In retrospect that entire nVidia performance last night was very cringe-worthy.
I kind of felt bad for Jensen because his performance was terrible, he was like a fish out of water. But then I remembered he has 100 billions dollars and stopped feeling sorry for him. It was like a stand up comedian when joke after joke just falls flat even though the crowd is with them and they won't boo, it's just a weird silence at the punch lines, or a couple people trying to laugh/cheer.
Also, as far as pricing they are taking a page out of the old Intel Extreme (profit) Edition CPU's. When you own the high end you can make your fastest "regular" part just a little more expensive than the competition. For CPU's it was about $500. Then you could price an EE CPU at double that. Don't put anything in between, make people who want more performance go all the way.
Same thing here. The 5080 at $1000 is competitive with anything AMD will most likely have. Why put better performing cards at $1300 and $1650 when there is no competition there? Just make people pay $2,000 to get the next performance level. It's smart and I'm sure the profit if off the charts.
So far so good for nVidia, they are following the footsteps of Intel from 15 years ago. They should have about 5 years before they start the long slide into the abyss.