Nvidia Hit with False Advertising Suit over GTX 970 Performance

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Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2013
it's good design, why are you guys not happy that they designed a new and interesting way to add another 1GB of memory?


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
The performance never changed.

It still performs exactly like the reviews say it does.

People would have looked at those reviews and said 10% less performance for 60% of the price??? ill take that...

How it gets to that performance is not relevant. People dont even understand the specs or how they affect FPS. Armchair engineers claim is has this effect or that effect.

I didnt sue AMD when my GPU was running 20% slower because of poor drivers and a year later they finally fixed it and gave me the full power...
I've read all the Nvidia bullet points 100 times before there is no need to repeat them again. BTW I don't see why bragging that the card has the same performance as before is a positive, that same performance is how people found out there was a hardware issue in the first place.


Senior member
Jun 13, 2013
Have you ever considered the fact that had they launched the 670 with 3GB Vram or the correct spec that you would have bought the 980 and they would have made even more money from you?

I dont see how this is deception or your entitled to damages. I think the 970 performs exactly as intended and priced as such. Architectural specifications are not for the layman anyway and like a car chasing a dog you wouldnt know what to do with them even if you had them. Its exactly like how extra CUDA cores hardly affected the FPS on the 670 vs 680 resulting in as little as 3% difference.

I think personally specs are BS and not a good measure of performance. I couldnt care less how many cores or rops are in the GPU. I just care about the relative performance vs the flagship card. I check 4 or 5 review sites to get a feel for the performance before i buy.

You have lost nothing you got exactly what was reviewed.


Senior member
Mar 22, 2014
Im still waiting for those pills to work i got off my hotmail account but the gf says they aint working..

They sure do show some interesting side effects. Impaired reading comprehension for starters.

The document linked in the first post makes in abundantly clear that the lawsuit is not about performance of the hardware being less than what NVidia advertised, because NVidia never advertised any performance ratings.

It's about misleading advertising of hardware specification.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
Here is the bottom line:

All of this should have been disclosed with the initial card reviews. Nvidia should have offered a game code for all 970 and 980 buyers prior to the discovery as a token of good faith. That said, most of the people whining and complaining like someone physically assaulted them are more than likely going to whine and complain about nearly anything and everything. The truth is 98% of everyone who bought a gtx 970 before the mixed memory configuration was revealed would still have bought one anyways.


Jun 26, 2009
Here is the bottom line:

All of this should have been disclosed with the initial card reviews. Nvidia should have offered a game code for all 970 and 980 buyers prior to the discovery as a token of good faith. That said, most of the people whining and complaining like someone physically assaulted them are more than likely going to whine and complain about nearly anything and everything. The truth is 98% of everyone who bought a gtx 970 before the mixed memory configuration was revealed would still have bought one anyways.

I'm going to disagree with your "truth" in that had reviewers been made aware of this "feature", they would have examined it closely and folks who had >1080 going would likely not have purchased 2 or more of the 970s. Reviews highlighting the value of 3.5GB vs 4GB would have been out there right out of the gate. nV could not have their new product have an inferior spec stealing focus from their efficiency gains.

So while you have a truthiness to your thoughts, they are not actual truth.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Here is the bottom line:

All of this should have been disclosed with the initial card reviews. Nvidia should have offered a game code for all 970 and 980 buyers prior to the discovery as a token of good faith. That said, most of the people whining and complaining like someone physically assaulted them are more than likely going to whine and complain about nearly anything and everything. The truth is 98% of everyone who bought a gtx 970 before the mixed memory configuration was revealed would still have bought one anyways.

So your opinion, along with made up numbers(98%), is now 'truth'? :\


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
Count me as one of the 2% who would NOT have bought the GTX970 had I known about the memory allocation issue on January 4, 2015 when I bought a GTX 970. I sent it back to Newegg after the revelations of the January 26-28 weekend by their Sr. Nvidia engineer. I finally got a full refund (still out @$13 shipping). I bought a R9 290.

I previously owned 2 GTX670 FTWs in SLI with 2G Vram and wanted to go to 4G Vram. The GTX 980 seemed priced somewhat high and ALL of the ads said the GTX 970 was a 4G Vram card. NOT ONE mention of the memory allocation scheme.

