[Nvidia] The Witcher 3: Is your system ready - Nvidia official system requirements

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Senior member
Apr 9, 2011
Because they are lazy and greedy and corrupted.

They could have started with stunning textures for PC and then downgraded the graphics for the consoles. But they didnt, they clearly ditched the textures they worked on in 2013 and worked on consoles first instead. Which is why we are left with sub par graphics although we have the hardware to run much better details.

And the reason CD Project Red didn't do so is most likely because they deemed it wouldn't be profitable.

If games studios were to cater specifically to high-end PCs, they'd go bankrupt.

The Witcher series has never been "high-end". Already for The Witcher 2, CDPR was clear that the engine had been made for multiplatform in mind. The Witcher 2 did get alot of praise for its graphics, but it was still ultimately a DX9-game (released in 2011), with ubersampling being the most notable feature to bring high-end PCs to their knees.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
This guy has a really well thought out video on TW3 downgrade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geitFSRXnQ0

Cliff notes:

-Basically says that when Xbone and PS4 released CDPR were forced to scrap assets from their engine to accommodate the low end hardware of the consoles.

-Theorizes that M$ and Sony could have played a part in keeping all three versions fairly identical ala Watch Dogs

-Puts the blame mostly on M$ and Sony for releasing crap consoles


Golden Member
Mar 24, 2013
He is right though.
When Xbox 360 and PS3 launched, they had hardware that could match the greatest desktop hardware.

With PS4 and Xbox One its different since the GPUs in those two consoles (especially Xbox) was and still is, very crappy.

So it wouldnt surprise me that Sony and Microsoft had a finger in the decision to butcher Witcher 3. Very sad that its possible to bribe developers like that. CD Project should be ashamed. They were very quick at bragging about "our upcoming DLC`s for Witcher 3 will be free, look how awsome we are". Yet they take payment under the table from Microsoft/Sony.
Look up PC vs Console comparison of the game at youtube and see how little the difference is.

Corrupted world we live in


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
So i was just watching cohhcarnage play this on twitch, he has the latest patch, playing on PC, and the game looks fantastic to him. The video options seemed to have enough options you would expect.

The patch was released today on PC, so he is only one i know off that is actually playing it, and he says it looks great. /shrug

From other people, they seem to agree that its overblown about dumbing down graphics.


Senior member
Sep 12, 2014
Looks like the weak and inferior GCN GPUs in consoles will be holding back graphics and gaming for the next 10 years. Sad but thats what happens when everything caters to the lowest common denominator.


Junior Member
May 17, 2015
So i was just watching cohhcarnage play this on twitch, he has the latest patch, playing on PC, and the game looks fantastic to him. The video options seemed to have enough options you would expect.

The patch was released today on PC, so he is only one i know off that is actually playing it, and he says it looks great. /shrug

From other people, they seem to agree that its overblown about dumbing down graphics.

Pcgameshardware apparently got its hands on the PC version WITH THE DAY 1 PATCH today and allegedly the graphics have changed quite a bit.



running on a 290x, no hairworks, no chromatic abberation 1440p ~40-50fps


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
Pcgameshardware apparently got its hands on the PC version WITH THE DAY 1 PATCH today and allegedly the graphics have changed quite a bit.



running on a 290x, no hairworks, no chromatic abberation 1440p ~40-50fps

Yah that is what I suspected, lots of hoopla about nothing.
Looks sexy http://www.pcgameshardware.de/The-W...Screenshots-1159185/galerie/2374660/?fullsize


Senior member
May 10, 2015
Could actually be a tactic against leaks before the release of the game. If someone gets it to work, then they'll at least just get a downgraded version.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
Either way I cancelled my pre-order just in case, I can always pick it up a few days later with the exact information on the state of things.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2012
Either way I cancelled my pre-order just in case, I can always pick it up a few days later with the exact information on the state of things.
that is very smart. I went ahead and preloaded anyway. I just want to be done with this game series(I've been waiting since witcher 2, the proper pc game) and cdpr. once I am done, it is gonna be super hard for cdpr to get me back as a customer.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2013
Looks like the weak and inferior GCN GPUs in consoles will be holding back graphics and gaming for the next 10 years. Sad but thats what happens when everything caters to the lowest common denominator.

Yeah, no! Even if the consoles are inferior hw-wise all the new rendering techniques are developed there first. So consoles won't hold pc back, it's greed, business (aka game works) and unhealthy competition/ecosystem.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
Lol you people are repeating the same things over and over. It's funny. Don't play the damn game then, CDPR will "learn their lesson", or not. Oh and if you think this game looks cel shaded (wtf?), you have no idea what that even is.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
Haha, I do think it is extremely funny how gta5 got bashed while witcher3 was praised like it would be the holy grail of PC gaming. Also now we hear how the story line sucks, from people who never played the game.

