Nvidia viral marketing with AEG exposed !!! *UPDATED* *Poll Added*

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Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2003
FTR - I feel that we have beaten this horse until it looks like road kill in the truck lane on the Interstate


Golden Member
Aug 22, 2005
Originally posted by: L00PY
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Thats not what AEG does... read the posts by the people in the program "coming out". This is all blown way out of proportion, the only reason the backlash is so large here at AT is because Rollo was a target for many to begin with.

I've read through the posts. It's my understanding that AEG is a marketing firm. To try and create buzz about their clients' products, they have hired people to talk about those products on forums. There have been some rumours about how many user accounts they needed to create or how many frequently they needed to post, but those are just rumours. In any case, the idea is that by having someone "in the community" create a positive spin on a product, other fans will pick up on that and tell other fans. That's the idea behind viral marketing, "iinfect" your target with your message and then get them to spread it among themselves.

If I've gotten that wrong, feel free to correct me.

Paid shills should not be welcome in these forums because: 1) they're being paid to post, and 2) they're shills. Payment, whether it's in goods, services, or cash, is still payment. If I'm not mistaken, there are laws regarding advertising on TV and for product placement to protect the consumer. You've got those Coke cups in front of the judges in American Idol because Coca-cola has paid for their placement and they're listed as a sponsor. AEG coming on board here to hawk NVidia wares is like that streaker paints a website on his back and runs on the field during a major sporting event. Or like the clowns holding up advertising signs from the audience during live shows. They only benefit their client, they're the only ones that get paid, and while some in the audience may get some entertainment out of it, the majority lose out and the people running the show (or website) lose out too.

Now if the mods or Anand were to say come forward and say they were aware of AEG's presence, from the start that'd be a different matter too.

[edit] Since I do like Anandtech and the forums, I feel I should say that I have no reason to believe that last bit is true. And while I have no information one way or the other, I believe and hope it's not. And I don't think silence helps the issue any. I was just using it as a more general example. Substitute in the Pabster and THG if you like (though there's really no comparison of course). [/edit]

AEG is a smart company. I do not underestimate them. Having said that what I am going to say could be very close to reality. I admit I can not prove it.

Those few guys that came out are just a "tip of the iceberg". These guys were being "brainwashed" that it's just them and nobody else. If something goes wrong that's what they say. It works for AEG so far.

The rest of "the iceberg" are those full time employees managing many accounts all day long. Maybe that's the reason why it takes more time to resolve it here at AT.

Before you post just stop for awhile and think about it. What makes more sence?


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Before i plunge into this let me say this: "God why in the world was i so compelled to jump into this mess. Everything was fine, and now i go and start arguing about this" *Sigh* well im knee deep in it now, so lets see what i can do:

I can link to posts from 2004 where Rollo followed me all the way to nVNews just to start flamebaiting the thread I created. He's no angel and he's definitely a pro-flamer and always has been. He's been doing the same thing to others here for years all the while being given the green light for his antics by AEG/nVidia.

Nor did i ever say he was an Angel. However, i think you should consider that he is a very kind person, and also simply prefers Nvidia. He has never BLINDLY recommended Nv over ATI.

As for the kind at heart here is an example:
*IIRC Keys wife was going to have a baby. I dont know this person or anything, but apparently they know each other. He set up a pool (as in money) for Keys's wife's baby shower. We all contributed $10, this was all organized by him mind you. Got a PM from Keys saying how much he appreciated everything.

I honestly expected more out of you, Kevin. As a man of God, you should believe in honesty and integrity. Thou shalt not lie, that is a fundamental principal of your faith. You should not condone what Rollo has done.
Man, I hope God is watching me. I think everyone i have ever talked to knows me to be a big Christian lol.

Well he hasn't done anything unethical. I wasn't able to read all IIRC 15 pages of this thread, but it dont ever recall Rollo denying that he was a member, merely asking for proof instead. Yes, deceptive, but after this whole debacle how can you blame the guy?!? Wrong to be deceptive, yes; immoral, and unethical- i would hardly call any of his actions.

He did deny it. Multiple times. And he had anyone who challenged him on it *banned*.

He also falsely accused many, many members of working for ATI (myself included). Joseph was also falsely accused. I'm sure you know how that turned out.

For a Christian I must say you have a pretty loose definition of "ethics". I suppose it's my personal conviction that the Ten Commandments are the most important aspect of Christianity.

Best Wishes.










Its so hard not to name call.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Acanthus
At least 3 times that I remember, I can vouch for this. Turtle, Intelsia, Zinn2b, whatever, aka, David W. A total tool that posted and still creates accounts in multiple forums.

And ArchAngel777 has also outed this tool, so Rollo does not get all of the well deserved credit for purging this scurge. If I spot him or even think it is him, I do the same and have on one occasion that I remember.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: fierydemise
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
If you haven't seen that thread, then I would definately suggest you take a look at it. Truly amazing. Take a peek.
Keys if you haven't noticed SickBeast apoligized, he can't take back what he did on that thread but he can apoligize to Rollo for doing something that was inappropriate, that thread was over the top but its over quit beating a dead horse.

A dead horse? That thread was created last night for C-sakes.
You would have a point if his apologies lasted more than a few hours. Look at him now, still carrying on and now even throwing religion into the mix. How far will these people go to get that glorious taste of blood on their tongues? I would absolutely accept any apology, but then don't go right back to doing the same thing again. It renders the apology useless and meaningless. Maliciousness is the only word I can find to describe it.
I am probably as sick of this garbage forum as you are. There is obviously nothing that can be done about it, short of moderation.

perhaps you need a short vacation

He already lives in Florida, so why don't we make it a little more serious?

Life is a vacation in the Baja, isn't it apoppin?

If only you guys knew what snow was like.

