Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration

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Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
You know it would be interesting to cross reference this thread with "500K Bush China" thread and see if people's responses differ based on whose party is spending...


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
So what it all trickles down to jobs like caterers, t-shirt sales, etc

Unlike trickle down tax cut fanatics who can stash their money and bet against people (short selling among other things) like the right is doing right now.

Did I mention it was private donations too? You should like that.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
You know it would be interesting to cross reference this thread with "500K Bush China" thread and see if people's responses differ based on whose party is spending...

Not to me. Dems were stupid a petty to bring that stuff up too. And of course, you know, look a more than a little hypocritical now.:thumbsdown:

Fear No Evil

Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2008
Originally posted by: Zebo
So what it all trickles down to jobs like caterers, t-shirt sales, etc

Unlike trickle down tax cut fanatics who can stash their money and bet against people (short selling among other things) like the right is doing right now.

Did I mention it was private donations too? You should like that.

I never said anything about him spending the amount he is. Once the party is over maybe Obama can start making some tough decisions. Voting present won't cut it anymore. He made a lot of promises he better keep.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
You know it would be interesting to cross reference this thread with "500K Bush China" thread and see if people's responses differ based on whose party is spending...

Not to me. Dems were stupid a petty to bring that stuff up too. And of course, you know, look a more than a little hypocritical now.:thumbsdown:
If I recall almost everybody was ok with it with the exception of 1 or 2 members.


Nov 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
Its good to see the lefties in this forum admitting that trickle down economics works.

How Lame. It only works for the guys at the top, selling the snake oil... Trickle down is what happens as they piss down your leg, tell you it's raining....


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Socio
http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/20426.asp">Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration </a>

Interestingly, Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration while millions of Americans starve without job and hope. The man of hope has turned hope into betrayal. It is not easy to become the leader of the people. It is easy to fool common people, take their money, vote and then come to power to continue the status quo in exchange of good life, good food, and the White House goodies.

He certainly would have earned a lot of kudos if he chose to forgo this ceremony to cut costs due to our current economical conditions and showed he was really a man of change.

He did not, instead choose to spend a lot more than previous presidents which is a big fat sign he is NOT a man of change he is just a status quo democrat.

That's on Average...36$ for every person who will be there...

With tickets as expensive as they are I predict a profit being made


Jun 23, 2004
I believe we have proven that if our Congress wants to do something they can write $1 trillion checks. Forget the cost of the inauguration, it is nothing in comparison.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2004
After witnessing the shear mass of people throughout the National Mall and Lincoln Memorial and the closed down streets everywhere, I can understand the necessity of the money used. That was for a mere concert, I can only imagine what Tuesday will be like.


Aug 26, 2001
Let me guess, you'd also be up in arms if you found out that Obama hadn't offered any money to help cover DC's expenses for the inauguration? The city gets something like $10 million to cover the event. For most inaugurals that doesn't even cover expenses, so factor in the tenfold increase in people and you can see where a lot of this money is going.


Junior Member
Jan 19, 2009
180 million dollars?Far too less compared to our indian politicians..Anyway I think he's the change that world was looking for


Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2001
C'mon guys. Lets be honest. At $160 million it is cheaper than the 2005 inauguration of GWB - see bolded below.

There as costs to any inauguration as it is a showcase of American Democracy.

The media myth about the cost of Obama's inauguration

Did you hear that "some are saying" Barack Obama's inauguration will cost "$160 million," which is $100 million more than George W. Bush's last swearing-in? That's the tale the crew at Fox & Friends was telling on January 15. "Why does the thing have to cost so much?" demanded co-host Gretchen Carlson. "I don't get it. George Bush spent $42.3 million and that was just four years ago." She wondered why Obama needed "another $100 million" for his celebration.

The Fox News crew wasn't alone. The Internet and cable news were filled with chatter about the jaw-dropping (and unsubstantiated) number suddenly attached to Obama's swearing-in. But the sloppy reporting and online gossip about the price tag illustrated what happens when journalists don't do their job and online partisans take advantage of that kind of work.

It also highlighted the type of news you can generate when making blatantly false comparisons. In this case, it was the cost of the Obama and Bush inaugurations. The connection was unfair because the Obama figure of $160 million that got repeated in the press included security costs associated with the massive event. But the Bush tab of $42 million left out those enormous costs. Talk about stacking the deck.

