Nvidia viral marketing with AEG exposed !!! *UPDATED* *Poll Added*

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Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
73 pages...will it make it to 100? Stay tuned.

I doubt it.... It already seems to be slowing down. But as noted before, I won't let this issue go until we receive a public apoligy from him. It is the least he could do at this point.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
73 pages...will it make it to 100? Stay tuned.

I doubt it.... It already seems to be slowing down. But as noted before, I won't let this issue go until we receive a public apoligy from him. It is the least he could do at this point.

Well IMO the damage has been done to Rollo's credibility. Even if he's not banned it won't matter since very few people will take his posts/threads seriously. Just look at his 512 GTX thread, it was riddled with posts bringing up AEG. He might be better served to just ditch the Rollo name and re-register under a new alias.


Jan 5, 2005
my thanks for all this material to use in my beginner's ecommerce class. my students should get a kick out of using this as background for their viral marketing segment.


Jan 10, 2003
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Topweasel
You know I last posted about 9 pages back on this and boy has the world changed.

Rollo- I am disapointed in you, Not because your part of this AEG thing. But because you let people defend you as not being part of this group when you really were. People like me Ronin and Keys all defended you since the first thread while some (Keys and Ronin) were attacked for doing so. As some one who doesn't have a problem with AEG I think some of us, if you really weren't under NDA about being part of the Group deserved to know even if by PM that you were part of this.

To everyone else, this is turning out to be more of the same thing I said. Free prodcut have fun, tell people about it. In fact this NDA that everyone was yelling up and down the street about, turned out to be exactly what I thought it would be, an NDA about products unreleased.

The problem is somewhere in the middle here, alot of people, RED fans for the most part are trying to turn this into more then it really is. And some people Green fans seem brush it off as nothing at all.

Here I sit, to a lot of you Rollo's words will have very little value, for some of you they never did in the first place. For those people Gloat that you knew all along because for you chances are this will be your lifes crowning achivement. For the other I myself am wondering how to deal with Rollo from this point on. Not because he is in the Group but because of how he let peole denie his involvement right up to the point where he finally fessed up to all. That sir is a lack of ethics that Apponin was looking for. But I would like to comment right now and say this, people who refer now or before that Rollos Threads were FUD, I ask that you look over it again. He did have a slant in his threads. He made several threads about Nvidia success' and several about ATI Failures. That is where the slant I saw ended, most of the topics were true. The biggest problem with it was Rollo was a Drama Queen and especially the ATI threads, the topics came off worse then they actually were.

I still don't have a problem with this Viral Marketing, it not only standard practice and most of people who have an issue with it seem to have this price limit in their head that makes impossible for them believe that a company would give anything away that worth more, and therefore must be considered payment for undercover work. On the other hand Rollo by the denial to both stone throwers and supporters alike has given everyone in this marketing program a black eye.
nice post . . . one of the first philosophical ones by you that i generally agree with

However, remember . . . Rollo didn't do this to us . . . nVidia did.

that's why i will never "accept' Viral marketing. . . . but i realize it will not 'go away' . . . it will go more underground as nVidia moves it's deceptive programme "in house".

Should we name it Nvidiagate? I think a forum post with all links relating to AEG should be posted and pinned. Glad to see some AEG employes are writing in the sig that they work for AEG. But the damage is already made and im trying my best to spread this to Swedish forums.


Senior member
Feb 12, 2006
Originally posted by: schtuga
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: SickBeast

I just don't see how someone can be banned for that given the fact that Rollo has gotten away with worse.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

I will not support this ban unless Rollo is banned first. Then give this guy 2 years of slack just like Rollo was.


This is the mentality that has the video forum upside down right now.

1 person does something wrong, and instead of displaying our integrity and ethical superiority to the said offender, people feel it's open season to go Rollo hunting.

Never have I seen such a display of hypocrisy before with such oblivious opposition.
Listen to me. Rollo will be pwned. Then he will be pwned again. And again. Then he will be banned. Then he will re-join, only to be pwned again and re-banned.

Only until *THIS* happens will I be satisfied that he got his due.

Look, don't get snappy with me because I don't agree with your personal vendetta. It has done the video forum no good, but rather crap all over threads that had potential to be good regardless of who the OP is.

You said it yourself that two wrongs don't make a right. So practice what you preach.

Ok fine. So then what do you propose we do about the first "wrong"?

We need to deal with Rollo and the rest will follow.

If you think what Rollo did is bad enough to subject him to 70+ pages of open ridicule and language that wouldn't be allowed on any self respecting site and then use the grade 3 mentality -he did it first,then that quite simply is very sad.

When people start coming to this site to read the excitement,they aren't going to see your logical post on driver issues,they are going to see what a sad spiteful tempermental child you are and that's all.

