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Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
'Message From The King" 8/10 Reminded me of a black exploitation flik but very well done.

"Nocturnal Animals" 5/10
a critical sucess but overall something is missing. Openended ending. Waited for it to go somewhere and it never did, at least not for me. Great cast, well acted. Amy Adams is just gorgeous.


Jun 3, 2011
The Recall -

Wesley Snipes (wasn't he in jail for tax evasion?) plays a Lone Wolf character. A bunch of preppy kids go on a hike on a mountain and meet him, and he scares them. Aliens invade. The kids shoot each other by mistake. People have magical powers. And some stuff is stolen from the matrix, some from deliverance, some from your typical horror film involving a generic cabin in some nondescript woods, some from the videogame Prey (the original one), monsters are either lifted from The Abyss or from Pan's Labyrinth, and the ending is straight out of a Marvel film.

Snipes is not the lead, some stupid kid takes the honor. There's your typical group of horny teenagers and also some scenes in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace, and some generals talking in a room.

Ok, so, the film is not badly made. By which i mean, that it's shot properly and the acting - while without a doubt bad - isn't in the realm of no-budget, no-experience film. But the script is just so frikking dumb, dumb dumb dumb, it's a mishmash of everything previously seen and held together by spit and duct tape.

Wesley Snipes actually does a good job with what he has, which is basically one full scene and three minor appearances.

5.5/10 - stupid film.
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Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
Started watching Ozark and I have to agree with the other reviews I've seen here. There's no slow burn with this one. It jumps into the action with both feet in the first episode. I'm on episode 3 so far and just seems to get better as it goes.


Nov 11, 2004
He I was just coming to post.

Alien Covenant 6.5/10

It wasn't as bad as I was expecting but

Just like 99.9% of sci fi movies - they don't address gravity. Except when they go in the loading dock?

And to add to the stupidity of the gravity situation why did the trucks slide out and fall over the edge in outer space. lol

Just like 99.9% of sci fi movies - they have sound in a vacuum.

They NEVER check out the planet first it's just wam bam and land it mam.

They don't have a clue what's in atmosphere but hey let's just walk out and breath in some spores!

They split, they always split up.

Alien Covenant was worse than Alien 3.

I don't know if someone can point out any redeeming qualities in this movie. These two prequels totally kill the Alien monster mythology.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Defenders. 5/10.

Netflix TV series, bringing together Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist.
Pacing was slow. Danny Bland was dumb the whole time. Sigourney Weaver never did anything evil as the primary bad guy. They didn't use a lot of the good characters from the other show (no Ward? no Frank Simpson? No Davos?). They didn't maximize cliffhanger potential at, why not have Kingpin watch the tower drop with a smirk on his face as he realizes he is the new big cat in town? Jessica Jones was probably the most fun character in the Defenders series. I feel like this should have been more like 16 episodes long with a lot of sub-plots going on...why not have Karen Page digging into a different story on the side before she's forced to go into hiding at the precinct? They had so much opportunity to weave a complex & deep story, and instead it was mostly slow & just lacked...I dunno, it was definitely no Avengers!

Although even the Avengers was kind of so-so, really the best one is Captain America. Winter Soldier was incredible. The first Ironman was also really excellent. In this lineup, Daredevil is the only show to have gotten it "right" so far. They just nailed the formula. I have high hopes that the Punisher will be equally as amazing. I love me some comic book movies & I did enjoy watching the Defenders, but it's not like Daredevil where I'll go back & watch in again every so often because it was so good & so much fun. I usually don't rate shows this low, but it had so much meh & wasted time in it, especially since it was only 8 episodes, that I'll go ahead & give it poor marks simply for not living up to its potential.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
The Founder. 9/10.

The story of how McDonalds started. It's available on Netflix now. Has a slower-paced, slightly documentary feel to it, but it was actually really excellent. Lots of famous actors in it, surprisingly. I kind of wish it was even a bit longer.
Reactions: Thebobo


Jun 19, 2006
The Founder. 9/10.

The story of how McDonalds started. It's available on Netflix now. Has a slower-paced, slightly documentary feel to it, but it was actually really excellent. Lots of famous actors in it, surprisingly. I kind of wish it was even a bit longer.

Yea I've been meaning to check this out thanks for the push.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Yea I've been meaning to check this out thanks for the push.

They did a good job simplifying the story enough to make it both easy to follow & interesting enough to keep watching. You get a sense of Ray Kroc's character, of how the fast food operation was started, and how the McDonalds empire was grown. You pretty much leave with the feeling that Kroc was a real shark. The key elements just all kind of came together at the right time to give birth to the fast-food business. Very fascinating to watch. It could have easily been another hour if they really wanted to amp up the drama, but they were more focused on following the story of Kroc pushing to make the company bigger. It's a little bit like Breaking Bad, actually.


