Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

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Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Lemon law
For those of you who think Obama unworthy of the prize, look no further than this small snippet from a yahoo news link.

" In Europe and much of the world Obama is lionized for bringing the United States closer to mainstream global thinking on issues like climate change and multilateralism. A 25-nation poll of 27,000 people released in July by the Pew Global Attitudes Project found double-digit boosts to the percentage of people viewing the U.S. favorably in countries around the world. That indicator had plunged across the world under President George W. Bush."

The perception of viewing the US favorably is an emotion, but an emotion is every bit as valid as a fact. Dismiss it if you will but double digit improvements in perception times the population of the earth, is not to be sneezed at. And as a rising tide lifts all boats, all manner of seemingly impossible things are now possible all over the globe.

And for what its worth, Obama has stated he will donate the 1.4 million dollar prize to charity. Yes the Nobel Peace prize does confer a certain degree of shock and awe, but in a positive way. And its good for all of us in the USA.

And dare we hope, when the dividends are cashed in and more work occurs on world peace, that Obama might win the Peace prize again. Or be a co winner with other peace partners. So much to do, so many areas to work on for world peace, the climate is right
to grow peace again, and we can all seize the moment.

Ok so let me get this straight.

World population = 7,000,000,000 (7 Billion)
Survey = .........................27,000 (27 Thousand)

So out of 27,000 people, a small amount of THEM hate the USA less.

So outside of that, lets also consider:
A. Pew Global Attitudes Project founder - Madeline Albright - So clearly very unbiased :roll:

B. Screw 5 months when that poll was taken - In the 8 months since he's been in office, I still can't figure out what in the ENTIRE WORLD he has done to change an opinion that much.

C. Yay he is giving it to charity. I'm glad he is doing that, but wouldn't it have simply made sense to give the award to someone in charge of a charitable organization to begin with - that way they get not only the money, but also the notoriety associated with such a prestigious award.

I'm honestly in awe at some of the responses here claiming political motives behind why I am upset. I don't care whether they are white, black, muslim, christian, conservative, or liberal - THOSE are not the factors that decide this award one bit in my mind. I'll repeat - I DO NOT CARE WHICH POLITICAL PARTY THE MAN IS ASSOCIATED WITH!



Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: blanghorst
Originally posted by: Lemon law
For those of you who think Obama unworthy of the prize, look no further than this small snippet from a yahoo news link.

" In Europe and much of the world Obama is lionized for bringing the United States closer to mainstream global thinking on issues like climate change and multilateralism. A 25-nation poll of 27,000 people released in July by the Pew Global Attitudes Project found double-digit boosts to the percentage of people viewing the U.S. favorably in countries around the world. That indicator had plunged across the world under President George W. Bush."

The perception of viewing the US favorably is an emotion, but an emotion is every bit as valid as a fact. Dismiss it if you will but double digit improvements in perception times the population of the earth, is not to be sneezed at. And as a rising tide lifts all boats, all manner of seemingly impossible things are now possible all over the globe.

And for what its worth, Obama has stated he will donate the 1.4 million dollar prize to charity. Yes the Nobel Peace prize does confer a certain degree of shock and awe, but in a positive way. And its good for all of us in the USA.

And dare we hope, when the dividends are cashed in and more work occurs on world peace, that Obama might win the Peace prize again. Or be a co winner with other peace partners. So much to do, so many areas to work on for world peace, the climate is right
to grow peace again, and we can all seize the moment.

Great, so you're saying that opinion polls are valid criteria for selecting a Nobel Prize winner. I guess that means Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, or someone of their ilk might be the next winner, depending on the opinion poll.

I can see either of them winning a Piece Prize.


May 1, 2006
Sometimes, the Nobel Peace Prize requires some consideration, and isn't obvious why it was the right choice. That's part of not just following the popular opinion.

When they're trying to push for change, that often means going against the prevailing views. So what was the thinking here?

Well, there might be a bit in the idea that the right-wing is such a threat to the planet, that there is a real backlash against it by the Nobel committee.

