nVidia : Annoucement Monday morning, 9am PST

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Jan 12, 2005
I couldn't agree more.

I don't see what welsh was trying to gain by trying to remove these posts from the forum.

The conversation of:

Nvidia sucks and is doing everything wrong

vs counter point

Well, their financials are kicking ass so they must be doing something right, maybe not technically, but operationally.

...Is perfectly valid...not to mention it was a well formulated and well written argument.

And completely off topic for this thread.


Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2009
And completely off topic for this thread.

In all seriousness though, I'm not sure how constant "NVIDIA IS DEAD" or "NVIDIA IS BANKRPUT!" is not off topic, however someone giving us information on the financial situation of both companies is
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Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
That didnt happen after the NV30 did it? This should perform better than NV30 did against the R300.

Before NV30 launched, everyone, including Anandtech journalists thought that the NV30 would be faster than the R300.

Brand names are extremely powerful, and from a business perspective, are more of a factor in how good your sales are than the products themselves.

Nvidia has a really strong brand name. Because of that they can get away with all kinds of things such as offering products that are slower for the same price or products that are just as fast but more expensive than ATI's. They can also just not release anything new for a while and people will still buy their stuff over newer technology from a lesser known company. People recognize the name Nvidia and Geforce more than ATI and Radeon.

An example of this is Intel. They had nothing but their own brand name going for them during Pentium 4 and Pentium D era. There was an 3 year period where AMD was better than Intel at virtually everything in every price bracket and they still kicked AMD around in sales.

That said, brand names are only something you can rely on for so long. It is only a matter of time until people begin to recognize and realize that AMD makes products that are just as good and reliable as their competitors' products. Once that happens, the only thing that will determine sales and market share is product performance and pricing.
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Oct 21, 2004
And completely off topic for this thread.

I disagree with that, but that's all fine, cause I understand the basis of your argument (it's a technical forum not a financial forum.)

what I don't understand is...what's your angle ? What are you trying to prove/gain by relegating a well thought out and only slightly off topic argument as not belonging here...and that being only if you take the most hard line approach to the AT forums.

What's the end game here? Cause you just seemed overly defensive...

I think there were some "lukewarm" deals posted to the "Hot Deals" forum that probably need to be told they're OT. Can you handle that?


Apr 8, 2002
Before NV30 launched, everyone, including Anandtech journalists thought that the NV30 would be faster than the R300.

Brand names are extremely powerful, and from a business perspective, are more of a factor in how good your sales are than the products themselves.

Nvidia has a really strong brand name. Because of that they can get away with all kinds of things such as offering products that are slower for the same price or products that are just as fast but more expensive than ATI's. They can also just not release anything new for a while and people will still buy their stuff over newer technology from a lesser known company. People recognize the name Nvidia and Geforce more than ATI and Radeon.

An example of this is Intel. They had nothing but their own brand name going for them during Pentium 4 and Pentium D era. There was an 3 year period where AMD was better than Intel at virtually everything in every price bracket and they still kicked AMD around in sales.

That said, brand names are only something you can rely on for so long. It is only a matter of time until people begin to recognize and realize that AMD makes products that are just as good and reliable as their competitors' products. Once that happens, the only thing that will determine sales and market share is product performance and pricing.

Right except I dont see that happening. Meaning I dont see Nvidia mucking this up as bad as NV30. So my point is Nvidia survived NV30 and thrived. I could see them doing the same with a part that is under the same circumstances but actually performs better against its competition that NV30 did against the R300.

I really dont think ATI has much to worry about long term. Honestly, once the integrated products start hitting the channel the demise of discrete products will continue at a faster pace. Nvidia knows this which is why they are investing heavily into HPC and mobile markets. I'd say we have a better shot of no real high end discrete graphics in 10 years than Nvidia going the way of the dino's.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2002
They doubled their revenue this year in the quarter that just ended a couple of weeks ago and improved their profit/loss by over a quarter of a billion dollars. Their gross margins have also increased by 15%.

