NVIDIA Stereovision on morning news(!)


Jan 11, 2002
If my local news can report this, I guess I can.

In any case, I've been playing with this a while now and this is one of those things you'll want if you see it in action.

I can't post performance specs or number of games supported (hint- lots and lots and lots) but this will change the way we think about gaming.

My guess is ATi and consoles will follow, once you've done this everything else seems antique.

I just finished my GTX295 benchmarking, and I'll be unplugging my Dell 3007WFP-HC to go back to my Samsung. It just feels wrong to play in 2d now, no matter how nice the screen is.

I'm guessing the reviews Thursday will echo my sentiment, it's hard to look at this and not be pretty amazed.

Disclaimer: I do not care if you buy this. I get no commission. I'm telling you I would buy this if ATi made it, some things transcend brand loyalty, in this case by a lot.

I am giving you my impression of this as a gamer, my recommendation is you find a brick and mortar store and see this for yourself.

This is comparable to when the first 3DFX cards came out, changes everything.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Is it too much to ask for you to actually include some details ?

Like I've mentioned before, I still own both versions of the ELSA 3D Revelator, so I'm curious to hear some more info/details/specs/requirements about this (beyond "it's really impressive!!").

Originally posted by: apoppin
it is nvidia's *stereovision*

3D gaming .. they introduced it at Nvision
That's about as unhelpful and light on the details as Rollo's post, lol ...


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I, too, have a pair of ELSA 3D Revelator glasses sitting in the closet (somewhere). Although I liked the 3D effect in some games, it never really seemed to catch on. It'll be interesting to see if this new "stereovision" is anything different.

I'd imagine that instead of having LCD shutter glasses they've come up with some sort of polarized lenses that will allow the same sort of effect. So the software modifies the image and each lens of the glasses will pass through alternate frames. So it would be basically the same thing as the old Revelator glasses, but no wires or batteries. That's my guess.


Feb 25, 2004
I searched for stereovision on google yesterday, admittedly, not for very long. I couldn't really find anything relevant to this from nvidia. Even searching stereovision nvidia had a few 3 year old forum posts.

I agree, it would be nice if there was some information outside of "its awesome" and the collective guess that it is in fact some kind of 3D game implementation from nvidia. Perhaps a link to this news report or something?


Jan 12, 2005
My Sega Master System has 3D glasses too.

Is this the thing that requires 120Hz monitors to work? I would certainly like to see it first hand, but I think if that is the case (the 120Hz monitor) that is going to hurt this thing really taking off.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: AmberClad
Is it too much to ask for you to actually include some details ?

Like I've mentioned before, I still own both versions of the ELSA 3D Revelator, so I'm curious to hear some more info/details/specs/requirements about this (beyond "it's really impressive!!").

Originally posted by: apoppin
it is nvidia's *stereovision*

3D gaming .. they introduced it at Nvision
That's about as unhelpful and light on the details as Rollo's post, lol ...

what do you want to know?
-the morning news didn't explain it either and i can't link you to my articles explaining it here

Basically is using a 120hz 2D monitor to display 3D on all PC games [and ultimately TV] .. using 3D glasses



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: darkrisen2003
Ok nrollo you left out the most important part. What the heck is it and what does it do?

Here's an Xbit review on the old ELSA 3D Revelator glasses.


Basically, it gives you a true 3D effect by giving each eye an altered image. By shifting objects slightly in alternating frames, you can trick your brain into perceiving an object to have true depth on a 2D screen. Sort of the same way in flipping pages rapidly can cause an object to appear to have movement. The reason for the 120Hz requirement is that since you are taking each frame and altering it slightly for each eye, you now are feeding each eye a 60Hz refresh rate. On a CRT, most people can see flickering so it would be beneficial to have a high end monitor that can do 140Hz or 160Hz at whatever resolution you choose to run 3D effects. On an LCD, Plasma or DLP, 60Hz is just fine and is, in fact, the refresh rate of most LCD monitors. But these monitors will most likely be incompatible with "stereovision".

From what I've seen, 120Hz LCD monitors have only been recently announced and there are very few currently available for purchase.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: SlowSpyder
My Sega Master System has 3D glasses too.

