Obama calls small town Americans bitter

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Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Brigandier
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
Too bad many stations won't play his response, yet continue to play Clinton's response. He just smacked them down, big time.

How else, in good conscience, could they say he's an empty suit?

Exactly what is it he's going to do for these people? Is he going to stop the influx of illegals and sent those here back?

Is he going to stop companies from outsourcing and/or moving their factories overseas to where the cheap labor is?

It's easy to talk change (especially when you have no record to speak of), but actually changing things is another matter. The only thing I heard was him talking about doing was taxing the richest 1%. Kind of reminded me of a Wright sermon, without the Goddamn America part.

But what do I know, I'm just a cynical, bitter, small town, white guy who's racist and hates illegals while I sit here polishing my gun in apathy while listening to Rush on the radio.

Seriously, we just have a bunch of idiot politicians making empty promises again. I thought the people in this country had woken up to that crap but if Obama is the best we can come up with, obviously I was wrong.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Brigandier
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
Too bad many stations won't play his response, yet continue to play Clinton's response. He just smacked them down, big time.

How else, in good conscience, could they say he's an empty suit?

Exactly what is it he's going to do for these people? Is he going to stop the influx of illegals and sent those here back?

Is he going to stop companies from outsourcing and/or moving their factories overseas to where the cheap labor is?

It's easy to talk change (especially when you have no record to speak of), but actually changing things is another matter. The only thing I heard was him talking about doing was taxing the richest 1%. Kind of reminded me of a Wright sermon, without the Goddamn America part.

But what do I know, I'm just a cynical, bitter, small town, white guy who's racist and hates illegals while I sit here polishing my gun in apathy while listening to Rush on the radio.

Seriously, we just have a bunch of idiot politicians making empty promises again. I thought the people in this country had woken up to that crap but if Obama is the best we can come up with, obviously I was wrong.
This sucks. I have to agree with you in two current threads? WTF is this world coming to?


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2008
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Exactly what is it he's going to do for these people? Is he going to stop the influx of illegals and sent those here back?

Is he going to stop companies from outsourcing and/or moving their factories overseas to where the cheap labor is?

It's easy to talk change (especially when you have no record to speak of), but actually changing things is another matter. The only thing I heard was him talking about doing was taxing the richest 1%. Kind of reminded me of a Wright sermon, without the Goddamn America part.

But what do I know, I'm just a cynical, bitter, small town, white guy who's racist and hates illegals while I sit here polishing my gun in apathy while listening to Rush on the radio.

Seriously, we just have a bunch of idiot politicians making empty promises again. I thought the people in this country had woken up to that crap but if Obama is the best we can come up with, obviously I was wrong.

Obama at least speaks of the isues as they are and faces "controversies" with tact and intelligence, very admirable traitis for a presidential candidate. I think Obama's greatest strength will be getting America to actually debate national policy in a meaningful way.



Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Brigandier
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Exactly what is it he's going to do for these people? Is he going to stop the influx of illegals and sent those here back?

Is he going to stop companies from outsourcing and/or moving their factories overseas to where the cheap labor is?

It's easy to talk change (especially when you have no record to speak of), but actually changing things is another matter. The only thing I heard was him talking about doing was taxing the richest 1%. Kind of reminded me of a Wright sermon, without the Goddamn America part.

But what do I know, I'm just a cynical, bitter, small town, white guy who's racist and hates illegals while I sit here polishing my gun in apathy while listening to Rush on the radio.

Seriously, we just have a bunch of idiot politicians making empty promises again. I thought the people in this country had woken up to that crap but if Obama is the best we can come up with, obviously I was wrong.

Obama at least speaks of the isues as they are and faces "controversies" with tact and intelligence, very admirable traitis for a presidential candidate. I think Obama's greatest strength will be getting America to actually debate national policy in a meaningful way.

lol. Remember when he made that "controversial" statement last year about bombing Pakistan if Al Qaeda is there and the Pakistanis don't do anything? The same people here were saying it was stupid and his campaign was over. Turns out he was right and the CIA was following his advice.

I honestly wouldn't take some of these clowns too seriously.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Brigandier
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Exactly what is it he's going to do for these people? Is he going to stop the influx of illegals and sent those here back?

Is he going to stop companies from outsourcing and/or moving their factories overseas to where the cheap labor is?

