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Nov 11, 2004
They haven't been forced to reboot those yet and Bryan Singer hasn't completely disassociated with the franchise so I don't see it as a blatant cash grab.

That's because Hugh Jackman wants more money and obviously doesn't mind doing more and more of them. Spiderman would still be Tobey McGuire if he would have agreed to do more. Also they did basically reboot the series with the First Class movie and then with the Days of Future Past movie where they basically ignored everything that happened in all the previous movies.
May 11, 2008
You mean the Sam Rami Spiderman films. Spiderman 1, 2, and 3 were Sony just like Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2. They even used the Spiderman 1/2/3 font for the *Sony* Playstation 3 from 2006 through 2010. Ken Kutaragi fought for it.

Yeah, the Sam Rami films just have something i miss in the amazing spiderman movies. Must be Sam Rami. After watching i feel like i have been on an adventure. I miss that with the amazing spiderman.

I actually thought the first Amazing Spiderman from Webb was decent. I really enjoyed Stone and Garfield together, but the second one was a freaking mess. Too many villains and the whole break up, get back together thing made no sense. A real shame.


Yeah that breaking up and getting together only to lose her again became a bit annoying.
May 11, 2008
That's because Hugh Jackman wants more money and obviously doesn't mind doing more and more of them. Spiderman would still be Tobey McGuire if he would have agreed to do more. Also they did basically reboot the series with the First Class movie and then with the Days of Future Past movie where they basically ignored everything that happened in all the previous movies.

What i do not understand from days of future past is, where did Kitty Pride get the powers to shift people back in time ?

That was the daughter of Scot summers and the dark phoenix Jean Grey who could do that. The daughter was named Rachel Summers.

Yeah, i have lot of comic books at home from my youth.
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Oct 9, 2002
Yes,i see on imdb it has a 7 score but it reminded me of this movie .:|

I was hyped for "All is Lost" due to over-the-top critical praise. It was a huge disappointment. Basically, the bare minimum of what I would expect based on the premise alone. Absolutely no surprises.

It seemed like a lazy cash-in to me. If my idea for a movie was "guy stuck at sea, weathering storms and other typical perils," I wouldn't expect anyone to even agree to make the film. It's a blah idea for a movie and it never does anything beyond what you already expected. There was no reason to even bother making it. You've already seen the movie just by knowing the premise or seeing the trailer.

That makes for an un-involved / disconnected viewing experience.
May 11, 2008
Maleficent : 10/10.

As someone who is also very fond of the fantasy genre, i enjoyed it very much.
Since it is suited for children as well, do not expect bloody gory scenes. But the movie had the (for me anyway) right ambiance.
Sep 29, 2004
RRRRRrrr want to see D+D2 while in theaters but know I will regret it .... RRrrrrrr .... I haven't felt this way since .... AvP ... RRrrrrrr


Dec 3, 2013
Under Her Skin with Scarlet Johannson 9/10

What a surprise. One of the most unique and interesting sci-fi movies I've seen in a long time. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn this was made in the 70's or 80's, because it is artistic and non-formulaic. I highly doubt the majority will love this movie, but if you love sci-fi, you should see it.

Hadn't seen that one, will have to check it out.

Appears to be Under the Skin.

The new Godzilla bored me to tears IMHO, I even went full out in the theater on that one.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Interstellar -- 7.5/10 -- I'm a grumpy old fart instinctively biased against anything garnering lemming-like hype. That said, my date wanted to see this, so see this we did, and I decided the greater wisdom was to ditch the grump (iness), let go, and just enjoy the spectacle.

And Interstellar was indeed a spectacle! I wish I could have gone through a worm hole or a rabbit hole or plot hole or some sort of "physics as we presently know it defying" heretofore unknown interstice in the space/time fabric and come out 10 years old before entering the theater, because I'm sure I would have then given this movie an 11.

One of the problems with all sci-fi / futuristic movies is getting the science/physics right, so why complain/nit-pick too much, right?

Another problem with these kind of large-scope movies is crafting the small scale/human story so that it matches the power and scope of the special effects/gee-whiz-bang/imax enhanced, mmmmm, so sugary and addictive envelope . . . you know, what impels most of the viewing public to go see the damn thing in the first place.

