Nvidia viral marketing with AEG exposed !!! *UPDATED* *Poll Added*

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Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: beggerking
If doing that would fend off fanboys like yourself, I'd be glad to be one too.
lol, 5150 calls as he sees it. If I remember correctly he used to bash ATI when X1800 was late and not as spectacular. Then the nv gang cozied upto him and treated him like a "brother". And now the same people are accusing him, flip-flop ...

Funny isn't it? Wreckage and the others had no problems with my threads bashing ATi's R520 nor the pictures I made making fun of it. Now that nVidia shill marketers have been caught and I'm campaigning against them and their lackeys, they try to put a spin on it although they've been largely unsuccessful so far (big surprise there).



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
My god when will the b!tching stop.... Over at H, they are treating this mole hill as a mole hill. Sure they are discussing it a lot, but civil like. Here, the mole hill has become Vesuvius. Put down all your pitchforks and torches, and discuss it like rational civil human beings for a change. Everybody. Wreckage, Joker, Dingo, Nitro, Me, Rollo, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe we will all learn something good today.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: Wreckage
Originally posted by: ronnn
Have lost track of all this. Has there been any resolution or just business as usual?

Just like everywhere else no one cares, because it's no big deal.

A couple of one sided individuals have been trying (unsuccessfully) to blow this out of proportion.

Even someone who has no interest in video cards can read through this thread and see that's it's mostly just BS.

If Rollo and a handful of anti-nvidia zealots were not on this forum this thread would not have gone past 2 pages.

Oh you read it quite different than me. I thougt this was mainly a gathering of fanboys and non fanboys that have two things in common. A dislike of liars who misrepresent themselves and a deeper dislike of Rollo and his non stop trolling (sociopath was not that far off). But I see as expected we are to be disapointed and he is still here. Too bad as could be a good vid forum here with lively disagreement. See you guys when I am feeling dumb again. :beer:

Hmmm. The guy I had to ban from PMing and who I believe got vacationed for flaming me thinks I'm bad....
Heavens to Betsy!


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Wreckage
I'm sure your BS is much better received at Rage3D, keep it there.

No where was it stated that people must post good things in order to get paid.

In fact no one got paid. They got demo hardware and software, same as any beta tester or developer.

You have given no proof of anything different. You call out Rollo for being dishonest yet you bend the truth for your own agenda.

Wreckage, who elected you spokesman of AT? The overwhelming opinion here has been in favor of banning Rollo and any other AEG/nVidia shills discovered on these forums. Your bias in this regard is irrelevant and if it bothers you so much, head on over to nVNews and have them comfort you.
Its funny to watch him now. (along with Rollo)

Well Wreckage has already admitted publicly that he's a troll. He said, "I post the way I do to piss off ATi fanboys".

If doing that would fend off fanboys like yourself, I'd be glad to be one too.

I'm glad you finally recognize what the rest of us perceive you to be - a troll.

yes, you fanboys stick together, flame together.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
My god when will the b!tching stop.... Over at H, they are treating this mole hill as a mole hill. Sure they are discussing it a lot, but civil like. Here, the mole hill has become Vesuvius. Put down all your pitchforks and torches, and discuss it like rational civil human beings for a change. Everybody. Wreckage, Joker, Dingo, Nitro, Me, Rollo, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe we will all learn something good today.

Keys, would you have said it's a molehill if the roles were reversed and Morph or Ackmed or CrazyDingo would have been revealed as AEG marketers for ATi? I don't think so, you along with Wreckage, Rollo and Ronin would've crucified them to no end and I would have joined you guys. Why? Because shill marketers acting under the guise of enthusiasts have no place here, no matter who they are. Just FYI, HardOCP actively bans people that do not reveal they are working for a company. Go ask Kyle, he's banned several people in the past for it.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Rollo

Hmmm. The guy I had to ban from PMing and who I believe got vacationed for flaming me thinks I'm bad....
Heavens to Betsy!

Are you accusing me of pming you?



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
My god when will the b!tching stop.... Over at H, they are treating this mole hill as a mole hill. Sure they are discussing it a lot, but civil like. Here, the mole hill has become Vesuvius. Put down all your pitchforks and torches, and discuss it like rational civil human beings for a change. Everybody. Wreckage, Joker, Dingo, Nitro, Me, Rollo, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe we will all learn something good today.