It's easy to talk change (especially when you have no record to speak of), but actually changing things is another matter. The only thing I heard was him talking about doing was taxing the richest 1%. Kind of reminded me of a Wright sermon, without the Goddamn America part.

But what do I know, I'm just a cynical, bitter, small town, white guy who's racist and hates illegals while I sit here polishing my gun in apathy while listening to Rush on the radio.

Seriously, we just have a bunch of idiot politicians making empty promises again. I thought the people in this country had woken up to that crap but if Obama is the best we can come up with, obviously I was wrong.

Obama at least speaks of the isues as they are and faces "controversies" with tact and intelligence, very admirable traitis for a presidential candidate. I think Obama's greatest strength will be getting America to actually debate national policy in a meaningful way.

Even though he doensn't present his policies? The guy talks about the issues but never seems to get to the heart of them - it's mainly platitudes. Oh, and he speaks of them as he sees them, not necessarily "as they are" since his world view is much different than mine and other people.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2008
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY

Even though he doensn't present his policies? The guy talks about the issues but never seems to get to the heart of them - it's mainly platitudes. Oh, and he speaks of them as he sees them, not necessarily "as they are" since his world view is much different than mine and other people.

He's a medaitor and wants discussion, not just haphazzard knee-jerk reactions to issues. He has a defined point of view, but that isn't the end. The end is the discussion and hopes that people in our government can come to a consensus over the issues America faces.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Brigandier
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Exactly what is it he's going to do for these people? Is he going to stop the influx of illegals and sent those here back?

Is he going to stop companies from outsourcing and/or moving their factories overseas to where the cheap labor is?

It's easy to talk change (especially when you have no record to speak of), but actually changing things is another matter. The only thing I heard was him talking about doing was taxing the richest 1%. Kind of reminded me of a Wright sermon, without the Goddamn America part.

But what do I know, I'm just a cynical, bitter, small town, white guy who's racist and hates illegals while I sit here polishing my gun in apathy while listening to Rush on the radio.

Seriously, we just have a bunch of idiot politicians making empty promises again. I thought the people in this country had woken up to that crap but if Obama is the best we can come up with, obviously I was wrong.

Obama at least speaks of the isues as they are and faces "controversies" with tact and intelligence, very admirable traitis for a presidential candidate. I think Obama's greatest strength will be getting America to actually debate national policy in a meaningful way.

Even though he doensn't present his policies? The guy talks about the issues but never seems to get to the heart of them - it's mainly platitudes. Oh, and he speaks of them as he sees them, not necessarily "as they are" since his world view is much different than mine and other people.

Unless you're voting for Clinton, I see no reason why you see that as a fault of Obama because McCane certainly doesn't either.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
"I didn't say it as well as I should have," said Obama, who is vying with Clinton for the Democratic nomination and the right to run in November against presumptive Republican nominee McCain.

Obama said he believed many voters were indeed bitter about the economy and he meant to say "when you're bitter you turn to what you can count on."

"So people -- they vote about guns, or they take comfort from their faith and their family and their community," he said. But he said he had not meant to imply that was a bad thing.

"The truth is that these traditions that are passed on from generation to generation, those are important. That's what sustains us," he said.

Uh-oh! He's backpedaling ... Plus he got it backwards again...

they vote about faith, or they take comfort from their guns... That's more like it!



Diamond Member
May 29, 2003
They hang onto their guns because of bitterness? What an idiot. THey hang onto their guns because they have small penises.


Aug 23, 2007
Originally posted by: Stoneburner
They hang onto their guns because of bitterness? What an idiot. THey hang onto their guns because they have small penises.

He DIDN'T say that they hang on to their guns.He said that they CLING to their guns. It's pretty obvious to me that he's not talking about being pro 2nd amendment, but clinging to guns and religion psychologically. Of course, if he tries to explain that, people will call him elitist for using a big word like psychological.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2004
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
gluten... if you own guns or go to church and live in a small town you are now 'bitter'

It does not mater what Obama meant to say, it is what he said that will count in the long run. When you have to go and explain things you have already said you are moving backwards. John Kerry can tell you how crippling that can be to your campaign.