Clarifying: The quarter they just reported and financial year ended September 30, 2009. The fiscal quarter that includes holiday sales will not be reported till around May 2010.

If this thread is about Fermi's effect on nVidia's bottom line, the above results do not include that.
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Platinum Member
Oct 11, 1999
I think that would certainly be the case if ATi were to handle their marketting and B2B relations as well as nVidia.

Ben you hit the nail on the head! Hate nVidia or not you have to admit their marketing is top notch. I will never forget how they killed 3DFX with the whole 16/32 bit color fiasco.... that was the beginning of the end for 3DFX and it was 80% marketing 20% consumer driven.


May 22, 2007
Originally Posted by bryanW1995
good points. I would go one step further and state that nvidia is today reaping rewards for their years and years of sustained market dominance. They can continue to rest on their laurels or they can innovate; it appears that they have chosen to innovate but are having a difficult time with it. I believe that another couple quarters of fermi hell will cause nvidia problems, not only this year but for years to come because their mindshare loss will begin to accelerate.

That didnt happen after the NV30 did it? This should perform better than NV30 did against the R300.

no doubt. I meant that IF nvidia has another couple of bad quarters they will start having problems, not WHEN that happens.


Feb 14, 2010
lets state the truth here a companies financials are based on the past 12 to 18 months prior to the last financial year ending ,so most companies finanical statments are a long way off yet for this point in time ,so what we are seeing is for months ago not now ,and now dictates the future ,and even though we are talking about a company that makes cpu,s for videocards the fact remains that the money share holders invest with that company is a major contributer to the future development of product for that company
now please dont get me wrong i use nvidia videocards in my computer however this style of managment isnt good for any company in the long term and it will how in reports in the coming future ,i am sorry but info now i see coming i will treat as crap, because that is what we have been given,when i said ati have pefected it i ment got it out there for you to buy and you are buying it where as nvidia hasent ,hell you cant even get gtx275 where i am,
so nvidia dont even seem to be pushing there poducts at all ,now if i was a share holder i would be worried ,yes they might be operating in other areas as well but all it takes it for 1 area to fail and the rest fall down ,then once more i would have to ask myself if i was a share holder does all the managment of this company work in the same manner,i would be worried


Senior member
Jul 23, 2007
drivers are still fubarded for the 5970.

i was gonna go that route, as its the only real upgrade from my HD4870X2's.

But i heard its a safer approach to get 2 hd5870's and bask in the sunlight of whats called eyefinity. :hmm:

The current driver version seems to have done the trick for me with my 5870 issues. Even so the issues I had were more so annoyances and little items that I knew would be fixed in time. I have personally had much better luck with ATI drivers versus nVidia drivers.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
You give the impression that you are slightly confused, I'll explain it out a bit more.

ATi and nVidia sell graphics chips. When they sell these chips, they do so to make money. They do not sell canned hams, they don't sell toaster ovens, they sell graphics chips. In order for them to make money, they need to sell graphics chips. The way they sell those graphics chips is to end users. When a whole lot of end users by one type of graphics chip over another, it shows up in the financial reports. When a whole lot of users by one chip over another for a very long time, it means there is less money for the smaller party to continue to develop graphics chips. When there isn't enough money to develop graphics chips any more, most companies stop making new graphics chips. That means less competition. For end users, less competition is almost always a bad thing because our end price increases no matter if you bought from company A or company N.

The technology we see today was based on the sales of graphics chips over the last several years. The graphics chips that are selling today are generating money to make new graphics chips we will see in the years to come. At the end of the day, all parties involved in this industry are for profit companies, so their financial status has an explicitly direct correlation to their long term viability in a given market segment.

Simplified, if ATi can't make any money being the technology leader while nV makes truck loads lagging behind, what do you think the powers that be are going to decide to do?

Agree with everything you say. Just not sure it belongs in this particular thread. The finances of ATI and nVidia do dictate how much they can afford to reasonably spend on R&D which will affect future products.