Keys, would you have said it's a molehill if the roles were reversed and Morph or Ackmed or CrazyDingo would have been revealed as AEG marketers for ATi? I don't think so, you along with Wreckage, Rollo and Ronin would've crucified them to no end and I would have joined you guys. Why? Because shill marketers suck, no matter who they are.

I asking you and all others here in this thread to discuss this in a civil manner. You have all had your fun, now I think it's time for a little maturity from each and every one of us. Not act like animals. You are probably right about the role reversal deal. I would make them pay for it. Like you have been doing. But you've done it. Lets move on.



Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Nitromullet is right:

I do owe the board and some of my friends here an apology. I am sorry I withheld the fact that I got some free parts from AEG.

Much appreciated.

The only ethical question I've ever had with this is the not revealing some of the stuff was free.

As you should... Getting free hardware isn't in itself bad. Personally, I would take free hardware from NV, ATI, Asus... any of the brands I use, and I'd probably even be more inclined to try some brands I haven't. However, I would would not accept anything if I wasn't allowed to be upfront about it.

Anyway, so what about the sig..? Can you lose the beta tester BS..? Maybe something more like "Proud AEG focus group member"?


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: Rollo

Hmmm. The guy I had to ban from PMing and who I believe got vacationed for flaming me thinks I'm bad....
Heavens to Betsy!

Are you accusing me of pming you?

You're the 3rd person down the list on my Ban List in PMs, so I assume at some point in time you did. The funny way that works is I only have about 8 guys on the list, not total strangers I've never interacted with. :roll:

Whether you did or didn't, I honestly don't remember, but we've had words more than once, the fact you've returned from whereever to join in this is little surprise to me.

And that's all I have to say to you, because I doubt anything productive will come of us conversing.


Nov 28, 2001
Pfft if what Rollo does here is considered Viral Maketing then I could give a crap if its here or not. I'm not sure how long this AEG stuff has been around but as long as I can remember Rollo has been pro NV so what does it matter? if he got some free stuff to test out and report his experiences? Fine AEG targeted some already pro NV users here and at some other forums so they could report in their experiences with NV top end products rather than mid range stuff that most folks have.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Nitromullet is right:

I do owe the board and some of my friends here an apology. I am sorry I withheld the fact that I got some free parts from AEG.

Much appreciated.

The only ethical question I've ever had with this is the not revealing some of the stuff was free.

As you should... Getting free hardware isn't in itself bad. Personally, I would take free hardware from NV, ATI, Asus... any of the brands I use, and I'd probably even be more inclined to try some brands I haven't. However, I would would not accept anything if I wasn't allowed to be upfront about it.
I think it's more a question of not opening the floodgates to "I want a free video card too!". I've ALWAYS said I got the cards deeply discounted straight from nVidia, and the cards do come from nVidia. The difference between "free" and "deeply discounted" is not huge.

Anyway, so what about the sig..? Can you lose the beta tester BS..? Maybe something more like "Proud AEG focus group member"?
I like it- done. (although I left the "Proud" out- I don't think it's something to be proud or ashamed of)



Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: 5150Joker

I'm glad you finally recognize what the rest of us perceive you to be - a troll.
More pot calling the kettle black.

If it was not the same old group of fan boys calling for Rollo's blood maybe the mods would take this more seriously. Instead, it's all bark no bite. Nothing of substance.

All the forums where trolling is prevented, this is not a big deal.

Since this thread is "supposed" to be about AEG, please link to where AEG has told people to post "lies", "false information" or anything negative for that matter.

So far nothing has been proven other than that Rollo has an association with them. Since several people have had disagreements with him they are claiming that it's some horrible plot to destroy the forums :roll:

This thread should be locked just like the other 6 or 7.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Originally posted by: rise4310

what happened to the "overwhelming outpouring of rage"?

Look at the early posts, before the coming out party. Remember that only some members of an unknown subset of the program came forward.

The paranoia was running rampant, even levelheaded b3d members were ready to get the torches & pitchforks.

and in case you missed it<geo, the thread starter and man who broke the story, had a pretty good idea of what this program involved before even starting the thread. as munky would say, "a little birdie whispered in his eear".

now he, along with the admitted members, would probably have a pretty good idea, certainly better than us, of what the program involved. all of them claim "a handful" of people. people are making this into a whole lot more than it is.

See, now this part bothers me. We will never know how 'bad' this is. The possibly managed perception we have is of a fairly harmless 6 person group of mostly unbiased individuals.

We don't know the true extent, goals or methods of AEG, or their involvement with AT. The members who came out at b3d may not know either.