Funny how the CEO of Nvidia is now starting to "defend" Nvidia's action. Shameful. If he was so "proud" of this "now'" claimed achievement why wasn't this mentioned before the lawsuit?


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
Count me as one of the 2% who would NOT have bought the GTX970 had I known about the memory allocation issue on January 4, 2015 when I bought a GTX 970. I sent it back to Newegg after the revelations of the January 26-28 weekend by their Sr. Nvidia engineer. I finally got a full refund (still out @$13 shipping). I bought a R9 290.

I previously owned 2 GTX670 FTWs in SLI with 2G Vram and wanted to go to 4G Vram. The GTX 980 seemed priced somewhat high and ALL of the ads said the GTX 970 was a 4G Vram card. NOT ONE mention of the memory allocation scheme.

Funny how the CEO of Nvidia is now starting to "defend" Nvidia's action. Shameful. If he was so "proud" of this "now'" claimed achievement why wasn't this mentioned before the lawsuit?

Here is the link to his explanation.

It's a shame I didn't have the "luxury" of this statement when I had to decide between a R9 290 with 4gVram and a GTX 970 with ????:\


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
GTX 970 is a 4GB card. However, the upper 512MB of the additional 1GB is segmented and has reduced bandwidth. This is a good design because we were able to add an additional 1GB for GTX 970 and our software engineers can keep less frequently used data in the 512MB segment
No it isn't the design sucks, too much compromise. I don't know how much Nvidia is saving by going with a segmented memory layout but how much could it possibly be? At the price point of the 970 it should be a proper 4GB memory bus, no excuses.

I can't believe Jen-Hsun is passing this off as a feature. Come on, show some respect to your customers.

edit - wow the comments on that blog are very unforgiving.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2012
Except when i buy a product i expect it to work as advertised.

CF was and still is broken and i had driver problems for ever on games.

then one day 20% gain in FPS...

Now this is worse because they shipped a defective product and driver system and partially fixed it. I had to go Nvidia to get SLI since they couldnt fix CF on the 7970...

The 970 isn't as advertised though. How much more nonsense and contradictory statements will come from you in a single thread? That's not a record you want to break but I'm sure you're getting close.
Feb 19, 2009
Here is the bottom line:

All of this should have been disclosed with the initial card reviews. Nvidia should have offered a game code for all 970 and 980 buyers prior to the discovery as a token of good faith. That said, most of the people whining and complaining like someone physically assaulted them are more than likely going to whine and complain about nearly anything and everything. The truth is 98% of everyone who bought a gtx 970 before the mixed memory configuration was revealed would still have bought one anyways.

Most buyers of 970 would have still got it even if it was 3gb. It was a major $ saving compared to the 980 with its big premium.

This isn't the point though. The point is NV knew full well what they were making and selling wasn't what they were advertising it as.


"Instead of being excited that we invented a way to increase memory of the GTX 970 from 3GB to 4GB, some were disappointed that we didn’t better describe the segmented nature of the architecture for that last 1GB of memory"

If NV actually came out with the truth at the start, people would have been excited. Instead they were sold a supposedly 4gb card with full bandwidth, 256 bus and all the rops/l2 of the 980.

And its not just that complainers are here or non owners. The Geforce forum is full of rage from actual 970 owners and many long time NV fans. Its a major betrayal trust.

Also, segmented memory and crippled specs = feature? I guess now we know where that came from for this -> The ability of OC mobile parts was claimed as a bug to be fixed... but now it turns out that was a horrible idea, so that "feature" was reactivated..


Senior member
Jun 13, 2013
Ever consider that the 970 is a defective GPU based on the 980?

So something has to be broken on it to be a 970.

You guys must have thought you were buying a 980 rebadged up just to save you money!


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
The memory config of the 970 is not some awesome feature or innovation, it's done to save Nvidia money. And you'll notice Jensen said nothing about the fact that ROPs and cache are not what was advertised either.

It would have been better for Jensen to say nothing IMO.


