Obama calls small town Americans bitter

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Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: RKDaley
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: loki8481
the only thing that makes me question Obama is the fact that he gave this dose of truth-telling to a group of san fransisco liberals, who are likely to distort his words as confirming their own elitist attitudes towards religion and guns and communities in the states that don't have ocean-front views, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

he hasn't shown the same history of vitriolic lying like that bitch Hillary or Mc-I want your sons dying in Iraq for 100 years-Cain.

you posts are putting alot of wear and tear on my sarcasm meter.

Mine too.

I'm sorry my decision to stop embracing apathy and turn toward the light has had an adverse affect on your sarcasm meters.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Sadly people were taught to hate themselves and the painful lessons are now buried deep in the unconsciouses and one of the results is that any truth that is revealed to us about ourselves is perceived in a negative light and even as an intended put down which must be defended against. This is why people are such enormous and massive fools. They can not only not hear anything that is necessary to awaken them from their dilemma, but they will actively seek to destroy the messenger. 2000 years ago somebody came to tell us we were forgiven and we killed him. We do the exact same thing today. Christ killers are truth killers and this thread is full of them.


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2001
Its true what he said. Very true. You don't seem rich people in suburbia holding on to guns and religion. I am sure the people:gun ratio is very high in cities/towns that have lost jobs.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
How does Obama's comments fix Hillary's math problem?

That's right...it doesn't.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: jpeyton
How does Obama's comments fix Hillary's math problem?

That's right...it doesn't.

You may be right but, they certainly don't help with his own math problem.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: jpeyton
How does Obama's comments fix Hillary's math problem?

That's right...it doesn't.

You may be right but, they certainly don't help with his own math problem.
Which math problem is that?

You mean the "being up by 143 delegates" problem?

Or the "super delegates won't overturn the vote of the people" problem?


Senior member
Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: RKDaley
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: loki8481
the only thing that makes me question Obama is the fact that he gave this dose of truth-telling to a group of san fransisco liberals, who are likely to distort his words as confirming their own elitist attitudes towards religion and guns and communities in the states that don't have ocean-front views, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

he hasn't shown the same history of vitriolic lying like that bitch Hillary or Mc-I want your sons dying in Iraq for 100 years-Cain.

you posts are putting alot of wear and tear on my sarcasm meter.

Mine too.

I'm sorry my decision to stop embracing apathy and turn toward the light has had an adverse affect on your sarcasm meters.

No need to be sorry.
It's just fine now.



Aug 23, 2007
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Sadly people were taught to hate themselves and the painful lessons are now buried deep in the unconsciouses and one of the results is that any truth that is revealed to us about ourselves is perceived in a negative light and even as an intended put down which must be defended against. This is why people are such enormous and massive fools. They can not only not hear anything that is necessary to awaken them from their dilemma, but they will actively seek to destroy the messenger. 2000 years ago somebody came to tell us we were forgiven and we killed him. We do the exact same thing today. Christ killers are truth killers and this thread is full of them.

Obama for Christ 2008


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: Modelworks
I live in a small town.
About 2000 people.
When you talk to people about who they are voting for, a lot of them say that it doesn't matter.
I understand their reasoning.
And in one way Obama is right.
Small town America is bitter.
But they have a right to be.
Small towns are the ones that get passed over for funding of roads, schools, and everything else.
A town near me lost a factory that supplied 500 jobs.
That put three small towns out of jobs.

This town now is dying.
Younger people don't stay after high school. Its mostly older people that have lived here all their life.
The rest are the farmers, but even they are dying off, as the children aren't interested in farming.
So small towns are bitter, but they are bitter because nobody in Washington gives a damn about them.

What would you have Washington to do? Should they force companies to bring jobs to your town or just support the people who choose to stay in a dying town?

Aside from bitterness, it sounds like your town has a problem with apathy. If the people think "it doesn't matter" or they don't care enough to join together and make things happen, the town will die. Towns have been born and died all through history, during periods of good and bad national economy. Sometimes, there just isn't a reason to keep a town alive.