Well, actually I think he actually MEANT to say what he did, but since he's a liberal - he doesn't understand how condescending those comments are. You see the libs here saying - "well, it's true...etc" but ofcourse it's true to them - they see everything in through their liberal world view.

So the current economic state of small town USA is now a liberal point of view. It's amazing how little sense you make but whatever makes you feel good about getting the word liberal into your post.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Hear that Vic?

You are a liberal elitist, and I might be one as well! :sun:

Hehe. The funny thing is that I have been saying exactly this kind of thing for years. Why was the 2000 election decided on the issue of abortion? Why was the 2004 election decided on gay marriage? Hell, in 2004, I begged the Dems not to fall into the gay marriage trap so much that some posters here thought I was anti-gay marriage. And fall into that trap the Dems did... so badly that Kerry came out against gay marriage, Bush in favor, and still their respective supporters believed the opposite. It was ridiculous. And yet that was how the election was decided.

And this is why I support Obama, despite the fact that I don't agree with him on all the issues. Because he can tell the truth. The hard truth that other politicians don't want you to hear. That these issues are not important. And that what is important is being willing and able to bring this country and its people together to address what really needs to be addressed. And not just follow the old politician trick of using wedge issues to drive us apart solely for the sake of getting elected into power, and then forget all about it once he gets there (what exactly has GW done about abortion and gay marriage BTW?).

More than that, he'll even come right out and say how unimportant those wedge issues really are in the big picture of things, like he did here.
And what exactly is "elitist" about that? Nothing.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Brigandier
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Exactly what is it he's going to do for these people? Is he going to stop the influx of illegals and sent those here back?

Is he going to stop companies from outsourcing and/or moving their factories overseas to where the cheap labor is?

It's easy to talk change (especially when you have no record to speak of), but actually changing things is another matter. The only thing I heard was him talking about doing was taxing the richest 1%. Kind of reminded me of a Wright sermon, without the Goddamn America part.

But what do I know, I'm just a cynical, bitter, small town, white guy who's racist and hates illegals while I sit here polishing my gun in apathy while listening to Rush on the radio.

Seriously, we just have a bunch of idiot politicians making empty promises again. I thought the people in this country had woken up to that crap but if Obama is the best we can come up with, obviously I was wrong.

Obama at least speaks of the isues as they are and faces "controversies" with tact and intelligence, very admirable traitis for a presidential candidate. I think Obama's greatest strength will be getting America to actually debate national policy in a meaningful way.

Even though he doensn't present his policies? The guy talks about the issues but never seems to get to the heart of them - it's mainly platitudes. Oh, and he speaks of them as he sees them, not necessarily "as they are" since his world view is much different than mine and other people.

Unless you're voting for Clinton, I see no reason why you see that as a fault of Obama because McCane certainly doesn't either.

I know where McCain stands and he has a record that I can look up. Obamarama doesn't and has only offered platitudes. "discussion" is great but right now is the time people need to be making choices based on stances/issues - not supposed/promised dialog. We need to choose someone to represent us and we deserve to know where that person stands. Obamarama IMO has really only offered feel good platitudes.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: glutenberg
So the current economic state of small town USA is now a liberal point of view. It's amazing how little sense you make but whatever makes you feel good about getting the word liberal into your post.

Hey look, another person who didn't read what I wrote...


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2008
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
I know where McCain stands and he has a record that I can look up. Obamarama doesn't and has only offered platitudes. "discussion" is great but right now is the time people need to be making choices based on stances/issues - not supposed/promised dialog. We need to choose someone to represent us and we deserve to know where that person stands. Obamarama IMO has really only offered feel good platitudes.

We don't need to vote by the same st andards. Your vote is your vote, it's not our vote.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Obama can kiss my lilly white, small town, gun totin', Bible thumpin' ass. :laugh:

Seriously, this guys pretty disconnected from rural America as I see it. I am small town and I've lived in small towns all across America. The way I see it, the things he's saying we cling to because we're bitter are just parts of who we are.

We're not bitter or frustrated. We know it's an election year and most of the doom and gloom is being fabricated by people who have a political agenda. We aren't looking for the government to take care of us. We're happy to take care of ourselves and help our neighbors when we can. We always cling to our religion, in good times or bad. We know we can always trust in God and no politician can live up to or come between that.

Our guns are important to us and always will be. It's a part of our heritage. With our guns, we know we can defend ourselves and provide food for ourselves when neccesary.

