Nuatural hunger supressant?


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2006
Im hungry, always have been. I feel like I have to eat all the time and do so whenever I can. Its gotten to be a problem at work and its also very expensive. Is there something I can do about it?

Like right now, I get home from work and do a little web surfing eat 6-8 burritos while munching on a pound of licorice. Deciding that the licorice is bad for me I go and eat about 2 pounds of granola. Then finish off the licorice. Drank about half a gallon of water and Im still hungry typing this.

At work I was having problems making it until lunchtime, Id feel like someone beat me in the stomach with a baseball bat and would get shaky and eventually lightheaded and weak (and a massive migrain once I recover). At that point I flat out have to eat and have literally eaten the sleve of my shirt (only once) if nothing else is available. So recently Ive been running out across the street and buying 10 doublestacks and some frostys at wendeys on my breaktime and choking down a burger or two and a frosty as fast as I can (only 15 minutes to get there get the order and get back) and try to steal a bite every chance I get untill lunchtime. Unfotunately the "supervisor" on my shift is a stuck up asshole with an extremely bad attitude and refuses to let me eat earlier than lunch and has threatened to fire me. I tried getting the boss to OK switching my break and lunch and/or allow me to eat but he pretty much waves it off and lets this other guy decide. I know wendeys is really bad food (and a taste to match, blech!) and its fairly expensive (I really need to stay under 3$ a pound/gallon)...Ive tried bringing my own food but thats been hard to deal with. Needs cooking/refridgeration, leaves to much mess, or to hard to eat (like trying to stuff a handfull of cereal in your I have filthy hands from work). Its hard trying to find a healthier quick easy cheap food.

I think I need to find something to help make me feel full. Is there something that can help reduce my need to eat, something natural? The junk food is bad enough I do not want anything synthetic. I really do try to eat healthy and it is important to me, I dont like the junkfood but right now its the better option Ive tried. I have tried going with loaves of all natural whole wheat bread, but that was just way to much carbs and did bad things. I tried adding a pack of lunchmeat, but whatever additives they use really made me sick (Ive tried a few kinds, all the same. I really try not to eat pork if at all possible, so no ham) I tried filling my water container with juice or other liquids, but Ill just chug that in five minutes and not feel any better...and its not really healthy either (most drinks are sugar water, even "100% juice") so thats out. I tried a blended meat drink, but that was a mess and to hard to "eat" and quite disgusting. Jerky was a bit hard for my teeth (they arent very good) and was way to expensive. So just figuring out how to get fuller will help me out allot so I dont need to eat as much of whatever.


Apr 29, 2001
I really do try to eat healthy and it is important to me.

No you don't. Your diet is the furthest possible thing that I can imagine from "healthy".

What's your height/weight? Do you even give a shit about your body? Eating 10 double stacks in a month is fucking disgusting, let alone in a day. I don't apologize for being rude, you're probably gonna get some decent advice in this thread and you aint gonna listen to it one bit unless you actually give a shit.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2004
I just go hungry most of the time; what's wrong with that? Also if you run a lot it helps; I usually can't eat for the rest of the day after a long run.


Nov 9, 2000
Wow. Even when I was pushing 300 myself I didn't eat like that. How much do you weigh? How tall are you? Do you do any kind of healthy exercise at all?


Senior member
Feb 25, 2010
If this is an accurate description, including literally eating the sleeve of your shirt out of hunger, it sounds like you need psychological/psychiatric help. That's not a criticism. If you need help, go get it and don't feel badly about it.

That's not normal hunger, and given the sleeve, I don't think exercising willpower or using dietary tricks is going to help you.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Ok since no one has said it yet, read the fat loss sticky.

Cut out all sugar (especially soda) and fast food and junk food. Sugar doesn't nourish you, it in fact contributes to hunger.

If you're exceedingly hungry, do what people in 3rd world countries do: drink more water. Be glad it isn't diseased. It will make you feel full. This works.

I find grapefruit is a good appetite suppressant, I eat 2 a day. Also, eat meals with a ton of green veggies like broccoli, take your time chewing them and only swallow when they are liquid. Because this takes over 10 minutes to eat a meal, the fiber fills you up, and even a small meal will satisfy you.

Also mint tricks your brain into thinking it's full, but you're not really putting anything in your body by brushing your teeth, so this is more psychological.

Get off all processed food and sugars, they are the devil and are keeping you addicted to chemical garbage. It is a psychological response to unnatural physical imbalance. Eat natural foods, organic preferably and lots of greens.