At this point, you and the people of your town can make a choice. If you want the town to survive you must join together, elect competent, agressive local leadership. Come up with a plan and a direction you would like the town to move toward. Create possibilities and opportunities. Lure new business to the area or create your own. Study successful small towns in your area and see what makes them successful. The possibilities are endless if you are all willing to work for it. Washington will not make your problems go away. You can work to make your lives better or remain bitter and watch your town die.
For someone who doesn't like or trust Obama you sure do sound alot like him! good for you!

I have heard, on more than one occasion, Obama speak something to the effect that he not only wants to change the problems of America, but that he wants to change the MENTALITY that creates the problems in the first place.



Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: RKDaley
But the issue doesn't seem to be sticking. Clinton himself has been silent on the issue. But at the first two events of the day, the campaign has sent one of Carolina's hometown boys out to push the issue before Clinton takes the stage. Tom Hendrickson, a Clinton supporter and former Democratic Party chairman, included a reading of Obama's comments in his introduction of Clinton.

"Senator Obama, don't pity us and think that we're bitter and frustrated," he said in Winterville this morning. "We are hard-working family folks who are smart, and we get it. We don't need pundits to tell us what to think."

Said the pundit trying to get the hard working family folks to think what he tells them to think.

This all boils down to a very simple mistake on Barack's part. He didn't run his comments through a focus group to verify that they talking points would illicit the response intended or that they would fit on a rhyming bumper sticker in his favor.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: Modelworks
I live in a small town.
About 2000 people.
When you talk to people about who they are voting for, a lot of them say that it doesn't matter.
I understand their reasoning.
And in one way Obama is right.
Small town America is bitter.
But they have a right to be.
Small towns are the ones that get passed over for funding of roads, schools, and everything else.
A town near me lost a factory that supplied 500 jobs.
That put three small towns out of jobs.

This town now is dying.
Younger people don't stay after high school. Its mostly older people that have lived here all their life.
The rest are the farmers, but even they are dying off, as the children aren't interested in farming.
So small towns are bitter, but they are bitter because nobody in Washington gives a damn about them.

What would you have Washington to do? Should they force companies to bring jobs to your town or just support the people who choose to stay in a dying town?

Aside from bitterness, it sounds like your town has a problem with apathy. If the people think "it doesn't matter" or they don't care enough to join together and make things happen, the town will die. Towns have been born and died all through history, during periods of good and bad national economy. Sometimes, there just isn't a reason to keep a town alive.

At this point, you and the people of your town can make a choice. If you want the town to survive you must join together, elect competent, agressive local leadership. Come up with a plan and a direction you would like the town to move toward. Create possibilities and opportunities. Lure new business to the area or create your own. Study successful small towns in your area and see what makes them successful. The possibilities are endless if you are all willing to work for it. Washington will not make your problems go away. You can work to make your lives better or remain bitter and watch your town die.
For someone who doesn't like or trust Obama you sure do sound alot like him! good for you!

I have heard, on more than one occasion, Obama speak something to the effect that he not only wants to change the problems of America, but that he wants to change the MENTALITY that creates the problems in the first place.

And how does he plan to do that? He always seems to skip that part.


Jan 6, 2005
Were Obama's comments even an issue until Hillary went on the offensive, desperate for any inkling of a mistake on his part? If she loses PA, it is over for her...I think it is over for her regardless, but since she insists on taking this to the DNC, she will find any excuse to make mountains out of ant hills.

This is an attempt by Hillary to shift the negative press away from her recollection of events problem.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
Were Obama's comments even an issue until Hillary went on the offensive, desperate for any inkling of a mistake on his part? If she loses PA, it is over for her...I think it is over for her regardless, but since she insists on taking this to the DNC, she will find any excuse to make mountains out of ant hills.

This is an attempt by Hillary to shift the negative press away from her recollection of events problem.

His comments were all over the media before Clinton's Camp even made a comment about it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Capt Caveman

And how does he plan to do that? He always seems to skip that part.

Not he doesn't. You just don't understand what he's talking about. You can't pass a law that says "okay, now we're going to be nice to one another". He's talking about a style of governance. He's already said he plans to appoint Republicans to prominent cabinet positions, he's repeatedly sponsored legislation with Republicans, etc.