Is this the thing that requires 120Hz monitors to work? I would certainly like to see it first hand, but I think if that is the case (the 120Hz monitor) that is going to hurt this thing really taking off.

Yup. This requires 120Hz monitors, active glasses (which aren't cheap), have to be sync'd with the monitor via external IR device (same idea how WiiMotes work, so the glasses can get confused by other sources), limited to 60Hz, and will give you a nasty headache after prolonged periods (think 60Hz CRT monitor under fluorescent lights).

Considering the LCD panels with 3D built in have come down to reasonable prices these days, this is just ridiculous.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
What did we find out about this particular implementation? Nothing. What is the point of this thread? It's a technical forum with a purely marketing thread. 3D on a 2D display sounds nice, I ain't putting a cross on this until I've seen it. But I have found out about the nV implementation absolutely nothing. Couldn't you wait till Thursday when you and some other people will probably link to their reviews?


Jan 12, 2005
Considering a lot of people has spent a lot of money on their current monitors I don't know if this will really take off... I guess we'll see how impressive it really is soon enough. If it is a true must-have then who knows.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: SlowSpyder
Considering a lot of people has spent a lot of money on their current monitors I don't know if this will really take off... I guess we'll see how impressive it really is soon enough. If it is a true must-have then who knows.

it IS impressive [imo]

the glasses were projected to be ~ $100 and the new LCDs about the same as premium 60/75hz ones

ALL 3d games have this 3D programmed into it .. it does add quite a bit to your gaming and viewing .. especially when it is toned down

Nvidia is not the only company working on this implementation .. and The NFL [i believe] is working on implementing it [or something similar to it] also into their ultimately televised events


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2004
Originally posted by: SlowSpyder
Considering a lot of people has spent a lot of money on their current monitors I don't know if this will really take off... I guess we'll see how impressive it really is soon enough. If it is a true must-have then who knows.

I'm in that boat, sounds like cool technology but I bought a Dell 2709W about four months ago and have absolutely no intent to buy another monitor for at least a few years (probably not until OLED is standard and prices are reasonable).


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Qbah
What did we find out about this particular implementation? Nothing. What is the point of this thread? It's a technical forum with a purely marketing thread. 3D on a 2D display sounds nice, I ain't putting a cross on this until I've seen it. But I have found out about the nV implementation absolutely nothing. Couldn't you wait till Thursday when you and some other people will probably link to their reviews?


I see a PC gaming story on the national morning news and it's not post worthy on the video cards and graphics forum?

When was the last time anything related to a technical advance in PC gaming was on your morning news?

As far as a "technical" forum goes, we spend as much time here discussing whether single or dual pcb is more "elegant", or how "profitable" we think video cards are as we do anything "technical" here.

I'd think an actual user noting you can check this out on the news today, and reporting a great experience with it would be very welcome in this forum. Not like anyone else is posting about it.

For those who had the old glasses, think of this as the same with the issues fixed.

This week what we think of as "3d gaming" changes forever, this is ground zero. A lot of what we look at is about to change. (cryptic hint)


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Unless there's some really big improvement on the 3D methodology, it does seem to be simply the old 3D used with passive glasses instead of shutter glasses. I guess we'll find out more on Thursday.

Since it requires a minimum of 120Hz, it's going to have an even more limited user base than when the old ELSA Revelator 3D glasses were released. At least back then a lot of the CRT monitors could do 120Hz. The overwhelming majority of LCD monitors out there right now are only 60Hz.

ATI is supposedly already working on adding 3D stereoscopic support to their drivers, but I imagine they'll have the same 120Hz minimum limitation as Nvidia.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
I will gladly buy a new monitor if it allows 3D gaming with most of the issues fixed... Although I might have a hard time giving up my LG227WTG since it is the best monitor I have ever used in my wife. So, it may be tough to part with. Any 120Hz Glossy monitors?


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Creig
Unless there's some really big improvement on the 3D methodology, it does seem to be simply the old 3D used with passive glasses instead of shutter glasses. I guess we'll find out more on Thursday.

Since it requires a minimum of 120Hz, it's going to have an even more limited user base than when the old ELSA Revelator 3D glasses were released. At least back then a lot of the CRT monitors could do 120Hz. The overwhelming majority of LCD monitors out there right now are only 60Hz.