But I doubt NV marketing would participate with an outside marketing company for the purpose of running a hardware beta program for 6 enthusiasts if that was the full extent of it. NV has truthfuly denied paying these guys, but nowhere was the 'borrow to own' facet of top dollar hardware loans mentioned either.

OTOH, I also refuse to curl up into a paranoid ball.



Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2003
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
My god when will the b!tching stop.... Over at H, they are treating this mole hill as a mole hill. Sure they are discussing it a lot, but civil like. Here, the mole hill has become Vesuvius. Put down all your pitchforks and torches, and discuss it like rational civil human beings for a change. Everybody. Wreckage, Joker, Dingo, Nitro, Me, Rollo, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe we will all learn something good today.

Wanna know what the difference is, Keys? Rollo annoyed a lot of people here with the way he incessantly tried to bash ATI at every opportunity. He antagonized a lot of people in the flamewars that he started. So all this backlash against him upon finding out he was all the while part of an Nvidia marketing program should not come as any surprise. People on the other boards didn't have to put up with his nonsense, his non-stop ATI bashing and Nvidia evangelism.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Wreckage
Originally posted by: 5150Joker

I'm glad you finally recognize what the rest of us perceive you to be - a troll.
More pot calling the kettle black.

If it was not the same old group of fan boys calling for Rollo's blood maybe the mods would take this more seriously. Instead, it's all bark no bite. Nothing of substance.

All the forums where trolling is prevented, this is not a big deal.

Since this thread is "supposed" to be about AEG, please link to where AEG has told people to post "lies", "false information" or anything negative for that matter.

So far nothing has been proven other than that Rollo has an association with them. Since several people have had disagreements with him they are claiming that it's some horrible plot to destroy the forums :roll:

This thread should be locked just like the other 6 or 7.

Wreckage, you are just perpetuating the flaming. Just let the last comment directed towards you, go. Forget it. Just ignore it, and it will subside. It will never end if you just constantly sling something else back at them. It takes two, right?



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: JBT
Pfft if what Rollo does here is considered Viral Maketing then I could give a crap if its here or not. I'm not sure how long this AEG stuff has been around but as long as I can remember Rollo has been pro NV so what does it matter? if he got some free stuff to test out and report his experiences? Fine AEG targeted some already pro NV users here and at some other forums so they could report in their experiences with NV top end products rather than mid range stuff that most folks have.

Thanks dude, much appreciated.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Originally posted by: orangat
And those 'beta testers' can be easily manipulated like the rumours planted by shills about Nvidia fixing the purevideo for 6800 agp cards to stave off customer complaints about the broken feature.

No way. Would a company which kept people hanging on with promises of 'well, our NEXT Detonators will make the FX series competitive' do something as underhanded as that?



Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: Rollo

Hmmm. The guy I had to ban from PMing and who I believe got vacationed for flaming me thinks I'm bad....
Heavens to Betsy!

Are you accusing me of pming you?

You're the 3rd person down the list on my Ban List in PMs, so I assume at some point in time you did. The funny way that works is I only have about 8 guys on the list, not total strangers I've never interacted with. :roll:

Whether you did or didn't, I honestly don't remember, but we've had words more than once, the fact you've returned from whereever to join in this is little surprise to me.

And that's all I have to say to you, because I doubt anything productive will come of us conversing.

Well must admit to not being surprised at you telling another total lie. :beer: Will update your mod buddies.



Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: M0RPH
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
My god when will the b!tching stop.... Over at H, they are treating this mole hill as a mole hill. Sure they are discussing it a lot, but civil like. Here, the mole hill has become Vesuvius. Put down all your pitchforks and torches, and discuss it like rational civil human beings for a change. Everybody. Wreckage, Joker, Dingo, Nitro, Me, Rollo, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe we will all learn something good today.

Wanna know what the difference is, Keys? Rollo annoyed a lot of people here with the way he incessantly tried to bash ATI at every opportunity. He antagonized a lot of people in the flamewars that he started. So all this backlash against him upon finding out he was all the while part of an Nvidia marketing program should not come as any surprise. People on the other boards didn't have to put up with his nonsense, his non-stop ATI bashing and Nvidia evangelism.