Almost no one ever pulls this off. That's what great literature is for. Nuance and subtlety and painting the human condition so completely that you manage to encompass seeming contradictions into one challenging and thought-provoking whole generally takes about 700 pages, is what I'm saying.

With a movie, you've got 2 hours (ok, nearly 3) in which to do this, and, in this restricted time frame you also generally have to wrap it all up in a nice feel-good bow of an ending so that the movie-going public (they're cute but so emotionally vulnerable!) won't stumble out into the parking lot wanting to end themselves before they even reach their Prius.

It's November. It's cold and it's dark. You must think of the non-chronological children! Plus, you do want them to come back for your sequel, and multiplex parking-lot suicides have an abysmally low rate of retention.

My date, otoh, was gobsmacked and now wants to see this movie again so she can better absorb all of its intense philosophical depth. All I can say is that internet dating isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I'll shut the fuck up now.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Hadn't seen that one, sill have to check it out.

Appears to be Under the Skin.

The new Godzilla bored me to tears IMHO, I even went full out in the theater on that one.

Under The Skin was easily the best film I saw last year and I saw it twice in theatres.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
That's because Hugh Jackman wants more money and obviously doesn't mind doing more and more of them. Spiderman would still be Tobey McGuire if he would have agreed to do more. Also they did basically reboot the series with the First Class movie and then with the Days of Future Past movie where they basically ignored everything that happened in all the previous movies.

I don't think Days of Future Past ignored X 1-3. Scott and Jean were dead, Professor X was back and allied with Magneto, again (as was shown at the end of X3 and The Wolverine). Well, those were probably the main plot issues that could possibly be inconsistent, considering the huge leap in time between the last 2 present day X-men movies.

I think the biggest hole is that you go from The Wolverine, "today" where he is being recruited by Magneto and Professor X for "the great battle," and then there they are some 10 or more years in the future. Granted, could just be that we assume they went on their merry way and the war really has lasted that long, and this is what it's come to.


Nov 11, 2004
I don't think Days of Future Past ignored X 1-3. Scott and Jean were dead, Professor X was back and allied with Magneto, again (as was shown at the end of X3 and The Wolverine). Well, those were probably the main plot issues that could possibly be inconsistent, considering the huge leap in time between the last 2 present day X-men movies.

I think the biggest hole is that you go from The Wolverine, "today" where he is being recruited by Magneto and Professor X for "the great battle," and then there they are some 10 or more years in the future. Granted, could just be that we assume they went on their merry way and the war really has lasted that long, and this is what it's come to.

It was never explained how Professor X magically came back to life. Also, in the ending, when everything is saved and jumps back to normal time, you see who's alive, so you see who survived after the Age of Apocalypse movie since that movie takes place after Days of Future Past and before everything else.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
It was never explained how Professor X magically came back to life. Also, in the ending, when everything is saved and jumps back to normal time, you see who's alive, so you see who survived after the Age of Apocalypse movie since that movie takes place after Days of Future Past and before everything else.

It's at the very end of X3.

Is it fully explained? no, not really. But it's shown, and we know it happened.

At the end of The Wolverine, when we actually see the dude in the flesh and Hugh Jackman is like "wtf bro...." Charles says, "I have skills, yo."

I mean, it's all you really need to know. Not the best thing, but having some experience with the comics, Charles does this sort of thing from time to time.

As far as the Apocalpyse thing--yes, I believe those events with Trask and Magneto essentially reset the timeline, so several of those characters are no longer dead. It's not that the previous movies were ignored, it's just a new timeline.

that bullshit Star Trek plot (which is also all over comics)
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Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I was hyped for "All is Lost" due to over-the-top critical praise. It was a huge disappointment. Basically, the bare minimum of what I would expect based on the premise alone. Absolutely no surprises.

It seemed like a lazy cash-in to me. If my idea for a movie was "guy stuck at sea, weathering storms and other typical perils," I wouldn't expect anyone to even agree to make the film. It's a blah idea for a movie and it never does anything beyond what you already expected. There was no reason to even bother making it. You've already seen the movie just by knowing the premise or seeing the trailer.

