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Apr 23, 2000
btw, is it worth an extra $150 for the 256MB version of the 9800 PRO?

Nope,I would rather spend the extra on games(what`s the point in having a 9800 Pro with no new games) or save the $150 towards my next new video card down the road,I`m sure you can find other things to spend the $150 on .


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
Alot of people here have differences of opinions on which card is better than another, which has better IQ. It doesnt matter how much/how well you argue you points, the person your argueing with wont have his/her mind changed.
Nothing is everything to everyone.
What one person considers great drivers, another considers crap. Thats just how things work.
This has turned from a simple debate to a fully blown war of words and insult matches between AT Forum Members. Lets not let the replys boil down any further to a point where it ceases to be a debate.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2001
Originally posted by: LordOfTheBlings
my goodness, who has the patience to read all this stuff? cliff notes people, cliff notes

btw, is it worth an extra $150 for the 256MB version of the 9800 PRO? i'm really struggling with this decision...

basically rollo is defending his fx5800 as if his life depended on it. he doesnt want to accept other truths.


Jan 11, 2002
basically rollo is defending his fx5800 as if his life depended on it. he doesnt want to accept other truths
LOL, the day my life depends on a $300 VGA, I'll end it myself. As I've said before, I work for a living, I can afford any VGA made. Make your silly assumptions about someone you might have half a clue about.


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Rollo
LOL, the day my life depends on a $300 VGA, I'll end it myself. As I've said before, I work for a living, I can afford any VGA made. Make your silly assumptions about someone you might have half a clue about.
Thats odd. You said that you upgraded from a GF2 pro, to a VIVO, to a GF3, to a 8500, to a GF4, to a 9700, to a 5800. And you then said that if the 5800 had crap IQ, then you would be buying a 5900 or 9800 now. Now you spend all that money on gettting new video cards, if half the ones your buying dont offer a substantial speed increase over the one you did have. Its a waste, pure and simple. You could have spent the money more productivly. But its your money, waste it how you will. To be honest, im suprised you havnt got a 9800/5900 yet!


Aug 14, 2000
In answer to your question, no I'd never assume because they put a capacitor too near the slot the wiring of the slot was wrong as well, why would I?
If the vendor has openly avoided the AGP spec then you can't ever assume that the motherboard is not the cause of the problems.

Besides, it worked great with my nVidia and 3dfx based cards.
250W power supplies work fine with old nVidia and 3dfx cards. R300s don't, therefore the card must be at fault.

Hmmm, lucky you. Others don't necessarily share your charmed life though:
Lucky you, others [using nVidia cards] don't necessarily share your charmed life. Should I post a link to nvnews?

No, I've never seen 100s of posts about people with GeForce cards having gray bars rolling across their screen like I have for the ATI 9X00 series.
And I've never seen 100s of posts complaining about ATi cards having fuzzy or ghosted text.

I think there's a "little" difference between 11X8X32, highest detail levels, quality 4XAF that I run UT2003 at and 320X240, but if you don't, good for you.
The point is that your settings aren't enough to tax either card enough to show a difference.

LOL, I would have run the 9700 at higher settings if it was powerful enough to do so.
I see, so what you're saying is when you run at your current settings the cards are equal but when you raise them both cards are still equal because neither can run at anything higher?

So what you're saying is that the 9700 Pro is the same speed as the 5800?

Of course, the fuzzy banding introduced by your "Performance" settings wasn't an option.
"Fuzzy banding", yet 16x AF looks better and and runs faster than the 5800. You have very interesting logic there:

A is better than B.
I don't like A.
Therefore I'll use B.

If I was Spock I'd be bleeding green blood right about now.

I'll put it this way, the guy I sold the 9700Pro to hasn't even installed it, and has told me I could have it back if I like.
What does that prove other than the fact that he's clueless at the subject at hand?

Grandma doesn't notice a difference between a GF2 MX and a 9700 Pro.
Therefore there's no difference.

It's not in my box, because there isn't enough difference to make the change worth my time.
Again what does that prove other than the fact that you know absolutely about the card at hand?

Here we go again, for some reason you think the settings you run are the only "real" settings.
Yes, here we go again, first using ridiculous settings to "prove" a point and then complaining when it's explained that the settings can't be used to prove a point.