Exactly, if it was done as an enthusiast only, it could be tolerated as fanboy lust for nVidia. Being a marketing agent of nVidia and doing this in return for free hardware and beta software is unacceptable.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: M0RPH
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
My god when will the b!tching stop.... Over at H, they are treating this mole hill as a mole hill. Sure they are discussing it a lot, but civil like. Here, the mole hill has become Vesuvius. Put down all your pitchforks and torches, and discuss it like rational civil human beings for a change. Everybody. Wreckage, Joker, Dingo, Nitro, Me, Rollo, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe we will all learn something good today.

Wanna know what the difference is, Keys? Rollo annoyed a lot of people here with the way he incessantly tried to bash ATI at every opportunity. He antagonized a lot of people in the flamewars that he started. So all this backlash against him upon finding out he was all the while part of an Nvidia marketing program should not come as any surprise. People on the other boards didn't have to put up with his nonsense, his non-stop ATI bashing and Nvidia evangelism.

Actually, Joker is annoying me now. Lets ban him? for bashing NV at every oppertunity.. oh ya, you bash NV at every oppertunity too... lets ban everybody who doesn't agree with me...pick on them every oppertunity..

do I sound like you/joker now?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: M0RPH
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
My god when will the b!tching stop.... Over at H, they are treating this mole hill as a mole hill. Sure they are discussing it a lot, but civil like. Here, the mole hill has become Vesuvius. Put down all your pitchforks and torches, and discuss it like rational civil human beings for a change. Everybody. Wreckage, Joker, Dingo, Nitro, Me, Rollo, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe we will all learn something good today.

Wanna know what the difference is, Keys? Rollo annoyed a lot of people here with the way he incessantly tried to bash ATI at every opportunity. He antagonized a lot of people in the flamewars that he started. So all this backlash against him upon finding out he was all the while part of an Nvidia marketing program should not come as any surprise. People on the other boards didn't have to put up with his nonsense, his non-stop ATI bashing and Nvidia evangelism.

Morph, I understand where you're coming from, and I also hope you understand that your bouts of innocence were few and far between as well. Everybody here right now has trolled at one time or another and it could have largely just depended on the mood we were in at the time. Who know. Point is, we all have done it. It's time to stop. Everyone.



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: M0RPH
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
My god when will the b!tching stop.... Over at H, they are treating this mole hill as a mole hill. Sure they are discussing it a lot, but civil like. Here, the mole hill has become Vesuvius. Put down all your pitchforks and torches, and discuss it like rational civil human beings for a change. Everybody. Wreckage, Joker, Dingo, Nitro, Me, Rollo, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe we will all learn something good today.

Wanna know what the difference is, Keys? Rollo annoyed a lot of people here with the way he incessantly tried to bash ATI at every opportunity. He antagonized a lot of people in the flamewars that he started. So all this backlash against him upon finding out he was all the while part of an Nvidia marketing program should not come as any surprise. People on the other boards didn't have to put up with his nonsense, his non-stop ATI bashing and Nvidia evangelism.

I've been pro nV since the TNT days, if you can find any of the old school folk from 3DFX Gamers and AGN, ask them if "Fred Sanford" talked some smack about the primitive 3dfx cards.

We're all entitled to our opinions Morph, and the fact I got some free engineering samples and beta software doesn't change that.

You bash nVidia a lot, should you be banned for your opinion?



Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: M0RPH
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
My god when will the b!tching stop.... Over at H, they are treating this mole hill as a mole hill. Sure they are discussing it a lot, but civil like. Here, the mole hill has become Vesuvius. Put down all your pitchforks and torches, and discuss it like rational civil human beings for a change. Everybody. Wreckage, Joker, Dingo, Nitro, Me, Rollo, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe we will all learn something good today.

Wanna know what the difference is, Keys? Rollo annoyed a lot of people here with the way he incessantly tried to bash ATI at every opportunity. He antagonized a lot of people in the flamewars that he started. So all this backlash against him upon finding out he was all the while part of an Nvidia marketing program should not come as any surprise. People on the other boards didn't have to put up with his nonsense, his non-stop ATI bashing and Nvidia evangelism.

Actually, Joker is annoying me now. Lets ban him? for bashing NV at every oppertunity.. oh ya, you bash NV at every oppertunity too... lets ban everybody who doesn't agree with me...pick on them every oppertunity..

do I sound like you/joker now?

I haven't bashed nVidia specifically, just their 512 GTX for being a PR part with little to no availability and high price. I know you're new here boogerking, but I had a 7800 GTX for 6 months and said mostly good things about it and nVidia prior to the 512 GTX. Feel free to dig up my post history here or at Rage3D to confirm it.
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