Jul 11, 2001
The Oath (Laura Poitras, 2010) 8/10

It focuses on one man for the most part, an intriguing man, important in post 9/11. He's Abu Jandal, that's one of his many names, aliases. He was ~37 when the documentary was released, is 44 now. He'd been close in a sense to Usama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, had met most if not all of the 9/11 hijackers, but evidently didn't know at the time what they were preparing to do. At least, that's what he claimed and his interrogators didn't seemed to doubt that, but who knows? He was in prison when 9/11 occurred and soon after (a week?) the FBI started interrogating him over 15 days. There was a ton of actionable intelligence they got from him and US action post 9/11 was actually delayed until they could process a lot of that info, so it said in The Oath.

The Oath itself is a promise to shun your personal agenda and be subservient to the wishes of the "leaders" of the jihad. They may have actually been made to sign that. Abu Jandal was a jihadist, at least initially, but comes off as having changed his mind about things over time, that's what he maintains. He's rather articulate, full of energy, not all positive. He speaks in Arabic entirely here, so the English subtitles were ubiquitous. I even turned on subs sometimes to catch the rare English. No other streams there. This is complex, a lot going on. It took me way over the running time to finish because I very very very often hit pause so I could savor the subtitles. It was all about understanding the dialogue. There are extras, I didn't access them last night.

My one insight here, nothing new, but I had the idea, trying to suss out something, some meaning, was that it's the black gold, the oil that's poisoned the middle east. All that money and it's gone into the hands of very few. Very powerful forces are at work politically that are not about democracy at all but about locking up the valuable resources and that's mainly, maybe practically all about OIL!

Of course, Bin Laden hated America.

You get a lot of info on the day to day influence, the importance of Islam in the lives of these people, the Arabs, the Sunnis. How it pervades the language, their communications with themselves and each other. It's just pervasive. I think it's nutty, really. They need a serious dose of secularism. This subservience of the self to a deity is what Islam appears to be, at least as portrayed here. The almighty is other than self. It's madness, actually. Abu saddles his one child (a boy of maybe 6) with this, just drills it into him, it makes you squirm. The women, at least in public, if full grown, all you see of them is a slit for the eyes. Other than that they are in jet black. It's disconcerting. You see a lot of traffic, the cars, the motorized bikes, the bicycles, the pedestrians jaywalking everywhere. Abu is a taxi driver during most of this. The closing credits are amazing, just a hand held camera walking through a commercial district. Beautiful lighting!

I had another insight... there's a big difference between being a fly on the wall and a documentary film maker! It's just the nature of things.
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Jan 8, 2001
The Founder. 9/10.

The story of how McDonalds started. It's available on Netflix now. Has a slower-paced, slightly documentary feel to it, but it was actually really excellent. Lots of famous actors in it, surprisingly. I kind of wish it was even a bit longer.

That was a surprisingly good watch. Pacing was appropriate as a brief expose' on Kroc's background, tenacity and ultimate drive and somewhat tempered impulsivity. I'm docking it a bit because Kroc's behavior left me a bit sour - though it was 'business'.

The Founder: 8.5/10


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
That was a surprisingly good watch. Pacing was appropriate as a brief expose' on Kroc's background, tenacity and ultimate drive and somewhat tempered impulsivity. I'm docking it a bit because Kroc's behavior left me a bit sour - though it was 'business'.

The Founder: 8.5/10

Yeah, you're kind of ticked off at him at the end because the bottom line is that he was a super big jerk, but I like that they kind of portrayed it from the "villain's" perspective because it explains why he did what he did. Not only was he extremely motivated due to his personal house mortgage, but he recognized that the Speedee system was quite literally a game-changing system that could be applied globally for phenomenal profits. They could have just as easily have told the story through the McDonald's brothers perspective & had it be a sympathetic story, because they really did get pretty screwed at the end...a million bucks for each of them vs. the $100 million yearly payout they could have had today. I also feel super bad for Kroc's wife. He screwed her every step of the way...pursued his ADHD sales projects nonstop & left her alone at home. Kept skipping out on spending time with her for dinners at the club, and then when he did make it to the lunches & dinners, he made it about himself & his business. Eventually divorced her, and although she got all the stuff, she didn't get any shares in the company, which was pretty mean considering she got onboard with him as a "team player", helped find couples to run the franchises well, went to bingo dinners that weren't really her scene, etc. They could have turned that portion into a pretty good drama if they wanted to by adding an extra hour or so into the story. You knew as soon as he looked at the guy's other wife playing the piano that it was all downhill from there.