The Bush administration's hallmark is a form of hyperpartisanship that Obama is specifically rejecting. In effect he's saying "lets stop behaving like Bush". That's something that almost everyone should be able to agree on.



Feb 5, 2006
Dems are going to nominate this guy and snatch defeat out of jaws of victory. Serves them right.
Dec 10, 2005
Originally posted by: senseamp
Dems are going to nominate this guy and snatch defeat out of jaws of victory. Serves them right.

You make it sound like it's some kind of football game and only your team can win. Pretty ridiculous on all counts.


Jul 28, 2006
12 reasons this hurts Obama
1. It lets Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) off the mat at a time when even some of her top supporters had begun to despair about her prospects. Clinton hit back hard on the campaign trail Saturday. And her campaign held a conference call where former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a Pittsburgh native, described Obama?s remarks as ?condescending and disappointing? and ?undercutting his message of hope.?

2. If you are going to say something that makes you sound like a clueless liberal, don?t say it in San Francisco. Obama?s views might have been received very differently if he had expressed them in public to Pennsylvania voters, saying he understood and could alleviate their frustrations.

3. Some people actually use guns to hunt ? not to compensate for a salary that?s less than a U.S. senator?s.

4. Some people cling to religion not because they are bitter but because they believe it, and because faith in God gives them purpose and comfort.

5. Some hard-working Americans find it insulting when rich elites explain away things dear to their hearts as desperation. It would be like a white politician telling blacks they cling to charismatic churches to compensate for their plight. And it vindicates centrist Democrats who have been arguing for a decade that their party has allowed itself to look culturally out of touch with the American mainstream.

6. It provides a handy excuse for people who were looking for a reason not to vote for Obama but don?t want to think of themselves as bigoted. It hurts Obama especially with the former Reagan Democrats, the culturally conservative, blue-collar workers who could be a promising voter group for him. It also antagonizes people who were concerned about his minister but might have given him the benefit of the doubt after his eloquent speech on race.

7. It gives the Clinton campaign new arguments for trying to recruit superdelegates, the Democratic elected officials and other insiders who get a vote on the nomination. A moderate politician from a swing district, for example, might not want to have to explain support for a candidate who is being hammered as a liberal. And Clinton?s agents can claim that for all the talk of her being divisive, Obama has provided plenty of fodder to energize Republicans.

8. It helps Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) frame a potential race against Obama, even though both of them have found support among independents. Now Republicans have a simple, easily repeated line of attack to use against Obama as an out-of-touch snob, as they had with Sen. John F. Kerry after he blundered by commenting about military funding, ?I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.?

9. The comments play directly into an already-established narrative about his candidacy. Clinton supporters have been arguing that Obama has limited appeal beyond upscale Democrats ? the so-called latte liberals. You can?t win red states if people there don?t like you. ?Elites need to understand that middle-class Americans view values and culture as more important than mere trickery,? said Paul Begala, a Clinton backer. ?Democrats have to respect their values and reflect their values, not condescend to them as if they were children who?ve been bamboozled.?

10. The timing is terrible. With the Pennsylvania primary nine days off, late-deciding voters are starting to tune in. Obama and Clinton are scheduled to appear separately on CNN on Sunday for a forum on, of all topics, faith and values. And ABC News is staging a Clinton-Obama debate in Philadelphia on Wednesday. So Clinton has the maximum opportunity to keep a spotlight on the issue. Besides sex, little drives the news and opinion industry more than race, religion, culture and class. So as far as chances the chattering-class will perpetuate the issue, Obama has hit the jackpot.

11. The story did not have its roots in right-wing or conservative circles. It was published ? and aggressively promoted ? by The Huffington Post, a liberally oriented organization that was Obama?s outlet of choice when he wanted to release a personal statement distancing himself from some comments by the Rev. Wright.

12. It undermines Democratic congressional candidates who had thought that Obama would make a stronger top for the ticket than Clinton. Already, Republican House candidates are challenging their Democratic opponents to renounce or embrace Obama?s remarks. Ken Spain, press secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said: ?There is a myth being perpetuated by Democrats and even some in the media that an Obama candidacy would somehow be better for their chances down ballot. But we don?t believe that is the case.?
There is more to the story at the link.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: senseamp
Dems are going to nominate this guy and snatch defeat out of jaws of victory. Serves them right.

