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Senior member
Aug 16, 2012
Mindhunter 8.0. It is on Netflix and tells the story of how the FBI came up with a serial killer profiling system in the 70's. Interesting, intriguing, sometimes funny, and entertaining. Not something you have to see, but if you enjoy that type of thing it is pretty good. Should be a second season by how it ended, and some clues in the last few scenes if you're paying attention.

Yeah, the guy who played Kemper was darned impressive. My main gripe with the show (and I rated it highly before I saw the last three episodes) is it kind of went "out there" with
The school principal part. I'm sure it was meant to be some character development but it came across as over hackneyed to force a multiple points home.

But yeah, if you start to watch it give it a few episodes. The Ed Kemper scenes are amazing. I'll be curious how they handle S2 given who obviously they will be focusing on given the time frame of how long that lasted.


Jun 3, 2011
i'm halfway through the second season of Kim's Convenience -

this is an easy, PG13 comedy about a Korean family living in Canada. Everyone involved is a good, timid person who blushes at mild sexual innuendo. The typical joke would go like this:
Mr Kim: "you are so stubborn"
Miss Kim: "YOU are stubborn"

ha ha ha ha ha

i like it, but that's probably because i have a terminal case of yellow fever. There's no known actors to list, but here is a pic of the character with the most screen time
Janet (Andrea Bang)
i mean, she has bang in the name; what more do you want.



Jun 3, 2011
148. The Elephant Man

i think i saw this on TV when i was 14, and i don't really remember much, maybe a couple of scenes.

no vote

149. V for Vendetta

i liked this film before it even came out, as i applauded Hollywood finally getting their material from a source that doesn't suck. of course, i didn't know this would eventually lead to Superman Vs Batman. Or rather, i thought it would lead to something epic as The Dark Knight Returns , NOT the film, but the book.

Anyway, i should first address the hate. In my opinion of person who owns the book, i can't see a difference. The film is, as always, a conversion of the source material that needs to fit the new medium. But the story is there, the characters are the same. People have criticized a character for having a different face in the film, maybe not realizing that people's faces are what the are and you only have so big a pool of viable actors to fill the role. The film doesn't pull any punches either, in particular the brutal scene where Stephen Fry is abducted and as good as dead, so i'm not really sure what all the fuss is about.

The plot is stupid, but so is the plot in the book. It needs to fit the dystopian future built by the book and doesn't necessarily have to be realistic.

good film. 7.5/10

150. The Wolf Of Wall Street

i'll say, this film didn't impress me much. maybe because i don't find extravagant all the extravagant things Belfort does, i did just as bad with less money and probably would have done the same if not worse given his cashflow. The guy probably doesn't even have a sex dungeon.
I also cannot stand Jonah Hill in anything, but he wasn't that bad here, i would almost say the role fits him.
It's an ok film, the first part where Belfort makes it into the penny stocks business is fun, but for finance and associated extravagance, i would much sooner recommend the excellent The Big Short rather than this.


151. Wild Strawberries

i can't stand Bergman, he's made of depression. however, i haven't watched this film since i was 13yo or so, therefore:

no vote

152. The General

did not watch this. It's a Buster Keaton film, who was a genius in his time, but his films haven't aged well.

no vote

153. Warrior

i did not manage to get past the trailer with this one. what killed it for me .. along with everything else .. is that they cast the horrible Jennifer Morrison (Dr Cameron from House MD) in the part of the wife. also, not my kind of film, and defo not characters i can relate to.

no vote

154. Dial M For Murder

did not watch.

no vote

155. Trainspotting

i hated this film when it came out. I hated the characters, i hated the gruesome scenes, and most of all i hated the ending. even today, i'm not sure if the film had a point to make, or if it just wanted to insult me. There are some strong similarities in the source material between this and Naked Lunch, which you should notice if you have the misfortune of reading both.
I've taken a crack at Trainspotting 2 and it wasn't better either.


156. Gran Torino

Clint's best film according to everyone, but i thought it was particularly weak. The plot is feeble, the main character is barebones, the story can be summed in one piece of paper, and the ending is just stupid ..

6/10, no reason to chose this film over any other he's ever done.

157. Gone With The Wind

This used to be considered a masterpiece when i was growing up, bu`t i tried watching it again about 10 years ago and i could not stomach it. Too slow, too boring, we've moved on from that period of time where breaking the rules of class and "frankly, i don't give a damn" were something that could hold my attention.

