Nvidia viral marketing with AEG exposed !!! *UPDATED* *Poll Added*

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Leper Messiah

Dec 13, 2004
ban the lot of you. I'm so sick of the blatant flaming, and the idiotic bullshit that is coming out of both sides mouth. I am done posting in this forum for the foreseeable future.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Originally posted by: munky

/munky scratches his head...

Are you insinuating that I AM somehow affiliated with AEG?

Nope. I'm saying you'd be a great candidate for them, and unlike b3d, we don't have AEG running a program here. All we got is one b3d program member spilling over.


Jul 25, 2003
This morning I read the poll that was added, since I haven't commented up untill now (though I have felt like it a few times) this may be a good time to address this.

First off I think the poll is flawed. We have heard a few different perspectives about what exactly AEG does. If AEG (or the company they work for) provide their "focus group" with negative information/links about the competition, or promote/condone members of their "focus group" to activily spread this negative information about competetors products then I definatly think it is NOT OK. If these "focus groups" are asked to conduct themselves as an actual company rep would I see no problem (to my knowlage a "true company rep" would only point out that their product is superior to the competition, not activily try to discredit the competition). IMO the idea that company reps help people with problems related to their product while also providing positive aspects of their products for marketing purposes is not only acceptable but can be a very usefull tool (in most cases) to the consumer.

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm defending Rollo, I'm not. I think Rollo is quite often biased and condescending tward other members. While Rollos posts may be an annoyance to some members I don't think that alone or even the fact that he is affiliated with AEG should be grounds to ban him. What I have a problem with is that Rollo did not disclose his affiliation with AEG/nvidia and tried to discredit the competition (and any member that could see a positive aspect about the competition) at every opportunity. Sometimes this was done using obscure sites that would have required some very agressive reaserch on his part or there is the possibility this information was supplied to him from contacts within the focus group, AEG or even nvidia itself. If it was proven that any of this negative information is being supplied to Rollo because of his association with AEG then I would hope for a premanant ban of Rollo and anyone else associated with this type of organazation. For now I don't see a valid reason to actually ban Rollo, but I do hope AT gives him a stearn warning and provide stricter moderation in the video fourm.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking

he has his opinion.. he likes gtx 512mb, so that means he is going to sell it?

Dear lord!!! I really wish you would go read that thread where he was trying to recommend the 512 GTX over the X1900. You misunderstand a lot of posts.
Here's the link click

You know, I didn't wanna bring this up BUT, I have to ask you something beggerking. Some of what other members have posted on this forum has been misinterpreted by you and then when corrected you think they're flaming you. Anyway I'll get to the point.

Is ENGLISH your first language??? THere's nothing wrong with that cause even me, my first language is not ENGLISH (I mean my real name is in my forum name and it's not like John or Tom or something so you know english is not my first language). Anyway, I think you misunderstand a lot of posts and then write something that doesn't always answer a post you quoted from someone else.

Please...PLEASE...before replying to someone's post read it and understand it as well as the context that it's in because I find it really difficult to completely understand your posts.

Let me reiterate...I'm NOT FLAMING you...just trying to understand is all.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: v8envy
Originally posted by: munky

/munky scratches his head...

Are you insinuating that I AM somehow affiliated with AEG?

Nope. I'm saying you'd be a great candidate for them, and unlike b3d, we don't have AEG running a program here. All we got is one b3d program member spilling over.

Can you please define "spilling over"? And, how do you know that AEG is not running a program here? Why wouldn't they? You talk like you "know" what you're talking about. What I want to know is, "how" do you "know" what you're talking about?


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: beggerking

stop accusing me of receiving free stuff, you damn accuser.

Just like here...RobertR1 DID NOT ACCUSE YOU OF receiving free stuff. I have no idea where you picked that out of.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: justly
This morning I read the poll that was added, since I haven't commented up untill now (though I have felt like it a few times) this may be a good time to address this.

First off I think the poll is flawed. We have heard a few different perspectives about what exactly AEG does. If AEG (or the company they work for) provide their "focus group" with negative information/links about the competition, or promote/condone members of their "focus group" to activily spread this negative information about competetors products then I definatly think it is NOT OK. If these "focus groups" are asked to conduct themselves as an actual company rep would I see no problem (to my knowlage a "true company rep" would only point out that their product is superior to the competition, not activily try to discredit the competition). IMO the idea that company reps help people with problems related to their product while also providing positive aspects of their products for marketing purposes is not only acceptable but can be a very usefull tool (in most cases) to the consumer.