The misinformation first arrived in the form of an underreported newspaper article in America, and then one in London. Between them, and thanks to furious transatlantic online linking, the reports gave birth to the story that Obama's inauguration was going to cost nearly four times what the country spent on Bush's bash in 2005 -- that the Obama inauguration would cost almost $120 million more.

With its declarative headline, "Obama's inauguration is most expensive ever at $160 million," the New York Daily News reported:

It will take Barack Obama less than a minute to recite the oath of office -- and when he's done dancing at the inaugural balls Jan. 20, the price tag for his swearing-in festivities could approach $160 million.

Obama's inaugural committee is in the midst of raising roughly $45 million in private funds, exceeding the $42.3 million President Bush spent in 2005. In 1993, Clinton spent $33 million when Democrats returned to the White House for the first time in 12 years.

Talk about red flags: "could approach"? See the extraordinary freedom that kind of loose language allows? Of course, technically speaking, it's true the inauguration spending "could approach" $160 million. It also "could approach" $400 million or $900 million. There's literally no limit to the number that could be inserted into the phrasing, especially when the Daily News provided so little basis for the jumbo figure.

The closest the Daily News came to explaining the $160 million was its noting that the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland had submitted a $75 million request to the federal government to cover inauguration costs, including security and transportation. Bottom line: The Daily News provided no facts -- no evidence -- to support its what-if $160 million price tag for the inauguration, a price tag the newspaper declared as fact in its attention-grabbing headline.

The next day, a January 14 article in the London tabloid, the Daily Mail, also used an inflated figure, but offered zero reporting to back it up. (The Daily Mail piece created a big stir when the Drudge Report linked to it.)

The Daily Mail lead: "Barack Obama's inauguration is set to cost more than £100m [$155 million] making it the most expensive swearing-in ceremony in US history."

The story continued:

The President-elect will take less than a minute to recite the oath of office in front of an estimated two million people in the US capital next week.

But by the time the final dance has been held at one of the many inaugural balls the costs for the day will be a staggering £110m [roughly $162 million].

The cost was revealed as Mr Obama scrambled to answer questions about the nomination of Treasury Secretary pick Timothy Geithner.

"Was revealed"? Who revealed the $162 million figure? The Daily Mail never said. And much like the Daily News, the figures mentioned in the Daily Mail simply did not add up to the final cost the newspaper hyped.

Unfortunately, that didn't matter. At least not to conservative partisans who grabbed onto the Daily Mail story (via Drudge) and announced a blatant hypocrisy existed within the press because, they claimed, four years earlier, reporters and liberal pundits raised questions about the cost of Bush's inauguration, but suddenly were mum about Obama's, even though at $160 million, it was going to cost nearly four times as much as Bush's bash. (Actually, it wasn't just liberals or the press raising questions about the Bush inauguration; a strong majority of Americans wished Bush, during a time of war, had scaled back the glitz for his second swearing-in.)

Online, the inauguration condemnations were swift and fierce. The cost of "Obama's upcoming celebration" was "dwarfing" any previous swearing-in expenses and was climbing into "the $100 millions," claimed right-wing weblog The Jawa Report, which relied on the Daily Mail for its misinformation.

The unsubstantiated $160 million figure was also picked up and repeated on MSNBC, where news anchors spent all of January 14 announcing Obama's inauguration was going to cost "$160 million." The eye-popping dollar figure was accepted as fact, even though nobody in the press could actually explain where that number had come from. Plus, MSNBC suggested the $160 million tab just covered parties and activities, not the larger security costs.
video: msnbc-20090114-160mil

Here's why using the $160 million number and comparing it with Bush's 2005 costs represented a classic apples-and-oranges assessment: For years, the press routinely referred to the cost of presidential inaugurations by calculating how much money was spent on the swearing-in and the social activities surrounding that. The cost of the inauguration's security was virtually never factored into the final tab, as reported by the press. For instance, here's The Washington Post from January 20, 2005, addressing the Bush bash:

The $40 million does not include the cost of a web of security, including everything from 7,000 troops to volunteer police officers from far away, to some of the most sophisticated detection and protection equipment.