I do feel part of why nVidia is doing so well has been their dominance over the last few years and that has carried over with sales from those who are not as well informed as most Anandtech readers and accustomed to buying nVidia as well as OEM contracts. I think the real litmus test on whether ATI can reasonably get back some market share is if nVidia further screws up the Fermi launch.

Keep in mind it took a couple of years of ATI screwing up to get to where they were prior to the Radeon 4xxx launch. Which all started with the Radeon X1800 debacle and continued with the poor Radeon 2xxx series and 3xxx series. It'll also take more than one product cycle of "screwing up" for nVidia to feel any pain.

Still, it is ridiculous how some are predicting doom for nVidia. Even with a poor Fermi launch they will be hurt but not down for the count. Much like how ATI has survived to this day. But much like how ATI went from a low 40's market share to a low 30's market share nVidia needs to be careful or it could see a market share slide.

I also don't think we can make any solid predictions on Fermi and its implications since we know almost nothing.


Feb 14, 2010
Semi accurate might be right but all of you people are stating stuff including me that could be just crap nobody knows the real benchmarks but for nvidia yet ,so a guess or a rumour is as good as a lie isnt it and causes the bullshit to keep going round ,
lets just wait


Senior member
Dec 9, 2006
we should be seeing benchmarks soon if its going to be launch on March 26 ?

Only a few nVIDIA partners have samples right now ( more precisely, they received them recently ).
I doubt someone who works for those manufacturers can or would risk his position by leaking any benchmarks or even a photo


Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2005
Before NV30 launched, everyone, including Anandtech journalists thought that the NV30 would be faster than the R300.

Brand names are extremely powerful, and from a business perspective, are more of a factor in how good your sales are than the products themselves.

Nvidia has a really strong brand name. Because of that they can get away with all kinds of things such as offering products that are slower for the same price or products that are just as fast but more expensive than ATI's. They can also just not release anything new for a while and people will still buy their stuff over newer technology from a lesser known company. People recognize the name Nvidia and Geforce more than ATI and Radeon.

An example of this is Intel. They had nothing but their own brand name going for them during Pentium 4 and Pentium D era. There was an 3 year period where AMD was better than Intel at virtually everything in every price bracket and they still kicked AMD around in sales.

That said, brand names are only something you can rely on for so long. It is only a matter of time until people begin to recognize and realize that AMD makes products that are just as good and reliable as their competitors' products. Once that happens, the only thing that will determine sales and market share is product performance and pricing.

Yet, the most sold Intel processor are the Pentium branded one like the Pentium Dual Core series which aren't necessary the best in the market specially when their AMD counter part are highly clocked Athlon X2 or AMD Tri core processors.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
An example of this is Intel. They had nothing but their own brand name going for them during Pentium 4 and Pentium D era. There was an 3 year period where AMD was better than Intel at virtually everything in every price bracket and they still kicked AMD around in sales.

This point drives home what I'm talking about better then any other. Despite having technical superiority over Intel for quite some time, AMD was never able to leverage this into increased revenue and it was proven, from a business perspective, that giving up on the high end in a sense was a more prudent business decission then trying to push Intel to their limits. This is precisely that we as enthusiasts don't want to see. A nice 50/50 split with both companies making decent profits is ideal for enthusiasts.

BTW- As far as this conversation being off topic, I was simply replying to points raised by others and let's look at what the core of this topic was to start with- speculation on the announcement of an announcement. If you don't realize how that is entirely a function of nV's business department, well, I don't know what to tell you


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2002
An example of this is Intel. They had nothing but their own brand name going for them during Pentium 4 and Pentium D era. There was an 3 year period where AMD was better than Intel at virtually everything in every price bracket and they still kicked AMD around in sales.

This point drives home what I'm talking about better then any other. Despite having technical superiority over Intel for quite some time, AMD was never able to leverage this into increased revenue and it was proven, from a business perspective, that giving up on the high end in a sense was a more prudent business decission then trying to push Intel to their limits. This is precisely that we as enthusiasts don't want to see. A nice 50/50 split with both companies making decent profits is ideal for enthusiasts.

