Obama calls small town Americans bitter

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Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Genx87
I honestly dont have a problem with what he said. Yes it is condescending but I think there is a bit of truth behind it. Obviously my big problem is he seems to still think govt can change their problems. Which is laughably absurd.

This guy will continue to put his foot in the mouth until election day. The media coddling him this long may create a backlash as people realize he isnt the second coming of Christ, but instead a regular old mortal man who makes mistakes.

He's a liberal, so you'll have to forgive him for thinking that the appropriate approach to problems is to try to solve them.

I guess if ramming your fist into a wall hoping for a different outcome is considered trying to solve issues. Then he is definately the man for liberals!


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: RY62
I came into this election cycle as a right leaning Democrat, pissed off at the Republicans, mostly for the out of control spending. My intention was to vote for Clinton, mostly because I remember things (aside from Monica) as being good when Bill was there. As of now, I expect an Obama/McCain matchup and in that case, I expect to vote for McCain.

As I'm getting older, I find myself leaning more and more to the right. By the next cycle I'll probably be a left leaning Republican or maybe even Libertarian, who knows. LOL

Wait a minute... You came into the election leaning (D) because you, like many, were pissed off at the (R's) and intended to vote Clinton but now lean to McCain? It's been pointed out over and over that Hillary and Barak are very similar on the issues. I support Obama but if Clinton somehow manages to get the nomination she'll get my vote in Nov. You support Clinton but if she loses why would you vote for the guy who is going to continue in Iraq and follow down Bush's path?

I believe that any of 3 candidates will be forced to continue in Iraq, so Iraq is not a real deciding factor for me. It's just not something that we can easily walk away from.

I simply will not vote for Obama. I don't trust him. He has been manufactured to appear as a squeaky clean alternative to Clinton and, as we get to know more about him, we learn that we just don't know enough about him.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2008
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY

Fine, vote for platitudes. I'll vote issues and ideals.

McCain has platitudes too, in fact, that is all a politician is, wishful thinking.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: RY62
I came into this election cycle as a right leaning Democrat, pissed off at the Republicans, mostly for the out of control spending. My intention was to vote for Clinton, mostly because I remember things (aside from Monica) as being good when Bill was there. As of now, I expect an Obama/McCain matchup and in that case, I expect to vote for McCain.

As I'm getting older, I find myself leaning more and more to the right. By the next cycle I'll probably be a left leaning Republican or maybe even Libertarian, who knows. LOL

Wait a minute... You came into the election leaning (D) because you, like many, were pissed off at the (R's) and intended to vote Clinton but now lean to McCain? It's been pointed out over and over that Hillary and Barak are very similar on the issues. I support Obama but if Clinton somehow manages to get the nomination she'll get my vote in Nov. You support Clinton but if she loses why would you vote for the guy who is going to continue in Iraq and follow down Bush's path?

I believe that any of 3 candidates will be forced to continue in Iraq, so Iraq is not a real deciding factor for me. It's just not something that we can easily walk away from.

I simply will not vote for Obama. I don't trust him. He has been manufactured to appear as a squeaky clean alternative to Clinton and, as we get to know more about him, we learn that we just don't know enough about him.

Huh? Manufactured by who? Who is this 'they' you are talking about? You make it sound like Obama is some guy who popped up on the map with no ID or public record. If you don't know enough about him why not do some research?

As an Obama supporter I don't think he is 'squeaky clean'. He's a politician. People don't rise to positions of that kind of power without 'breaking a few eggs' along the way. We've seen a few of Barak's 'skeletons' and we'll probably see a few more before the convention. I expect we'll also see some more Clinton and McCain mud along the way.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
very poor wording, could've been delivered in a more subtle way without sounding condescending. Like many have said he doesn't connect with rural folks. He won't win any of the hard core red states in 2000 or 2004.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
If you had a "Four More Years" bumper sticker from 2004, just scratch off Bush and write in McCain. Save yourself a buck or two.


Jul 1, 2001
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
very poor wording, could've been delivered in a more subtle way without sounding condescending. Like many have said he doesn't connect with rural folks. He won't win any of the hard core red states in 2000 or 2004.

He also has to worry about losing moderates like myself if he keeps talking like that! With an seemingly anti-gun mentality and a democratic congress to back them up, I have to start worrying about my second amendment rights being in jeopardy if this guy gets elected.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
IMO some of you are waaaaaay too paranoid about your guns being taken away. Ain't going to happen. There's simply too many of them out there already and who really knows where they're at?


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Meh, he can't help it. I mean how long can an elitist really hide his true colors behind a "hope" and "change" charade? He's lasted longer than most do...



I guess you prefer to hear soundbites rather than cold, hard truth, right?

No, I prefer the issues, not BHO's class warfare soundbites.

its only class warfare when liberals do it tbh.


Feb 18, 2004
the only thing that makes me question Obama is the fact that he gave this dose of truth-telling to a group of san fransisco liberals, who are likely to distort his words as confirming their own elitist attitudes towards religion and guns and communities in the states that don't have ocean-front views, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

he hasn't shown the same history of vitriolic lying like that bitch Hillary or Mc-I want your sons dying in Iraq for 100 years-Cain.


