Obama calls small town Americans bitter

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Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2004
Regardless of his intentions in making the statement, Senator Obama's words, in context, still sound condescending and will likely prove damaging to his campaign. Their presentation to an upscale audience reinforces the elitist overtones. This, from (IMHO) one of Senator Clinton's most consistent critics.

Regardless of the truth of his words, they were the wrong thing to say in a national political campaign. The man screwed up, big time.


Aug 5, 2000
Originally posted by: CallMeJoe
Regardless of his intentions in making the statement, Senator Obama's words, in context, still sound condescending and will likely prove damaging to his campaign. Their presentation to an upscale audience reinforces the elitist overtones. This, from (IMHO) one of Senator Clinton's most consistent critics.

Regardless of the truth of his words, they were the wrong thing to say in a national political campaign. The man screwed up, big time.

i think even obama will agree with your sentiments, as do i. he targeted his speech to the audience at hand, and spoke to them in such a way that he thought he could communicate more effectively. i believe a conflict arose when he tried to describe folks' problems of whom he can personally identify with, (as he himself came from a life of modest means) to a bunch of folks that he felt he needed to communicate with from a different perspective. in doing so, he came across in such away as to have him easily taken out of context and ridiculed for something that was never his intent to begin with.

he screwed up from not seeing the big picture, if that were at all possible at the time. his staff screwed up from having the same affliction. they're a bright bunch of people who learn quickly. they won't make that same mistake again.

that being said, it would defy logic and common sense to assume that he meant to alienate the very folks he was trying to help by pointing out their plight. in the same light, i'm sure he sincerely regrets that he may have harmed them from having them lose faith in him, mostly from them being exposed to the clinton and mccain campaigns misleading criticisms.

this whole affair reminds me of the old game strategy where if you can't win by overpowering a foe with superior talent and numbers, you just hold them at bay and let them defeat themselves by letting them make their own mistakes and exploiting those mistakes to maximum advantage.

what a sorry way to have to decide who becomes the next president.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Man the Screwheads are really playing this for all they can. It'd be a shame if the best person doesn't win because of some poorly chosen words in one speech.


Feb 7, 2005
Man, you don't stay on the ball one weekend and you miss everything!

As for me, a Clinton supporter, while I can see why McCain and Hillary would jump on this as politically convenient, I don't see how this would really piss people off. Yes, "the retreat into guns and religion" was pretty stupid, but Clinton seems to be taking most umbrage at his characterization of voters as bitter. Really? 81% think the country is moving in the wrong direction, we're in an unpopular war, our econmony is tanking with the canadian dollar worth more than ours, the rest of the world hates us, and they canceled Jericho AGAIN. Hell, I'm bitter.

In other news, this AM on Morning Joe, former Bush Sr WH chief of staff Andy Card addressed the issue and said Obama was caught pandering, and that "John McCain doesn't pander, he tells it like it is." Seriously Andy? From calling Fallwell/Robertson "agents of intollerance" to doing an about face and calling them swell guys just because he's running for president? Sounds like pandering to me.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: MBrown
I don't see the problem here.

Neither do I. It's true, but is a somewhat incomplete way of explaining why "middle america" has been driven to the Republican party.


Feb 6, 2002
If Obama ever studied history, he will note that people often return to Church and God when times are tough because they seek Hope. It is not out of bitterness, it is for divine inspiration. It is often at the point when their government is perceived to be failing them.

If you look around what do you see?
Value of the dollar is dropping. People are not making more money, but everything they need to live like Gas and Food costs more and more. They see people in the stock market causing the prices to rise even higher through speculation. In the third world countries there are rumors of a shortage of rice because commodities speculation is driving suppliers to horde their supplies of rice because they see the prices going up. This is causing the supply to be less than it actually is because traders are trying to drive up prices by hording commodities in an attempt to keep the prices rising. When all the poor people in third world countries are being starved to death when there is plenty of rice to be sold, there is something going on more than supply and demand.


Golden Member
Jan 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Rainsford

I find it interesting that you call his ideas elitist, yet you don't say he's wrong. While you're doing a great job proving that conservatives are just as PC as liberals (just about different topics), I think it's important for politicians to not be dissuaded from telling the truth just because it might hurt someone's feelings. And I think that there is something wrong with the politics in much of "small town America". Most Democrats are willing to write them off and most Republicans are willing to exploit them for their votes, I'm glad Obama is willing to say that something needs to change, particularly since I'm a liberal. I think "small town America" should be overwhelmingly Democrat, and the fact that that's not true is a problem that should be addressed.