7/10 for historic reasons

158. Sunrise

1927 silent film. did not watch.

no vote

159. The Deer Hunter

let me put it this way: what if Michael (DeNiro) got to the Nick earlier, and stopped him from killing himself? Would he have found salvation? Because the film tries to make it a point that they cannot be saved, because they are all carrying their hell with them.
the film has some really strong performances, but it's unconvincing in its message. to me, it's more a film about using all an actor can give, to bring the emotions of the stage to the screen, rather than having a point outside the film.

8/10 for historic reasons, 7/10 otherwise.

160. The Sixth Sense

i can't really tell you, i missed this film when it was in the theaters and only managed to find it on TV after the ending had been spoiled for me. but i can see why people love it.

no vote


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Godless, 9.2 on Netflix.

Extremely good. The cast was good, the acting was good, story was good. Nothing terribly new, tyrant trying to rule over good people, but still a good story. Only seven episodes but I think the last was like 2 hours. I am not even a big Western lover, but I thought it was great.


Golden Member
Feb 8, 2008
LadyBird 6.5

I was expecting Shawshank level quality but received Perks of being a Wallflower.

I don't understand how this is one of the best rotten tomato movies of all time. Took my gf and she thought it was good but a one watch only.

Acting was excellent but the story never really grabbed me.

Please baby Jesus, let The Last Jedi be good. Hope Rey gets taken down a few power levels.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
LadyBird 6.5

I was expecting Shawshank level quality but received Perks of being a Wallflower.

I don't understand how this is one of the best rotten tomato movies of all time. Took my gf and she thought it was good but a one watch only.

Acting was excellent but the story never really grabbed me.

Please baby Jesus, let The Last Jedi be good. Hope Rey gets taken down a few power levels.

It's Disney. You know she is going to break into a song. Like "Don't cry for me, Jar Jar"


Senior member
Aug 16, 2012
Dark on Netflix. 8/10

I watched it subtitled with original German track since dubs bug me.

You really have to pay attention when watching because it gets quite convoluted. At times you are feeling like cramming for a test trying to keep up. If you like the concept of time it is worth a watch.


Jun 5, 2000
The Free state of Jones.

staring Matthew McConaughey.
really interesting movie based on true events. Confederate soldier deserts and starts a rebellion in the middle of Mississippi, pledges allegiance to the Union and wages a guerrilla fight against the CSA. all the while is married to a white woman who left the area when he started killing rebels he falls in love with a slave woman from his grandfathers plantation and has several kids with her... his white wife returns after the war is is over and they all live on a farm together. the locals forgave him for flipping to the union but not shacking up with a black woman...


Jun 3, 2011
i watched again, for the .. 3rd or 4th time ..

Hot Fuzz -

mostly on the back of THIS video, an analysis of Edgar Wright's filmmaking skills (in itself worth a watch).

London Metropolitan Police' Constable Nicholas Angel is a spoilsport, an overachiever, and all-around generic asshole who works so hard that his own superiors decide to send him away "because you make us all look bad", all the way to the rural town of Sandford, Gloucestershire, a village so quaint and peaceful nothing ever happens. Aside from a few murders, that is.

It's the same exact kind of comedy of Shaun Of The Dead, but the script is much tighter, and if it were not for some horrible shaky-cam during the finale, the film would be flawless. The acting is .. reasonably good, and i'm sure it gains a few extra points due to the "continental" accent the actors have.

a classic comedy of the new millennium.


fun fact: a girl i used to work with in IBM got accepted into the police force while we were there, and she had never seen this film. the DVD was my going-away present to her. ok maybe not "fun" fact. but do you think she would otherwise have emptied her gun shooting at the sky while screaming? i don't think so. and let's not even mention shooting two guns whilst jumping through the air.
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Oct 10, 1999
here is a good example of something that must be kept in mind when reviewing films;

i watched Virtuosity -

a 1995 film with Denzel Washington and Russel Crowe, who a few years later will go on to star in the absolutely magnificent American Gangster. An actor doesn't have much control over how good the film will be or how hard it will suck; most of the time they don't even know what the film is like, until it's complete. And to complete a film, a large number of people, independently acting and thinking people, are involved, all of whom can influence how the film will look at release.
And Virtuosity sucks oh so hard. Denzel is good as always, but like in the insipid The Equalizer (which, i have sadly learned, is now being filmed for a second episode), you need to bring out the qualities of the acting for the audience to enjoy it, not suffocate it in a mass of mediocre supporting acts, bad sets, bad dialogue, and a really bad story barely worth of a Sylvester Stallone action film.
Crowe instead is just bad. Obviously, actors respond differently to a lack of a strong director (Brett Leonard, author of such masterpieces as Highlander: The Source and other works mostly rated 5/10 on IMDb)

it's bad, it's even cheesy, but it's vaguely entertaining. will do for a popcorn afternoon. 6/10
I loved that movie when I was a teenager back when it was in the theaters.

