After a decade or more of generally pretty comparable IQ between cards where we could just compare performance in FPS, we're going hard into territory where FPS numbers on their own are becoming meaningless again.Hell not even 1080p and DLSS helping for the lack of Vram
Sure you can get decent framerates at 1080p Ultra with a neutered bus and not enough VRAM. Just don't bother loading the textures! Want even more frames? Just interpolate them.
It's going to be a nightmare to benchmark going forward and low effort reviews will screw it up constantly. You can't just fix settings for different runs because you need to check for IQ differences with the same setting not only between the different vendors like you did in the 9800 Pro and FX days, but between cards within the same lineup. Then you have to figure out for to report on stuff like DLSS3, where 100 FPS with DLSS3 on might be better than 60 with it off, but it's certainly not as good as another card that gets 100 without Frame Gen.