Senior member
Nov 4, 2009
The truth is 98% of everyone who bought a gtx 970 before the mixed memory configuration was revealed would still have bought one anyways.
Where did you pull this 'truthful' statistic from?

Show me a link.
Feb 19, 2009
Ever consider that the 970 is a defective GPU based on the 980?

So something has to be broken on it to be a 970.

You guys must have thought you were buying a 980 rebadged up just to save you money!

Sure, buyers were told what was broken: less cuda cores.

Except lots more were broken that NV didn't tell people about, which comes to the issue at hand.


Senior member
Mar 16, 2014
Im sorry but this suit is exactly that! "ridiculous"

What you fail to realise is that America is a laughing stock of the world when it comes to law suits. With ambulance chasing lawyers and and a culture of everyone suing everyone for everything. On a international forum you are not going to get much sympathy. These class action suits are the laughing stock of every news/technology blog and comment section.

Because your legislators are all on the take with a lobbying system which corrupts the laws in favour of big enterprise and no oversight worth a damn with any teeth the only recourse you have are these class action suits.

When you all get a $5 refund in damages you will look back and think "wasnt worth the hassle"

Sadly the UK is getting this way too but thankfully not as bad as the US. If you want to see some common sense download a show called "Judge Rinder" which is based off your own version of a courtroom small claims show.

I can just imagine his response if he ever heard this claim go to court (chuckles to myself)

People need a big dose of common sense here as it sounds like im listening to one of those shows where the claimant says hes owed £10,000 because someone hurt his feelings...

This entire post just discusses your opinion on law suits in general and the worlds supposed opinion on Americas legal system. You don't address any specific reasons why this lawsuit is without merit. It's not a strong argument that this suit is ridiculous.

The performance never changed.

It still performs exactly like the reviews say it does.

People would have looked at those reviews and said 10% less performance for 60% of the price??? ill take that...

How it gets to that performance is not relevant. People dont even understand the specs or how they affect FPS. Armchair engineers claim is has this effect or that effect.

I didnt sue AMD when my GPU was running 20% slower because of poor drivers and a year later they finally fixed it and gave me the full power...

Not this again...Nobody has said performance has changed, this statement seems to be trotted out like it's refuting something. How could it have changed anyway? Did we think Nvidia had broken into people houses and changed the cards? They are physically the same card that was reviewed, this isn't informing anyone of anything.

People definitely understand specifications and how they affect FPS, I don't think this even needs more explanation.

Oh, you had a bad experience with AMD, that gives everything some context.


Senior member
Dec 30, 2010
Wow, that Jen-Hsun post is just... awful.
Apparently we're all at fault for not seeing the genius of Nvidia for engineering the 970 like that. Shame on us.
That seals it, I'm not buying anything from those frauds for a looong time.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
What's bizarre is this supposed innovation gives you a worse card than it was touted as originally. How is that an innovation at all? This whole thing is ridiculous.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2009
Here is the bottom line:

All of this should have been disclosed with the initial card reviews. Nvidia should have offered a game code for all 970 and 980 buyers prior to the discovery as a token of good faith. That said, most of the people whining and complaining like someone physically assaulted them are more than likely going to whine and complain about nearly anything and everything. The truth is 98% of everyone who bought a gtx 970 before the mixed memory configuration was revealed would still have bought one anyways.
I bought the 970 because of the 4Gb advertised. I came from 2- 670's in sli with 2Gb memory. I would not have purchased the 970 and instead went with a 290x or waited for a different card had I known.


Senior member
Jun 13, 2013
The memory config of the 970 is not some awesome feature or innovation, it's done to save Nvidia money. And you'll notice Jensen said nothing about the fact that ROPs and cache are not what was advertised either.

It would have been better for Jensen to say nothing IMO.

The 970 is designed to save you money against the 980.

Something has to give. In this case it was some L2 cache and about 512mb of memory lol.

Im finding it really amusing just how offended and upset people are over a spec that makes little difference.

Next time buy AMD and you will be shafted in another way you can get all upset about that too.

I just find it really funny how Americans are getting upset about misleading marketing. Some of the stuff i see on TV on US channels really makes me laugh. Its like there is no law against false claims or respite.

Caveat Emptor is it lol
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