We don't have antipathy towards people who aren't like us. We're generally friendly and respectful towards all decent people but quick to condemn those that cause harm to others or disrespect our laws. We aren't anti-immigrant but we are anti- (illegal) immigrant. We'll welcome immigrants that want to legally integrate and become law abiding, tax paying, productive members of our society. (We would like it if they'd at least try to learn English)

No, we're not bitter. We know Obama is just another, full of shit, disconnected politician who'll say and do whatever he thinks he needs to get elected. In the end we'll still be here making the best of what each day brings and giving thanks to God in our optomistic, small town way.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2003
Originally posted by: RY62
Obama can kiss my lilly white, small town, gun totin', Bible thumpin' ass. :laugh:

Seriously, this guys pretty disconnected from rural America as I see it. I am small town and I've lived in small towns all across America. The way I see it, the things he's saying we cling to because we're bitter are just parts of who we are.

We're not bitter or frustrated. We know it's an election year and most of the doom and gloom is being fabricated by people who have a political agenda. We aren't looking for the government to take care of us. We're happy to take care of ourselves and help our neighbors when we can. We always cling to our religion, in good times or bad. We know we can always trust in God and no politician can live up to or come between that.

Our guns are important to us and always will be. It's a part of our heritage. With our guns, we know we can defend ourselves and provide food for ourselves when neccesary.

We don't have antipathy towards people who aren't like us. We're generally friendly and respectful towards all decent people but quick to condemn those that cause harm to others or disrespect our laws. We aren't anti-immigrant but we are anti- (illegal) immigrant. We'll welcome immigrants that want to legally integrate and become law abiding, tax paying, productive members of our society. (We would like it if they'd at least try to learn English)

No, we're not bitter. We know Obama is just another, full of shit, disconnected politician who'll say and do whatever he thinks he needs to get elected. In the end we'll still be here making the best of what each day brings and giving thanks to God in our optomistic, small town way.

And you speak for all of them you ass? Or even a preponderance of them?


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Stoneburner
Originally posted by: RY62
Obama can kiss my lilly white, small town, gun totin', Bible thumpin' ass. :laugh:

Seriously, this guys pretty disconnected from rural America as I see it. I am small town and I've lived in small towns all across America. The way I see it, the things he's saying we cling to because we're bitter are just parts of who we are.

We're not bitter or frustrated. We know it's an election year and most of the doom and gloom is being fabricated by people who have a political agenda. We aren't looking for the government to take care of us. We're happy to take care of ourselves and help our neighbors when we can. We always cling to our religion, in good times or bad. We know we can always trust in God and no politician can live up to or come between that.

Our guns are important to us and always will be. It's a part of our heritage. With our guns, we know we can defend ourselves and provide food for ourselves when neccesary.

We don't have antipathy towards people who aren't like us. We're generally friendly and respectful towards all decent people but quick to condemn those that cause harm to others or disrespect our laws. We aren't anti-immigrant but we are anti- (illegal) immigrant. We'll welcome immigrants that want to legally integrate and become law abiding, tax paying, productive members of our society. (We would like it if they'd at least try to learn English)

No, we're not bitter. We know Obama is just another, full of shit, disconnected politician who'll say and do whatever he thinks he needs to get elected. In the end we'll still be here making the best of what each day brings and giving thanks to God in our optomistic, small town way.

And you speak for all of them you ass? Or even a preponderance of them?

As one of THEM, I'd say I can speak for a hell of a lot more of them than Obama can.


Golden Member
Dec 12, 1999
If that's not accurate I don't know what is. Of course Hitlary is desperate and looking to jump on anything right about now hence her whole campaign focusing on it.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2008
Originally posted by: RY62

As one of THEM, I'd say I can speak for a hell of a lot more of them than Obama can.

I'm from a small town too, and I've seen the fear of the different. Small towns are full of gossip and bullshit. The people are great, but they run out of things to do, so they bullshit and gossip, spreading fear and narrow-mindedness.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: RY62
Obama can kiss my lilly white, small town, gun totin', Bible thumpin' ass. :laugh:

Seriously, this guys pretty disconnected from rural America as I see it. I am small town and I've lived in small towns all across America. The way I see it, the things he's saying we cling to because we're bitter are just parts of who we are.

