Fake frames are just motion smoothing all over again. I'm pretty sure we all know that motion smoothing on your TV is garbage that degrades your experience, and you should turn it off. Why would you want your graphics card doing it instead?
This, 100%. Its an AI enhanced frame interpolation , a glorified "soap opera effect" that was loathed by AV people since its inception in the early 00's. I remember playing Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on N64 at sub 20 fps, & Turok 2 sub 10 fps on the reg. It would have been awesome, even incredible, to have frame gen that could have turned that 10, 15, and 20 fps into 30, but it wasnt possible then and its still not possible now. Frame gen only being consistently operational over 60fps, as Nvidia themselves advertise, is extremely diminishing returns, IMO.