I wouldn't want to apply this Intel analogy to nVidia. As much as some little things they do may seem a bit anti-competitive, (we've discussed these ad nauseum); nVidia as a whole, has been rather fair with its competitive practices, competing on the merits of their technology with generally honest advertising.

nVidia has a diverse set of intellectual property, but as deep as they are, a couple things have recently stacked against them. (Intel chipset lockout, lack of an 86x license, fab issue). I wouldn't predict doom, but to discount adversity would be a bit naive.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
I wouldn't want to apply this Intel analogy to nVidia. As much as some little things they do may seem a bit anti-competitive, (we've discussed these ad nauseum); nVidia as a whole, has been rather fair with its competitive practices, competing on the merits of their technology with generally honest advertising.

nVidia has a diverse set of intellectual property, but as deep as they are, a couple things have recently stacked against them. (Intel chipset lockout, lack of an 86x license, fab issue). I wouldn't predict doom, but to discount adversity would be a bit naive.

Those are truly adverse situations. On the flip side, NV has a lot going for it as well. HPC and mobile/handheld (Tegra) devices are huge. And now, supercomputing capabilities most lobbied for. If Nvidia has truly delivered a product (New Tesla) that can give scientists, universities, global corps what they need, well, just look at the sheer size of that market.
The adversities you list however, could be overcome. There is the court battle underway regarding licensing for Intel, and fab issues can be worked out, if they aren't already.


Nov 11, 2009
Can't wait for this launch, I can see 5850 go down to $150-200 right now.

I really hope Nvidia has something that can compete with 5850 at $150-200 price range....or it won't be a great launch AT ALL.


Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2007
This point drives home what I'm talking about better then any other. Despite having technical superiority over Intel for quite some time, AMD was never able to leverage this into increased revenue and it was proven, from a business perspective, that giving up on the high end in a sense was a more prudent business decission then trying to push Intel to their limits. This is precisely that we as enthusiasts don't want to see. A nice 50/50 split with both companies making decent profits is ideal for enthusiasts.

BTW- As far as this conversation being off topic, I was simply replying to points raised by others and let's look at what the core of this topic was to start with- speculation on the announcement of an announcement. If you don't realize how that is entirely a function of nV's business department, well, I don't know what to tell you
This point is moot in light of the fact that intel engaged in illegal business practices such as paying off OEM's and other vendors to NOT buy AMD chips during this period. Who knows what effect their better tech would have had on their marketshare had this not been the case?


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
This point is moot in light of the fact that intel engaged in illegal business practices such as paying off OEM's and other vendors to NOT buy AMD chips during this period. Who knows what effect their better tech would have had on their marketshare had this not been the case?

Intel's illegal business practices did in fact play a role, but do you really think that was the only factor? There's no guarantee that this scandal even had a large impact on AMD or not. Intel paid Dell not to use AMD. Do you think that alone is enough to stop people from buying AMD for 3 years? There are quite a few large companies out there besides Dell. There are also countless mom & pop shops that sell custom PCs. If you asked any average person, they would know what a Pentium is far more often than an Athlon. Intel sold 3Ghz processors for the same price as AMD's 2Ghz processor. People in the know wouldn't misunderstand, but virtually everyone else would think the Intel was better. Marketing and brand names play a huge role in product sales, I can't stress that enough.
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Apr 8, 2002
I also remember AMD being production constrained as well during their glory years. They were selling everything they could make and it wasnt enough.


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2010
I wasn't aware of many of these issues before reading through these ten pages, but it seems the "big" announcement was in fact not an announcement at all.

I'm currently using an ATI 3650 low-profile card, but will be upgrading to a high-end card in March. Considering the available info on availability and prices I'm still buying a 5850. I can't use non-existent components in my build. Fermi seems like an interesting architecture, but I won't be seeing any of it for the next couple of years. Oh, well. A stronger ATI won't hurt the market, or so I gather from the discussion above.

In the end, I suppose it's all good news then.
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Senior member
Aug 5, 2002
It will be launched in March. Somewhere between the 26th and 29th, probably the 29th.
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