Obama goes from most Pro-israel President to most anti-Israel President

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No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
No. What's disgusting is your lame ass assertion that Obama's statement is anything other than the path to peace that has been supported by Democratic and Republican Presidents for decades.

In fact, The ONLY realistic path to peace, and it has to include practical, enforceable borders defining viable living space and mutual, verifiable security for both Israel and the Palestinian state. That's the same path a large number of Israelis have supported and continue to support.

The Palestinians haven't done themselves any favors by allowing continued attacks on Israel and their recent venture into a "unity" government including Hamas, and getting Hamas to accept Israel's right to exist in peace is definitely part of the problem, but wild ass frothing at the mouth statements like yours aren't much better.

If that's the case then why did the statesman from Israel hand Obama his ass on a plate. If you read between the lines he basically said - fuck you obama. It was awesome watching a true statesman putting a community organizer in his place. Israel and the rest of the world has zero respect for Obama. His words are nothing short of emboldening the enemy. Par for the course for him, of course.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
No. What's disgusting is your lame ass assertion that Obama's statement is anything other than the path to peace that has been supported by Democratic and Republican Presidents for decades.

In fact, The ONLY realistic path to peace, and it has to include practical, enforceable borders defining viable living space and mutual, verifiable security for both Israel and the Palestinian state. That's the same path a large number of Israelis have supported and continue to support.

The Palestinians haven't done themselves any favors by allowing continued attacks on Israel and their recent venture into a "unity" government including Hamas, and getting Hamas to accept Israel's right to exist in peace is definitely part of the problem, but wild ass frothing at the mouth statements like yours aren't much better.
There will never be peace, Islam is a violent oppressive religion. See what's happened since it's founding, see what's happening with so-called "sectarian bombings & violence" which only cuts one way of course, in Egypt, Nigeria, Tunisia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand and anywhere else this cult is. You can't look at this through mores tenants and ethos you were indoctrinated with and apply it universally to others, you'll find no kinship. No Muslism country ever ratified the Universal declaration of Human rights even.


Senior member
Dec 20, 2004
The simple fact is the Palestinians have NEVER wanted peace with Israel. If they did, we would have had peace @ Oslo 10+ years ago.


Sep 5, 2000
The simple fact is the Palestinians have NEVER wanted peace with Israel. If they did, we would have had peace @ Oslo 10+ years ago.

Well maybe things change in a decade. Especially when they are corralled in and bombed to shit. Israel kicked their asses now its time to talk. Unless Israel wants to wipe them off the planet. :sneaky:

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
The Spidey delusion is in saying, "In fact, The ONLY realistic path to peace, and it has to include practical, enforceable borders defining viable living space and mutual, verifiable security for both Israel and the Palestinian state. That's the same path a large number of Israelis have supported and continue to support."

As Israelis continues to claim they stole all Palestinian land fair and square. In short its great for the Israeli thieves, but it goes over like a lead balloon with the rest of the world who demand a return to fair solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

At some distant time in the past Israel may have been a US asset, but now we are testing the more obvious conclusion that now Israeli, at least under Bozo Netanyuhu, is in fact a US foreign policy liability.

Spidey may rejoice that the GOP can use the Israel position v. the Obama position into a Obama political liability, but if the GOP ever wins power, they too will drop Israel like a hot potato.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
There will never be peace, Islam is a violent oppressive religion. See what's happened since it's founding, see what's happening with so-called "sectarian bombings & violence" which only cuts one way of course, in Egypt, Nigeria, Tunisia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand and anywhere else this cult is. You can't look at this through mores tenants and ethos you were indoctrinated with and apply it universally to others, you'll find no kinship. No Muslism country ever ratified the Universal declaration of Human rights even.

And you think Christianity is any better? They've been suppressing truth and reality that conflicts with their myths and killing in the name of their alleged savior for centuries. Te Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades and the Salem Witch Trials are fine example, and Hitler often used Christianity as justification for his crimes, and Jews have their own centuries old history of violence in the name of their beliefs, and it continues to this day.

OTOH, aside from a small number of radical wingnuts, American Muslims are as peaceful as any people I know. As a Jewish atheist, I don't feel the least bit threatened by my Muslim neighbors. However, I can see why they'd feel very threatened by those who spew the idiotic crap you posted.

I have known any number of good, peaceful people of many faiths, including Islam. By definition, painting all believers of any faith with the same broad brush is just dumbass bigotry.

AFIC, ALL religions are just political power structures based on fear and ignorance. I think Muslims in the middle east are somewhat captives of their culture, including decades of living under monarchies and other dictatorships who maintain their power by keeping their people poor and uneducated.

