Obama committed ‘biggest political crime in American history, Trump says

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Nov 11, 1999
Exactly. I have no issue with either being thrown out for everyone to see. Problem being there is no legal requirement for Trumps taxes to be published.

I find it odd that the ones that were so eager to Unmask Flynn are now angry that they have been Unmasked themselves.

My biggest question is why their names were classified to begin with.

Who has expressed such anger? Literally nobody. They get anonymized reports from the NSA. Of course they wanted to know who was talking to Kislyak. It's their job.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jun 12, 2005
Who has expressed such anger? Literally nobody. They get anonymized reports from the NSA. Of course they wanted to know who was talking to Kislyak. It's their job.

Here is the only one that I responded to:

That piece of shit Grenell just declassified the Obama Administration officials who authorized unmasking of Flynn on the Kislyak Intel and handed the names to Barr. Keep in mind, the unmasking of Flynn was not a crime and this is nothing more than a stunt, but you can bet these names will leak to the appropriate right wing talking heads and these former officials will be vilified and threatened by the rabid base.



Jun 19, 2000
The perfect response to your question... and this thread...

America is consumed in the fire of partisan politics. Every man for himself.
Well boo fuckin' hoo. I've long since grown weary of the attempts by Democrats to force me into the globalist utopia they wish to cram down my throat. Right now, we've gone from a reasonable flattening of the curve to a ridiculous having to wait for a cure. Democrats have killed the best economy in my lifetime in yet another attempt to get the power to make me bend to their will. On the way to this they decided to not just attempt to influence an election but to attempt a coup against a sitting president. They "took the gloves off" a long time ago but bleat incessantly that everyone else should leave theirs on. Fuck that noise.

The coup failed. Despite documentation, handwritten notes, secret testimony being revealed. texts between conspirators and more information coming out every day, the deniers, the people that are convinced that their team is the only righteous and just team, willfully choose to ignore it all. Orange man is bad. Chicago Jesus is good. Adam Schiff, why that man is a saint! He knows things because he's told us he knows things. He told us he had proof! He told us so many times that he had proof that it just has to all be true! That despite it all having been proven to be a cornucopia of lies. It's easy to believe the D team when you cover your ears and your eyes.

Attacking Trump is good. Trump going after the people that attacked him is a crime against humanity! Give me a fucking break.

The wrap up of the first term will be going after the conspirators that sought to overthrow a duly elected president and prosecuting them to the greatest extent possible.

My choices are living my life as freely as is possible, keeping as much of what I earn as is possible, living under reasonable common sense rules and regulations in a vibrant growing economy or, living under the totalitarian rule of the Democrats. It's not a difficult choice for me to make. Should Democrats ever decide that micromanaging my life is not going to be their overarching agenda I could stop being that every man for himself guy. But that's not going to happen. Why would Democrats even have to change when Adam Schiff says he's good the goods on the bad orange man?


Golden Member
Oct 30, 2011
Exactly. I have no issue with either being thrown out for everyone to see. Problem being there is no legal requirement for Trumps taxes to be published.

I find it odd that the ones that were so eager to Unmask Flynn are now angry that they have been Unmasked themselves.

My biggest question is why their names were classified to begin with.
I can't speak for Jhhnn, but it *was* a pretty crappy thing to do from a national security perspective. Which is, of course, perfectly in keeping with this administration.

Oh, and there absolutely was a legal requirement for Trump's taxes to be provided to the House Ways and Means committee upon request.


May 30, 2008
Be hard to ever fully explore the depths of Trump's racism. Seems like it's very deep-rooted. And profoundly embedded in US history and culture. Also it has all his other dysfunctions piled-up on top of it, obscuring the view.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Well boo fuckin' hoo. I've long since grown weary of the attempts by Democrats to force me into the globalist utopia they wish to cram down my throat. Right now, we've gone from a reasonable flattening of the curve to a ridiculous having to wait for a cure. Democrats have killed the best economy in my lifetime in yet another attempt to get the power to make me bend to their will. On the way to this they decided to not just attempt to influence an election but to attempt a coup against a sitting president. They "took the gloves off" a long time ago but bleat incessantly that everyone else should leave theirs on. Fuck that noise.

The coup failed. Despite documentation, handwritten notes, secret testimony being revealed. texts between conspirators and more information coming out every day, the deniers, the people that are convinced that their team is the only righteous and just team, willfully choose to ignore it all. Orange man is bad. Chicago Jesus is good. Adam Schiff, why that man is a saint! He knows things because he's told us he knows things. He told us he had proof! He told us so many times that he had proof that it just has to all be true! That despite it all having been proven to be a cornucopia of lies. It's easy to believe the D team when you cover your ears and your eyes.