I don't think conservatives are as PC as liberals based on one simple difference Rainsford.

No one is arguing that he doesn't have the right to say these things. No conservative has introduced a "rural hate speech" law in response to these statements. No conservative is leading any marches or rallies based on this, nor is anyone asking him to resign his seat.

Also, you must admit liberalism hasn't exactly done wonders for the inner city poor; why should the rural poor expect any different?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Change must be stopped. Hope must be destroyed. The 5% who rule must be preserved. The class war of the haves on the rest must continue. Feel offended and blame Obama. You worthless nothings must never know that's how you already feel.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Deudalus
Originally posted by: Rainsford

I find it interesting that you call his ideas elitist, yet you don't say he's wrong. While you're doing a great job proving that conservatives are just as PC as liberals (just about different topics), I think it's important for politicians to not be dissuaded from telling the truth just because it might hurt someone's feelings. And I think that there is something wrong with the politics in much of "small town America". Most Democrats are willing to write them off and most Republicans are willing to exploit them for their votes, I'm glad Obama is willing to say that something needs to change, particularly since I'm a liberal. I think "small town America" should be overwhelmingly Democrat, and the fact that that's not true is a problem that should be addressed.

I don't think conservatives are as PC as liberals based on one simple difference Rainsford.

No one is arguing that he doesn't have the right to say these things. No conservative has introduced a "rural hate speech" law in response to these statements. No conservative is leading any marches or rallies based on this, nor is anyone asking him to resign his seat.

Also, you must admit liberalism hasn't exactly done wonders for the inner city poor; why should the rural poor expect any different?

So true. There must be no hope. We all know that Liberals have failed. Everything has failed except me and my money. My money is mine, not yours. The only good in the world is me. I am a worthless pig but I have religion. I am a rock, I am an island.......


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: piasabird
If Obama ever studied history, he will note that people often return to Church and God when times are tough because they seek Hope. It is not out of bitterness, it is for divine inspiration. It is often at the point when their government is perceived to be failing them.

You mean like those fuckers that follow the Reverend Wright?


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Change must be stopped. Hope must be destroyed. The 5% who rule must be preserved. The class war of the haves on the rest must continue. Feel offended and blame Obama. You worthless nothings must never know that's how you already feel.

You forgot "Obama's missteps must be ignored." See my post above and you'll see I don't put much stock in this episode, but every time anyone has anything remotely critical to say about Obama you chime in with this "abandon hope" drivel. Comment on how the story isn't a story or whatever, but I don't see your continued posts blasting anyone with the temerity to question Obama on words he has said as contributing anything positive to the discussion.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: piasabird
If Obama ever studied history, he will note that people often return to Church and God when times are tough because they seek Hope. It is not out of bitterness, it is for divine inspiration. It is often at the point when their government is perceived to be failing them.

You mean like those fuckers that follow the Reverend Wright?

So you're saying Obama hates himself?


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2007
Originally posted by: chowderhead
Originally posted by: loki8481
Obama's the only hope our country has, and it's pretty telling that people are looking for any excuse to lynch him, even if he's just telling the truth.

once again, play that race card.

Except Obama is right.

Wait, what?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: sirjonk
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Change must be stopped. Hope must be destroyed. The 5% who rule must be preserved. The class war of the haves on the rest must continue. Feel offended and blame Obama. You worthless nothings must never know that's how you already feel.

You forgot "Obama's missteps must be ignored." See my post above and you'll see I don't put much stock in this episode, but every time anyone has anything remotely critical to say about Obama you chime in with this "abandon hope" drivel. Comment on how the story isn't a story or whatever, but I don't see your continued posts blasting anyone with the temerity to question Obama on words he has said as contributing anything positive to the discussion.

I'm sorry. I was out of town when this story broke and, having read the initial posts and the imbecilic reactions of so many puss sacks expressing their worthless and brain dead opinions I decided the effort wasn't worth my time. I keep recalling what my father told me from the time I was small. "A fool convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." The kind of low class bitter small minded idiots that post here cling to their slogans and brainwashed propaganda as all they have keeping them from sliding into the sewer, are incapable of rational and impartial thought. They don't want to hear the truth, no, they just want to carp and shit on anybody who offers hope. Fuck them. Let them rot along with the whole country. Let the negative bastards eat shit, right?