Gta 5 is all about the experience. All great games are. That is something all gamers know. Others, they may struggle understanding it. They are more like, "what is so special about that, I don't get it".......its nothing new.

As far as witcher 3 graphics,
as much as I see people complain abut the graphics downgrading, I also see people praising how it is very playable with a 280 or 770 at the highest settings (minus hairworks). So clearly there seems to be this lack of understanding when it comes to graphics and how this all works. The 2013 witcher pics would require much more than a a 280 or 770. When a Titan X is struggling to be playable at 1080, people would be claiming un-optimized and terrible the performance is. As I write this, I can already imagine people denying this but stop and think for a minute. There is no doubt about it, there would be floods of people complaining about performance, hating on how poor the game plays, ranting and raving about stutters and the lack of smoothness, poor optimization, how nvidia broke the game to force people to buy Titan x SLI, etc etc etc. There would be flooding on forums everywhere, nonstop hate and bashing. People who can disagree are fooling themselves.

We are at a point in graphics where small gains take a lot of resources. The visual effect is minor but the performance hits are large. Like ultra grass on gta 5 vs high. Clearly there is a difference, but the performance tanks just by adding that tiny bit of fidelity.

Look at the grief ubisoft got for unity and such. Sure, everyone will say lazy developer or gameworks. These games brought graphics cards to a crawl and people said it was just because UBI was being lazy. Well, people just don't understand the huge massive undertaking it is to create a modern game and better graphics. People will say the game didn't look that good to have such a demand in GPU performance. They sit on their chairs at home and pretend like experts. Sure, ubisoft could have polished more but the truth is those games ended up needing some really every hardware.
No matter what anyone will tell you, those games took a lot of hardware to create that level of graphics.

Every game engine is different and some are more efficient at certain things than others. Some can produce specific effects better than others and with less horse power needed. But all the tricks and shortcuts that gave us great graphics in these canned and staged scenes in the past, they aren't so useful in a real open world environment. The more games are expanded, the more the more the engines have to do and there is n way around the fact that you can't do all things well at all times without way more horsepower than currently available. The path forward in gaming will be slow because improvements in graphics from this point are hard fought. Increasingly more complex just for the tiny improvements that people will just take for granted anyway.

If there are people who want to argue about it, I just say watch and see as we inch forward when we used to leap. Blame developers or the industry all you like, it doesn't change the fact that the future of realism won't come easy.

All that is besides the point.
No one is gonna release a game that needs Titan SLI to play maxed out. The uproar every time we get a demanding game is so great and the bushings so hard, no developer wants that. The problem with PC gaming is that most people want the cake and to eat it to. People want the games to run fine maxed out with 290s and they want graphics to look substantially better. Developers just want to make games people like and to sell them. If they see a team release a game that get boycotted because it is too demanding, they will take note.

People see the graphics and screenshots from 2013 witcher3 and they see them now. They see the performance for the game now and say it is acceptable. they don't realize how huge a difference it would be if the game wasnt downgraded. Those amassing graphics would have a massive effect on performance. And those who don't realize this, they may never get it. If there is an uproar when demanding games are released, then developers will take note.

No matter what anyone may say here, it is all a out compromise when making a game. You can only do so much and that is all you can do. Teams work around the clock, non stop racking up millions of man hours. Unimaginable time it into the tiniest bits which pile into stacks as the game comes together. Stuff may get added but most importantly is the stuff that just gets cut out. Just like that, poof. For whatever reasons: its not working or is costing too much, taking too much time, it just isn't fitting in well, time, budget, a change in direction, what eve it may be, countless reasons. Stuff gets shifted around, added, and cut throughout production . When it comes to performance, its all the same. Games get trimmed to fit, they make decisions on what needs to go or what needs to be improved. And if it is not improving, not working like they want, it may just get cut out. It may be to improve performance or it may be due to quality. See, one effect may look wonderful in one setting but not work so well somewhere else. In an open world, it is not so simple. But ultimately, we have have teams and goals. Performance is a factor.

If X effect causes stutter and will take a lot of time to sort out, it might easily get cut. We know how much PC gamers didn't like stutter. There is also the possibility that the overall performance hit of an effect just seemed too high and was cut just to fit the game in a specific performance bracket. And this is unfortunate. But as long as the PC community keeps throwing fits when a game launches that is very demanding, then developers will continue to not push the envelope. It is pretty simple.

