NYT publishes anon op-ed from sr admin official: I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Admin

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Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
At this point, Trump really should fire all his appointees and camp followers and start over. He won't because he lives for this shit but it is what a prudent leader would do.

Soooo.... you are saying he needs to drain the swamp??



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
The one certainty out of all of this: Trump's tenure is going to be considered a black mark on American history. It's funny, many of his supporters think he's the start of a new era (they dream of an eternal right-wing dictatorship), but the more things go on, the more people acknowledge that he's a mistake... even those closest to him.


Jan 6, 2005
I've been surprised and heartened at how many liberals have come out and said this it not okay.

If you think a president is so badly compromised due to stupidity, ignorance, corruption, whatever, you need to say so publicly and attempt to get him removed from office. You don't quietly sabotage him. Establishing a norm where the executive branch tries to thwart the president's will because they are unwilling to use the mechanisms provided by the Constitution is not okay. We have an answer and the means through which to remove him. Either try that way or resign publicly and let the world know you are resigning because the president is insane.


Pretty much every thing that is happening with this shit show is just another mark in the win column for Putin. The US executive branch is now directly comparable to a country like Turkey or Egypt. People are going to scream "exaggeration!" but it is anything but. You simply can't have military overstepping and thwarting civilian leadership, or POTUS-appointed officials ignoring or overstepping the decisions of POTUS, or even making their own via proxy. It's completely untenable.

And you can't just remove POTUS in this case. You can't allow for some sort of tolerance for this behavior because of "special circumstances." The person(s) responsible for this are openly admitting to all sorts of obstruction for the simple sake of "I believe in my party--not my country." It is absolutely unfathomable. It is a tacit admission that "we knew this guy was an unhinged loon all along, but we needed him anyway if only to continue our savage raping of the American public. Rest assured--we are doing and will do better to control him, all the while you just bend over and take what we give you until this blows over"

NYT is stuck because they are bound by ethics to protect their source, but this kind of activity is a clear and present threat to our democracy.

You guys deserve credit for saying this. Regardless of how anyone feels about Trump, this is not the way to go about taking him down, and if anything fuels his deep state narrative.

We don’t need a shadow government “that knows better”.

I also can’t help but notice the timing of this relative to the Kavanaugh hearings. This story is eclipsing even the gauntlet Booker threw down today.
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Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2014
At this point, Trump really should fire all his appointees and camp followers and start over. He won't because he lives for this shit but it is what a prudent leader would do.
But, but but...... he hired only the best people.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I keep wondering if this isn't some carefully planned Trump troll...distract peoples' attention from something more serious...then prove later that it was "FAKE NEWS!" which would also give him some semblance of credibility..."See, I TOLD you they're making up lies about me!"

Not that I think Trump is this smart by himself...but someone on the level of Karl Rove...maybe.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
I think the author of the op-ed is probably playing this right. It'll take an act of true insanity to be able to invoke the 25th and get enough backing to make it work, so that person is serving the country best by staying in place and dulling Trump's craziness down. This is a situation to be very realistic about. Nobody's going to care if yet another high-ranking official resigns, even if he talks smack on the way out.


Mar 17, 2008
I've been surprised and heartened at how many liberals have come out and said this it not okay.

If you think a president is so badly compromised due to stupidity, ignorance, corruption, whatever, you need to say so publicly and attempt to get him removed from office. You don't quietly sabotage him. Establishing a norm where the executive branch tries to thwart the president's will because they are unwilling to use the mechanisms provided by the Constitution is not okay. We have an answer and the means through which to remove him. Either try that way or resign publicly and let the world know you are resigning because the president is insane.

But those tax cuts .. and SC judges, tastes so fiiiiiiiine.
Democracy dies in broad daylight.


Nov 11, 1999
You guys deserve credit for saying this. Regardless of how anyone feels about Trump, this is not the way to go about taking him down, and if anything fuels his deep state narrative.

We don’t need a shadow government “that knows better”.

I also can’t help but notice the timing of this relative to the Kavanaugh hearings. This story is eclipsing even the gauntlet Booker threw down today.

Ooooh! Oooh! Shadow government & shit! You've apparently never worked in a bureaucracy.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001



This shit just keeps getting better...

How in the actual fuck is anyone stupid enough to support this guy? Seriously?
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Yep..bravery not found;

Benjamin Wittes said it best on Twitter:

"I have no respect for someone who would say these things - of whose truth I have no doubt - in an anonymous oped, rather than in a public resignation letter copied to the House Judiciary Committee."