However, I also understand why he made the business decisions that he did. Drive-ins & drive-throughs were awful as depicted in the film...long wait times, bad-news crowds, incorrect orders, etc. The McDonalds brothers had a revolutionary system, butt they gave up when they ran into any major problems outside of their direct authority (re: their Speedee system franchises that went to pot), and were unwilling to rapidly expand & adopt new products like the Insta-mix milkshake stuff. Standing by your core principles is one thing, but listening to your franchise owners & your customers is another...if the customers didn't care that it wasn't real ice cream because it still tasted good, then that was a valid argument to introduce a replacement product in order to save a ton of money in operational costs per year by not having the freezers there for the ice cream. So he pushed to make the restaurants what they really should have been.

Like you said, it was a surprisingly good watch. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would!


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I have been watching various British detective/crime shows. Much better than the shit we have in the states.
I just finished the 3 seasons of Shetland (only 14 episodes) and I found this to be an excellent series.
Its a BBC Scotland crime series, and I give 8.5/10. Season 3 was the best so far.
It's been renewed for a 4th season, supposedly being filmed now.

It's on Netflix.

I'll have to check it out. Did you watch Broadchurch and/or The Fall? Those might be two of my all time favourite crime drama series.

I'm still only halfway through the most recent season of VEEP but I'm pretty sure it's the funniest season yet. There's hardly any plot but it's been hilarious

Dang, I'll have to catch up. I'm two season behind! I freaking love that show though.

Last night watched:

Citizenfour (2015 documentary Oscar winner / Laura Poitras / Edward Snowden) 9/10

Snowden, at one point explains his motivations, discussing the early days of the internet and the freedom in contrast to recent years with the pervasive surveillance.

Haven't hit the 2nd disk with special features yet. Just the making of this documentary was a fete. Snowden contacted Poitras first, evidently, after he'd developed his plan to out the surveillance community (i.e. NSA and a host of other government agencies domestically and around the world, plus many complicit corporations). Really well done. Where's it all going? Dunno, but Snowden has still not been apprehended by USA authorities, who are still trying to nab him for violating a 100 year old statute, the Espionage Act of 1917. In the documentary it is explained that that statute has barely a glimmer of relevancy but that's what the DOJ has in hand should they get ahold of Snowden.

Snowden makes the point (and he was in a position to know), that once you are flagged, they can pretty much nail down and access most everything you do in the electronic sphere (online, phone, etc.). 1984 had nothing on what's been going on lately. Orwell should have named his book "2010."

I found this to be unwatchable. Interesting topic, but an awful freaking documentary. I turned it off about 20 minutes in and never went back.

Started watching Ozark and I have to agree with the other reviews I've seen here. There's no slow burn with this one. It jumps into the action with both feet in the first episode. I'm on episode 3 so far and just seems to get better as it goes.

We are 8 episodes deep now and still really enjoying it. There are a few silly things, as mentioned by the previous poster, but you need to create drama so it's usually going to happen. I mean people adore Breaking Bad and that had some pretty dumb shit in it too.



No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
Million Yen Women 9/10 an unpopular writer suddenly gets five femald tenants invited by some unknown party. They pay him a million yen per month for rent and he cooks for them. He is not allowed to ask them questions and they must always eat together.

I am on EP8 and I cannot stop binge watching.

It's on Netflix.

Just finished binging. Great show.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
I'll have to check it out. Did you watch Broadchurch and/or The Fall? Those might be two of my all time favourite crime drama series.

I have watched The Fall, I really liked it.
Now Broadchurch, I started watching it and I thought, jeez, I think I've seen this already.
Turns out, I had already watched the American version of season one Broadchurch, (which also starred David Tennant).
It was called Gracepoint.

I need to start that one again and season one, or maybe just skip to season two as I know how it ends.


Jan 8, 2001
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol2. 6/10 A futuristic SciFi mish mash comedy stealing from every trope possible in it's 2hrs & 15 mins. The wandering plot line drags us through the 1960s, 1980s and lands us on back in the 1960's on what is apparently an LSD infused planet created by a celestial being (Kurt Russel). Seriously, I do not know what this movie was about, but the comedy did manage to keep me engaged enough to rate it over 50%. Having some vodka in me may have improved the score


Jul 11, 2001
I found this to be unwatchable. Interesting topic, but an awful freaking documentary. I turned it off about 20 minutes in and never went back.

Re: Citizenfour

Well, I was really curious about Snowden, the whole topic of internet freedom and the shadowy realm of government and corporate invasiveness. These are pivotal issues in these times and going forward. Ignore and you are an ignoramous.


May 18, 2001
I've been watching a lot of TV lately:

Alone (History Channel) 10/10. Simply the best reality show on TV ever. The initial impression is that it's slow & not much happens, which I suppose is true. By the end of each season, I've found myself deeply invested unlike any other show.