But that's just my belief. Those who choose to believe otherwise are welcome to do so. The real idiocy is when any religion uses their own beliefs as an excuse to diminish, hurt and kill those of any other faith.
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Nov 9, 2004
It's obvious that the situation is the ultimate in hatred, racism and religious intolerence on both sides. Both sides consider the other a sub human species that has no right to coexsist with the other. And after decades they don't show the slighest ability to change or comprimise even the slightest.

Unless somehow both sides could be convinced to agree to an arbitrated third party solution it doesn't appear that there is a way forward.


Apr 8, 2001
"It's not going to happen. Everybody knows it's not going to happen," he said. "And I think it's time to tell the Palestinians forthrightly it's not going to happen."


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
"It's not going to happen. Everybody knows it's not going to happen," he said. "And I think it's time to tell the Palestinians forthrightly it's not going to happen."

That's what Net&Yahoo said. You know what to tell him if he can't take a joke. :hmm:
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Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
And you think Christianity is any better? They've been suppressing truth and reality that conflicts with their myths and killing in the name of their alleged savior for centuries. Te Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades and the Salem Witch Trials are fine example, and Hitler often used Christianity as justification for his crimes, and Jews have their own centuries old history of violence in the name of their beliefs, and it continues to this day.

OTOH, aside from a small number of radical wingnuts, American Muslims are as peaceful as any people I know. As a Jewish atheist, I don't feel the least bit threatened by my Muslim neighbors. However, I can see why they'd feel very threatened by those who spew the idiotic crap you posted.

I have known any number of good, peaceful people of many faiths, including Islam. By definition, painting all believers of any faith with the same broad brush is just dumbass bigotry.

AFIC, ALL religions are just political power structures based on fear and ignorance. I think Muslims in the middle east are somewhat captives of their culture, including decades of living under monarchies and other dictatorships who maintain their power by keeping their people poor and uneducated.

The real idiocy is when any religion uses their own beliefs as an excuse to diminish and kill those of any other faith.

I never tried to defend Christianity but since you asked church has been neutered and can no longer put you in the Pear of Anguish of similar devices. But this type of moral equivalence is irrelevant to matters at hand, quite simply people running around blowing people up, cutting off peoples heads around the world are not doing so with bible or book or Mormon in hand but Holy Koran. These terror groups all have Koran in insignia along with AKs and swords. Clerics have hit men and torturers in employ. That's who my attention is on - not a sec who's believers are selective and for the most part believe in following mans law rather than gods law.

Poverty is BS. 911's were RICH and highly educated and threw it all away because of piety.

I know lots of Muslims, lived in Muslim country many are cool in low numbers they are not all the same but there is no muslim country e.g. where they have a majority women and minorities are not oppressed to a heavy degree and sometimes killed.
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Senior member
Sep 15, 2010
The jews should of never been given any land in the first place and I'll leave it at that.

Given a land? It's our land, nobody ever "gave" it to us. And we all know what happened before Israel was founded, six million Jews were murdered, just for being Jews. If you think this is not a good enough reason, and that Jews shouldn't have the option to defend themselves, you are plain ignorant, and racist.

You're all very easy with spilling words here. I bet none of you knows what its like to live in a city under constant missiles attack. I bet none of you knows what it's like to run to shelter as a part of a morning routing after hearing the sirens. I bet none of you knows what it's like to evac a bus full of kids after a missile hit 10 miles near it, and to find out a woman just died behind the bus from shrapnels. Yeah, a nice memory for a 10 year old.
I want you to try and think about living like that for 4 years, and then tell me we should go back to 67' lines, be defenseless, and negotiate with the same terrorists who fired missiles to populated cites.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
It's your world... a world of Religion, and Delusion, and Grandeur.

Don't ask us how we would feel in your nightmare.



Jan 12, 2002
And you think Christianity is any better? They've been suppressing truth and reality that conflicts with their myths and killing in the name of their alleged savior for centuries. Te Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades and the Salem Witch Trials are fine example, and Hitler often used Christianity as justification for his crimes, and Jews have their own centuries old history of violence in the name of their beliefs, and it continues to this day.

This argument is so tired. As a non-Christian I can safely say that yes Christianity is better. Maybe if you were living in the middle ages Christianity would be just as savage but we're not. We're living in modern times where Islam has been behind more and worse acts of murder than any other religion. But hey I get it spotting patterns is racist. I'm sure I'll see another story about Buddhist terrorists in the paper tomorrow.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
This argument is so tired. As a non-Christian I can safely say that yes Christianity is better.

There are a lot of non-Christians who would disagree.

< Rhett Butler voice >

But frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

< /Rhett Butler voice >
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No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
"It's not going to happen. Everybody knows it's not going to happen," he said. "And I think it's time to tell the Palestinians forthrightly it's not going to happen."