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: loki8481
the only thing that makes me question Obama is the fact that he gave this dose of truth-telling to a group of san fransisco liberals, who are likely to distort his words as confirming their own elitist attitudes towards religion and guns and communities in the states that don't have ocean-front views, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

he hasn't shown the same history of vitriolic lying like that bitch Hillary or Mc-I want your sons dying in Iraq for 100 years-Cain.

you posts are putting alot of wear and tear on my sarcasm meter.


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Genx87
I honestly dont have a problem with what he said. Yes it is condescending but I think there is a bit of truth behind it. Obviously my big problem is he seems to still think govt can change their problems. Which is laughably absurd.

This guy will continue to put his foot in the mouth until election day. The media coddling him this long may create a backlash as people realize he isnt the second coming of Christ, but instead a regular old mortal man who makes mistakes.

He's a liberal, so you'll have to forgive him for thinking that the appropriate approach to problems is to try to solve them.

this is pretty epic


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Robor
Huh? Manufactured by who? Who is this 'they' you are talking about? You make it sound like Obama is some guy who popped up on the map with no ID or public record. If you don't know enough about him why not do some research?

As an Obama supporter I don't think he is 'squeaky clean'. He's a politician. People don't rise to positions of that kind of power without 'breaking a few eggs' along the way. We've seen a few of Barak's 'skeletons' and we'll probably see a few more before the convention. I expect we'll also see some more Clinton and McCain mud along the way.

There is nothing I need to research. As far as positions, in the US Senate he has voted far left party line. I expect anything else I need to know will come out in the wash, now that he's under the microscope.

It's a real change to hear an Obama follower admiting that he's just a politician. For the past year or so, we've been led to believe that he was somehow different and above all others.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Robor
IMO some of you are waaaaaay too paranoid about your guns being taken away. Ain't going to happen. There's simply too many of them out there already and who really knows where they're at?

It doesn't matter how many are out there or where they're at. If the far left had their way, guns would be illegal and we'd all become criminals. We've seen how easy it is to lose gun rights and, once they're gone they don't come back.


Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: Robor
IMO some of you are waaaaaay too paranoid about your guns being taken away. Ain't going to happen. There's simply too many of them out there already and who really knows where they're at?

It doesn't matter how many are out there or where they're at. If the far left had their way, guns would be illegal and we'd all become criminals. We've seen how easy it is to lose gun rights and, once they're gone they don't come back.

"They" don't want to take away your guns because anyone on the left has no intention of coming to your neighborhood, a.k.a. flyover territory. Rather, the dirty secret of the far left is that they fear guns in the hands of their own, in particular, inner city blacks and gang bangers who they claim as their constituency. However, to maintain their moral purity and avoid any appearance of racism or non-politically correct speech, they have to employ the terrifying spectre of Joe Bob with his .30-06 rifle instead of the Black Gangster Disciples.


Jul 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Robor
IMO some of you are waaaaaay too paranoid about your guns being taken away. Ain't going to happen. There's simply too many of them out there already and who really knows where they're at?

I believe that the liberal anti-gun plan from Brady, etc... is to force folks to have to register all of their existing guns and get permits to own, buy, and use them. I've even heard of ideas where purchasing ammunition wouldn't be legal without one of these permits. When they know where all of the legal guns are, THEN they can start slowly taking them away.

Of course, the plan is doomed to failure because many folks will not register all of their guns, and help to simulate black market sales of banned weapons. So much for common sense in the "common sense" gun laws that most Democrats support.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: ultimatebob
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
very poor wording, could've been delivered in a more subtle way without sounding condescending. Like many have said he doesn't connect with rural folks. He won't win any of the hard core red states in 2000 or 2004.

He also has to worry about losing moderates like myself if he keeps talking like that! With an seemingly anti-gun mentality and a democratic congress to back them up, I have to start worrying about my second amendment rights being in jeopardy if this guy gets elected.

Obama already said that he has no intentions of taking anybody's guns away. He said that like two months ago.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: glutenberg
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: glutenberg
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: glutenberg
So the current economic state of small town USA is now a liberal point of view. It's amazing how little sense you make but whatever makes you feel good about getting the word liberal into your post.

Hey look, another person who didn't read what I wrote...

Please, multiple posters have broken down everything you've said. I'm sorry that it only takes a few sentences to refute your ridiculous statements.

It's quite obvious you didn't read what I posted. Try reading and then come on back.

It's clear you have problem expressing your thoughts well as pointed out by basically every person who quotes you. Feel free to rethink what you're going to say and then let us know when you've figured it out in a clear and coherent manner.

QFT. I'm not sure if he's dodging-n-weaving or just inherently incoherent. Either way, his statements can be nebulous.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
No, he doesn't get a "pass". I disagree on a great many things and still have not decided whether I'm going to sit on my hands or vote for him - this is due to his positions. BHO's Senate record? Buahahaha... Yeah, he has such a long record to look at...
Sheesh, I swear some of you don't have a clue. No where did I suggest I was impartial but that doesn't mean I can't state the truth about BHO's campaign of platitudes. I thought people wanted an election about issues this time around.... I guess not...