Forged in Fire (History Channel 9/10) Simply the 2nd best reality show on TV ever. The initial impression is that the exact same thing happens every week, which I suppose is true. Make no mistake, this is a man's show - it leaks testosterone from its seams.

Defenders (Netflix) 6/10. I'm only 1 episode in, and nothing much has happened yet. I'll finish the series off, but I hope it gets better.

Black Mirror (Netflix) 8/10. I'd probably rate this anthology show a little higher, but it always leaves me feeling highly disturbed, which I suppose is its intent.
Reactions: Charmonium

Not So Mild

Jun 9, 2017
Shot Caller - 9/10 on an arbitrary scale. Not sure if this movie skipped theaters altogether or just in my area, but it never came to the big screen and only recently was able to rent. It's not even on netflix yet so you'll have to go to google movies or your favorite renting service to see it, but I definitely recommend it. It's about a guy who lives a great life, ends up going to prison, and gets in with the gangs in order to survive prison life. It's pretty good, but don't watch with your kids if you prefer to shield them from nudity and violence.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
Forged in Fire (History Channel 9/10) Simply the 2nd best reality show on TV ever. The initial impression is that the exact same thing happens every week, which I suppose is true. Make no mistake, this is a man's show - it leaks testosterone from its seams.
I hate so-called reality shows with a passion. For the most part they're really just cheap-ass scripted soaps. I'm sure there are exceptions but I've seen precious few. Forged in Fire is one of them.

What I like about it is that it doesn't feel scripted and I don't get the impression that it is. Of course it's heavily edited, out of necessity, but what they do show you seems to capture the personalities of the contestants and the difficulties of their challenges. There aren't any contrived conflicts or pitfalls designed to elicit a certain response from the contestants.

If that were the extent of it I probably wouldn't watch but you also learn something new in most episodes even if it's just some obscure type of edged weapon. But it's also like a course in smithing. Over time you start to gain an understanding of and appreciation for what goes into making a bespoke blade.


Jul 11, 2001
Enough Said (2013) 7/10

Watched last night. Kept my interest but it bothered me. At the same time I was thumbs up on a lot of the honest dialog. Woman director/writer, the actors extolled her in the extras, nothing new there but it was impressive. Not having been married much less a divorcee and not having kids, much less ones that will/would/did fly the nest, I was not in their wheel house. Anyway, it's definitely a slice of life kind of movie that bares relevance to modern upper middle class society. It has some weak points. The woman poet who lives in a super pristine and well appointed upper middle class home alone and makes her living as a poet and whose only friend is Joni Mitchell (so she said). And the plot twist late... Give me a break.


Jun 19, 2006
Yeah, you're kind of ticked off at him at the end because the bottom line is that he was a super big jerk, but I like that they kind of portrayed it from the "villain's" perspective because it explains why he did what he did. Not only was he extremely motivated due to his personal house mortgage, but he recognized that the Speedee system was quite literally a game-changing system that could be applied globally for phenomenal profits. They could have just as easily have told the story through the McDonald's brothers perspective & had it be a sympathetic story, because they really did get pretty screwed at the end...a million bucks for each of them vs. the $100 million yearly payout they could have had today. I also feel super bad for Kroc's wife. He screwed her every step of the way...pursued his ADHD sales projects nonstop & left her alone at home. Kept skipping out on spending time with her for dinners at the club, and then when he did make it to the lunches & dinners, he made it about himself & his business. Eventually divorced her, and although she got all the stuff, she didn't get any shares in the company, which was pretty mean considering she got onboard with him as a "team player", helped find couples to run the franchises well, went to bingo dinners that weren't really her scene, etc. They could have turned that portion into a pretty good drama if they wanted to by adding an extra hour or so into the story. You knew as soon as he looked at the guy's other wife playing the piano that it was all downhill from there.

However, I also understand why he made the business decisions that he did. Drive-ins & drive-throughs were awful as depicted in the film...long wait times, bad-news crowds, incorrect orders, etc. The McDonalds brothers had a revolutionary system, butt they gave up when they ran into any major problems outside of their direct authority (re: their Speedee system franchises that went to pot), and were unwilling to rapidly expand & adopt new products like the Insta-mix milkshake stuff. Standing by your core principles is one thing, but listening to your franchise owners & your customers is another...if the customers didn't care that it wasn't real ice cream because it still tasted good, then that was a valid argument to introduce a replacement product in order to save a ton of money in operational costs per year by not having the freezers there for the ice cream. So he pushed to make the restaurants what they really should have been.

Like you said, it was a surprisingly good watch. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would!

The Founder 8/10

Yea watched it this morning and it was very well done.
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