That makes for an un-involved / disconnected viewing experience.

Come on Ichi, you're better than that.


Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 - 8/10

Saw it this morning by myself. I was going to go with friends but I had to pull out last minute so I saw it alone.

I found the tone of the movie very Matrix-y. They're kind of similar, really. Unbeknownst to the protagonist all is not right with the world that they have grown up with and accepted, and they are suddenly and irrevocably pulled from that stable world into a new one with lots of rubble and metallic bulkhead rooms and shitty food. I had some issues with the pacing of the second movie; like many others, I thought it was way too slow at times. This movie still has some of the same problems, but at least there is a lot of wanton violence and destruction in between the sometimes unnecessarily long closeups of the single tear streaking down some main character's cheek (sometimes more than one person at the same time!). The story is completely unresolved at the end of this movie (similar to the way the Bane storyline gets cut off at the end of Matrix Reloaded, coincidentally) but that's obviously expected.

Some of the things that people did throughout the movie didn't really make sense to me. For example, I don't understand why, if there's so little communication between districts, the Capital didn't just bomb District 13 completely after the civil war. Instead, they were allowed to persist. World War 1 taught us that surface shelling isn't very effective at destroying entrenched placements; this is something that has only increased in the nuclear age with the construction of underground bunkers and shelters. The whole overly-personal-propaganda-campaign thing didn't really make sense to me either.

I would have liked more variation in tone (the whole movie just felt very down; as another comparison to the Matrix series, even when things were at their worst there was always the prospect of Neo, the One, saving everyone's sorry asses to tide the audience through things (except for that final fight with Bane). In this movie, it just seemed like there was blow after blow after blow to the "radicals'" cause (not allowed to call them rebels), and the only thing to keep the populace attentive was fear, anger, and hate. They don't really work well for an audience though.

I also would have liked a slightly more subtle soundtrack, and some more actual fighting in place of things getting blown up. No major issues though.

Also also, I really, really feel that Interstellar deserved a 6. This can be my Cato phrase.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Getting On -- 7.5/10 -- Dark "comedy" on HBO, way, way more real than most comedies.

I'll crib from an IMDB review, as these snippets say it better than I could:

There are no truly likable characters on this show. It doesn't make it that easy on us. Instead, it challenges us to find the humanity and the heart inside a team of geriatric care workers at a hospital that even sounds bottom-tier by its name.

It's been years since I worked in an office environment but this show makes me not miss it a bit.

As I said, this show isn't pandering to anyone. They don't seem to want your approval...they're almost seeking to repel it.

I do know one thing wife, who has worked in similar medical environments before couldn't stand the show. "It's too real," she told me. "I felt like I just got off a double shift at work in 30 minutes." So, health-care professionals, be forewarned.

That about sums it up. :biggrin:


Jun 3, 2011
Ugetsu Monogatari

one of martin scorsese's favourite films. I get what they were trying to say, but maybe i'm too jaded for this film to take a hold of me. pretty standard story, albeit well shot and acted.

7/10 - for black and white japanese film, there's better out there.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Interstellar -- 7.5/10 -- I'm a grumpy old fart instinctively biased against anything garnering lemming-like hype. That said, my date wanted to see this, so see this we did, and I decided the greater wisdom was to ditch the grump (iness), let go, and just enjoy the spectacle.

And Interstellar was indeed a spectacle! I wish I could have gone through a worm hole or a rabbit hole or plot hole or some sort of "physics as we presently know it defying" heretofore unknown interstice in the space/time fabric and come out 10 years old before entering the theater, because I'm sure I would have then given this movie an 11.

One of the problems with all sci-fi / futuristic movies is getting the science/physics right, so why complain/nit-pick too much, right?

Another problem with these kind of large-scope movies is crafting the small scale/human story so that it matches the power and scope of the special effects/gee-whiz-bang/imax enhanced, mmmmm, so sugary and addictive envelope . . . you know, what impels most of the viewing public to go see the damn thing in the first place.

Almost no one ever pulls this off. That's what great literature is for. Nuance and subtlety and painting the human condition so completely that you manage to encompass seeming contradictions into one challenging and thought-provoking whole generally takes about 700 pages, is what I'm saying.