Nah, he'll win. I'd put money on it. He has the media appeal, he has a crushing fund raising advantage, he's genuinely inspiring, and he inherits a favorable political climate for Democrats. McCain doesn't stand a chance once Obama starts campaigning against him.

Don't be mad because Hillary is going to lose. I liked Hillary too, but if you like her then you should be glad to hear that a candidate that supports nearly identical things will be in the White House.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
12 reasons this hurts Obama
Ken Spain, press secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said: ?There is a myth being perpetuated by Democrats and even some in the media that an Obama candidacy would somehow be better for their chances down ballot. But we don?t believe that is the case.?
There is more to the story at the link.

There's all you need to know right there. Republicans are scared to death of Obama. They have repeatedly said they prefer to face Hillary in the general election because they think she will rally their base.

That is unless you really think that our neighborhood NRC press secretary is giving Democrats some friendly advice on how best to defeat them in the upcoming midterms. (not like it likely matters anyway, the congressional Republicans look like they are in for another savage beating in November by most measures.)


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: senseamp
Dems are going to nominate this guy and snatch defeat out of jaws of victory. Serves them right.

Nah, he'll win. I'd put money on it. He has the media appeal, he has a crushing fund raising advantage, he's genuinely inspiring, and he inherits a favorable political climate for Democrats. McCain doesn't stand a chance once Obama starts campaigning against him.

Don't be mad because Hillary is going to lose. I liked Hillary too, but if you like her then you should be glad to hear that a candidate that supports nearly identical things will be in the White House.
I would not count on that. Obama is having trouble putting away one of the least appealing candidates in recent memory.

Add to that his problems with Rev. Wright, his elitist comments about small town people and his association with 60s radical terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and his ties to Rashid Khalidi a support of palestinian "resistance" attacks against Israel and an apologist for Arafat.

All of these little things are going to add up and main stream American is going to look at Obama for what he is: an elitists liberal Democrat.

The anti-Israel thing may be enough to doom him in Florida and with Florida off the map it comes down to Ohio and a few other places. (McCain leads in Ohio already as well.)

It is going to be a long fall for the Democrats.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: RY62
Originally posted by: Modelworks
I live in a small town.
About 2000 people.
When you talk to people about who they are voting for, a lot of them say that it doesn't matter.
I understand their reasoning.
And in one way Obama is right.
Small town America is bitter.
But they have a right to be.
Small towns are the ones that get passed over for funding of roads, schools, and everything else.
A town near me lost a factory that supplied 500 jobs.
That put three small towns out of jobs.

This town now is dying.
Younger people don't stay after high school. Its mostly older people that have lived here all their life.
The rest are the farmers, but even they are dying off, as the children aren't interested in farming.
So small towns are bitter, but they are bitter because nobody in Washington gives a damn about them.

What would you have Washington to do? Should they force companies to bring jobs to your town or just support the people who choose to stay in a dying town?

Aside from bitterness, it sounds like your town has a problem with apathy. If the people think "it doesn't matter" or they don't care enough to join together and make things happen, the town will die. Towns have been born and died all through history, during periods of good and bad national economy. Sometimes, there just isn't a reason to keep a town alive.

At this point, you and the people of your town can make a choice. If you want the town to survive you must join together, elect competent, agressive local leadership. Come up with a plan and a direction you would like the town to move toward. Create possibilities and opportunities. Lure new business to the area or create your own. Study successful small towns in your area and see what makes them successful. The possibilities are endless if you are all willing to work for it. Washington will not make your problems go away. You can work to make your lives better or remain bitter and watch your town die.
For someone who doesn't like or trust Obama you sure do sound alot like him! good for you!

I have heard, on more than one occasion, Obama speak something to the effect that he not only wants to change the problems of America, but that he wants to change the MENTALITY that creates the problems in the first place.

Elect "COMMON SENSE" :laugh:

VOTE ry62 For President 2012 :thumbsup:

PM for information of where to send early campaign fund donation$. :gift:
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