I also empathize with the politician who, finding themselves in the middle of the swamp, feels that they are left with two choices: speak up and quit or be fired, and be replaced by a dangerous, anti-Democracy Trump-selected know-nothing, or stay and try to preserve the Republic through this crisis. The author of this letter is no hero, and is in fact engaging in some action that threatens our very idea of a Democracy. However, I can also understand the conclusion that this is the lesser evil.



Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
All this essay does is describe the job that "aides and staff" fill in the White House along with "The boss is an asshole".

Most administrations have "instances of wackiness" where the Presidents goes off on some silliness and once everyone is gone the chief of staff says "Sit on that for a couple of days".
Problem with Trump is that he went full retard and has made it imposible for staff to hide the fact that Trump is off his rocker.
You never go full retard.

As a result, this essay serves to "put it out there" to the GOP faithful that "Yes Trump is an idiot but don't worry...we are making sure things get done".

This essay is PR. It's a little message to donors. Its a message to your racists idiot uncle who has gone silent on Facebook because he was getting laugh at too much for still having a Trump Pence sign in front of yard.
This message sole purpose is to provide comfort to those who are happy that their pet projects are being worked on but a little nervous that Trump is starting to get REALLY embarrassing.

This essay needed to be put out now, 2 months prior to election to allow the various campaigns out there to stop dancing around the subject of Trump and properly adapt during the final segments of their campaign.

As for the "They shouldn't have done that" crowd. This is Trumpville we are talking about. Rules do not apply anymore.
Reactions: DarthKyrie and Vic


May 15, 2000
You guys deserve credit for saying this. Regardless of how anyone feels about Trump, this is not the way to go about taking him down, and if anything fuels his deep state narrative.

We don’t need a shadow government “that knows better”.

I also can’t help but notice the timing of this relative to the Kavanaugh hearings. This story is eclipsing even the gauntlet Booker threw down today.

I raised that issue on page two fyi

The issue I have is that we have a cabal in the white house, apparently running things, that weren't elected.

Its simply not good enough to maintain things behind closed doors.

The 25th for the 45th


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
You guys deserve credit for saying this. Regardless of how anyone feels about Trump, this is not the way to go about taking him down, and if anything fuels his deep state narrative.

We don’t need a shadow government “that knows better”.

I also can’t help but notice the timing of this relative to the Kavanaugh hearings. This story is eclipsing even the gauntlet Booker threw down today.

I used to have a similar opinion of bureaucracy until I was in a couple years in at a management job at this monster megacorp (and one that is particularly infamous for it bureaucracy). And then suddenly it occurred to me that the reason bureaucracy is tolerated is to hopefully prevent some reckless idiot, who imagines he knows better than everyone else, from causing half a million people to lose their jobs.
Now with the US, we're talking about one reckless idiot who imagines he knows better than everyone else and 320 million American lives.


Jan 6, 2005
Ooooh! Oooh! Shadow government & shit! You've apparently never worked in a bureaucracy.
I have, and bureaucracies tend to have very tedious procedures for handling these sort of things to prevent innuendo, misinformation and opportunism


Jan 6, 2005
I used to have a similar opinion of bureaucracy until I was in a couple years in at a management job at this monster megacorp (and one that is particularly infamous for it bureaucracy). And then suddenly it occurred to me that the reason bureaucracy is tolerated is to hopefully prevent some reckless idiot, who imagines he knows better than everyone else, from causing half a million people to lose their jobs.
Now with the US, we're talking about one reckless idiot who imagines he knows better than everyone else and 320 million American lives.
Yes, but that one reckless idiot is feeding his flock a narrative around a deep state conspiracy against him since day one, and media bias against him...and this story is of an insider (derp state) leaking information to the NYT’s (media)

The Trump tweet in response nearly writes itself.

This will cause more harm than good

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I used to have a similar opinion of bureaucracy until I was in a couple years in at a management job at this monster megacorp (and one that is particularly infamous for it bureaucracy). And then suddenly it occurred to me that the reason bureaucracy is tolerated is to hopefully prevent some reckless idiot, who imagines he knows better than everyone else, from causing half a million people to lose their jobs.
Now with the US, we're talking about one reckless idiot who imagines he knows better than everyone else and 320 million American lives.