See, even the original crysis, the game everyone praises now, it launched to a very unwelcoming PC market. Hardly anyone bought it. It took years to gain popularity. It was not an instant hit at all, not even close. Today, no huge developer would ever want to launch a game that took off as slow as crysis. These corporations are traded companies and every huge and expensive game they release is expected to sale. It is an absolute must. An extremely slow start would be an utter disaster. How many companies have been walking a tight wire and how many got stretched so thin they had to sell out. We see all this praise for crysis but crytek couldn't afford to pay their employees just not that long ago. So many people act like they know so much and say this is how it should be done or that. They have no clue about how to make a huge game and what it is like being a game developer. So so many developers struggle and go under. So many get bought out, it is anything but easy.
Games take massive resources these days. So many studios are one flop away from closing its doors.

The point is, they have to make a game that sells and people will buy. No one bought the original crysis and it struggled for years with low sales. History has shown that demanding games are not well received, developers take notes. Of course it is easy to trash on a game and say it doesn't look that good for the computer power it needs. Developers also don't want to throw huge piles of time and money on effects that will only limit the number of potential sales as people may start to claim their games are too demanding.


Jun 21, 2005
If they release a "patch" to bring things back to where they were...we should forgive them

I'm hoping that's what happens.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2012
If they release a "patch" to bring things back to where they were...we should forgive them

I'm hoping that's what happens.
depends on the patch release date. 1 week or 1 year after release? one of them matters while the other is just a waste of resources on their part.

if they have a week one patch ready, I doubt they would ever keep quiet about it when the crapstorm hit.


Senior member
Dec 5, 2012
Pcgameshardware apparently got its hands on the PC version WITH THE DAY 1 PATCH today and allegedly the graphics have changed quite a bit.



running on a 290x, no hairworks, no chromatic abberation 1440p ~40-50fps

those screenshot look more like ps4 version than max settings on pc.


PC Max

Notice the sword handle, clothing and lighting


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
That really does look like a game that's a few years old, with the lack of shadows, reflections on the lake, and transparency.


Senior member
Mar 16, 2014

That's all far enough but framing it as a positive that developing for console level hardware has the effect of making the game run well on mid-level PC hardware is a bit of a stretch. It's more of a secondary consequence than a real positive. I agree people will complain no matter what you do so that sort of cancels itself out as a motivation/justification. The bonus of PC gaming was/is that if the absolute max required say Titan X SLI then you can just turn down a few things to match the hardware you do have.

The simple issue for me is don't promote one thing and then deliver another. That said the game may still be a hoot and I'm still looking forward to it. I was just hoping it would push the boundaries graphically and that was the impression I got.


Aug 10, 2009
970 it is then.

The issue with the 970 is because of the "unusual" way it handles memory drivers have to have special optimizations specifically for it to allocate memory in the most efficient way. I really doubt nVidia will continue this for one specific card for very long. I would be surprised if 6-12 months from now (whenever it's EOL) that it won't have some serious performance issues due to that.

If you can wait just a few more weeks, once AMD launches you should see the price of the 980 come down. Because of what I said above I don't recommend the 970 to anyone.


Golden Member
May 21, 2008
The issue with the 970 is because of the "unusual" way it handles memory drivers have to have special optimizations specifically for it to allocate memory in the most efficient way. I really doubt nVidia will continue this for one specific card for very long. I would be surprised if 6-12 months from now (whenever it's EOL) that it won't have some serious performance issues due to that.

If you can wait just a few more weeks, once AMD launches you should see the price of the 980 come down. Because of what I said above I don't recommend the 970 to anyone.

the 970 is amazing for current games and a great value with the w3/batman bundle. the key point is to enjoy maxing out the card right now and unload in 16 months when pascal hits and nvidia stops coding drivers specifically to overcome the 3.5gb issue. this isnt a card to keep for 2-3 years.

as long as buyers go in knowing this, its fine. 970 cost me $270 after ebaying the games and that is an extremely competitive price for it's current performance.

i would argue though, that anyone upgrading specifically for witcher 3 is going to be underwhelmed because the downgrade is real.

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Golden Member
Jun 4, 2005
My system was ready, but since it's gameworks, im sure my 780 SLI's will run like dogshit. Thanks Nvidia!


Golden Member
Jul 16, 2013
Same happened with Watch Dogs which Cost UBI reputation down hill now CD Project has followed same path and of course their hype of upcoming like Cyber Punk will cost a lot of negativity among PC user.
They definitely have lost the credibility of hyping Cyber punk that is for sure.
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