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm defending Rollo, I'm not. I think Rollo is quite often biased and condescending tward other members. While Rollos posts may be an annoyance to some members I don't think that alone or even the fact that he is affiliated with AEG should be grounds to ban him. What I have a problem with is that Rollo did not disclose his affiliation with AEG/nvidia and tried to discredit the competition (and any member that could see a positive aspect about the competition) at every opportunity. Sometimes this was done using obscure sites that would have required some very agressive reaserch on his part or there is the possibility this information was supplied to him from contacts within the focus group, AEG or even nvidia itself. If it was proven that any of this negative information is being supplied to Rollo because of his association with AEG then I would hope for a premanant ban of Rollo and anyone else associated with this type of organazation. For now I don't see a valid reason to actually ban Rollo, but I do hope AT gives him a stearn warning and provide stricter moderation in the video fourm.

Wow, it looks like you tolerate that type of behavior... As far as I am concerned being like that habbitually is grounds for a ban. So, is that your other account Rollo?

Quite honestly, any of these people subtly defending Rollo could be him on his "other" ISP... I don't quite trust this place (Internet in general) because people can manage multiple accounts... "The Turtle" is proof of that...


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Ronin
You know...glass houses and stones, Joker.

Ronin, I never troll nor fish for flames. Whenever I post I present an argument and back it up as much as possible. For example in your comparison thread, since you left out the fact in your initial post that you are an nZone moderator I had to mention it so people that aren't familiar with AT forums know about your strong bias. I also caught you trying to pass off a timed picture of CCC loading into memory as it's standard memory usage - that is hardcore trolling.

And because he's an NVZone moderator, he is automatically biased? Is that what you're saying? You say whenever you post, you present an argument and back it up. Was not Ronin's timed picture of CCC loading, exactly the same thing you said you do? Try to back up what you say? It's like you guys are flaming yourselve's and don't even realize it. LOL.... Anyway, I'm pretty much done with this thread. I leave you with: If the AEG members and free hardware folks get banned, then I truly hope the witch hunters are tied to their bumpers as they pull out of the e-parking lot. It's fitting.



Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: justly
This morning I read the poll that was added, since I haven't commented up untill now (though I have felt like it a few times) this may be a good time to address this.

First off I think the poll is flawed. We have heard a few different perspectives about what exactly AEG does. If AEG (or the company they work for) provide their "focus group" with negative information/links about the competition, or promote/condone members of their "focus group" to activily spread this negative information about competetors products then I definatly think it is NOT OK. If these "focus groups" are asked to conduct themselves as an actual company rep would I see no problem (to my knowlage a "true company rep" would only point out that their product is superior to the competition, not activily try to discredit the competition). IMO the idea that company reps help people with problems related to their product while also providing positive aspects of their products for marketing purposes is not only acceptable but can be a very usefull tool (in most cases) to the consumer.

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm defending Rollo, I'm not. I think Rollo is quite often biased and condescending tward other members. While Rollos posts may be an annoyance to some members I don't think that alone or even the fact that he is affiliated with AEG should be grounds to ban him. What I have a problem with is that Rollo did not disclose his affiliation with AEG/nvidia and tried to discredit the competition (and any member that could see a positive aspect about the competition) at every opportunity. Sometimes this was done using obscure sites that would have required some very agressive reaserch on his part or there is the possibility this information was supplied to him from contacts within the focus group, AEG or even nvidia itself. If it was proven that any of this negative information is being supplied to Rollo because of his association with AEG then I would hope for a premanant ban of Rollo and anyone else associated with this type of organazation. For now I don't see a valid reason to actually ban Rollo, but I do hope AT gives him a stearn warning and provide stricter moderation in the video fourm.

Wow, it looks like you tolerate that type of behavior... As far as I am concerned being like that habbitually is grounds for a ban. So, is that your other account Rollo?

Quite honestly, any of these people subtly defending Rollo could be him on his "other" ISP... I don't quite trust this place (Internet in general) because people can manage multiple accounts... "The Turtle" is proof of that...

That has to be the most paranoid post I have heard so far.

Maybe these "agents" are under your bed or following you to work :roll:

Justly's post is proof that no one outside of ATItrolls or Rollohaters really give a f!


