Nvidia viral marketing with AEG exposed !!! *UPDATED* *Poll Added*

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Golden Member
May 15, 2005

They're offering 3007FPWs ! :heart:

So far we know the following are AEG members:
1. ChrisRay (nvnews, B3D)
2. Chalnoth (B3D)
3. Rollo (AT, nvnews, B3D)
4. Ailuros (B3D)
5. ?????

Typically, we do not get involved in kiddie fights over video cards, but this issue went much further, and was far more reaching than the usual fanboyism. From this point, until further notice, Rollo is no longer a member of these forums. We observed, and at the end of the day, we decided, that in the best interests of the forums, this member had gone too far. The action has been taken, and any further threads on this topic will be immediately locked. The issue is not resolved in it's entirety, as we will still be watching, as well as conducting our own investigations. Consider this thread closed, with further action to follow.

AnandTech Moderator
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Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
I still don't know why this is hard to believe? Marketing is very crucial for companies and I see no reason why nvidia would use what ever tactics (moral aspects aside) to gain customers by having "one of them" influence the community.

If these users had a "member of AEG" in their sig, you'd be much less inclined to respect their opinion due to the obvious bias. If you're half way smart, you can generally pick them out. They'll be the ones still trying to convince people that the 7800GTX 512 is a better buy than the x1900xt/x, if not for performance, then for profit since you could sell it in a month for more than what you paid for.......

Derek Perez would do himself and nvidia a favor by not even responding to such articles. If it walk and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, Derek. Stop trying to convince people otherwise.


Dec 22, 2005
I don't see what the big deal is.

There are 2 types of buyers.

uninformed- his buddy has 1,or he seen the companies logo on the start up of a game he likes.(twimtbp)or he read it on a forum from someone that doesn't know any better.
These are the people still buying 6800 ultras and 9800xt's for $500 plus.

Informed.researches,reads reviews etc,and makes his decision that way.Knows what he wants and buys it.

There are enough(fanboys on either side) people giving their opinions ,soley because of blind loyalty,and they aren't getting free products.Does that make their advice any better?

Just because people aren't getting rewarded doesn't mean their advice is good.

You have to read between the lines and research and make an informed purchase regardless.

Besides,does anybody believe that the most respected forum experts , such as Macci,Kingpin,Fugger,Sampsa etc would resort to this? no they already get free samples.

Of all the people whose knowledge and opinions I believe on forums,wouldn't do this either.

You guys make it sound like there will be thousands of people doing this.And it will be hard to distinguish.I think it will be 1 or 2 people on various forums and you(informed people) will be able to pick them out.

As for the other 95% of the people,well this is just smart marketing on Nv's part.

Besides ,lots of people buy Nvidia cards already,why? because they make good cards as does ATI


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Me, I have a sort of personal crusade against uninformed consumerism. From my viewpoing, I agree that shills are no big deal. If their advice is good, no op. If they're just hyping crap, they come across as insane and you start ignoring them.

If someone is an uninformed consumer, they deserve to get taken advantage of by marketing. After all, marketing and PR guys deserve a paycheck just like the rest of us. And IMO, any purchase > $100 deserves research.

Still, it'd be nice if the fad of placing 'Hey, I'm not with AEG!' into signatures catches on. Yeah, nothing prohibits a shill from doing so as well, but hopefully they'd feel a bit of moral pangs from doing so.


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
Obviously this program exsists, is confirmed and is not like "Bigfoot" or "Flying Saucers" anymore although I guess we we're made aware of it a month or so ago. Un-fortunately this seems to have ruined IMHO, some of our members by turning them from respected nVidia fans into more "rabid zombie" like fans due to the nature of the program.

I wonder how AEG keeps their "rabid zombies" in check? or do they care? there must be some measure of performance that they expect these NDA "rabid zombies" anyone care to divulge them?


Senior member
Nov 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Killrose
Obviously this program exsists, is confirmed and is not like "Bigfoot" or "Flying Saucers" anymore although I guess we we're made aware of it a month or so ago. Un-fortunately this seems to have ruined IMHO, some of our members by turning them from respected nVidia fans into more "rabid zombie" like fans due to the nature of the program.

I think it's pretty easy to differentiate the fans from the shills.



Dec 30, 2000
After hearing of this whole debacle, I just don't trust user reviews.

The posts on boards I never believed in to begin with.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
You give me a free video card every year and goodies like a Dell 3007 (heck, a Dell 2405FPW) and I'll pimp nVidia any day of the week and on holidays too.