It's like saying that there's no difference in performance between a Mini and a Porsche and when it's pointed out that it's because you only ever drive 5 metres to your letterbox and back, you start complaining that other people shouldn't be telling you how to use your car.

You don't want others to tell you what to do? Fine. Then don't use utterly ridiculous and moronic examples to support your claims. If you don't use GPU limited settings then the differences in the cards aren't gonna be visible, but that doesn't mean that there's no difference between the cards. Everyone else can see such a simple fact so why can't you?

Most people would say 4XAA 8XAF is a "real" setting, it's what all the reviewers use.
Reviewers also use 1024 x 768 x 32 with 0x A and 0x AF. Yep, we'd better take out that 5800 and stick in a GF4 Ti4200 because according to you there's no difference between the cards. They're "real" settings because reviewers use them, right?

I've posted lots of links to benchmarks that show a 5800 at Ultra speeds is in the same league as a 9700 Pro.
Sure, at settings that should never be used to compare video cards. If such settings are used to show "equality" then one can only assume that the person making the comparison has a flawed sense of judgment and doesn't understand even the most basic issues at hand.

EDIT: Goddamned non-standard quote tags. :|


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
Ive gotta agree with BFG10K here im afraid.

When the 5800Ultra was released, it was 10% slower than the 9700pro. Then nvidia released their "cheat drivers", and it was 5% faster, now with the latest drivers, the 5800Ultra is again, 10% slower than the 9700pro. The only way a 5800Ultra could beat the 9700pro was by cheating on the results. Same with Splinter Cell. Everyone thought it was amazing that it could get such good AA results in SC, but then they realised that AA was automatically disabled by nvidia for SC. Now obviously that was a good call to disable AA for SC, but it would have been nice for them to tell us wouldnt it?

Dont get me wrong, ive nothing against nvidia, and both cards are more than capable in todays and tomorrows games, but you are deluding yourself and making yourslef look like a knoledgeless fool if you still think and belive that the 5800Ultra is faster in any way, than the 9700pro.


Jan 11, 2002
To be honest, im suprised you havnt got a 9800/5900 yet!
I didn't buy a 9800, because I was bored with my 9700Pro already and didn't see much difference. (although I'm thinking of buying one now and running it at 11X8X32, 4X Quality AF just to annoy BFG )

I didn't buy a 5800 Ultra because of the noisey FlowFX, and all the reviews I saw that said the non-Ultras clock to Ultra speeds. (which they seem to)

I didn't buy a 5900Ultra because they weren't out, and it was starting to look like they would be a ripoff compared to R9800. (which turned out ot be the case)

I didn't buy the 5900 reg, but in retrospect would have. I thought these would be coming out later than they did, and was unsure of the clock speed.

So here I sit with my 2 week old 5800, which nVidia has basically disavowed knowledge of on their website. It's not a "bad" card, about the same as a 9700nonpro. If I OC it, it's about as fast as a 9700Pro. The AF/AA aren't as fast as ATI at the high levels, but I never used the high levels anyway for online.

I'm inclined to sit tight till Doom3 comes out, as there are no games I can't run at some setting that's satisfactory to me, but you never know...


Jan 11, 2002
but you are deluding yourself and making yourslef look like a knoledgeless fool if you still think and belive that the 5800Ultra is faster in any way, than the 9700pro.
A knowledgeless fool BoomAM? That hurts.

What about all this?

Faster at all 3 Doom3 here at Anand

Faster at 2/3 again

I can't tell the difference between 118/117 and 83/80, can you?

It's faster at JK in 2/3 also, did Anand lie?????

I can't tell the difference in 50/48, 39/37, and 27/26 either

I guess it could be you just don't trust Anand, even though he runs a great site. Let's look elsewhere to see if I'm a "knowledgeless fool" or if other reviewers agree with me!

I like Firing Squad. They use custom demos and not the usual stuff.

At Nascar, the Ultra is slower at the two lower settings, faster at two higher, but close in all

I'll concede IL2-Sturmovik, but don't think the 53/47, 44/37 at the two "usable" resolutions would make much difference

Faster at 2, about the same at 2 for Serious Sam

Beat at Q3, but I think I've shown that the FX Ultra can be faster than a 9700Pro in some ways!

