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No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I gave up on Walking Dead after season 4. The show got really stupid. The Governor was one of the lamest villains in the history of villains.

Based off of what I've heard of the direction the show has gone I'm pretty sure I made the right decision.


Sep 12, 2012
I loved this show, but then they killed my favorite. Has the show remained good the last few seasons?

Its different and you need to go into the show with an open mind. The Whispers were good. At the end of season ten we got to see a full back story on Neagan. That was cool. Carol let him out of his cage, and he came through. But, it's different. Most of the cast from the first 6 seasons are gone. This is the last season for TWD. Its going to be very interesting.


May 15, 2000
I watched the ghostbusters after life. Not bad and better than I expected. Better than the previous ghostbusters and a worthy sequel. It also did a nice tribute to the original cast (I’ll let it slide the inconsistencies about egons ghost).

I also saw still water. Not bad either but Americans definitely don’t look good in this.


Sep 25, 2001
126 10/10

Emma Watson almost quit as Hermione


Sep 2, 2006
Finally got through Episode 6 of Loki. Thoroughly enjoyed the series, Hiddleston's Loki may be my favorite Marvel character to ever grace the screen. Solid 4/7, would watch again.

i just watched the loki series and really enjoyed it too

having owen wilson in there was a great choice

can't wait till they come out with season 2


Jul 1, 2001
I noticed that YouTube has some decent free movies now, like Boiler Room and T-34.

I'd recommend T-34 if you like World War II movies. The Russian patriotism is a bit over the top, though, and it had a couple of "yeah, right" moments during battle. Still entertaining, though... I'll give it a 7 out of 10.


Jun 3, 2011
i just watched for the first time The Cotton Club -

and it's not great. I watched the newly edited, Coppola's director cut, at 2h19min.
Richard Gere stars as Dixie, a musician that by pure coincidence saves the life of "Dutch" Schultz, and becomes entangled into their mob life.
Diane Lane stars as Vera, a young flapper who thinks herself the jaded woman, "ready to do anything for money" and intent on becoming Schultz's girl.
Early in the film the two characters are established and she eventually finds a soft spot in her heart for Dixie, who represents normality and, hopefully, happiness.

... and then, there's a whooooooole lot of garbage that idk why they wrote it in. Mario Puzo was the principal scriptwriter.

As i understand it, the film went into development hell, which doesn' help, but despite that there are some clear faults with the script that are pretty damn easy to point out.

1. there is a subplot about two black tapdancing brothers (segregation, mmk?) that has *zero* relevance to the main plot.
2. there is FAR too much music, up to the point where TCC starts to look like .. a musical. Which it's not. Or, idk, at this point i'm not even sure.
3. characters are badly balanced throughout.
Gere is ok, he plays his part well, but then he disappears offscreen, or in some scenes he is "keeping his head down", which is fine story-wise, but doens't really make for a good protagonist. Bob Oskins as always is brilliant, but rarely on screen, and only interacts with the side characters. James Rimar as Dutch Schultz is terrible, Nicolas Cage (yup) is almost unrecognizable as Dixie's brother, in a decent performance. Fred "Herman Munster" Gwynne is again fantastic, but he's basically just a sidekick to Bob Oskin's character. Even Lawrence Fishburn is in this movie !!
The real star of the show is Diane Lane, in her role as Extremely Beautiful Woman, which she's absolutely brilliant in, but her character is fairly shallow.

Compare this to an *actualy good movie* like Pretty Woman. Once again, Richard Gere woos a beautiful but misguided woman (these uppety women eh?); the film gives these characters room to breath, to expand, so where there is a major character arc, it's made clear it's happening. These two are the central and most important parts of the film and anything else that happens, all the supporting characters and events, are there to change something in the relationship between the two leads, which is THE CORE OF THE FILM.

Cotton Club instead is fucking all over the place. You could easily pick several scenes and praise them individually, but as a whole, it's a mess.

I could go on, but there's no point really. It's not even "almost great", you would need to scrap 70% of the film and rebuild it from the ground up.

My vote: 6/10 - surely there must be better ways to enjoy Diane Lane.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I'm watching it now, and I'm starting to wonder if we really needed a season 4 of this. The first season was cool, but it's lost it's novelty. It's starting to feel more like a teen drama that you would see on the CW network.

this, it was great for 1.5 seasons or so (the youtube seasons) when it wasn't taking itself all that seriously and had a nice fresh dose of charm and not-cheap nostalgia. The Netflix seasons have the show sort of taking itself seriously, even though it is still pretty stupid. and yeah, it's very much the teen drama stuff. Which, I guess, is kinda what the movies were anyway.