Attacking Trump is good. Trump going after the people that attacked him is a crime against humanity! Give me a fucking break.

The wrap up of the first term will be going after the conspirators that sought to overthrow a duly elected president and prosecuting them to the greatest extent possible.

My choices are living my life as freely as is possible, keeping as much of what I earn as is possible, living under reasonable common sense rules and regulations in a vibrant growing economy or, living under the totalitarian rule of the Democrats. It's not a difficult choice for me to make. Should Democrats ever decide that micromanaging my life is not going to be their overarching agenda I could stop being that every man for himself guy. But that's not going to happen. Why would Democrats even have to change when Adam Schiff says he's good the goods on the bad orange man?

Holy shit. I mean this sincerely - you are not mentally well. It sounds like you spend a lot of time consuming extreme right wing media and it’s making you insane. Your post is filled with lies and conspiracy theories and I think you probably really believe them.

Step outside and learn about the real world and what Democrats really think and do instead of the crazed funhouse mirror world you live in. You’ll be happier, I promise.


Jun 4, 2004
Well boo fuckin' hoo. I've long since grown weary of the attempts by Democrats to force me into the globalist utopia they wish to cram down my throat. Right now, we've gone from a reasonable flattening of the curve to a ridiculous having to wait for a cure. Democrats have killed the best economy in my lifetime in yet another attempt to get the power to make me bend to their will. On the way to this they decided to not just attempt to influence an election but to attempt a coup against a sitting president. They "took the gloves off" a long time ago but bleat incessantly that everyone else should leave theirs on. Fuck that noise.

The coup failed. Despite documentation, handwritten notes, secret testimony being revealed. texts between conspirators and more information coming out every day, the deniers, the people that are convinced that their team is the only righteous and just team, willfully choose to ignore it all. Orange man is bad. Chicago Jesus is good. Adam Schiff, why that man is a saint! He knows things because he's told us he knows things. He told us he had proof! He told us so many times that he had proof that it just has to all be true! That despite it all having been proven to be a cornucopia of lies. It's easy to believe the D team when you cover your ears and your eyes.

Attacking Trump is good. Trump going after the people that attacked him is a crime against humanity! Give me a fucking break.

The wrap up of the first term will be going after the conspirators that sought to overthrow a duly elected president and prosecuting them to the greatest extent possible.

My choices are living my life as freely as is possible, keeping as much of what I earn as is possible, living under reasonable common sense rules and regulations in a vibrant growing economy or, living under the totalitarian rule of the Democrats. It's not a difficult choice for me to make. Should Democrats ever decide that micromanaging my life is not going to be their overarching agenda I could stop being that every man for himself guy. But that's not going to happen. Why would Democrats even have to change when Adam Schiff says he's good the goods on the bad orange man?
Let me paraphrase you:

I’m sorry you don’t like the way the economy is going but this is what you voted for. You’re like the guy who stops paying his car insurance (because you’re a “good driver”), healthcare insurance (because you’re “healthy”), and child support (Because screw her right?), to enjoy the extra money. Who then gets creamed by an uninsured drunk driver and now is going bankrupt from hospital bills, repair bills and court costs.
You picked a guy for president who doesn’t care about leading or details or planning and this is what happens. The Dems tried to warn you, you didn’t care so you can deal with it now like a big boy.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Let me paraphrase you:
View attachment 21037

I’m sorry you don’t like the way the economy is going but this is what you voted for. You’re like the guy who stops paying his car insurance (because you’re a “good driver”), healthcare insurance (because you’re “healthy”), and child support (Because screw her right?), to enjoy the extra money. Who then gets creamed by an uninsured drunk driver and now is going bankrupt from hospital bills, repair bills and court costs.
You picked a guy for president who doesn’t care about leading or details or planning and this is what happens. The Dems tried to warn you, you didn’t care so you can deal with it now like a big boy.
They elected a guy who went serially bankrupt despite being gifted every possible advantage by his dad. When he failed at governance in the same way he failed at almost everything else instead of thinking ‘yeah, I guess we should have seen that coming’ they try and blame the Democrats.

I’m genuinely confused, what did they think was going to happen with the guy who bankrupted a whole bunch of casinos?


Dec 15, 2015
Well boo fuckin' hoo. I've long since grown weary of the attempts by Democrats to force me into the globalist utopia they wish to cram down my throat. Right now, we've gone from a reasonable flattening of the curve to a ridiculous having to wait for a cure. Democrats have killed the best economy in my lifetime in yet another attempt to get the power to make me bend to their will. On the way to this they decided to not just attempt to influence an election but to attempt a coup against a sitting president. They "took the gloves off" a long time ago but bleat incessantly that everyone else should leave theirs on. Fuck that noise.