And I have the money to buy a Dell 3007, and a 7800GTX 512MB SLI, and a AMD X2 4800+ all paid in full without feeling any financial pinch. Giving out hundreds if not thousands in "gifts" every year is not a small amount. With the amount of money they're offering in the form of "gifts" I don't see why anyone would turn AEG down.


Dec 22, 2005
Originally posted by: SKoprowski
Where's Rollo .........

I think Rollo just promotes Nv because he prefers it.I haven't been frequenting this site very long,but I'm sure Rollo has preferred Nv(judging by his statements)way before this came into effect.

There are some people on Rage 3d that you would believe recieve gifts as well as Nvnews.

I don't think this marketing will be effective on well known sites such as this one and xtreme oc/systems etc,where people are way too knowledgable,to believe any outlandish statements.Or will be called on it immediately.

personally,I couldn't feel good with myself telling someone a purchase is a good one if I didn't truly believe it whether I was compensated or not(and I own my own business)

I've been cursed with morals.



Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Taking names wont help. Any sane person with an ounce of intelligence should be able to put 2 + 2 together.
Borrowed RobertR1's quote:
Originally posted by: RobertR1
If it walk and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
I just hope these companies use less of this BS.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Killrose
Obviously this program exsists, is confirmed and is not like "Bigfoot" or "Flying Saucers" anymore although I guess we we're made aware of it a month or so ago. Un-fortunately this seems to have ruined IMHO, some of our members by turning them from respected nVidia fans into more "rabid zombie" like fans due to the nature of the program.

I wonder how AEG keeps their "rapid zombies" in check? or do they care? there must be some measure of performance that they expect these NDA "rabid zombies" anyone care to divulge them?

Two things, Almost every company does Viral Marketting. Studios give away tickets to screeners (or worse sell you tickets to sneak peaks (hasn't happened in a while though)), You get cupons for free products, Marboro stalks smokers at bars and give them zippos. The only thing different here is instead of randomly choosing people to throw things at they are doing research and attempting to find people who giving these expensive products to will go to better use. The difference is most companies do this in house, Nvidia on the other hand sub contracted another company to handle this, and then the word got out. Chances are ATI does the same they just do it internally so their isn't a website saying "we Help ATI do Viral Marketing" like AEG did.


Senior member
Dec 7, 2005
Originally posted by: crazydingo

They're offering 3007FPWs ! :heart:

What a dishonest way of marketing a product. After reading that, It makes me feel sick. I wonder how many AT members recieve free product to help others make the "right" decision.

How many are really trying to be helpful, and how many just want to get paid?



Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
Originally posted by: Topweasel
Two things, Almost every company does Viral Marketting. Studios give away tickets to screeners (or worse sell you tickets to sneak peaks (hasn't happened in a while though)), You get cupons for free products, Marboro stalks smokers at bars and give them zippos. The only thing different here is instead of randomly choosing people to throw things at they are doing research and attempting to find people who giving these expensive products to will go to better use. The difference is most companies do this in house, Nvidia on the other hand sub contracted another company to handle this, and then the word got out. Chances are ATI does the same they just do it internally so their isn't a website saying "we Help ATI do Viral Marketing" like AEG did.

Movie Tickets=$15

Free Zippo lighters=$20

Free 7800GTX= $500+ <Huge difference we are talking. And like I mentioned, what are they using for a "members" performance measurement? or more to the point, what is the requirements they place on these "members, i.e., rabid zombies"?


Bull Dog

Golden Member
Aug 29, 2005

(From the article)
I spoke on the phone with Stephanie at AEG after this story broke in an effort to investigate the situation. She flat-out told me that AEG actively seeks influential members of message boards to approach for membership in their marketing program. These members are required to sign a NDA about the program?s very existence. The recent news I was told by a member of this program is that NVIDIA is now offering them 30? widescreen LCDs. This suggests just how much $$$ is being poured into this new outreach effort.
Why does this make me think of Rollo (and that other guy with 6xreference 7800GTX 512MB?)

Originally posted by: RobertR1
I still don't know why this is hard to believe? Marketing is very crucial for companies and I see no reason why nvidia would use what ever tactics (moral aspects aside) to gain customers by having "one of them" influence the community.

If these users had a "member of AEG" in their sig, you'd be much less inclined to respect their opinion due to the obvious bias. If you're half way smart, you can generally pick them out. They'll be the ones still trying to convince people that the 7800GTX 512 is a better buy than the x1900xt/x, if not for performance, then for profit since you could sell it in a month for more than what you paid for.......

Derek Perez would do himself and nvidia a favor by not even responding to such articles. If it walk and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, Derek. Stop trying to convince people otherwise.

Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, Rollo?, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough,


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Reality check, everyone!