They bring back the weirdo billionaire guy that founded Cobra Kai...really? how stupid is this. It's weird and hilarious enough that this town seems to be terrorized by roving gangs of high school karate clubs, but that these old men haven't changed at all--even abandon a proper life--to "win" in some nonsense high school karate tournament in some tiny town, like...what the hell is wrong with these people?


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
Central Intelligence 8/10

My traitorous HTPC died on xmas eve. My best guess right now is that it's OEM's (AMD) CPU cooler fan. link to amazon That's a story for another time once I am certain about the cause

Being my only system specifically configured for watching videos on a big screen tv, I am currently without access to my nearly to 6Tb (Tb stands for 'hoard of Smaug), Wink, wink."

Therefore, I was relegated to searching the cable ISPs channel guide for things that a flip of the coin said I might like.Central Intelligence Being my only system specifically configured for watching videos on a big screen tv, I am currently without my nearly to 6Tb (Tb stands for 'hoard of Smaug), Wink, wink."

Therefore, I was relegated to searching the cable ISPs channel guide for things a flip of the coin said that I would like One such movie was Central Intelligence.

As for the movie, first understand that I find Hart very annoying. He seems to talk quite a great deal in his movies but it's rare that he says anything I think is funny. I can't be sure, but I that the whole, 'acting like a squirrel that just tried meth an ate whole 8 ball' persona' is the thing I have trouble with. I don't even like it when Dr. Who rattles through a monologue that purports to "explain" what is going on. There, I think they only do it because a) most folks won't give a shit and b) it doesn't sound completely stupid if you just blow through the dialog without ever giving the viewers a chance to think about it. So in that case, I still don't like it but I understand and accept the animus behind it.

That said, I sort of liked the movie. It was mainly a parody of the "spy" genre of movies and I think they pulled it off quite nicely. Plus, happy endings just make me want to roll over on my back and hope someone pets me - with the good scratches that make my leg seem possessed.
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Feb 1, 2008
I like the oldies, especially when I come across an old film that I have never head of.
And you know how one thing leads to another, when doing youtube, and so I came across THIS film that you can watch here in its entirety.

This was based on a true movie. I never had heard of it. And I didn't expect much out of it until I realized the challenges that this boat captain was forced to deal with. Then... it got really interesting.
This film is a good lesson in psychology. How would you react? What would you do?


Nov 29, 1999
The Matrix: Resurrections (6.5/10)

Just a movie that really didn't need to be made. Was a bit fun, though. They tried to recapture the feel of the first movie, and somewhat succeeded. The self-references went on a little long, though.
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No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I think Harrison is gonna kill Dexter.
Or Dexter will sacrifice himself to save Harrison.

I don't see a whole lot of options. The fans and Michael Hall himself lobbied to kill off Dexter many times over the years.


Jun 3, 2011
i thought i reviewd it already but turns out i didn't.
I watched Bonfire Of The Vanities -

Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, Melanie Griffith, Kim Catarall, Morgan Freeman, aaaaand a whole bunch of other talented actors, in a Brian De Palma film.
The plot is "rich people are fake and hypocrites".
This film compares favourably to yesterday's Cotton Club, here too are multiple stories that however intertwine successfully, to create a narrative that is bigger than any of the single stories within.

Hank's character is a successfuly stockbroker, cheating on his wife with Melanie Griffith; and who wouldn't, because she's hot and dumb. So dumb in fact, that one night they are *assaulted* by *enthically diverse youths* and she runs one of them over with Hank's car.
A local Preacher (John Hackock) makes his money out of race baiting and painting himself as the saviour of the ghetto, and gets into cahoots with a local news team, made up of actually IRL Geraldo Riviera, and Bruce Willis to push the story of the hit & run for his profit. This is also profitable to the soon to be reelected major, who plans to dump a whole load of media attention on the local judge (Freeman) to secure a guilty verdict against a white man, to secure the black vote.

See, you cannot cut out any of these because the whole thread depends on it. With Cotton Club, you can cut out two of the stories, if not 3, and the main plot would still be untouched.

Anyway, pretty good preformances all around, nothing terribly memorable, but worth a watch.

My vote: 7.5/10 - one of the better De Palma out there.


May 19, 2011
The Matrix Resurrections (2021)

I'll start by stating where I stand on the first three movies:

Matrix 1: Good
Matrix 2: This is when the franchise starts to disappear up its own arse. A couple of good action scenes though.
Matrix 3: Crap action, crap plot, crap conclusion, and the Matrix Colonoscopy concluded, right down to the 'WE GET IT, YOU HAVE A LATEX FETISH!'.