The coup failed. Despite documentation, handwritten notes, secret testimony being revealed. texts between conspirators and more information coming out every day, the deniers, the people that are convinced that their team is the only righteous and just team, willfully choose to ignore it all. Orange man is bad. Chicago Jesus is good. Adam Schiff, why that man is a saint! He knows things because he's told us he knows things. He told us he had proof! He told us so many times that he had proof that it just has to all be true! That despite it all having been proven to be a cornucopia of lies. It's easy to believe the D team when you cover your ears and your eyes.

Attacking Trump is good. Trump going after the people that attacked him is a crime against humanity! Give me a fucking break.

The wrap up of the first term will be going after the conspirators that sought to overthrow a duly elected president and prosecuting them to the greatest extent possible.

My choices are living my life as freely as is possible, keeping as much of what I earn as is possible, living under reasonable common sense rules and regulations in a vibrant growing economy or, living under the totalitarian rule of the Democrats. It's not a difficult choice for me to make. Should Democrats ever decide that micromanaging my life is not going to be their overarching agenda I could stop being that every man for himself guy. But that's not going to happen. Why would Democrats even have to change when Adam Schiff says he's good the goods on the bad orange man?

Seek help, you need it.


Jun 4, 2004
They elected a guy who went serially bankrupt despite being gifted every possible advantage by his dad. When he failed at governance in the same way he failed at almost everything else instead of thinking ‘yeah, I guess we should have seen that coming’ they try and blame the Democrats.

I’m genuinely confused, what did they think was going to happen with the guy who bankrupted a whole bunch of casinos?

They thought the bad stuff would happen to somebody else as usual.


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2010
Well boo fuckin' hoo. I've long since grown weary of the attempts by Democrats to force me into the globalist utopia they wish to cram down my throat. Right now, we've gone from a reasonable flattening of the curve to a ridiculous having to wait for a cure. Democrats have killed the best economy in my lifetime in yet another attempt to get the power to make me bend to their will. On the way to this they decided to not just attempt to influence an election but to attempt a coup against a sitting president. They "took the gloves off" a long time ago but bleat incessantly that everyone else should leave theirs on. Fuck that noise.

The coup failed. Despite documentation, handwritten notes, secret testimony being revealed. texts between conspirators and more information coming out every day, the deniers, the people that are convinced that their team is the only righteous and just team, willfully choose to ignore it all. Orange man is bad. Chicago Jesus is good. Adam Schiff, why that man is a saint! He knows things because he's told us he knows things. He told us he had proof! He told us so many times that he had proof that it just has to all be true! That despite it all having been proven to be a cornucopia of lies. It's easy to believe the D team when you cover your ears and your eyes.

Attacking Trump is good. Trump going after the people that attacked him is a crime against humanity! Give me a fucking break.

The wrap up of the first term will be going after the conspirators that sought to overthrow a duly elected president and prosecuting them to the greatest extent possible.

My choices are living my life as freely as is possible, keeping as much of what I earn as is possible, living under reasonable common sense rules and regulations in a vibrant growing economy or, living under the totalitarian rule of the Democrats. It's not a difficult choice for me to make. Should Democrats ever decide that micromanaging my life is not going to be their overarching agenda I could stop being that every man for himself guy. But that's not going to happen. Why would Democrats even have to change when Adam Schiff says he's good the goods on the bad orange man?

... screamed the chud, as his lungs turned to blood and mucous


Nov 11, 1999
I can't speak for Jhhnn, but it *was* a pretty crappy thing to do from a national security perspective. Which is, of course, perfectly in keeping with this administration.

Oh, and there absolutely was a legal requirement for Trump's taxes to be provided to the House Ways and Means committee upon request.

The whole Trumptard take on "unmasking" is pure bullshit, anyway. It doesn't mean what they think it means. Like it or not, the NSA hoovers up enormous amounts of information, sifts through it & provides what they see as important up the chain of command as anonymized synopses in daily reports. Heads up notices. The NSA thinks it might be important for you to know this. It's formalized as to who receives those reports. When somebody at the other end wants more detail the NSA evaluates the request & may or may not provide it.

It's really along the lines of "Wait! This happened? WTF? Who is this guy?" They can't correlate it to other information w/o a name, which is actually part of their fucking job. Duh.


Feb 6, 2002
Exactly. I have no issue with either being thrown out for everyone to see. Problem being there is no legal requirement for Trumps taxes to be published.