OK, then go to his website and read up on his detailed views and plans. Nevermind, you just admitted that you are bias so no need to do that. Continue as usual.

WTF does bias have to do with any of this? Are you trying to say that since I'm a Conservative and BHO is a liberal that I can't comment on what he does? PUHFUGGINLEEZE.

No, in fact I said the opposite. But since you're clearly bias (and you admit it), it'll be hard to take you too seriously.

Never said you did have to, but I will state my opinion. I take very little that is posted here seriously, especially that which comes from BHO lappers.

So you must be entertained by us? With your highly intellectual comments and sophisticated quips, I see no reason how you even have time to respond to us lowly folks.


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: Robor
IMO some of you are waaaaaay too paranoid about your guns being taken away. Ain't going to happen. There's simply too many of them out there already and who really knows where they're at?

It doesn't matter how many are out there or where they're at. If the far left had their way, guns would be illegal and we'd all become criminals. We've seen how easy it is to lose gun rights and, once they're gone they don't come back.

What rights have you lost, Chunky? And why didn't the Republicans restore those "missing rights" with their majority control for nearly eight years?



Golden Member
Nov 12, 2004
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: hellokeith
He explained his troubles winning over working class voters, saying they have become frustrated with economic conditions:

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Halp us jonh karry, ware stuk in Irak"

http://www.lorien1973.com/wp-c.../2008/04/smalltown.jpg :laugh:

:laugh: Good one there CAD. :thumbsup:

Looks like Hillary is gonna milk the teet off this Oblunder:

Yahoo! News - Hillary already passing out "I'm not bitter!" stickers in PA


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: Robor
IMO some of you are waaaaaay too paranoid about your guns being taken away. Ain't going to happen. There's simply too many of them out there already and who really knows where they're at?

It doesn't matter how many are out there or where they're at. If the far left had their way, guns would be illegal and we'd all become criminals. We've seen how easy it is to lose gun rights and, once they're gone they don't come back.

What rights have you lost, Chunky? And why didn't the Republicans restore those "missing rights" with their majority control for nearly eight years?


You've quoted my post but it appears you've directed your question to Chunky. Perhaps you're refering to me as Chunky, though I'm not sure why you would. If the "Chunky" label was directed at me, as it seems it was, should I not just dismiss you as an idiot?

In the hope that you'll learn how to carry on a civil conversation, I'll answer the question anyway. I did not say that I have lost any gun rights. I said that we've seen how easy they are to lose. I was refering to the loss of gun rights around the world.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
You people take everything out of context, heres him in 2004 regarding this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=6oGF3cyHE7M

Hillarys pulling out all the stops, bringing in the deck's pool, soon she'll be out of bodies of water to throw at him. She's going to lose, and you exaggeraters can just stop and face the facts... put his words in context and put yourself in the shoes of someone whos poorly educated, poor as in cannot afford healthcare, etc.. They don't give a damn about whats happening in North Korea or his 10 point policy plans. These people do cling to the few things they have... and vote based on those issues.


Senior member
Oct 27, 2007
But the issue doesn't seem to be sticking. Clinton himself has been silent on the issue. But at the first two events of the day, the campaign has sent one of Carolina's hometown boys out to push the issue before Clinton takes the stage. Tom Hendrickson, a Clinton supporter and former Democratic Party chairman, included a reading of Obama's comments in his introduction of Clinton.

"Senator Obama, don't pity us and think that we're bitter and frustrated," he said in Winterville this morning. "We are hard-working family folks who are smart, and we get it. We don't need pundits to tell us what to think."

Hendrickson repeated the sentiment at a later stop in Winston, but dropped the direct mention of Obama as the source of the quote.

In both instances, Hendrickson's speech evidenced little reaction from the crowd, which had been waiting for the main event for over an hour, and appeared to have little tolerance for a parade of surrogates.

In Goldsboro, close observers noticed a (light) smattering of stickers being worn by attendees. "I'm not bitter!" read the simple rectangular label on the lapels of a couple dozen in the crowd. The campaign says that the stickers are evidence of outrage at the grassroots level.

Yet it's unclear how spontaneous the sentiment was. A boxful of the stickers was spotted at Clinton's first event of the day -- being whisked backstage.

Guess we'll see what effect this actually has on Sen. Obama's campaign.



Senior member
Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: loki8481
the only thing that makes me question Obama is the fact that he gave this dose of truth-telling to a group of san fransisco liberals, who are likely to distort his words as confirming their own elitist attitudes towards religion and guns and communities in the states that don't have ocean-front views, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

he hasn't shown the same history of vitriolic lying like that bitch Hillary or Mc-I want your sons dying in Iraq for 100 years-Cain.

you posts are putting alot of wear and tear on my sarcasm meter.

Mine too.
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