I live in NY, but that is in my profile. I know what snow is, I shoveled it all day yesterday.

We've ALL been shoveling the last few days . . . but i noticed it wasn't white. . . and it's very warm where i live [80sF, SOCal]

As to the rumour as to if Rollo was banned - we will see an official announcement from the Forum . . . and then this will be locked and hopefully we can return to a more 'normal' Video . . . perhaps with some 'respect' for each other and maybe even some extra moderation.


Jun 30, 2005
Maybe we can resolve this by organizing a team based online gaming match. Speaking of which, while playing UT yesterday I saw a player named rollo and he was pretty good (muhahaha you'll never know who I was) even though his team still got PWNED by my team


Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
You guys its over, Rollo has volutarily left AT he said so on Hardocp, unless someone else comes out there's no use debating this anymore just let this die


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: fierydemise
You guys its over, Rollo has volutarily left AT he said so on Hardocp, unless someone else comes out there's no use debating this anymore just let this die

it was condtional . . . until we have "better moderation" here.
Yes, I am leaving AT due to the lack of moderation there now.

However, i think AT will have the 'last word'.

but it IS over for all intents and purposes . . . we now need to see if we can get along

thank goodness . . . i have spent way too much time on this.

anyway, i am looking forward to the Adm's comments.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2003
Originally posted by: Acanthus










Its so hard not to name call.

From this thread:
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: linkgoron
Oh, what does QFP mean?

It means Quoted For Permanence, because the last four "smart guys" who threw that "Wah- you're an AEG fanboy stuff" at me were banned, forced to remove it.

I wanted to be sure the mods could see just how "clever" you are Linkgoron! Take it as a compliment!

First off, you are not a mod so you don't know exactly who was banned or got vacations, or were threatened with bannings... all for telling the truth.

As far as I'm concerned. it's damning enough that Rollo even TRIED to get anyone banned when they were just attempting to expose the truth, he knew that what they were saying was true and he was lying through his teeth.



Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
Originally posted by: DidlySquat
Maybe we can resolve this by organizing a team based online gaming match. Speaking of which, while playing UT yesterday I saw a player named rollo and he was pretty good (muhahaha you'll never know who I was) even though his team still got PWNED by my team

I was thinking the same thing, and I would recommend a Demo shooter so everyone could participate and AT Forum handles should be used.



No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
This is why i do not venture in here anymore.

when you have paid liers such as rollo on the board it just gives the board a blackeye. Now the problem is who else is out here that we do not know?


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2003
Originally posted by: M0RPH
From this thread:
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: linkgoron
Oh, what does QFP mean?

It means Quoted For Permanence, because the last four "smart guys" who threw that "Wah- you're an AEG fanboy stuff" at me were banned, forced to remove it.

I wanted to be sure the mods could see just how "clever" you are Linkgoron! Take it as a compliment!

First off, you are not a mod so you don't know exactly who was banned or got vacations, or were threatened with bannings... all for telling the truth.

As far as I'm concerned. it's damning enough that Rollo even TRIED to get anyone banned when they were just attempting to expose the truth, he knew that what they were saying was true and he was lying through his teeth.
I stand corrected. I was sure it was Zinn2b revisited each time.


Golden Member
Aug 22, 2005
Originally posted by: waggy
This is why i do not venture in here anymore.

when you have paid liers such as rollo on the board it just gives the board a blackeye. Now the problem is who else is out here that we do not know?

Any good ideas how to put pressure on AEG to reveal their list?


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
Originally posted by: Janooo
Originally posted by: waggy
This is why i do not venture in here anymore.

when you have paid liers such as rollo on the board it just gives the board a blackeye. Now the problem is who else is out here that we do not know?

Any good ideas how to put pressure on AEG to reveal their list?

Howabout a Federal "payolla" scandal? Damn close to what has happened in the Music industry. Though this AEG fiasco envolves ethics more than laws broken, although the IRS might be interested in the "compensation" packages not being reported on a Form 1040 by "focus group members".

G-man Law could'nt jail Al Capone, but the IRS could and did



Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: waggy
This is why i do not venture in here anymore.

when you have paid liers such as rollo on the board it just gives the board a blackeye. Now the problem is who else is out here that we do not know?
Atleast the three on B3D that came out were not as bad as Rollo and hence didnt get as much flak. I think the other two are expecting the worst (similar reaction to Rollo) and hence choosing to remain in the dark.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Killrose
Originally posted by: DidlySquat
Maybe we can resolve this by organizing a team based online gaming match. Speaking of which, while playing UT yesterday I saw a player named rollo and he was pretty good (muhahaha you'll never know who I was) even though his team still got PWNED by my team

I was thinking the same thing, and I would recommend a Demo shooter so everyone could participate and AT Forum handles should be used.

Sounds good. I'll own any of you in CoD/CoD2. I'll even set up the server.



Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: Killrose
Originally posted by: DidlySquat
Maybe we can resolve this by organizing a team based online gaming match. Speaking of which, while playing UT yesterday I saw a player named rollo and he was pretty good (muhahaha you'll never know who I was) even though his team still got PWNED by my team

I was thinking the same thing, and I would recommend a Demo shooter so everyone could participate and AT Forum handles should be used.

Sounds good. I'll own any of you in CoD/CoD2. I'll even set up the server.

So you can cheat?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: Killrose
Originally posted by: DidlySquat
Maybe we can resolve this by organizing a team based online gaming match. Speaking of which, while playing UT yesterday I saw a player named rollo and he was pretty good (muhahaha you'll never know who I was) even though his team still got PWNED by my team

I was thinking the same thing, and I would recommend a Demo shooter so everyone could participate and AT Forum handles should be used.

Sounds good. I'll own any of you in CoD/CoD2. I'll even set up the server.

So you can cheat?

Forget it.

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