -- may not.

Ferguson's talk show was ace. ***He's a genuine gonzo, balls out, dirty boy charmer with the ladies*** and a wicked wit. But this new show of his didn't make it for me.

Well there's like and like-like I also like Vampire Diaries and most of the shows on the CW. That doesn't mean I think they're great tv, jus that I find them entertaining.

I understand and mostly agree with the criticisms of Tyrant and like with Ferguson, I can't really explain why I like (or dislike) them.

I never been a very critical viewer. Either something is entertaining or it isn't. I'm pretty new at trying to quantify why I feel a certain way, but I'm working on it.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Well there's like and like-like I also like Vampire Diaries and most of the shows on the CW. That doesn't mean I think they're great tv, jus that I find them entertaining.

I understand and mostly agree with the criticisms of Tyrant and like with Ferguson, I can't really explain why I like (or dislike) them.

I never been a very critical viewer. Either something is entertaining or it isn't. I'm pretty new at trying to quantify why I feel a certain way, but I'm working on it.

Well, personally, whether in any one instance I agree with you or not, I think you do a pretty damn good job of outlining your reasons, including saying, "Eh, I not really sure why." That's simply honest and accurate. :thumbsup:

Fact is, taste is subjective. Trying to quantify why one likes or doesn't like a certain program kind of happens after the fact of our subjective, emotional reaction, and no matter how high any of us climbs up on that "I am the lordly reviewer" horse nor how certain we may sound as to our reasons, the whole exercise is a miasma of often conflicting and uncertain subjectivity.

Other people's opinions can be entertaining in and of themselves, and, often enough, can be helpful in a secondary way in assessing whether or not we want to watch a certain film or show, but, at the end of the day, there's no true substitute for actually experiencing the show yourself.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
That's really true and I sometimes wonder if many people understand that. You have a gut reaction to something and THEN and only then do you come up with reasons to justify your opinion.

Because of some brain damage I sustained when I was very young (pre-kindergarten) I think I have a little more insight into my internal processes. But that has gradually diminished as I've been more and more able to operate on autopilot - like most people. Most folks don't think about every tiny thing they're doing while they're doing it. And thank god, I tend to do that a lot less than I used to.

But with these "improvements", I've lost touch with my un/subconscious motivations.


Feb 8, 2000
I watched a couple of episodes, then gave it up. I love Craig Ferguson, but I can understand why someone else -- someone who really, really likes the ponderous turkey that is Tyrant, for instance -- may not.

Loved Ferguson on the Late Late Show because it was weird and felt -- and supposedly was -- unscripted.

The new show, I saw a few episodes of. It probably isn't scripted but not a big fan of the structure and how it evolves around a certain topic. His interviews that went nowhere on his old show were great because they went nowhere: you got honest, unprepared answers from the guests. Everywhere else, it's like the same rehearsed lines about the thing they're promoting and the same few stories over and over again.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Loved Ferguson on the Late Late Show because it was weird and felt -- and supposedly was -- unscripted.

The new show, I saw a few episodes of. It probably isn't scripted but not a big fan of the structure and how it evolves around a certain topic.
His interviews that went nowhere on his old show were great because they went nowhere: you got honest, unprepared answers from the guests. Everywhere else, it's like the same rehearsed lines about the thing they're promoting and the same few stories over and over again.

Bingo! You just clarified for me why I loved his old show and what I didn't like about his new one.

It's like back when they took the late Jonathan Winters and put him in a more scripted environment (while pretending it wasn't.) I felt bad for those who only saw Winters when he had his own show. They missed out on his true, unrestrained genius when he used to come on talk shows and make the hosts visibly nervous while he took over the whole damn set.

Both Ferguson and Winters are/were genuinely quirky, in the best, most creative and iconoclastic sense. "Quirky" doesn't work well when producers try to gin it up and make it happen within the confines of a pre-determined structure. Thanks for nailing that. :thumbsup:

I see Craig Ferguson as a man supremely comfortable in his own skin. He's famous for getting a broad swath of famous hot chicks to open up and melt under his easy, "I don't take any of this too seriously" charm.