With a movie, you've got 2 hours (ok, nearly 3) in which to do this, and, in this restricted time frame you also generally have to wrap it all up in a nice feel-good bow of an ending so that the movie-going public (they're cute but so emotionally vulnerable!) won't stumble out into the parking lot wanting to end themselves before they even reach their Prius.

It's November. It's cold and it's dark. You must think of the non-chronological children! Plus, you do want them to come back for your sequel, and multiplex parking-lot suicides have an abysmally low rate of retention.

My date, otoh, was gobsmacked and now wants to see this movie again so she can better absorb all of its intense philosophical depth. All I can say is that internet dating isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I'll shut the fuck up now.

I'm with you on this one Perk and you probably even rated it a bit higher than me. However I was not really concerned with the physics of things; I was more than happy to just sit back and the spectacle wash over me, my problem was this:

Another problem with these kind of large-scope movies is crafting the small scale/human story so that it matches the power and scope of the special effects/gee-whiz-bang/imax enhanced, mmmmm, so sugary and addictive envelope . . . you know, what impels most of the viewing public to go see the damn thing in the first place.

This was what took me out of the film and I could not properly enjoy the bombast since it kept getting interrupted by clumsy, eye-rolling attempts at personal stuff.

May 11, 2008
Interstellar -- 7.5/10 -- I'm a grumpy old fart instinctively biased against anything garnering lemming-like hype. That said, my date wanted to see this, so see this we did, and I decided the greater wisdom was to ditch the grump (iness), let go, and just enjoy the spectacle.

And Interstellar was indeed a spectacle! I wish I could have gone through a worm hole or a rabbit hole or plot hole or some sort of "physics as we presently know it defying" heretofore unknown interstice in the space/time fabric and come out 10 years old before entering the theater, because I'm sure I would have then given this movie an 11.

One of the problems with all sci-fi / futuristic movies is getting the science/physics right, so why complain/nit-pick too much, right?

Another problem with these kind of large-scope movies is crafting the small scale/human story so that it matches the power and scope of the special effects/gee-whiz-bang/imax enhanced, mmmmm, so sugary and addictive envelope . . . you know, what impels most of the viewing public to go see the damn thing in the first place.

Almost no one ever pulls this off. That's what great literature is for. Nuance and subtlety and painting the human condition so completely that you manage to encompass seeming contradictions into one challenging and thought-provoking whole generally takes about 700 pages, is what I'm saying.

With a movie, you've got 2 hours (ok, nearly 3) in which to do this, and, in this restricted time frame you also generally have to wrap it all up in a nice feel-good bow of an ending so that the movie-going public (they're cute but so emotionally vulnerable!) won't stumble out into the parking lot wanting to end themselves before they even reach their Prius.

It's November. It's cold and it's dark. You must think of the non-chronological children! Plus, you do want them to come back for your sequel, and multiplex parking-lot suicides have an abysmally low rate of retention.

My date, otoh, was gobsmacked and now wants to see this movie again so she can better absorb all of its intense philosophical depth. All I can say is that internet dating isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I'll shut the fuck up now.

You sure have a funny way of writing. :biggrin:

I am going to watch Transcendence in a few minutes... But i am very quickly a happy person when it comes to movies.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
edge of tomorrow - 8/10 - was a fan of the movie and the effects. very tense and the battles looked great. i was a big fan of the aliens too, they weren't the typical humanoid aliens (although they were tentacle ridden lol). sound was incredible in the movie too, although the bass line in the VERY opening scene in the movie was ridiculous, had to turn my system down to like -25db and it was still loud. no clue why the hell they would do that, felt like my subs were about to blow out.
May 11, 2008
1 Because of Johnny Depp.

What an awful movie. Made for a series of sequels. Horrible.
Government working with terrorists to destroy a threat that is not there.
The only scientists that understand it are afraid of it and must destroy it.

There is one thing though, love knows no barriers. If those barriers may be technological or just being dead.
If you like movies about AI, a movie made decades ago is a good one. It is called : "Demon Seed".
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