I find it odd that the ones that were so eager to Unmask Flynn are now angry that they have been Unmasked themselves.

My biggest question is why their names were classified to begin with.
I can answer that question in 2 words

Valerie Plame


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
WTF is "Obamagate" anyway.. Apparently it's the biggest political scandal in American history, but I can't seem to figure out what Obama supposedly even did. This must be the first tautological scandal.

Is this worse than?:

Tan Suitgate
Dijon Mustardgate
Lapel Flag Pingate
snuck cigarettes in the Rose Gardengate


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Holy shit. I mean this sincerely - you are not mentally well. It sounds like you spend a lot of time consuming extreme right wing media and it’s making you insane. Your post is filled with lies and conspiracy theories and I think you probably really believe them.

Step outside and learn about the real world and what Democrats really think and do instead of the crazed funhouse mirror world you live in. You’ll be happier, I promise.

It's funny these RWNJs are whining about all the supposed "crimes" of Obama and Democrats when he was President..

What is laughable is the Trump administration is currently in a case being heard by the Supreme Court claiming the president has absolute immunity from any investigation.

So by Trump's own thinking Obama can't be investigated for anything while he was president.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Things conservatives will suddenly worry about when Trump is out and when any other party is in...

1. The deficit
2. Honesty and fact checking
3. Checks and balances
4. Complying with subpoenas
5. Respect for women
6. Family values/Respect/caring for the living
7. Age/health/mental competency of the President
8. Swearing used by public officials
9. “Unqualified” ratings by the American Bar Association for prospective judges
10. Financial conflicts of interest
11. Russian aggression and meddling
12. The sanctity of elections
13. Press conferences.
15. The 25th Amendment.
16. following the constitution
17: Personal Responsibility
18. Transparency about presidential candidates' tax returns
19. Cronyism and nepotism in presidential administrations
20. Massive arrests of politicians and their associates.
21. Intervention by political appointees in criminal justice matters.
22. Divisive Rhetoric by the POTUS
23. The President obeying the law
24. Congressional oversight
25. Presidential decorum
26. Competence of government
27. The Hatch act
28. The seriousness of impeachment

Did I miss anything?..


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
He wasn't impeached, then he was and now it doesn't matter. What will be fun to see is the NY AG serve Trump papers, hopefully as he exits the WH on 1/20 😜
If/when that happens it will be public officials corruptly using their office to attack their political opponents, unlike when Trump tried to use taxpayer dollars to coerce foreign governments to open sham investigations into his political opponent, which was just good governance.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Here is the only one that I responded to:

Don't pick the wrong dog in this fight. The Obama administration did things properly. "Unmasking" means uncovering improper or illegal actions and there's none of that. If you buy into that then you are against the proper actions in pursuit of the rule of law. So pick one, Trump and his ilk and their misrepresenting and directly attacking the rule of law or Obama's legal one.

That is exactly what we have, no buts, no excuses, no maybes.

So for or against Trump in this?

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
If/when that happens it will be public officials corruptly using their office to attack their political opponents, unlike when Trump tried to use taxpayer dollars to coerce foreign governments to open sham investigations into his political opponent, which was just good governance.

As a NY resident you know that our AG and Cuomo give zero fucks about that. It's a state matter and Barr and Trump will be gone. Now if Trump wants to fight he can but he can't use government resources and has no more rights than you or I other than the courtesy of SS protection, something that can be modified or removed.

NY will eat him alive if it wishes. The only fly in the ointment is Cuomo being as self-centered as far as advancing himself politically and may broker a deal with Congressional Republicans for a chit to be called in when he runs for President.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
As a NY resident you know that our AG and Cuomo give zero fucks about that. It's a state matter and Barr and Trump will be gone. Now if Trump wants to fight he can but he can't use government resources and has no more rights than you or I other than the courtesy of SS protection, something that can be modified or removed.

NY will eat him alive if it wishes. The only fly in the ointment is Cuomo being as self-centered as far as advancing himself politically and may broker a deal with Congressional Republicans for a chit to be called in when he runs for President.
Yes, Cuomo is nearly as corrupt as Trump (okay, maybe not that bad but still super corrupt) and he harbors a lot of the same autocratic ideas. He's just a more competent administrator.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Yes, Cuomo is nearly as corrupt as Trump (okay, maybe not that bad but still super corrupt) and he harbors a lot of the same autocratic ideas. He's just a more competent administrator.

If/when Cuomo runs I think he'll likely be looked upon favorably by the DNC and you will then become a righty

BTW, that's not a joke, I get crap for not loving everything tossed my way. IF he were elected I'll become even more of a Trump/Mitch type and for others than yourself and some others GFY in advance.
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