You may also need something to help brain chemicals like serotonin. 5-HTP can be a good way to help with anxiety or depression issues, but best to get it recommended by a shrink first.
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Jul 2, 2009
I used to have pretty significant snacking issues, but I have corrected them surprisingly well. First of all, if you're ever hungry, just drink water. Another thing I've done is to stop buying junk food. I find that it's pretty hard to eat junk food if there's none in the house. And finally, I usually do buy one smallish bag of salty snacks per week, but NEVER TAKE THE BAG OUT OF THE PANTRY. Go in, grab a handful, and walk out. If I take the bag, I often found myself eating half the bag without hardly realizing it.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
Protein generally tends to make people feel full/satiated, and snacks/meals lacking protein are often the ones that leave people still feeling hungry after eating.

Completely toss out the licorice. There's really nothing to be gained from eating it--it won't affect your appetite, the sugar spikes your blood glucose causing an eventual crash, and it's WAY too easy to just eat and eat and eat. Also avoid the doublestacks; if you're going to get anything from Wendy's, get grilled chicken without mayonnaise or any of the fatty sauces. Those burritos COULD be good if they're lean meat/chicken and beans without huge gobs of quacamole, cheese, and sour cream thrown in. As an aside, beans are a great food for helping you feel full. And unless you're trying to actively gain weight, dump the granola.

Also, when trying to eat healthier and/or lose weight, you're generally not supposed to eat while doing something else (e.g., watching TV, using the computer). You're also supposed to eat slowly, as it takes some time for your stomach to essentially tell your brain that it's full.

Caffeine is a natural appetite suppressant I believe, but you don't want to drink too much of it and start suffering from caffeine intoxication. Water, as others have mentioned, is also a great way to keep your mouth occupied between meals--it's possible that one of the reasons you're always so hungry is that you don't get enough water throughout the day. Sounds like you include it, though, so keep that up.

You can include moderate amounts of fruits throughout the day as well, and pretty much any amount of vegetables that you'd like (for me, carrots are generally the best at curbing hunger). Dab on a LITTLE peanut butter to add protein and increase the "substantialness" of the snack.

Beyond that, if you're used to eating huge amounts of food, it'll take time for your body to adjust to getting less food. So long as you're eating HEALTHY snacks/small meals every 3-ish hours, your appetite should generally be small or nil. Unless you go completely without food for weeks at a time, you're generally not in danger of starving to death.

However, if you get light-headed after not eating for only 3-4 hours, you should get checked out by a doctor. Could be something like hypoglycemia.
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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
This sounds too ridiculous to be a real post, but just in case it is:

Start by seeing a doctor. If your hunger levels are as ridiculous as you make them sound, you might have something actually wrong with you. Go get it checked out by a professional. If you don't have a medical condition causing these hunger issues, the next step is to read the fat loss sticky fat loss sticky.

The junk food you are eating is likely screwing up your hunger and energy levels. You need to stop eating the highly processed "food products" and focus your diet on whole/natural/unprocessed foods. There are different ways to accomplish this, with the most practical being the approach recommended in Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food". The book is well worth a read and the advice consists of a bunch of rules of thumb that are easy to follow: avoid food that comes in a box/package/can, avoid foods with more than 3-4 ingredients (real bread: ok, wonder bread: not ok), avoid anything your grandparents wouldn't recognize as food (yogurt: ok, go-gurt: not ok), and so on.
Mar 22, 2002
There is a solution here. You can use every trick in the book to elicit satiation signals - lots of leafy greens, fibrous veggies, fruits, some nuts and seeds, etc. You can eat things like celery, cucumbers, and carrots literally ALL day and you won't be taking in many calories. They also contain a TON of fiber and will trigger your satiation response better. For breakfast once, you should eat three eggs, one cup of oatmeal, a banana, and some almonds. Although it's a fairly light meal calorie-wise (especially to what you're pounding back), it is really filling. The fat and protein from the eggs and almonds, the fiber in the oatmeal and banana - they make a huge difference compared to licorice and granola. Granola is extremely calorie dense and is very easy to eat while licorice is pure sugar and doesn't elicit much of a satiation response. Everything you're eating has insane amounts of sugar, near to no fiber, and not enough protein and healthy fats.


Mar 19, 2010
i often use snack when i feel starvation.this thing often help to reduced the BP problem.Snacks can be used with tea in the evening.