It goes towards the way Bush's presidency was a real radical and threat - which the right doesn't understand, and so they don't understand the backlash.

The US popular culture has a major part that's overly militarized and right-wing and it's a mystery to those people why others disagree, and so they ignore the award here, or try to discredit it - which just so happens to put their mindless hate of Obama ahead of their support for their nation getting this international prestige which benefits the United States, further evidece that they're less about supporting their country than about being ideologues. It'd be another matter if they could actually argue why Obama is 'bad for the world' in their opposition the way the left can about Bush, but their opposition can't do that.

Having said all that, and while I think Obama is far, far better than any of the Republicans we could have had, I've probably posted as much or more critical of his policies than good. That's included too much saying the right thing but doing too little about it, from big business to Bush administration accountability.

My reaction to this news was surprise, that it's premature and not clear why it's justified. I *do* give him some real credit for his tiny, too-small taking some responsibility for US policies - such as being the first president apparently ever to say anything about our overthrowing democracy in Iran in 1953, think it's time? - for which the idiot right has blasted him for 'apologizing', even while he has stood against others' wrongs as well.

Wanting to confirm it was real, I went to salon.com (see my sig), and found:

The headline news story, highlighting Obama's "The president says he doesn't feel he deserves the Nobel".

Second was the commentary - by Glenn Greenwald (see my sig), headlined "Obama's unearned Nobel". Darned liberal web sites.


As usual it's a very good commentary. I considered excerpting it but there's too much good stuff, or quoting it but it's big and there are visuals included.

It lays out both the case for the prize, and then follows it with why it's unjustified, and cites several issues where Obama has not done enough.

It goes on to attack the Democratic party for copying the Republicans in saying that Rewpublicans who criticize the prize are 'siding with the terrorists not the US'.

(If Republicans try to deny that, they' quite wrong, just days ago I ran across a Republican Senator saying that the House Democrats who were agianst the Iraq force authorization 'sounded like they were members of Saddam's public relations team').

Overall, while I think there are a lot of valid points to the criticisms of this award, I see the committee's point about how important it is to endorse the return from the Bush radicalism to global diplomacy. At the end of the day that's the only thing that seems to have much chance for reducing a lot of war and killing. I don't think I'd have voted for Obama on this, but I also think the Nobel committee might be right, and I'm warming up to the idea.

What's the prize really for? To push the world in the 'right direction' of diplomacy over peace - in recognizing the one small person who fights the corrupt tyrrany that might even have broad popular support - or to support the president who endorses diplomacy over the one who supported spitting on diplomacy.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: OCguy
I think Obama is looking in to the possibility of giving it back :laugh:

nope. but i would have more respect for him if he did. he has not earned it (yet! i am hopeing..).

there are more who deserve the award now.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
So you think he did something tangible to earn this award? The righties might have just had their minds blown but some of the lefties here are showing they have no mind to blow. Seriously.
You could always try reading the thread. There are answers offered, assuming you're actually open minded and not just another sore loser taking yet another gratuitous swipe at the left.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Paddington
Well Obama campaigned on ending the wars in the Middle East and that's exactly what he did. You guys are just against this because you're evil white racists from Middle America who cling to your guns and Bibles.

Nonsense! I for one am glad to see he received the Olympics Hosting Consolation Prize.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
George Bush destroyed the oppressive Taliban.
George Bush dethroned a 2 bit dictator who committed genocide against his own people.

George Bush did more for wold peace than Obama has done or will do.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Patranus
Honest question. What has Obama done to secure world peace? Nothing.

What did Bush do? Reigned in the Taliban in Afghanistan and overthrew a 2 bit dictator who committed genocide against his own people.

Sounds to me like the Nobel Prize committee has this all backwards.

George W Bush has done more for world peace and stability than Obama has, hands down, and that is a fact.
Literally LOL! That is comedy gold.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: Hayabusa Rider
Originally posted by: Pens1566
A well thought out opinion piece :


What precisely did Obama do 11 days into his Presidency which warranted his nomination?

Facts please.