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Quite honestly, any of these people subtly defending Rollo could be him on his "other" ISP... I don't quite trust this place (Internet in general) because people can manage multiple accounts... "The Turtle" is proof of that...

LOL- it must be perplexing to these people to be accused of being me!

Forum "Logic":

My opinion is what Rollo did is wrong. Other poster's opinion disagrees. Therefore, other poster must be Rollo.



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: geo1
Certainly AT forums deserves to be part of any NV community outreach program.

Whether it needs to be Rollo or not, it would seem to me, is an entirely different question.

Maybe Pete would reconsider now.

Should we start adding "Pete for AEG Rep!" to our sigs?

P.S. Oooh, he's gonna kill me. . .


Somehow I don't quite think Pete is high on the list of possibles any more.

Your opinions of who should be a member are probably given as much weight by nVidia and AEG as I give them Geo.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
Getting back to AEG. I don't agree with viral marketing. I think those who work for viral marketers, whether just getting free "gifts" and beta testing or actually on the payroll are just shills. For anyone to say viral marketing is ok is rediculous. At the very least, someone on the fence who wants the best video card but is not as knowledgeable as some may be duped into buying a card he might not very well buy if given normal non-biased opinions. Or at least as non-biased as you can get. And at worst, we get what we have here, someone who disrupts the forums and spreads FUD.

I know of a lot of nVidia fans (and fanboys) trying to excuse the AEG thing. Yet I have the feeling that if it was ATI in the hotseat, those very same people would be screaming bloody murder. Some go so far as to try to say ATI does the same thing. Now, I don't disagree and ATI may very well be doing the same thing, but until you have proof or at least a link of ATI doing business with a company similar to AEG you don't have a leg to stand on. If and when ATI is shown to do the same type of marketing, I will speak out against them at that time. And I will also call for a temp ban on the person involved.

You also mention companies like OCZ or Tankguys. Well, OCZ and Tankguys (to my knowledge) never have hidden representatives trying to hype up their programs. OCZ has a help thread on AT and the Tankguys poster will try to steer you into buying products from Tankguys but it's not like he's badmouthing the competition. I've also seen the Tankguys poster handle customer issues on here.

As for AEG and nVidia's response (as well as members of the AEG program), I say BS. Now, I'm not saying it was a completely nefarious program and it's original intentions may not have been to spread FUD (like here on AT) but to spread positive buzz and to report problems. This is absolutely ok. However, if it was such an innocent program it would not have been kept secret. For instance we have at least one ATi beta tester here and he never kept it a secret. And if it was such an innocent program, why were requests for more information from the Consumerist for their article not given until after the story went to print?

Everyone is human. Everyone deserves a second chance. I don't agree with how the AEG program was done and viral marketing so I do call for at least a temp ban of one month, or more. I don't call for a witch hunt. AT should make a general announcement that viral marketers are against the TOS of these forums and not allowed. Anyone not abiding by the rules should be banned. More than that, the video forums needs an active moderator.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Ronin
You know...glass houses and stones, Joker.

Ronin, I never troll nor fish for flames. Whenever I post I present an argument and back it up as much as possible. For example in your comparison thread, since you left out the fact in your initial post that you are an nZone moderator I had to mention it so people that aren't familiar with AT forums know about your strong bias. I also caught you trying to pass off a timed picture of CCC loading into memory as it's standard memory usage - that is hardcore trolling.

And because he's an NVZone moderator, he is automatically biased? Is that what you're saying? You say whenever you post, you present an argument and back it up. Was not Ronin's timed picture of CCC loading, exactly the same thing you said you do? Try to back up what you say? It's like you guys are flaming yourselve's and don't even realize it. LOL.... Anyway, I'm pretty much done with this thread. I leave you with: If the AEG members and free hardware folks get banned, then I truly hope the witch hunters are tied to their bumpers as they pull out of the e-parking lot. It's fitting.

His post history proves his bias and his timed picture was a troll attempt at trying to prove CCC uses 60 MB of memory constantly. He didn't say anywhere that, "this is what happens for 2 secs during load and then memory usage drops down right away". He put it up as evidence that CCC uses that much memory all the time which was a blatant lie and I called him on it. Why would he do that if he didn't have an anti-ATi agenda?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Ronin
You know...glass houses and stones, Joker.