Jun 16, 2000
There's no way that's accurate unless you have some serious issues.

So either :awe: at the joke, or go see a doctor if it somehow IS true.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2006
No you don't. Your diet is the furthest possible thing that I can imagine from "healthy".

What's your height/weight? Do you even give a shit about your body? Eating 10 double stacks in a month is fucking disgusting, let alone in a day. I don't apologize for being rude, you're probably gonna get some decent advice in this thread and you aint gonna listen to it one bit unless you actually give a shit.

About 6' and 200lbs. And I actually always have eaten healthy...I do my best to get real all natural foods (since there arent any laws for it they can put whatever they want in there, check the ingredients) Ive always tried to avoid stuff like high fructose corn syrup (I found studies that showed it blocked the feeling of fullness) and hydrogenated oils (I knew it was bad the day it came out, its man made) Ive never eaten margarin, actually rarely eat butter either. I dont add salt to my foods and despite what it sounds like I usually avoid sugar as well, its only recently thats changed but Im working on fixing that.

Not being able to eat at work when I need to is making things hard. I need to eat and the only "good" option Ive figured out so far is wendeys (even though its a bad option). I can get it quick and can usually eat it without anyone noticing (He only bother me if he actually sees me eating outside of Ive only been caught a few times). I know its terrible, but I havnt figured out a better solution yet and thats why I thought Id ask. I figured there might be something out there that makes me more full too, so I figured Id see what you guys had to say. Not sure why I asked here, just for the heck of it I guess.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2006
Wow. Even when I was pushing 300 myself I didn't eat like that. How much do you weigh? How tall are you? Do you do any kind of healthy exercise at all?

Again, Im about 6' and 200lbs. I dont run anymore (I used to do a 7min mile...not great but I dont think its bad either, now Id probably be like 8min) but I run a pair of lasers and another pair of steel processors. Im standing 80% of the time and probably walking 50% of my shift. Lifting/twisting/turning 50-80 lbs to load the lasers, and I have to push around larger bundles of 350-500 pounds untill I can get them to where I can unpack them into the smaller peices.
Mar 22, 2002
About 6' and 200lbs. And I actually always have eaten healthy...I do my best to get real all natural foods (since there arent any laws for it they can put whatever they want in there, check the ingredients) Ive always tried to avoid stuff like high fructose corn syrup (I found studies that showed it blocked the feeling of fullness) and hydrogenated oils (I knew it was bad the day it came out, its man made) Ive never eaten margarin, actually rarely eat butter either. I dont add salt to my foods and despite what it sounds like I usually avoid sugar as well, its only recently thats changed but Im working on fixing that.

Not being able to eat at work when I need to is making things hard. I need to eat and the only "good" option Ive figured out so far is wendeys (even though its a bad option). I can get it quick and can usually eat it without anyone noticing (He only bother me if he actually sees me eating outside of Ive only been caught a few times). I know its terrible, but I havnt figured out a better solution yet and thats why I thought Id ask. I figured there might be something out there that makes me more full too, so I figured Id see what you guys had to say. Not sure why I asked here, just for the heck of it I guess.

High-fructose corn syrup and sugar are just as bad. They'll destroy your body worse than saturated fats, hydrogenated oils, etc. You eat a shit ton of it. Go to a farmer's market. Go to a butcher. Buy food. Don't eat anything other than that. You don't eat healthy. You might think you do, but you need to realize that you don't. Read the fat loss sticky about what foods to eat and then apply that if you're actually serious.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2006
If this is an accurate description, including literally eating the sleeve of your shirt out of hunger, it sounds like you need psychological/psychiatric help. That's not a criticism. If you need help, go get it and don't feel badly about it.

That's not normal hunger, and given the sleeve, I don't think exercising willpower or using dietary tricks is going to help you.

Yeah the sleeve thing happened before my current job, when I tried to just ignore the hunger. After a few hours I got so weak, shaky, and lightheaded I was going to pass out. So I ate what I had which was pretty much my sleeve and was able to make it to some real food.

As far as seeing some "doctor" about it...thanks for the advice, but not going to happen. Unless its life or death Im done with doctors.


Jun 16, 2000
Come on, he says he eats 10 Wendy's double stacks (at 360 calories/burger) and mulitple frosties (410 for a medium chocolate). That equates to over 4,000 calories, as a snack, before lunch.

The more you think about what he's saying, the more you know he's just making it up.
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