You witnessed a leader basically bitch slap a community organizer on our own soil.

It was marvelous and embarrassing at the same time.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
It's obvious that the situation is the ultimate in hatred, racism and religious intolerence on both sides. Both sides consider the other a sub human species that has no right to coexsist with the other. And after decades they don't show the slighest ability to change or comprimise even the slightest.

Unless somehow both sides could be convinced to agree to an arbitrated third party solution it doesn't appear that there is a way forward.
Good post.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
You witnessed a leader basically bitch slap a community organizer on our own soil.

It was marvelous and embarrassing at the same time.

I didn't know Net&Yahoo was a community organizer. ^_^


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
It's obvious that the situation is the ultimate in hatred, racism and religious intolerence on both sides. Both sides consider the other a sub human species that has no right to coexsist with the other. And after decades they don't show the slighest ability to change or comprimise even the slightest.

Unless somehow both sides could be convinced to agree to an arbitrated third party solution it doesn't appear that there is a way forward.
The way forward, is obvious... one must put aside his fantasies about Religion, and work towards proper Government, which is all Religion really is.

Once the fantasies of Religion are gone, and Government is in order, we can begin to pursue the biggest mysteries of life.

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Apr 8, 2001
You witnessed a leader basically bitch slap a community organizer on our own soil.

It was marvelous and embarrassing at the same time.

at least now we know why TFP isn't posting anymore, he's busy with his day job.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Given a land? It's our land, nobody ever "gave" it to us. And we all know what happened before Israel was founded, six million Jews were murdered, just for being Jews. If you think this is not a good enough reason, and that Jews shouldn't have the option to defend themselves, you are plain ignorant, and racist.

You're all very easy with spilling words here. I bet none of you knows what its like to live in a city under constant missiles attack. I bet none of you knows what it's like to run to shelter as a part of a morning routing after hearing the sirens. I bet none of you knows what it's like to evac a bus full of kids after a missile hit 10 miles near it, and to find out a woman just died behind the bus from shrapnels. Yeah, a nice memory for a 10 year old.
I want you to try and think about living like that for 4 years, and then tell me we should go back to 67' lines, be defenseless, and negotiate with the same terrorists who fired missiles to populated cites.

I'm not religious and I think religion is a joke for morons but I support you. To me it's intolerable way they send thier children and rockets to blow y'all up just for being jewish. I'd take all their land and boot them like the old days when people could not get along. Now, their is no impetus to change their attitudes.

Basically, the West, by calling for concessions is tolerating the intolerant and violence as a way to achieve your goals. Bad precedent.
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Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Given a land? It's our land, nobody ever "gave" it to us.

< Ennnn-n-n-nh (game show buzzer sound) > Wrong answer. Modern Israel was creation of the United Nations. I'm not going to attempt to post the whole history in decades, centuries or milennea. Here's a pretty good timeline if you have the time to read it.

And we all know what happened before Israel was founded, six million Jews were murdered, just for being Jews. If you think this is not a good enough reason, and that Jews shouldn't have the option to defend themselves, you are plain ignorant, and racist.

We all know the "what" you're talking about that happened before Israel is the evil Hitler brought to Germany and throughout Europe. It was NOT something that happend in a then non-existent Israel, and it had even less to do with Jewish versus Arabic and Islamic people.

If you're going to cite historic justifications, at least get your history straight.

You're all very easy with spilling words here. I bet none of you knows what its like to live in a city under constant missiles attack. I bet none of you knows what it's like to run to shelter as a part of a morning routing after hearing the sirens. I bet none of you knows what it's like to evac a bus full of kids after a missile hit 10 miles near it, and to find out a woman just died behind the bus from shrapnels. Yeah, a nice memory for a 10 year old.
I want you to try and think about living like that for 4 years, and then tell me we should go back to 67' lines, be defenseless, and negotiate with the same terrorists who fired missiles to populated cites.

So, which bogey man do you want to cry about as an excuse for your own vitriol? You tried Hitler, but he's dead. So's Bin Laden, come to think of it.

Unfortunately, neither is anti-semitism and neither are other forms of bigotry and hatered.

As human beings, each of us can only do our best to overcome the other guy's hatered, but we have no reason to expect to succeed until we are ready and willing to take directly responsibility for dealing with our own.
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Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
I'm not religious and I think religion is a joke for morons but I support you. To me it's intolerable way they send thier children and rockets to blow y'all up just for being jewish. I'd take all their land and boot them like the old days when people could not get along. Now, their is no impetus to change their attitudes.
Their impetus, to change their attitudes, is solely on them. This new Barack Obama thing is nothing new in the war between Israel and the Arabs.



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
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