Oh but you have thousands of posts and I don't,so by this sites mentality you are right.

Rollo isn't the anti christ,he hasn't murdered anyone,in fact not one person has come forward to say that their life is forever tarnished because they took his advise.

He pimped some video parts on the hush hush.Why?

Because like anyone else the temptation for an enthusiast to recieve free parts was to much to resist.

He annoyed people,got under their skin and argued his points just like everyone else,and used terms that were acceptable or not just like everyone else.And hid his affiliation.

And for this we should start several threads and thousands of posts to call him names like ,snake,loser,low life pos,on a widely known site for the whole world to see just how cool and badass we are.

You call yourselves inteligent respectful human beings and then lower yourselves to these standards.

I can't believe that a site like anadtech would allow this behavior to go on.
The very thing people have been wanting eliminated from this site has been going on for days now, and the senior members can justify it in their quest for forum supremecy.

It's hard not to start losing respect for this site for allowing this to continue,and to the senior members who have continually practiced the behavior they claim they want eliminated.

You people should be ashamed of your behavior.

But that's right he did it first.............................

This was an excellent post. Truley enlightened.
I think me and you would agree that this is about hate for Nvidia or Rollo.. disguised as this "oh no dont invade my forum", but the rightousness of the cause is not really taking the forefront. Its really looking kind of shallow with the concentration remaining on getting Rollo banned.

A fair and balanced solution would be to just keep video in video and all this offtopic conversation away.. its been the problem with many forums for a LONG time.


Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Genx87
73 pages?

lmao get a life people.

I think it was worth while. We all know more now than we did on page one. And thats why I'm here, for information.


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Zebo
And don't try that no-ad stuff either AT allows ads and reps here all the time - there's a not so subtle OCZ "help" thread stickied in the CPU forum right now. While providing help - don't fool yourselves into thinking the reps do so out the kindness of thier heart - it's primarly about market presence, for free, even sanctioned by mods since it's sticked.

The issue is not about ads/reps or fanboyism. Its also about underhanded deception.

The OCZ thread never disguises the fact that employees of OCZ are posting. AEG shills otoh hid the fact and lied/denied (see my sig) about their affiliation to Nvidia.

As I have said before, AEG provides a level of deniability for rumours that Nvidia wants to spread. Like the purevideo fix that was supposed to be forthcoming in a patch that never made it.



Mar 9, 2000
Crusader . . . what about your twice-stated PROMISE?
[here and repeated in FI]
I think this is way, way out of control. I'm withdrawing from this discussion until things calm down.
Thats my responsibility as a poster. This is absolutely ridiculous.

things have not calmed down and your posts feed the fire here

your "side" needs to stop defending Rollo so the other side will run out of ammunition . . . after all, you are claiming to take the 'high road'.

BE responsible and we might take you more seriously.

peace and aloha

apoppin out


Jan 10, 2003
I would also like ATI and Nivida engineers to join, but those with some respect would clearly write in their signs that they work for either company and be proud of it since both are good companies that survived for this long in the harsh market economy we all love and hate.

Hopefully people working for AEG will also do that, state it in the open in the future. This will only get bigger and bigger as more people are made aware of this. I understand gents and gals who write "marketing will always be around" but this kind of marketing is not PR as it should be. PR should be about performance and quality, not deception.

I call it Nvidiagate, it will hurt a otherwise good company, its stupid of the CEOs beliving this would not be in their faces if "smart" critical people would learn about AEG and Nividia using them.

Ive lurked alot in this forum since 2003 but this is important for the consumer, smart/critical or not it doesnt matter. In the end its just wrong.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Crusader
Originally posted by: schtuga
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: SickBeast

I just don't see how someone can be banned for that given the fact that Rollo has gotten away with worse.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

I will not support this ban unless Rollo is banned first. Then give this guy 2 years of slack just like Rollo was.


This is the mentality that has the video forum upside down right now.

1 person does something wrong, and instead of displaying our integrity and ethical superiority to the said offender, people feel it's open season to go Rollo hunting.

Never have I seen such a display of hypocrisy before with such oblivious opposition.
Listen to me. Rollo will be pwned. Then he will be pwned again. And again. Then he will be banned. Then he will re-join, only to be pwned again and re-banned.

Only until *THIS* happens will I be satisfied that he got his due.

Look, don't get snappy with me because I don't agree with your personal vendetta. It has done the video forum no good, but rather crap all over threads that had potential to be good regardless of who the OP is.

You said it yourself that two wrongs don't make a right. So practice what you preach.

Ok fine. So then what do you propose we do about the first "wrong"?

We need to deal with Rollo and the rest will follow.

