Obamas illegal aliens gain access to federal benefits

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The real problem is Christianity. It teaches concern for the poor. Churches raise millions of dollars to take care of poor illegals. They get food and clothes there. We need a new state religion that throws people into slavery to build a wonderful free new world for legals. Time for the illegals to support us. Bah to Christians and their soft headed love. We always get fucked by decent people.


Feb 6, 2002
Native Americans often invaded other tribes land and wiped them out. Don't kid yourself. It is not like this is a new type of war tactic that only Europeans used. Are you really that stupid?


Jul 13, 2005
Illegals that haven't been paying taxes here for years, and all of a sudden become eligible for these benefits are winning the lotto for breaking the law.
40 quarters or 10 years worth of paying into the system is "all of a sudden"..........your logic and reading and comprehension skills are amazing....duh...


Dec 3, 2013
When exactly did they become Obamas Illegals to begin with just even looking at the thread name again.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
When exactly did they become Obamas Illegals to begin with just even looking at the thread name again.


It's much easier to be insane when you fight the devil than fighting a fellow human being. So much can be more easily justified.


Golden Member
Apr 27, 2006
President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.
Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage — making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.

Exactly what companies would hire these individuals, and for what jobs? Jose isn't going to take your job at Apple for a $3,000 loophole..... unless he's cutting the grass at the compound. Nobody is in line for that job, anyway.


Oct 18, 2009
Exactly what companies would hire these individuals, and for what jobs? Jose isn't going to take your job at Apple for a $3,000 loophole..... unless he's cutting the grass at the compound. Nobody is in line for that job, anyway.

But that's exactly what fear mongers want you to believe, that illegals are taking all the field worker jobs from "real" Americans, clamoring for them. And the janitor jobs and the grunt construction jobs and on and on.....pretty much the jobs no one wants without lots of $$ attached because they're nasty, dirty and/or damned physically hard jobs.

Like I said, to all who advocate rounding up all 5M illegals and putting them on boats back to their home countries, how? Citizenship proof checkpoints everywhere? Checkpoints on the entire interstate, highway and surface road system in the U.S.? Don't see many other ways other than forcing business to quit hiring illegals, and that will never happen. Business may pay lip service about illegal immigration, but balk at having to do anything substantial about it.


Feb 1, 2008
First of all, you want illegals on the books because no one is going to deport them if they have kids born here, or they have employable useful skills.
No one otherwise is going to deport them. Not Mitt, not Christie, not Jeb Bush.
So lets get real here and cut through the fear and all the BS.

If illegals that qualify to stay and work here are going to be employed, then naturally they should also receive benefits.
When Obama stated they would not or could not get benefits as an employee, that sounded a little off to me, and a law suit in the making.

If any president should give illegals a path or opportunity to live, work, and stay here after fully legally qualifying to do so, you can not withhold the benefits of citizenship.
And anyone that has ever collected social security knows well that SS depends on your past income from employment over the previous 5 years.
So this free SS for illegals angle doesn't pass muster.

As far as healthcare, if you are legally employed why not also be able to buy healthcare?
If any president is going to create this path, with legally allowing employment, and they have all done it, you can't withhold the opportunity to purchase healthcare as well.

No one can stop or deter people from wanting to come here and live here.
And you can't deport them.
The one thing that could be done would be to hold anyone that employs an illegal accountable. That is the key.
But US business loves the cheap labor, the upper income love the cheap labor, no fence is going to stop that.

Take Walmart for example...
Long lines, over worked employees, they need help desperately.
Especially for the holidays.
Yet the only applicants looking for work at walmart are illegals and workers with work permits. They average American citizen doesn't want the jobs.
Walmart employers are very frustrated that all they applicants showing up and interviewing speak poor English or no English, and have no work experience.
Yet this is all Walmart has to work with.

Long lines, no help, a shortage of workers.
And that isn't just with walmart.
If it wasn't for these low wage illegals allowed to stay and work in America, we'd be in a pickle.
Who says we do not have enough jobs to go around?
And the jobs these low wage immigrants are taking, the average American citizen do not and will not work in the first place.
If you really want to see havoc in retail America, deny immigrants a path and employment opportunities. Then watch all hell break out.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
First of all, you want illegals on the books because no one is going to deport them if they have kids born here, or they have employable useful skills.
No one otherwise is going to deport them. Not Mitt, not Christie, not Jeb Bush.
So lets get real here and cut through the fear and all the BS.