Is that elitist enough for you. I know what you do not. I see what you are afraid to know. I know how you feel and how you react to hope. Now, how elite do you want to claim you are? I know you seriously think you don't work against hope, But I know better. You are just like me, your own worst enemy. And now that I've said it clearly and related it specifically to you, you can see how much good it did. Water off a ducks back.

The battle between hope and fear is won by surrender. I won because everything that could be defeated was.

It's always darkest before the dawn.



Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Man the Screwheads are really playing this for all they can. It'd be a shame if the best person doesn't win because of some poorly chosen words in one speech.

The problem isn't the poor choice of words, it's really about him showing his true colors. The condescending elitist tripe is something he's tried to cover up by painting himself as "change" and "hope" but IMO that's just a political marketing scam. IMO, he's no different than any other liberal politician except he's just better at pulling the wool over people's eyes than most...


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: piasabird
If Obama ever studied history, he will note that people often return to Church and God when times are tough because they seek Hope. It is not out of bitterness, it is for divine inspiration. It is often at the point when their government is perceived to be failing them.

You mean like those fuckers that follow the Reverend Wright?

So you're saying Obama hates himself?

Of course. Why else would he call hope audacious when hope is our natural state? But wouldn't it be irritating to think he might somehow actually succeed. If he could make it it might mean that you could too, and if you could, well you know full well the price. It would cost you all your assumptions about everything in the world, your opinions, you sacred cows, all your negative defenses. You would be stripped like a shorn lamb in a world full of wolves. You would be eaten alive. No no, you're too smart for that. The cynic can't be killed because he's already dead.


Senior member
Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
The more this guy campaigns, the more I like the fucker.

Likewise... I mean it sounds like he's telling the truth. If not, everyone wouldnt be so upset. I'm sure bitter and I live in a small town! I'm also very cynical about the government. Those are the main points I think he was trying to convey.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Man the Screwheads are really playing this for all they can. It'd be a shame if the best person doesn't win because of some poorly chosen words in one speech.

The problem isn't the poor choice of words, it's really about him showing his true colors. The condescending elitist tripe is something he's tried to cover up by painting himself as "change" and "hope" but IMO that's just a political marketing scam. IMO, he's no different than any other liberal politician except he's just better at pulling the wool over people's eyes than most...

Yes and you voted for Bush. Your humble opinion is less than humble, it's totally worthless, so worthless in fact, that you should stop having them or fouling the atmosphere with their expression. Be a real Christian and bow your head. You not only know absolutely nothing, you have a perverse talent for getting everything upside down. If Jesus were walking around you would be his enemy too.


Jan 6, 2005
It really depends on how you interpret Obama's comments, and if the media is reading into this controversy just to keep things interesting...the media benefits from a prolonged nomination process, and the recent string of negative publicity against the Clintons was certainly making a case for her to drop out of the race.

Is Obama a liberal elitist, or did he simply use a poor choice of words...I honestly don't see a problem with his comment, and it is refreshing for a candidate to speak with candor, even if the implications are potentially controversial.

I prefer controversial wording over having every speech, word and comment determined by a focus group.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Kerry is an elitist, but I'm a genius and will fix his wagon but voting for Bush. I'd rather the nation go bankrupt than vote for somebody with above average abilities. I don't like people who show all the symptoms of being better than me, and if they have a bigger IQ or whatever, they're better, no? It's only safe if you conform and think and act like the herd. Voting for leaders with compelling vision is for the history books, for people who don't threaten my ego because they're dead.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: agibby5
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
The more this guy campaigns, the more I like the fucker.

Likewise... I mean it sounds like he's telling the truth. If not, everyone wouldnt be so upset. I'm sure bitter and I live in a small town! I'm also very cynical about the government. Those are the main points I think he was trying to convey.

Self hate is like having a sore toe you stick out in the aisle so you can rant and scream when somebody steps on it. It's the chip on the shoulder, the drunk looking for a fight. It's the impulse to do our worst in the hope it will somehow this time be forgiven. But there is only one cure for self hate and that is self love and to love yourself you have to let go of the swine. But we so love our pork, our slop and our sty.
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