Hmmm, still faster or the same at UT2003, what the heck!?!?!

So I think we've seen the 5800 Ultra is indeed faster at some benchmarks than a 9700 Pro, or that Firing Squad and Anand are knowledgeless fools as well. I can post more reviews if you like?



Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
You go post more reviews.
Taking in mind that 90% of those reviews are using the "cheat drivers", and that nvidia selected the doom3 demo to use, to put nvidia in good light. And the fact that doom3 hasnt been finished yet, renders the doom3 performance irrelevent at the moment. SS/SS2 has allways ran better on nvidia cards, but if you look at tit closely, the 9700pro kicks the 5800ultras ass at high res. Q3 doesnt matter no more, when you are gettting framerates over 200fps, it doesnt really matter.
I dont deny that the 5800ultra is a fast card, but youve got to get it into your head that without the "cheat drivers", and with the card running at compariable image quality settings to the ATI cards, then the 9700pro is faster.
Youve even admitted yourself that the 5800 OCed to ultra levels has worse performance that your 9700pro.


Jan 11, 2002
The "Cheat" drivers? Which ones are those Boom? Do you have some links to proof of the cheating?


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
I can provide hundreds of links. Im suprised you even asked.
Am afraid we`re going to have to agree to disagree here.
You belive that the 5800Ultra is faster. And ave provided links to "prove" it.
I belive that the 9700pro is faster. And can provide links also.
But if i was to be truely honest, Then i wouldnt really give a sh1t. The 9700pro is the best card ive ever used. And thats all the matters, that its fast enough for me.


Jan 11, 2002
250W power supplies work fine with old nVidia and 3dfx cards. R300s don't, therefore the card must be at fault
There you go, switching the goalposts again BFG. My Epox 8KHA+ worked fine with the GF3 and GF4, but not with the R8500. These are directly comparable products from the same time in history. Your obviously flawed example compares cards produced years apart, and as we all know, this kind of technology changes too fast for that to work.

If the vendor has openly avoided the AGP spec then you can't ever assume that the motherboard is not the cause of the problems.
Please. The 8KHA+ is one of the more respected KT266A boards. Besides which, the FACT that the GF3 and GF4 ran perfectly on it with all other hardware the same, clean install for the 8500, multiple drivers/bioses for 8500 and 8KHA+ tried kind of points to the problem being the 8500?

I see, so what you're saying is when you run at your current settings the cards are equal but when you raise them both cards are still equal because neither can run at anything higher?
Now you're getting it- like I said, I would've gladly run the 9700 at 6X/16X if it could have run well at those settings.

Fuzzy banding", yet 16x AF looks better and and runs faster than the 5800
Well, Anand agrees with me even if you don't:
Our host speaks about AF
The tables have turned and now it's ATI's turn to play catch-up and make their performance mode look better.

What does that prove other than the fact that he's clueless at the subject at hand
Sorry BFG. He's been too busy writing software for his business to game, so he doesn't care if he has a 9700Pro. (maybe someday if he runs out of clients he'll be able to focus more on which VGA is best???) I was only trying to prove that I had the choice of having the 9700Pro and $115 or the 5800, and I kept the 5800. If I was really hurting using the 5800, I'd probably have taken the 9700 back?

If such settings are used to show "equality" then one can only assume that the person making the comparison has a flawed sense of judgment and doesn't understand even the most basic issues at hand
Well BFG, the fact of the matter is that the benchmarks the 5800Ultra and 9700Pro are equal at, they are above all other cards except the 5900 and 9800. So you could say at those settings the cards are equal, and if those settings are satisfactory to you, the cards would be about equal. Believe it or not, not everyone on the planet shares your idea that the only relevant settings for a VGA are with everything maxed. Some of us care about smooth animation and resolution too.



Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
The 9700pro can runs games 6xFSAA & 16xAF. Just not in all games. Just like the 5800ultra, it has the ability to run at high AA/AF settings, but only in a few games and resolutions.


Jan 11, 2002
I can provide hundreds of links. Im suprised you even asked.
Could you provide a couple, other than 3dmark (they said nVidia isn't cheating)?