If illegals that qualify to stay and work here are going to be employed, then naturally they should also receive benefits.
When Obama stated they would not or could not get benefits as an employee, that sounded a little off to me, and a law suit in the making.

If any president should give illegals a path or opportunity to live, work, and stay here after fully legally qualifying to do so, you can not withhold the benefits of citizenship.
And anyone that has ever collected social security knows well that SS depends on your past income from employment over the previous 5 years.
So this free SS for illegals angle doesn't pass muster.

As far as healthcare, if you are legally employed why not also be able to buy healthcare?
If any president is going to create this path, with legally allowing employment, and they have all done it, you can't withhold the opportunity to purchase healthcare as well.

No one can stop or deter people from wanting to come here and live here.
And you can't deport them.
The one thing that could be done would be to hold anyone that employs an illegal accountable. That is the key.
But US business loves the cheap labor, the upper income love the cheap labor, no fence is going to stop that.

Take Walmart for example...
Long lines, over worked employees, they need help desperately.
Especially for the holidays.
Yet the only applicants looking for work at walmart are illegals and workers with work permits. They average American citizen doesn't want the jobs.
Walmart employers are very frustrated that all they applicants showing up and interviewing speak poor English or no English, and have no work experience.
Yet this is all Walmart has to work with.

Long lines, no help, a shortage of workers.
And that isn't just with walmart.
If it wasn't for these low wage illegals allowed to stay and work in America, we'd be in a pickle.
Who says we do not have enough jobs to go around?
And the jobs these low wage immigrants are taking, the average American citizen do not and will not work in the first place.
If you really want to see havoc in retail America, deny immigrants a path and employment opportunities. Then watch all hell break out.

Bla Bla Bla,

A typical liberal. Bitches about low income, but also wants to import plenty of cheap labor.

Want higher wages, kick the illegals out.

You make the illegals lives hard enough they'll leave. You keep making them easier more will come.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Exactly what companies would hire these individuals, and for what jobs? Jose isn't going to take your job at Apple for a $3,000 loophole..... unless he's cutting the grass at the compound. Nobody is in line for that job, anyway.

what about all the millions of jobs below apple?


Oct 18, 2009
what about all the millions of jobs below apple?

OK, which jobs are being threatened? You seem to know since that's all you yammer about, so what jobs and/or job categories are Americans clamoring to fill and yet cannot breach because of illegal immigrants keeping them from getting them?


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
ahh your talking about jobs that Americans won`t do..
such as working in the fields picking lettuce.....etc,,,

what jobs wont Americans do?

The ones that pay less then min wage? The ones that pay near slave labor wages? You do realize that if there was an actual worker shortages wages would go up? Maybe these companies would actually have to pay what the left calls a 'living wage'.


Dec 11, 2006

Boom. Called it.

Break into the country get Medicare and social security for free. Talk about a great deal. More illegals should come, maybe Obama will let them stay too.

Up next, Obamacare for illegals.

Wouldn't we WANT illegals on Obamacare because at least then they would be paying something, even if its subsidized, for their medical care instead of just showing up in a hospital and paying nothing?


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
Wouldn't we WANT illegals on Obamacare because at least then they would be paying something, even if its subsidized, for their medical care instead of just showing up in a hospital and paying nothing?

Yep. this exactly.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Wouldn't we WANT illegals on Obamacare because at least then they would be paying something, even if its subsidized, for their medical care instead of just showing up in a hospital and paying nothing?

oh look another liberal wanting to give more handouts to illegals.

When did the USA become so rich that we have all this extra money to pay for the retirement and healthcare of people that broke in and came illegally?

I guess the war on poverty has been won, no American is hungry or homeless, so that we have enough left over to give to outsiders.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
oh look another liberal wanting to give more handouts to illegals.

When did the USA become so rich that we have all this extra money to pay for the retirement and healthcare of people that broke in and came illegally?

I guess the war on poverty has been won, no American is hungry or homeless, so that we have enough left over to give to outsiders.

Nobody "wants," to give these "handouts."

you have to just be realistic.

1. There is physically no way to remove illegals at this point. (without starting a war)
2. They are already receiving free healthcare at this point (status quo)
3. There needs to be a way to account for this
4. This way we can account for it, AND make it work to our advantage with accounting shenanigans.

good for the goose, good for the gander.