If you don't understand or can't quite grasp the actual rationale for his getting the award, it can only be because you don't WANT to or are too small minded to.

His very election brought a measure of reasonableness and sanity back to the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth after eight long years of lies, duplicity and abysmally lethal ignorance.

Hey! Here comes Personal Attack Perknose! Right on queue.. nicely done. So he should win this for simply being elected is your argument?

Hey! Here comes stra man FNE! Right on queue...


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
so what are they going to do when he actually does something? rename the award? the nobel-obama award?


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Patranus
George Bush destroyed the oppressive Taliban.
George Bush dethroned a 2 bit dictator who committed genocide against his own people.

George Bush did more for wold peace than Obama has done or will do.

well..thats one way to look at it.

While i applaud that bush went after the Taliban teh Iraq war was a joke and should never have happened.

I was never happy about invading another country that has done nothing to deserve a invasion.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: OCguy
Wow, what a joke. Giving it to someone in hopes they push agenda X is rediculous.

Uh, the 'agenda' is diplomacy over war. That's their agenda. You don't like it, too bad. Why the hell do you think the prize was created? To help support the role of diplomacy.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: sciwizam
Originally posted by: Ausm
Originally posted by: sciwizam
Originally posted by: Ausm
Originally posted by: bamacre

Good unbiased read.

Good sensible read...I just like to get under the righties skin

Don't forget to read his yesterdayarticle

Most of that is old news.

I just like to get under the lefties skin

Believe me that made me scratch my head.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Lemon law
For those of you who think Obama unworthy of the prize, look no further than this small snippet from a yahoo news link.

" In Europe and much of the world Obama is lionized for bringing the United States closer to mainstream global thinking on issues like climate change and multilateralism. A 25-nation poll of 27,000 people released in July by the Pew Global Attitudes Project found double-digit boosts to the percentage of people viewing the U.S. favorably in countries around the world. That indicator had plunged across the world under President George W. Bush."

The perception of viewing the US favorably is an emotion, but an emotion is every bit as valid as a fact. Dismiss it if you will but double digit improvements in perception times the population of the earth, is not to be sneezed at. And as a rising tide lifts all boats, all manner of seemingly impossible things are now possible all over the globe.

And for what its worth, Obama has stated he will donate the 1.4 million dollar prize to charity. Yes the Nobel Peace prize does confer a certain degree of shock and awe, but in a positive way. And its good for all of us in the USA.

And dare we hope, when the dividends are cashed in and more work occurs on world peace, that Obama might win the Peace prize again. Or be a co winner with other peace partners. So much to do, so many areas to work on for world peace, the climate is right
to grow peace again, and we can all seize the moment.

All that says is Obama is a nice guy and European likes him. Doesn't changed the fact that he is not even 1/4 into his term in the office and has done nothing significant to warrant the prize.

If the award is an international popularity contest then you got a point, but it's not.

Wait, on the second thought, it has been an international popularity contest lately and this selection just proofs it for good. And it's sad because they did gave the award to few deserving people in the past and this bullshit selection just invalidated all these good selection in the past. Very sad.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: bamacre

Good unbiased read.

Did you see the article Greenwald linked to?


Wow. The 180 that both parties have done is incredible. In just a few months, the Democrats have become exactly what they accused the Republicans of being.

It's quite disgusting actually. Even more disgusting is the people around here who lap it up and pretend that they're better than "the enemy".


Nov 22, 2008
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: sapiens74
where is Kanye when we need him?

In a thread filled with mostly idiocy, that's the first really humorous post I saw

you were born after the post started or you are too lazy to go through all the pages or just busy sipping koolie ?


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Originally posted by: bamacre

Good unbiased read.

Did you see the article Greenwald linked to?


Wow. The 180 that both parties have done is incredible. In just a few months, the Democrats have become exactly what they accused the Republicans of being.

It's quite disgusting actually. Even more disgusting is the people around here who lap it up and pretend that they're better than "the enemy".

Saw that. It's not so shocking though, is it?

We knew it was gonna happen, hell I'm sure we predicted it.
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