For decades, that represented the norm in terms of calculating inauguration costs: Federal dollars spent on security were not part of the commonly referred-to cost. (The cost of Obama's inauguration, minus the security costs? Approximately $45 million.) What's happening this year: The cost of the Obama inauguration and the cost of the security are being combined by some in order to come up with the much larger tab. Then, that number is being compared with the cost of the Bush inauguration in 2005, minus the money spent on security.

In other words, it's the unsubstantiated Obama cost of $160 million (inauguration + security) compared with the Bush cost of 42 million (inauguration, excluding security). Those are two completely different calculations being compared side-by-side, by Fox & Friends, among others, to support the phony claim that Obama's inauguration is $100 million more expensive than Bush's.

That's why the right-wing site Newsmax.com confidently reported that Obama's swearing-in would cost "nearly four times what George Bush's inauguration cost four years ago." So did Flopping Aces, a shining light of the right-wing blogosphere:

President Barack Obama's inauguration next week is set to be the most expensive ever, predicted to reach over $150m. This dwarfs the $42.3m spent on George Bush's inauguration in 2005 and the $33m spent on Bill Clinton's in 1993.

If portions of the press and the blogosphere want to now suggest that the cost of security should also be factored into the final tab for presidential inaugurations, they need to go back and recalculate the cost for Bush's 2005 swearing-in in order to have an honest comparison. Because with security included, the 2005 inauguration cost a lot more than $42 million -- just as with security factored in, Obama's will also cost a lot more than $45 million. (The final tab, though, likely won't be known for months.)

The question for the press then becomes: How much did the government spend on security for Bush's 2005 inauguration? How much did it cost for the wartime administration's unprecedented move to turn the nation's capital into something akin to an armed fortress, with snipers on rooftops, planes flying overhead, Humvee-mounted anti-aircraft missiles dotting the city, and manholes cemented shut?

Back in January 2005, that figure was impossible to come by. "U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said last week that he was unable to estimate security costs for the inauguration," The Washington Times reported. The cross-town Washington Post also had no luck in 2005 finding out the cost of security: "[Government] spokesmen said they could not provide an estimate of what the inauguration will cost the federal government."

However, buried in a recent New York Times article published one week before the controversy erupted over the cost of Obama's inauguration, the newspaper reported that in 2005, "the federal government and the District of Columbia spent a combined $115.5 million, most of it for security, the swearing-in ceremony, cleanup and for a holiday for federal workers" [emphasis added].

You read that correctly. The federal government spent $115 million dollars for the 2005 inauguration. Keep in mind, that $115 million price tag was separate from the money Bush backers bundled to put on the inauguration festivities. For that, they raised $42 million. So the bottom line for Bush's 2005 inauguration, including the cost of security? That's right, $157 million.

Unless the Obama inauguration tab (including security) ends up costing $630 million, we can safely say it certainly won't cost four times what the Bush bash did in 2005. And unless the Obama inauguration tab (including security) runs to $257 million, we can safely say the event won't cost $100 million more than Bush's, as Fox & Friends claimed.

So, for now, can the press and partisans please stop peddling this malignant myth?



Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2002
OP must've been desparate to come up with such an argument.
Last time I chekced, blamimg Obama based on his skin color worked better than this non-sense.
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: retrospooty
Originally posted by: Socio
http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/20426.asp">Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration </a>

Interestingly, Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration while millions of Americans starve without job and hope. The man of hope has turned hope into betrayal. It is not easy to become the leader of the people. It is easy to fool common people, take their money, vote and then come to power to continue the status quo in exchange of good life, good food, and the White House goodies.

He certainly would have earned a lot of kudos if he chose to forgo this ceremony to cut costs due to our current economical conditions and showed he was really a man of change.

He did not, instead choose to spend a lot more than previous presidents which is a big fat sign he is NOT a man of change he is just a status quo democrat.

#1 - its private donations.
#2 - money has to be spent becasue millions of people are showing up to celebrate - like it or not, they have to eat, drink, and poop. Public works need to be prepared for it.

I understand your point, and I understand if you dont feel like celebrating, but the majority of the country does. So dont crap all over it. Bush is gone, give Obama his moment of happiness before hte most difficult job of his life, and of any president since Lincoln starts. Bush fuggered us good, and its going to be aa LONG road uphill.

#2. How about make the people attending this party pay for it?