It isn't a case of imagination, it's a matter of the very real power of his Office combined with a complicit majority of Congress and perhaps one of the same installed to the SCOTUS in the person of Kavanaugh. I think it would be foolish in the extreme to forget Sessions, the one who properly recused himself but wouldn't be picked if Trump had known that. I think it extremely unlikely Trump would pick Kavanaugh and make that mistake twice.

People complain about a Constitutional crisis and "Lodestar" is a direct example. Perhaps that's true but in effect the Constitution has been broken and tossed aside and the fragments which remain are headed to the shredder. The proper means of removing Trump has become the same in practice as moving upwards by grabbing one's bootstraps and lifting themselves into the air, AKA an impossibility.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I think it's hilarious that, because of the use of the word "lodestar," people are saying Pense wrote it...

Now he MIGHT be the only one in the administration who's known for use of that word, but rofl...someone who pays attention would know that, and could use it to send the "witch hunt" in a false direction.
Jan 25, 2011
I think it's hilarious that, because of the use of the word "lodestar," people are saying Pense wrote it...

Now he MIGHT be the only one in the administration who's known for use of that word, but rofl...someone who pays attention would know that, and could use it to send the "witch hunt" in a false direction.
Yeah but it also used "first principles" which Mattis has used many times. That's why I think this is someone from the National Security sphere. They were smart enough to employ different attributes to spread the suspicion around.

Or like others have said this one author, isn't one author.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I thought Kelly has also been shown to use "Lodestar" in some speech(es). This is a group of individuals (if the content is to be believed), that are using their own common group parlance to draft this complaint.

I suspect Pence being involved only, and certainly if, the Kochs commanded him to do it. The Kochs are the only reason that Pence is there, and the only reason Donny got that Koch cheddar and influence. This letter, reading as something of a shout-out to the donors, as mentioned by pauldun170 earlier on this page, certainly has that whiff of " 'My people' told me to let all of the other 'you people' out there know that everything is just fine and dandy up here on top. Just ignore the man in front of the curtain, please."


Aug 5, 2000
Not so much that Trump has been outed to the majority of Americans who already see Trump for who he really is, but this op/ed surely must have been a stab in the chest to Trump's supporters. It really is a confirmation of Trump's unfitness for office that his supporters must now have to face up to, a painful wake up call of sorts that even insiders who were supposedly intimately loyal to Trump have turned on him because he is an actual present threat to the security of the nation.

Is it possible that it was decided by Trump's inner circle that outing Trump in this way was the most effective means to firmly put Trump in his place so as to wrest control of the White House away from him and thus force Trump to listen to reason, turn him into a mere figurehead and very much so a way to terminally cut off Putin's influence over Trump thus the nation he leads?


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011

I am the real Resistance, the Resistance within the Trump administration

When you think of the Resistance, you probably don’t think of a group of senior Trump administration officials. But, you see, that is your mistake. That is exactly what I am, and I am resisting more than any of you, in your hats with your signs.

You may ask: Is President Trump a threat to this country and all that it stands for?

Absolutely. Yes.

We are all continually traumatized. I don’t know how we are going to get through each week.

Trump is completely amoral. Furthermore, he has the memory of a gnat that has recently stunned itself by flying into a windshield. Furthermore, during Cabinet meetings, he is often to be found asking embarrassingly basic questions about things such as What Is The Federal Reserve, Though? and Why Can’t We Just Assassinate People? and Why Are We in Afghanistan, Again? (Unlike his predecessors, wise and sensible men, he would not take “just because” as a suitable answer to the third question.) Also, for the first six months of the administration he referred to me as Shouty Dave for no reason I could discern; Dave is not my name, and I do not usually shout.

[Greg Sargent: Trump’s paranoid rage is getting worse. But the White House ‘resistance’ is a sham.]

We leave every meeting having aged eight years. Horror turns our faces even whiter than usual (and they started off pretty white). I entered this administration a comparatively young man/woman; now I am broken and bent with sorrow, and my liver is giving out. Everything he says terrifies me. Every day he could usher in World War III. We tell him this, and it is like water off the back of a duck that has access to the nuclear codes.

I would like to publish this in a newspaper so that someone will read it and feel that there is a steady hand on the tiller, sometimes, except when obviously there isn’t. If I get fired by tweet, please know that I stand proudly by these words. My name is Unnamed Trump Administration Official Who Wished To Remain on Background.