Ronin, I never troll nor fish for flames. Whenever I post I present an argument and back it up as much as possible. For example in your comparison thread, since you left out the fact in your initial post that you are an nZone moderator I had to mention it so people that aren't familiar with AT forums know about your strong bias. I also caught you trying to pass off a timed picture of CCC loading into memory as it's standard memory usage - that is hardcore trolling.

And you don't think posting in that thread what you did was trollish or flaming?

The information I provided was dead on in your CCC thread (not to mention, you were proven wrong several times by several different people in that thread. You really shouldn't use it as a point of reference). Son, you just proved my point. Thanks.


Apr 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: geo1
Certainly AT forums deserves to be part of any NV community outreach program.

Whether it needs to be Rollo or not, it would seem to me, is an entirely different question.

Maybe Pete would reconsider now.

Should we start adding "Pete for AEG Rep!" to our sigs?

P.S. Oooh, he's gonna kill me. . .


Somehow I don't quite think Pete is high on the list of possibles any more.

Your opinions of who should be a member are probably given as much weight by nVidia and AEG as I give them Geo.

Probably! They don't seem to respond to reasonable requests for information. It has to be something scurillous like suggesting (as Consumerist did) that the Penny Arcade letter was really your program to get them out of their bunker. That's a shame. You might not be sweating out a banning if y'all had come forward in December, before you lied to all and sundry about your membership in the group.


Senior member
Oct 31, 2005
Originally posted by: shimsham
Originally posted by: Rollo

The whole thing is a sad joke. If people who don't care about computer parts read this, they would think we are the saddest losers on the planet for getting this bent out of shape over posts of opinions about video cards.

many who do care about comp parts think the exact same thing.

Yep,..nail on the head

Originally posted by: Rollo
What?!? Free beans!


...thats almost sig worthy :laugh:



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: geo1
That's a shame. You might not be sweating out a banning if y'all had come forward in December, before you lied to all and sundry about your membership in the group.

Dude, I'm not "sweating a banning".

I don't know how you guys think my life changes if I don't get to post here, but there are 100s of other boards on the net I chat hardware on.

You guys make too big a deal of this stuff.



Apr 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: geo1
That's a shame. You might not be sweating out a banning if y'all had come forward in December, before you lied to all and sundry about your membership in the group.

Dude, I'm not "sweating a banning".

I don't know how you guys think my life changes if I don't get to post here, but there are 100s of other boards on the net I chat hardware on.

You guys make too big a deal of this stuff.

Good for you then. 9,063 posts made me think you were at least passing fond of the place. Mods please note, Rollo won't be hurt in the least. . .



Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Ronin
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Ronin
You know...glass houses and stones, Joker.

Ronin, I never troll nor fish for flames. Whenever I post I present an argument and back it up as much as possible. For example in your comparison thread, since you left out the fact in your initial post that you are an nZone moderator I had to mention it so people that aren't familiar with AT forums know about your strong bias. I also caught you trying to pass off a timed picture of CCC loading into memory as it's standard memory usage - that is hardcore trolling.

And you don't think posting in that thread what you did was trollish or flaming?

The information I provided was dead on in your CCC thread (not to mention, you were proven wrong several times by several different people in that thread. You really shouldn't use it as a point of reference). Son, you just proved my point. Thanks.

Nobody proved anything contrary to what I said in my thread. I proved the memory usage and was right on the mark - you attempted to troll and got caught. Then you got all upset like a little girl when I told people of your troll attempts and nVidia affiliation in your little comparison thread. Gee Ryan, for someone that does QA for Sony (ps3 nVidia partner), moderates nVidia's nZone forum and posts trollish CCC pictures, why would I ever question your neutrality? :roll:


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
God, you're the epitome of horse blinders. Believe what you want. The memory usage is horrendous, and you refuse to admit it. That's just plain silly. Read through your sad little thread again and see several people telling you that the difference is easily noticeable.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Ronin
God, you're the epitome of horse blinders. Believe what you want. The memory usage is horrendous, and you refuse to admit it. That's just plain silly. Read through your sad little thread again and see several people telling you that the difference is easily noticeable.

I don't need people telling me anything. You tried trolling by posting loading peak memory usage (which lasts about 1-2 secs) as standard for CCC and got caught. But what else would I expect from someone that gets welfare cards from nVidia, works for nVidia's partner Sony and moderates nVidia's nZone forums.
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