Much better minimums though so a lot better than gain in tomb raider with 1070
Old driver
New dx12 super driver
zero gain in tomb raider with 1070
Minimum frame-rates are useless in canned benchmarks, especially if it goes through different scenes with camera transitions.Much better minimums though so a lot better than zero.
Much better minimums though so a lot better than zero.
I figured everyone knew that the in game benchmark was completely useless in Rise of the Tomb Raider. There's a guy on Guru3d forums that says he got 15-25 extra frames in game vs DX11. There's also reports of big gains in Hitman as well.
dx11- 90fps
dx12 - 110fps
So far looks like no gains, basically same perf as previous drivers except one person who lost a few fps in ghost recon wildlands, while another guy got the exact same perf in it.
From your own link:
Hitman performance gains
Most of the performance improvements are going to come from CPU bound scenarios.
I don't know, I still think they should test at 1080p to come a to full conclusion as to whether there are improvements or not. The bulk of the performance increase for DX12 is always going to come on the CPU side rather the GPU side.
[H] did its test and Hitman was the only real standout at 1440p.
Why do you keep posting that image? Do we really need it 3 times in a single thread considering it's just lies and multiple sites have proven the perf gains aren't there except for some in Hitman?
you said they were lies.Uhh... your article is a press release??? Get out of here lol
They didn't test, they just copied the numbers from the image into a table.
Please show where they got the settings from, because wccftech is anything but reliable.
you said they were lies.
Burdon of proof is on you bud.
I’ve already seen some confusion here over whether the GTX 1080 Ti launch driver (378.78) is a special performance driver or not. For the record, it is not.