You belive that the 5800Ultra is faster
No, I don't. I believe it's faster in some situations/games, slower in others.

And ave provided links to "prove" it.
I provided links to disprove your statement that it's NEVER faster.

I belive that the 9700pro is faster.
So do I, and I've had both.

The 9700pro is the best card ive ever used.
I could say the same, and would. The 5800 is a pretty good card, but the 9700Pro is a better card because it does everything the 5800 Ultra does, and offers some much better performance at some AA/AF settings. (like the ones BFG uses)



Golden Member
Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Rollo
The 9700pro is the best card ive ever used.
I could say the same, and would. The 5800 is a pretty good card, but the 9700Pro is a better card because it does everything the 5800 Ultra does, and offers some much better performance at some AA/AF settings. (like the ones BFG uses)

Wait a minute?!! Who are you and what did you do to Rollo???


Jan 11, 2002
Wait a minute?!! Who are you and what did you do to Rollo???
I've never said the 9700Pro doesn't kick ass, it was the best card I've ever owned.
All I've tried to do in these threads is say the 5800 doesn't suxors, which has pretty much been an uphill battle. nVidia themselves haven't helped by yanking it off their website. I'm annoyed with them enough for that to buy a 9800 and start pimping that.
Anyway you cut it, the 5800 is currently the 4th best VGA you can buy, and not that far off the 9700s. nVidia yanks it off their site and leaves things they SHOULD be ashamed of, like the MX series, on it.
Ticks me off. Anyway, I ordered a Zalman FB-165 fan to point at the thing. If I decide to keep it and not go all postal on nVidia, it should help keep it cooler with my OCing antics. I haven't noticed any problems so far, but I don't want to damage the thing.


Dec 2, 1999
Rollo, Dont take me wrong, and this is not a flame in any way, but your 9700 to 5800 journey has been perplexing at best. People have had a hard time understanding the whole thing.

You seen marginally happy with the 5800 and seem to like the 9700 a bit better. You stated earlier that you could get your 9700 back and put $175 back in your pocket. If you are not all that crazy about the 5800, why dont you do that? Why pay an extra $175 for a card you dont like as much?



Jan 12, 2003
Originally posted by: oldfart
Rollo, Dont take me wrong, and this is not a flame in any way, but your 9700 to 5800 journey has been perplexing at best. People have had a hard time understanding the whole thing. You seen marginally happy with the 5800 and seem to like the 9700 a bit better. You stated earlier that you could get your 9700 back and put $175 back in your pocket. If you are not all that crazy about the 5800, why dont you do that? Why pay an extra $175 for a card you dont like as much?

because he is a dumb ass


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Rollo, not to beat the ghost of a dead horse, but Anand's AF "analysis" that you linked to is weak. He makes a note of nV's "extra filtering" between MIP-map bands, but doesn't point out the obvious, that ATi's P is much better than nV's HP, and that ATi can offer 16x AF at both P and Q.


Senior member
Jul 6, 2003
I don't know Cesar.

Lay off the guy, while there may be some backpedelling going on there, he's obviously not stupid. The 5800 is a very unpopular card, so its not surprising to see people having such strong reaction when somebody sticks up for it a little bit.

Even if Rollo's arguments miss some points and aren't entirely self-consistent, he in no way deserves your level of disdain. He's not a dumbass. He's at least reasonably articulate, fairly well read on the subject, and his posts are pretty intelligible (more so than your own, I'd say).

So, yeah, this seems to be a pretty chill forum in general. Go with that, and ease up on the guy a little, please.


Jan 11, 2002
You stated earlier that you could get your 9700 back and put $175 back in your pocket. If you are not all that crazy about the 5800, why dont you do that?
Wanted to try something new Old Fart, the 9700Pro had become too familiar. If I replace this anytime soon it will be with a 9800Pro or FX non Ultra, which I consider the sweet spots in the market now.



Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
No they aren't. From my personal and extensive experience I'd class the current Catalyst 3.5s to be at least as good as as the best nVidia drivers I've used.

Try playing Warcraft 3 using Cat 3.5, everything set to "Performance" (in contrast to "Quality"). I'm getting quite alot of artifacts and it's really annoying.
Oh btw I have 9800Pro fresh installed.

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