ATI is supposedly already working on adding 3D stereoscopic support to their drivers, but I imagine they'll have the same 120Hz minimum limitation as Nvidia.

I believe that limitation is artificially imposed. Framerate is effectively cut in half, and 30 FPS would feel real choppy. But, I could be wrong...


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
Originally posted by: nRollo
Originally posted by: Qbah
What did we find out about this particular implementation? Nothing. What is the point of this thread? It's a technical forum with a purely marketing thread. 3D on a 2D display sounds nice, I ain't putting a cross on this until I've seen it. But I have found out about the nV implementation absolutely nothing. Couldn't you wait till Thursday when you and some other people will probably link to their reviews?


I see a PC gaming story on the national morning news and it's not post worthy on the video cards and graphics forum?

When was the last time anything related to a technical advance in PC gaming was on your morning news?

As far as a "technical" forum goes, we spend as much time here discussing whether single or dual pcb is more "elegant", or how "profitable" we think video cards are as we do anything "technical" here.

I'd think an actual user noting you can check this out on the news today, and reporting a great experience with it would be very welcome in this forum. Not like anyone else is posting about it.

For those who had the old glasses, think of this as the same with the issues fixed.

This week what we think of as "3d gaming" changes forever, this is ground zero. A lot of what we look at is about to change. (cryptic hint)

I guess... I'm a bit jumpy recently, got a nasty flu disease in the area, it's been keeping me tied to my bed for the last few days...

And I don't watch TV, at all Maye if a classic is running or something. So there

Got any streams of that news thingie? I imagine it must be available somewhere on the WWW... Would love to hear what they had to say about it.

EDIT: Also, if this will work for any 3D game it will be huge. It will be like AA, but instead of the muscle required to run it, you will need to screen for the refresh


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Qbah
EDIT: Also, if this will work for any 3D game it will be huge. It will be like AA, but instead of the muscle required to run it, you will need to screen for the refresh

Actually, you'll need both muscle and a compatible display. Each eye is basically being fed the same frame, albeit slightly altered. Therefore your game that was running at 120 FPS is now basically running at 60 FPS since it now needs to render two frames of 3D. An 80 FPS game is going to be running at 40 FPS with 3D enabled and so on.

Of course, this is all assuming that the new Nvidia method will be the same as the old 3D Revelator method. Maybe they have some new method of double rendering only the items that have a Z-buffer value and can just mirror the rest of the items between the two frames. That would reduce the framerate hit immensely. I really don't know, I'm just guessing here.


Senior member
Jul 9, 2008
This is nice and all, but how much will it cost to get a system up and running to support this?

1) True 120hz LCD - most can't take a 120hz source?
2) 120FPS - SLI and a i7 overclocked?
3) Glasses?

1 + 2 + 3 = $$$


What LCD are you using that runs a 120hz source?

The 3007WFP-HC doesn't seem to support 120hz, at least no info I can find.

All the samsung HDTV I've seen don't support a 120hz PC source, including the expensive $5,000 model LN55A950 or PN63A760.


Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
I will gladly buy a new monitor if it allows 3D gaming with most of the issues fixed... Although I might have a hard time giving up my LG227WTG since it is the best monitor I have ever used in my wife. So, it may be tough to part with. Any 120Hz Glossy monitors?

Sounds kinky.


Jul 17, 2007
Yeah I am with others on this - POSSIBLY a great concept and all; but no way I see it fitting in many people's budgets for a few years. Hell it's taken a good few years just for HDTV's to come down into a decent price range.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: deerhunter716
Yeah I am with others on this - POSSIBLY a great concept and all; but no way I see it fitting in many people's budgets for a few years. Hell it's taken a good few years just for HDTV's to come down into a decent price range.

ABCnews.com article from yesterday

Says the glasses are $199..

For what it is, IMO the entrance cost is low for this.

It's not a "concept"- it's the4 difference between everything on the screen looking a lot more realistic or not. It's actually feeling like things are moving toward you. It's being able to walk around objects that look like they're 3 dimensional. Seeing the the monster you've shot look like a solid object laying on the ground, not a picture of a monster laying on the ground.

Even old games like GTA Vice City are given new life, I tried that the other day and didn't want to stop playing.

Non 3d monitors are going to look like black and white tvs on Friday.
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