Other late night talk show hosts rightly try to go for this, too, but he's the master, a genuine natural.


Jul 2, 2005
Hush - 5/10

It was an okay attempt that did next to nothing to make it stand out from a cliche cat and mouse horror movie. The characters were paper thin and the whole thing was predictable. I was disappointed because I really enjoyed Oculus and Absentia from this writer/director. If you don't already love horror movies skip it for sure.

i give it a it better rating of 8, thought it was well written and acted.


Nov 20, 2005
Other people's opinions can be entertaining in and of themselves

I agree 100%. Right on.

For example I am highly entertained by the concept that anyone other than a teenage girl could like the Vampire Diaries.


Jun 3, 2011
Fake Dredd was better.

look what u done.

because of this silly thing you posted, i had to go and watch again sylvester stallone'
Judge Dredd (1995) -

cheap 90s action-plot-action film with obligatory bad guy and max von sydow, and wound up going to bed late.
the film that spawned half a dozen epic lines, such as "I DIDNT BREAK THE LAW, I AM THE LAW" and 5 more i cannot remember.

6/10 - seriously, it's garbage, but of the amusing kind.

Also, i'm considering a spinoff of this thread: "what good films have you discovered because of this thread". It's been five years now, the list must be pretty big.
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No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
the revenant - 9/10 - i liked this movie a lot. one of the best cinematography i've ever seen in a movie. i just loved the overall environment of the movie. i think tom hardy killed his role. i would have given it 10/10 if it weren't for some unrealistic things happening but that didn't detract from the movie at all imo.


Nov 20, 2005
look what u done.

because of this silly thing you posted, i had to go and watch again sylvester stallone'
Judge Dredd (1995) -

cheap 90s action-plot-action film with obligatory bad guy and max von sydow, and wound up going to bed late.
the film that spawned half a dozen epic lines, such as "I DIDNT BREAK THE LAW, I AM THE LAW" and 5 more i cannot remember.

6/10 - seriously, it's garbage, but of the amusing kind.

Also, i'm considering a spinoff of this thread: "what good films have you discovered because of this thread". It's been five years now, the list must be pretty big.

Dredd is Gears Of War (aka corridor shooter) The Movie. Judge Dredd was Demolition Man without the magic.

I would give Judge Dredd at least a 7/10 for the awesome murder robot alone though.


Golden Member
May 28, 2004
Join Or Die with Craig Ferguson should be called Top Six Countdown to be more accurate. I tried it, though one was cool but next repetitive, Delete all after 3rd.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
For example I am highly entertained by the concept that anyone other than a teenage girl could like the Vampire Diaries.
I resemble that remark.
look what u done.

because of this silly thing you posted, i had to go and watch again sylvester stallone'
Judge Dredd (1995) -

cheap 90s action-plot-action film with obligatory bad guy and max von sydow, and wound up going to bed late.
the film that spawned half a dozen epic lines, such as "I DIDNT BREAK THE LAW, I AM THE LAW" and 5 more i cannot remember.

6/10 - seriously, it's garbage, but of the amusing kind.
That's why I thought fake Dredd was better. Still your standard silly action movie but it had some interesting ideas and some great scenes. The one where people are falling in slo-mo really got to me. I could feel my nuts trying to crawl back into my body - like that was going to helpl them at all if I ever fell 90 stories. I think most people have some fear of heights, unless you're flying, so I thought that was a great hook.
Sep 29, 2004
the revenant - 9/10 - i liked this movie a lot. one of the best cinematography i've ever seen in a movie. i just loved the overall environment of the movie. i think tom hardy killed his role. i would have given it 10/10 if it weren't for some unrealistic things happening but that didn't detract from the movie at all imo.
Everyone likes this movie. . I guess ill have to give it a shot.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
I wouldn't say "everyone."

It was my kind of movie, but "too slow" for a lot of people.

I haven't seen it. Do you think the experience of seeing it would suffer watching it on a 60" screen with a middling sound system vs. the glory and majesty of a theater?
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