First of all, I doubt $2400 monitors are for every rank and file forum zombie. That's probably a one-off reward for the 'outstanding achiever' for the month or quarter or something. Sounds great, but is it worth typing your fingers raw and getting a multiple personality disorder for?

Second, consider the hourly wage of the poor bastages doing this. I could be bribed by hardware to maybe keep some negative thoughts to myself, but post using 50+ identities on dozens of boards constantly? That's real work! I mean, their effective hourly wage must be somewhere between schoolteacher and Chineese WoW gold farmer. Waaay less than what they'd earn flipping burgers at McD's.

So who's going to do this? Probably not anyone professional and knowlegeable. So, basically kids who aren't old enough to get a minimum wage job. In my lifetime I've known very few pre-teens who are effective communicators. Their posts are going to sway no-one.

Besides, it's a good thing if some nublet goes and buys an agp card for $500. That much more money in the pockets of the retailer and manufacturer means they get to stay in business and provide us with products and prices we want.

Edit: for AEG -- if you get a deal going with ATI, I'd love a X1900XTX.



Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Not this again....

The only way they are going to figure out that we know the program exsists, that we really don't like it or appreciate them polluting our forums with "rabid zombie" fanboyism pushed by carrots given their "members", is to keep it up on forum topics. After all, thats what they want is'nt it? A measurement of program success/failure?

We have enough flame wars as it is. We don't need anymore fuled by compensated rabid zombie fanboyism.

Also, AEG if your reading this. I really could use a new 7800GS to replace my 6800Ultra AGP, Thanks.


Dec 22, 2005
Yeah but again,look at Fugger,shamino,sampsa macci,etc.

They have been getting free stuff for ages,because they test them out and find their limits and report it.It's good marketing.I believe what they say even though they are compensated and given cherry picked samples.

You guys read way too much into something that most likely won't change your opinion/preference anyways.

You are either informed or not.
If not serves you right.

"let the buyer beware"

It's just marketing.


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Topweasel
Originally posted by: Killrose
Obviously this program exsists, is confirmed and is not like "Bigfoot" or "Flying Saucers" anymore although I guess we we're made aware of it a month or so ago. Un-fortunately this seems to have ruined IMHO, some of our members by turning them from respected nVidia fans into more "rabid zombie" like fans due to the nature of the program.

I wonder how AEG keeps their "rapid zombies" in check? or do they care? there must be some measure of performance that they expect these NDA "rabid zombies" anyone care to divulge them?

Two things, Almost every company does Viral Marketting. Studios give away tickets to screeners (or worse sell you tickets to sneak peaks (hasn't happened in a while though)), You get cupons for free products, Marboro stalks smokers at bars and give them zippos. The only thing different here is instead of randomly choosing people to throw things at they are doing research and attempting to find people who giving these expensive products to will go to better use. The difference is most companies do this in house, Nvidia on the other hand sub contracted another company to handle this, and then the word got out. Chances are ATI does the same they just do it internally so their isn't a website saying "we Help ATI do Viral Marketing" like AEG did.
Even though it happens all the time, think of this: once we deem this is "perfectly fine", it'll be much more ugly.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: schtuga
Yeah but again,look at Fugger,shamino,sampsa macci,etc.

They have been getting free stuff for ages,because they test them out and find their limits and report it.It's good marketing.I believe what they say even though they are compensated and given cherry picked samples.

You guys read way too much into something that most likely won't change your opinion/preference anyways.

You are either informed or not.
If not serves you right.

"let the buyer beware"

It's just marketing.


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: schtuga
Yeah but again,look at Fugger,shamino,sampsa macci,etc.

They have been getting free stuff for ages,because they test them out and find their limits and report it.It's good marketing.I believe what they say even though they are compensated and given cherry picked samples.

You guys read way too much into something that most likely won't change your opinion/preference anyways.

You are either informed or not.
If not serves you right.

"let the buyer beware"

It's just marketing.
They are not bound by NDA to speak about their tie-up with either companies. They openly acknowledge working together with ATI & Nvidia and getting samples etc. They are also not binded into promoting the product.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: crazydingo
They are not bound by NDA to speak about their tie-up with either companies. They openly acknowledge working together with ATI & Nvidia and getting samples etc. They are also not binded into promoting the product.
and where are the nda's for aeg?


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Guys, I REALLY doubt there are any AEG members on these forums, just fanboys. I think an AEG sponsored person would be much more effective at a place that doesn't have too many enthusiasts roaming around. Places where most of the people are clueless to begin with and this person jumps in to give some advice about which card to get and why. They might have a few on enthusiast forums as well but I doubt you'd notice them since they would try to seem neutral while still presenting the party line.
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