Eventually, it will show that some sort of universal health care system is optimal (and actually the only possible solution) for a country of our size/demographic. The ACA will be able to show with statistics and figures, how this works in a few years.


Oct 18, 2009
Again, Michal, how do we round up all the illegals? Keep asking the question, keeps getting ducked.

So, you bitch about them stealing everything and they need to be rounded up and deported....so, if you bitch as much as you do about something, surely you must have some solution. Otherwise, you're just whining like a 2 year old.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Again, Michal, how do we round up all the illegals? Keep asking the question, keeps getting ducked.

So, you bitch about them stealing everything and they need to be rounded up and deported....so, if you bitch as much as you do about something, surely you must have some solution. Otherwise, you're just whining like a 2 year old.

We have to make life harder for illegals. We need to start cracking down on employers. The harder it is to get a job, the less attractive it looks to come here. Then we also need to start deportations. not just at the boarders but from the interior of the country. You make these public enough, and big enough, people will stop coming. We cannot have deportations take years. They need to happen fast.

We also need to stop giving illegals free passes. This 'amnesty' deal is terrible. It lets all these illegals cut in line. Everyone that wanted to get in legally and has filled out applications, has waited and waited is just getting slapped in the face by the government.

And if we decided that some people are still left staying behind, we need to make sure they will not be a burden on the government. Their SS and Medicare taxes need to be adjusted by some illegal alien fee to make sure they are revenue neutral.

Don't like it? Too bad, you came here without permission, that's the deal.

And to answer the crybabies that say we need these people to farm our field, etc etc. To some extent some temporary immigrants are needed. But lets first make sure we exhaust all local employment sources first. Farmers will cry, but wages will have to go up, but that's a good thing. Its natural, employee's will come when wages match the work.


Dec 11, 2006
oh look another liberal wanting to give more handouts to illegals.

When did the USA become so rich that we have all this extra money to pay for the retirement and healthcare of people that broke in and came illegally?

I guess the war on poverty has been won, no American is hungry or homeless, so that we have enough left over to give to outsiders.

1. I'm not a liberal and almost never even get accused of being one. I am simply realistic and intelligent.

2. They ALREADY get ABSOLUTELY FREE health care by just showing up in the hospital. That ALREADY raises your prices and my prices.

3. Them paying something is better than the nothing they are currently paying.

4. Neither party is really interested in getting rid of the illegals, so we can either continue what we are currently doing which is nothing or we can do something di

5. This isn't a left or right issue, it is a simple math issue.

0 - 10= -10

4 - 10= -6

Both numbers suck, from a monetary point, one sucks less than the other though. As you can see, I am not advocating more handouts for illegals at all, in fact I am advocating the complete opposite which is LESS handouts to illegals. If the math is too complicated for you I'd be happy to help you understand it better.

And if anyone is truly hungry in the US they are very few and almost always their own fault.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
1. I'm not a liberal and almost never even get accused of being one. I am simply realistic and intelligent.

2. They ALREADY get ABSOLUTELY FREE health care by just showing up in the hospital. That ALREADY raises your prices and my prices.

3. Them paying something is better than the nothing they are currently paying.

4. Neither party is really interested in getting rid of the illegals, so we can either continue what we are currently doing which is nothing or we can do something di

5. This isn't a left or right issue, it is a simple math issue.

0 - 10= -10

4 - 10= -6

Both numbers suck, from a monetary point, one sucks less than the other though. As you can see, I am not advocating more handouts for illegals at all, in fact I am advocating the complete opposite which is LESS handouts to illegals. If the math is too complicated for you I'd be happy to help you understand it better.

And if anyone is truly hungry in the US they are very few and almost always their own fault.

currently the don't get medicare or SS. After Obama they will, how is that not giving illegals more handouts?


May 15, 2000
currently the don't get medicare or SS. After Obama they will, how is that not giving illegals more handouts?

When you learn the definition of a "hand out", maybe then we can have a grown up conversation with you.


Dec 3, 2013
It's much easier to be insane when you fight the devil than fighting a fellow human being. So much can be more easily justified.

Good point.

Hey I saw today Walmart is cutting health benefits for part time employees, I guess that will make it easier for them to hire more with this integration going on.


The globalization process continues.
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