But the point is, do not worry. I am here, and I am secretly in charge, kind of, I hope, except when the president takes any action on the public stage over which I have no control, which is quite often, but not ALL the time. That is my point. Sometimes, the administration does something that I would like it to do, and we should all cling to that, like a mariner to a floating sign post that says “IMMIGRANTS NOT WELCOME AND LOOK AT ALL THIS DEREGULATION.”

Trump is wrong to say that he is surrounded by a deep state of people working and conspiring to undermine his policies at every turn. He is surrounded by a steady state of people working and conspiring to undermine his policies at every turn, except for those that involve deregulation and stopping Certain People from coming here, which we are all for.

I am not part of the Resistance you think of when you think of the Resistance. I walk through marches with an expression of irritation, and I disdain women and pink hats. The two in tandem are more than I can bear. My biggest complaint about the Trump administration is that the president keeps changing his mind and is less efficient than could be hoped. I do feel that he has done a lot of good things, although I am also terrified that this nightmare straw man full of only bile and bad impulses will maybe do something bad. But he might not! After all, I am there watching him, powerless to stop him unless he is not paying attention.

[Max Boot: We’re in uncharted waters. Don’t be too quick to condemn ‘Deep State Throat.’]

But I have been resisting as best I know how. I often knock papers off his desk to prevent him from signing them. Once I stuffed an entire memo in my mouth while his back was turned. Another day I knew that it would startle and confuse him to learn that there was such a person as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, so I ran through the White House devouring every newspaper I could see. One day he picked up a red phone and said, “I would like to Start World War III, please, I don’t care with whom,” and if it had not been for me on the other line pretending to be a dial tone, who can say what would have happened. It is these little things that make all the difference between the unimaginable chaos you see and an unimaginable worse chaos. Once in a meeting he became upset because I made a positive remark about John McCain, and we had to pretend that he had force-choked me to death. My limp form was carried out by aides. But fortunately the next day, he had forgotten, and I was able to keep my position. After Vice President Pence and his rabbit did something that bothered him, we told him that Pence had been sent to the cornfield. Sometimes I call his phone pretending to be the president of France so that he can yell at me and not our ally. He derailed the last meeting we had by making truck noises, and he would not stop even when asked nicely by several other senior officials who will also remain nameless. I am positive he thinks NAFTA is a naughty word for a body part and NATO is a kind of expensive fruit. Honestly, I don’t know what he thinks. Sometimes I think his mind is just a loose marble rolling around and if he tilts his head to one side you can hear it. He spent a whole Cabinet meeting asking us what an updog was. Once he made Sean Spicer eat an entire chocolate cake.

The president is completely venal and displays all the worst excesses of the Bad Popes but also Henry VIII during his worst years. He is surrounded by spiders and wolves and other large predators. But I am also there! That is what I am trying to get at. I am there too, which should reassure you.

We should definitely invoke the 25th Amendment, I think, but then I think: Wouldn’t it might be worth it if we got to deregulate just a little bit more and make immigrating to this country a little more difficult and painful? Of course it would. Right. We can all agree.

The point is, I think it is America’s fault for letting this happen to it. We were, I think, asking for something like this. I wish more people were like McCain.

But don’t worry. I am there. I keep thinking we should maybe say something, anonymously, but then I think, what if I just said something more, anonymously.

I am part of the real resistance: the Trump administration. That is what I have persuaded myself to think. Doesn’t that reassure you?
Last edited:
Jan 25, 2011
Not so much that Trump has been outed to the majority of Americans who already see Trump for who he really is, but this op/ed surely must have been a stab in the chest to Trump's supporters. It really is a confirmation of Trump's unfitness for office that his supporters must now have to face up to, a painful wake up call of sorts that even insiders who were supposedly intimately loyal to Trump have turned on him because he is an actual present threat to the security of the nation.

Is it possible that it was decided by Trump's inner circle that outing Trump in this way was the most effective means to firmly put Trump in his place so as to wrest control of the White House away from him and thus force Trump to listen to reason, turn him into a mere figurehead and very much so a way to terminally cut off Putin's influence over Trump thus the nation he leads?
Yeah no. They see it as a stab in the back only. It's all lies made up by the NYT you see. The Deep State is doing this don't you know. They see it as all orchestrated all along since everyone for over a year has said the same things about the chaos, dysfunction and inability for rational though on Trump's part.

It has nothing to do with the common theme being there because that's how things are. It's all a conspiracy to destroy the best president to ever grace the office.

If you want to feel completely disheartened at the state of the nation head on over to Breitbart or freerepublic and see what the lunatic fringe is saying about it.
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