I actually really enjoyed Matrix 4. It's definitely not going to be an iconic/remembered movie like the first, but I don't think it tries to be. I think it avoids being some kind of continuation of the trilogy and takes its own direction, and its own direction is sufficiently engaging. I enjoyed experiencing Neo and Trinity as older people (there was far more screen time to 'older Neo' though, understandable given the plot), and Neo's character development.

I think they came up with a reasonable enough bridge plot between the trilogy and this film.

I think a big problem with Matrix 2 and 3 is that they were trying to trump the first film, but the first film ends with Neo being basically Superman and that gives them very little to work with in terms of development. So the movies' tone was just as serious as the first (and asked to be taken as seriously) while coming up with techno-bullshit and nonsensical developments (e.g. the finale of Matrix 2 and the start of 3).

I'm not entirely sure whether I adjusted my expectations going in to lucky-guess / match the tone that this film strikes so therefore it worked well for me, but there are aspects about this film that are completely different to the trilogy.

One other thing I liked about this film was Niobe - again, an older person with her own take on the past and her own understandable feelings going forward to the present. An interesting character.

I also like what they did with Neil Patrick Harris's character.

Things that irritated me:

A cover of Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up at the end of the film. Nope, sorry, don't ever cover this song.
Somehow the strings part of the Bourne trilogy melody made it into this film, the kind of music that in Bourne they'd use as a build-up theme, Bourne doing something stealthily. It was weird turning up in this film as a build-up to the finale.
The guy who plays the Merovingian shows up in this film briefly. I have no idea what he was saying half the time, why he was there, it was just bizarre.
'Agent Smith' - I have a feeling there's going to be a Matrix 5 and 6, and Smith's involvement in this film wasn't fully explained IMO, and I am worried that if there's a 5 and 6, then another idiotic explanation like there were in 2 and 3 is going to turn up. I didn't like this character being there, I'm not sure if the plot would have suffered if he had been completely omitted. I'm hoping that they don't try to make another trilogy.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Ghostbusters is now available on Amazon. You have to pay for it, obviously.
I may or may not watch. Most reviewers say its just a nostalgia jerk off session and not much more. I am really tired of the nostalgia trend in movies.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
ok so fuck it, I broke down.
I watched it.
Kinda sucked.

I mean, they put in the effort to almost tell an original story. But Sony is a lot like Disney, they rely on nostalgia to get butts in theaters. And its too heavy with nostalgia. I wont post spoilers, but it really was just a feel good project for Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray. Everything else felt kinda secondary. Annie Potts and Sigourney Weaver were just shoehorned in to hammer home the idea this was all about the Good Old Days.
I think the franchise seriously needs to die. I'm sure plenty of people can come up with original ideas but no one will ever let them make a movie with original ideas.

3/10 cuz there were some OK scenes mixed in with the crap.

OH, and at the very VERY end of the flick was a deleted scene from the first film, and it was nice.
Reactions: DigDog


Platinum Member
Jun 24, 2004

i just realized that Don't Look Up is a metaphor for COVID ..

I've anecdotally found, in chatting with people, that this movie is "about" whatever people are offended by, whether it be covid, climate change, government ineptitude....then they go off on a rant.


Jun 2, 2000
"A Ghost Story" currently on Netflix until Jan 6th (US). I put this movie on my watchlist a while ago when I saw it on a Flick Connections recommendation video. When I noticed this was leaving soon I decided to watch it. It's a 90% silent movie. A young couple lives in a pretty ratty exurban house, she wants to move, he doesn't. He dies, turns into a ghost haunting the house. The movie flashes back and forth from the future to when the land was first settled and (mercifully) finally ends.

I'm sure this movie made some sense to someone, but it totally escaped me. It could have been easily edited down to 15-20 minutes without losing anything. My rating 2/10. Watching paint dry is more entertaining.


Jun 17, 2005
I've anecdotally found, in chatting with people, that this movie is "about" whatever people are offended by, whether it be covid, climate change, government ineptitude....then they go off on a rant.
That is a sign of a good storytelling. I hadn't intended on watching it watched it, as I'm kind of over political satire at the moment, but that statement put it on my radar.

ok so fuck it, I broke down.
I watched it.
Kinda sucked.
3/10 cuz there were some OK scenes mixed in with the crap.

I kind of liked it. It reminded me of the kids action films from the 80's. Think Explorers (1985), The Goonies, or even ET. Instead of just rebooting the franchise, like Ghostbusters (2016) was trying to do, it took the show to a whole new genre.
It brought the nostalgia to please the old audience, but managed to shoe in a decent kids action flick between the obligatory cameos.
So, given that my rating is
Ghostbusters: Afterlife - 6/10 - It is a fun kids adventure flick held down by being branded Ghostbusters. Tell basically the same story but without all the build up to the cameos and it would have been a modern day Goonies.
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