We're not bitter or frustrated. We know it's an election year and most of the doom and gloom is being fabricated by people who have a political agenda. We aren't looking for the government to take care of us. We're happy to take care of ourselves and help our neighbors when we can. We always cling to our religion, in good times or bad. We know we can always trust in God and no politician can live up to or come between that.

Our guns are important to us and always will be. It's a part of our heritage. With our guns, we know we can defend ourselves and provide food for ourselves when neccesary.

We don't have antipathy towards people who aren't like us. We're generally friendly and respectful towards all decent people but quick to condemn those that cause harm to others or disrespect our laws. We aren't anti-immigrant but we are anti- (illegal) immigrant. We'll welcome immigrants that want to legally integrate and become law abiding, tax paying, productive members of our society. (We would like it if they'd at least try to learn English)

No, we're not bitter. We know Obama is just another, full of shit, disconnected politician who'll say and do whatever he thinks he needs to get elected. In the end we'll still be here making the best of what each day brings and giving thanks to God in our optomistic, small town way.
Not a bad sentiment, but out of curiosity, for whom do you plan to vote?


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Brigandier
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
I know where McCain stands and he has a record that I can look up. Obamarama doesn't and has only offered platitudes. "discussion" is great but right now is the time people need to be making choices based on stances/issues - not supposed/promised dialog. We need to choose someone to represent us and we deserve to know where that person stands. Obamarama IMO has really only offered feel good platitudes.

We don't need to vote by the same st andards. Your vote is your vote, it's not our vote.

Fine, vote for platitudes. I'll vote issues and ideals.


Golden Member
Nov 12, 2004
He explained his troubles winning over working class voters, saying they have become frustrated with economic conditions:

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Halp us jonh karry, ware stuk in Irak"


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Brigandier
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Exactly what is it he's going to do for these people? Is he going to stop the influx of illegals and sent those here back?

Is he going to stop companies from outsourcing and/or moving their factories overseas to where the cheap labor is?

It's easy to talk change (especially when you have no record to speak of), but actually changing things is another matter. The only thing I heard was him talking about doing was taxing the richest 1%. Kind of reminded me of a Wright sermon, without the Goddamn America part.

But what do I know, I'm just a cynical, bitter, small town, white guy who's racist and hates illegals while I sit here polishing my gun in apathy while listening to Rush on the radio.

Seriously, we just have a bunch of idiot politicians making empty promises again. I thought the people in this country had woken up to that crap but if Obama is the best we can come up with, obviously I was wrong.

Obama at least speaks of the isues as they are and faces "controversies" with tact and intelligence, very admirable traitis for a presidential candidate. I think Obama's greatest strength will be getting America to actually debate national policy in a meaningful way.

Even though he doensn't present his policies? The guy talks about the issues but never seems to get to the heart of them - it's mainly platitudes. Oh, and he speaks of them as he sees them, not necessarily "as they are" since his world view is much different than mine and other people.

Unless you're voting for Clinton, I see no reason why you see that as a fault of Obama because McCane certainly doesn't either.

I know where McCain stands and he has a record that I can look up. Obamarama doesn't and has only offered platitudes. "discussion" is great but right now is the time people need to be making choices based on stances/issues - not supposed/promised dialog. We need to choose someone to represent us and we deserve to know where that person stands. Obamarama IMO has really only offered feel good platitudes.

I can see that you are using double standards and you really are full of shit. You give McCane a pass because you "know" where he stands but lambasts Obama for not presenting a plan you can look at. Admit it, you just don't like the guy so you'll give him a hard time. If you were being impartial (which you aren't) you would look at his senate record and infer where he stands just as you do McCain.

Stop lying to yourself and us. It does all a great disservice. We see right through to you.



Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
So no AT'ers are angry and hopeless. Many people are. Most people who are don't bother with websites like AT and try and find the tiny thing about him, and blow it up. Many people do, vote on one issue whether it be gays, guns, religion, whatever. And the reason is, is because no government is listening to them. So who do they turn to? You guess it, "God, if you can help me get through this one week with this months house payment..."... There is an example where got has no (real) place and where government should more included... but since no ones listening to them, rather making a HUGE deal out of a true statement by Obama... I just think his statement is hugely being taken out of context.
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