As an adult, especially after 20 years of real life tech advancements .... yea ... it does not stand the test of time at all!

It's almost as bad as the sylvester stalone judge dredd movie!


Jun 3, 2011
i think Judge Dredd qualifies as "so bad it's good". That speech "i did not break the law, i am the law" alone is worth 11/10.

meanwhile, i'm halfway through my Top 250 review and i have yet to find Brother, Zatoichi, Charlie Wilson's War, The Big Short, and many more. Bourne Ultimatum is on the list, but Bourne Identity isn't ...


Jun 19, 2006
The Wall - Mindless fun 6.5/10
The Lego Batman movie - Good but preachy at the end 7.5/10
La la land - boring 4/10
Moulin Rouge - Much better than La la for a musical imo 8/10


Feb 13, 2003
Started watching Godless on Netflix after seeing it mentioned here and I'm maybe 1.5 episodes in. Really excellent so far; 8.5/10. I really noticed the realistic sound during the thunderstorm in the first episode. I don't think I normally notice such good sound effects/ambiance in a movie but I sure did during those scenes.


Jun 19, 2006
i think Judge Dredd qualifies as "so bad it's good". That speech "i did not break the law, i am the law" alone is worth 11/10.

meanwhile, i'm halfway through my Top 250 review and i have yet to find Brother, Zatoichi, Charlie Wilson's War, The Big Short, and many more. Bourne Ultimatum is on the list, but Bourne Identity isn't ...

Loved Charlie Wilson's War. 9/10

Read the book first saw the movie than watched the documentary. I think it was Mike Nichols last movie he directed.
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Nov 27, 2005
Started watching Godless on Netflix after seeing it mentioned here and I'm maybe 1.5 episodes in. Really excellent so far; 8.5/10. I really noticed the realistic sound during the thunderstorm in the first episode. I don't think I normally notice such good sound effects/ambiance in a movie but I sure did during those scenes.

I finished the series tonight and thought it was pretty boring overall. The last episode was really good but the rest was disappointing


Feb 13, 2003
oh lord this looks good

Dang son, yeah it does. DO WANT. Although jeez, the trailer basically explains the whole fricking movie except for if he gets her back or not (most likely yes, that's how these things go). But I still want to see it.


Nov 27, 2005
They have been. Most of these netflix/amazon movies, and even some of the shows, were basically just made elsewhere and bought by netflix or amazon and they slap their name on it. So for the bigger ones they definitely still release them in theaters first (Manchester by the Sea, Paterson, etc)


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Fucking internet.
The cocksuckers keep spoiling my fucking Star Wars.

Just found out
Benicio Del Toro is in the film.


Jun 3, 2011
i watched again (saw it when it released) Up In The Air -

the 2009 George Clooney film; directed by Jason Reitman, otherwise known for Juno (2007) and not much else.

Clooney is a "corporate downsizer", someone who specializes in firing people. The company calls him, he flies over there, fires the staff in a professional way - aimed at reducing the possible tragic effects of an employee getting fired, from suicide, to mass murder - and then flies away.
Suddenly, a new face joins his company, newly-graduated Anna Kendrick, who proposes to do away with all the flying, and replace it with "getting fired via videoconferencing".

Clooney disagrees that this can be a viable method of downsizing, mostly because he sees himself as a gifted professional whose skills cannot be conveyed via video conferencing, and partly because he sees this as being downsized himself. But really, he mostly misses the flying. Clooney is at home "up in the air", and shares little with those stuck on the ground. So much so, that he establishes a fugal relationship with Vera Farmiga, who also travels for work.

ok, review. Clooney is excellent in this, one of his best roles. Not over the top as Oh Brother might have been, and i'm sure that's the reason this film wasn't particularly acclaimed. Kendrick isn't bad either, a bit of the annoying brat as she always is, but that's her character as well, so it works out. Farmiga (if you don't know her, she's a proper sexxy MILF) is also excellent, despite the limited role. There's some brief cameos by Zak Galafanakis (who cares if thats how you spell it) and JK Simmons, and probably more i didnt recognize.

The performances are really good, the problem is, that the film is half about his job (the good part) and half about how he comes to realize he misses having a family (the boring part, of which Farmiga is the main character). Half the film paints him as an accomplished person who has found his own way of life, and half of it does the opposite. And between the two, the first is much more interesting than the latter.

A good film, to watch mostly for the acting, but not for the story. 7.5/10
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