Oct 14, 2002
Geez, talk about grasping at straws. I have no issue with my tax dollars being spent on this event and given the amount of excitement I am surrounded by today I can confirm that many feel the same way I do. To each their own, but really...there MUST be something more important for you guys to whine about today....right?


Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Money securing the life of our president is money well spent.

I can agree to this, but for all presidents; unlike a lot of people on these boards.


Aug 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Socio
http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/20426.asp">Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration </a>

Interestingly, Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration while millions of Americans starve without job and hope. The man of hope has turned hope into betrayal. It is not easy to become the leader of the people. It is easy to fool common people, take their money, vote and then come to power to continue the status quo in exchange of good life, good food, and the White House goodies.

He certainly would have earned a lot of kudos if he chose to forgo this ceremony to cut costs due to our current economical conditions and showed he was really a man of change.

He did not, instead choose to spend a lot more than previous presidents which is a big fat sign he is NOT a man of change he is just a status quo democrat.

Barrack Hussein Obama is a typical Democrat, do as I say not as I do.


Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Socio
http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/20426.asp">Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration </a>

Interestingly, Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration while millions of Americans starve without job and hope. The man of hope has turned hope into betrayal. It is not easy to become the leader of the people. It is easy to fool common people, take their money, vote and then come to power to continue the status quo in exchange of good life, good food, and the White House goodies.

He certainly would have earned a lot of kudos if he chose to forgo this ceremony to cut costs due to our current economical conditions and showed he was really a man of change.

He did not, instead choose to spend a lot more than previous presidents which is a big fat sign he is NOT a man of change he is just a status quo democrat.

But if he were to give government handouts to the less fortunate, you'd attack him for being a socialist.

EDIT: Also, he's stimulating the economy by holding a big event and encouraging people to travel from all over the country to see it. Those travelers are buying gas, hotel rooms, food, souvenirs, etc.

But I suppose you hate the free market economy and would rather we spend all our money on socialist welfare programs.


Diamond Member
May 27, 2005
Agree with OP. This is just the start of something surly "historic". Good luck Obama on your "new" ideas.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
Originally posted by: tealk
Agree with OP. This is just the start of something surly "historic". Good luck Obama on your "new" ideas.

Feel free to read the thread and not let your hate blind you.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
Originally posted by: AstroManLuca
The amount of butthurt among conservatives here is delicious.

Wow - this is like pwnage of the year.. where's the op defending the article's sources when they didn't even compare apples to apples.. what does he think now that they cost the same?


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Socio
http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/20426.asp">Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration </a>

Interestingly, Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration while millions of Americans starve without job and hope. The man of hope has turned hope into betrayal. It is not easy to become the leader of the people. It is easy to fool common people, take their money, vote and then come to power to continue the status quo in exchange of good life, good food, and the White House goodies.

He certainly would have earned a lot of kudos if he chose to forgo this ceremony to cut costs due to our current economical conditions and showed he was really a man of change.

He did not, instead choose to spend a lot more than previous presidents which is a big fat sign he is NOT a man of change he is just a status quo democrat.

We are probably going to be seeing a lot of posts from you trying to find something wrong with what Obama does.
That`s OK though.......anything that Obama will do even remotely wrong when compared to what GWB did wrong will seem like nothing in comparison!!


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Socio
http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/20426.asp">Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration </a>

Interestingly, Obama spends more than 180 million dollars for his inauguration while millions of Americans starve without job and hope. The man of hope has turned hope into betrayal. It is not easy to become the leader of the people. It is easy to fool common people, take their money, vote and then come to power to continue the status quo in exchange of good life, good food, and the White House goodies.

He certainly would have earned a lot of kudos if he chose to forgo this ceremony to cut costs due to our current economical conditions and showed he was really a man of change.

He did not, instead choose to spend a lot more than previous presidents which is a big fat sign he is NOT a man of change he is just a status quo democrat.

Had you read the article in it`s entirety you would have read basucally these 3 points that jpeyton posted-- Three things:

1) Obama has raised more money for his inauguration than any other president in the history of our country.

2) More people = more money. It's that simple. If D.C. expected as many people to show up this year that showed up in 2005 for Bush, they wouldn't be spending nearly as much. Obama has set records for crowds during the entire election season, and his inauguration will set new records as well.

3) Obama, being the first black/minority president in our history, requires more security = more money. Money securing the life of our president is money well spent.

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