If you think what Rollo did is bad enough to subject him to 70+ pages of open ridicule and language that wouldn't be allowed on any self respecting site and then use the grade 3 mentality -he did it first,then that quite simply is very sad.

When people start coming to this site to read the excitement,they aren't going to see your logical post on driver issues,they are going to see what a sad spiteful tempermental child you are and that's all.

Oh but you have thousands of posts and I don't,so by this sites mentality you are right.

Rollo isn't the anti christ,he hasn't murdered anyone,in fact not one person has come forward to say that their life is forever tarnished because they took his advise.

He pimped some video parts on the hush hush.Why?

Because like anyone else the temptation for an enthusiast to recieve free parts was to much to resist.

He annoyed people,got under their skin and argued his points just like everyone else,and used terms that were acceptable or not just like everyone else.And hid his affiliation.

And for this we should start several threads and thousands of posts to call him names like ,snake,loser,low life pos,on a widely known site for the whole world to see just how cool and badass we are.

You call yourselves inteligent respectful human beings and then lower yourselves to these standards.

I can't believe that a site like anadtech would allow this behavior to go on.
The very thing people have been wanting eliminated from this site has been going on for days now, and the senior members can justify it in their quest for forum supremecy.

It's hard not to start losing respect for this site for allowing this to continue,and to the senior members who have continually practiced the behavior they claim they want eliminated.

You people should be ashamed of your behavior.

But that's right he did it first.............................

This was an excellent post. Truley enlightened.
I think me and you would agree that this is about hate for Nvidia or Rollo.. disguised as this "oh no dont invade my forum", but the rightousness of the cause is not really taking the forefront. Its really looking kind of shallow with the concentration remaining on getting Rollo banned.

A fair and balanced solution would be to just keep video in video and all this offtopic conversation away.. its been the problem with many forums for a LONG time.

This is typical Rollo type stuff... Notice how he is trying to turn this around on us? Noted in bold...


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2005
/me looks for a better video forum which has some sort of admin moderation.

Nothing worth reading here these days - it's just a huge out of control flame war. Even before the AEG thing it was pretty bad - almost impossible to read any sort of ati/nvidia comparison because of the flaming. Now it's just a waste of time. If anandtech can't be bothered to moderate their forums then this is what happens. If they'd just ban for flaming then this would never happen.


Senior member
Feb 12, 2006
Originally posted by: apoppin
Crusader . . . what about your twice-stated PROMISE?
[here and repeated in FI]
I think this is way, way out of control. I'm withdrawing from this discussion until things calm down.
Thats my responsibility as a poster. This is absolutely ridiculous.

things have not calmed down and your posts feed the fire here

your "side" needs to stop defending Rollo so the other side will run out of ammunition . . . after all, you are claiming to take the 'high road'.

BE responsible and we might take you more seriously.

peace and aloha

apoppin out

I thought I said that I would still make random comments. I am just going to let you guys flow like a river though. I was kind of like a big dam in your way.


Senior member
Feb 12, 2006
by the way, i think Rollo said he left the forums voluntarily in the other thread didnt he?

isnt the problem solved? and arent you guys really happy now? its over and you got your way it appears.


Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: Crusader
by the way, i think Rollo said he left the forums voluntarily in the other thread didnt he?

isnt the problem solved? and arent you guys really happy now? its over and you got your way it appears.

You mean the same way Rollo said he wasn't AEG?

I'll believe it when I see it...or don't see it, if you get my meaning.

I have the "forum champagne" waiting in the wings. Apoppin gets the first toast. A few others get a nice big glass and a toast.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: Crusader
by the way, i think Rollo said he left the forums voluntarily in the other thread didnt he?

isnt the problem solved? and arent you guys really happy now? its over and you got your way it appears.

You mean the same way Rollo said he wasn't AEG?

I'll believe it when I see it...or don't see it, if you get my meaning.

I have the "forum champagne" waiting in the wings. Apoppin gets the first toast. A few others get a nice big glass and a toast.

Don't leave me out of that toast... Or I will take you down -- down to china town!


Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: Crusader
by the way, i think Rollo said he left the forums voluntarily in the other thread didnt he?

isnt the problem solved? and arent you guys really happy now? its over and you got your way it appears.

You mean the same way Rollo said he wasn't AEG?

I'll believe it when I see it...or don't see it, if you get my meaning.

I have the "forum champagne" waiting in the wings. Apoppin gets the first toast. A few others get a nice big glass and a toast.

Don't leave me out of that toast... Or I will take you down -- down to china town!

Ok you're in. Imma dye it green so we can "consume" Rollo.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
So did Rollo resign his membership (in the sales benchmark thread) or was that just strategy? :Q
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