Obamas illegal aliens gain access to federal benefits

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Reagan gave amnesty to the illegals not because of the goodness of his heart but to help destroy the foundation of the democrat party, the middle class blue collar worker, both union and non union, and the dumbass democrats went along with,

The illegal as well as outsourcing is tool of the 1% to help knock down the middle class and unions who they feel threatened by,

and through NAFTA as well as other free trade programs and illegal immigration they have decimated the middle class and unions the backbone of the Democrat party because the democrat traitors want to eat at the same corporate pig trough as the republicans while pointing the finger at them.

What is truly sad is you phony, so called liberal democrats have been brainwashed into throwing the American tax paying middle class, your foundation, under the bus doing the bidding of the 1% while thinking you are on some noble cause,

and for those of you pretend liberal democrats that know this and don't care, just switch over to the republican party and kiss the hands of the Koch brothers or whatever flavor of republican party backers you hate,

You will still be an Asshole, but at least you will be an honest Asshole.

This could almost cause a guy to stop and think.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.
Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage — making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.


Oct 18, 2009
Once again the forum idiot michal1980 shows his ignorance (actually it's his stupidity), by calling services people pay into, "welfare".

when you dont pay for it, what would you call it?

Just wanted to ensure I got this right. Michal again shows he reads, or has read to him, headlines without actually understanding what's written, as ivwshane has tried to point out.

Here, michael, is what your linked article said, and btw---it said not a damned thing about not paying for anything----

“We’re going to offer the following deal: If you’ve with been in America more than five years. If you have children who are American citizens or [legal] residents. If you register, pass a criminal background check and you’re willing to pay your fair share of taxes, you’ll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily without fear of deportation,” he said. “You can come out of the shadows and get right with the law.”

For those who work, that includes payroll taxes, also known as FICA taxes, because they are collected under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.

Federal law says that people who pay the taxes and are deemed “lawfully present in the United States” can collect benefits under those programs when they become eligible. They may also receive survivor and disability benefits.

“If they pay in, they can draw,” White House spokesman Shawn Turner said by e-mail.

Turner noted, however, that the estimated 5 million immigrantsgranted protection from deportation will not be eligible for other federal benefits such as student financial aid, food stamps or housing subsidies. Nor are they eligible to purchase health insurance through the federal health-care exchange under the Affordable Care Act.

Now, michal, notice the sequence of events an illegal immigrant has to go through to get that "free" SS and Medicare.

Be here 5 years, pass background check, PAY TAXES. And, when they hit 62 years old, if they've paid enough in (hence the word eligible), they get to draw from it, JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE THAT HAS PAID INTO THE SYSTEM.

Don't see anywhere or anything implying "FREE" SS and Medicare. They have to become eligible to get it, just like me or anyone else in the country, which means enough work credits over years.

Sorry, but you've shown your inability to comprehend what you bray about michal. Such rage is actually funny if it wasn't so sad.
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May 15, 2000
Not only that but from his article is this little bubble busting nugget!

Turner noted, however, that the estimated 5 million immigrants granted protection from deportation will not be eligible for other federal benefits such as student financial aid, food stamps or housing subsidies. Nor are they eligible to purchase health insurance through the federal health-care exchange under the Affordable Care Act.

Just wanted to ensure I got this right. Michal again shows he reads, or has read to him, headlines without actually understanding what's written, as ivwshane has tried to point out.

Here, michael, is what your linked article said, and btw---it said not a damned thing about not paying for anything----

Now, michal, notice the sequence of events an illegal immigrant has to go through to get that "free" SS and Medicare.

Be here 5 years, pass background check, PAY TAXES. And, when they hit 62 years old, if they've paid enough in (hence the word eligible), they get to draw from it, JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE THAT HAS PAID INTO THE SYSTEM.

Don't see anywhere or anything implying "FREE" SS and Medicare. They have to become eligible to get it, just like me or anyone else in the country, which means enough work credits over years.

Sorry, but you've shown your inability to comprehend what you bray about michal. Such rage is actually funny if it wasn't so sad.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Just wanted to ensure I got this right. Michal again shows he reads, or has read to him, headlines without actually understanding what's written, as ivwshane has tried to point out.

Here, michael, is what your linked article said, and btw---it said not a damned thing about not paying for anything----

Now, michal, notice the sequence of events an illegal immigrant has to go through to get that "free" SS and Medicare.

Be here 5 years, pass background check, PAY TAXES. And, when they hit 62 years old, if they've paid enough in (hence the word eligible), they get to draw from it, JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE THAT HAS PAID INTO THE SYSTEM.

Don't see anywhere or anything implying "FREE" SS and Medicare. They have to become eligible to get it, just like me or anyone else in the country, which means enough work credits over years.

Sorry, but you've shown your inability to comprehend what you bray about michal. Such rage is actually funny if it wasn't so sad.

once again you fail to read.

1) they are illegals. Why are they allowed access to any programs
2) most are low income, they will pay almost no taxes. And the taxes they pay, will never cover their costs of Social Security and Medicare.

So yes most of these illegals will be freeloading on federal programs. And these are people that should never have been here in the first place. They cut in line, they snuck in, took American jobs, and now are taking American entitlements. And they aren't even American.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.
Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage — making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.

Liberals don't care about Americans. They pretend to care about the poor, and middle class, but go out of their way to destroy the middle class, and undercut the poor. But as long as those people become government dependents the left is happy.


Oct 18, 2005
Liberals don't care about Americans. They pretend to care about the poor, and middle class, but go out of their way to destroy the middle class, and undercut the poor. But as long as those people become government dependents the left is happy.

And here comes the vomit.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Liberals don't care about Americans. They pretend to care about the poor, and middle class, but go out of their way to destroy the middle class, and undercut the poor. But as long as those people become government dependents the left is happy.

As long as you can demonize the left you don't have to look at your imbecility. It is still obvious to others though. Liberals and conservatives both care about Americans they just have differing notions about what caring is. Conservatives have a problem seeing that what they call caring doesn't become caring just because it's what they feel. Liberals tend to look to science to see if something is effective. They will deal with uncertainties and grays whereas you like being right and things black and white.

Essentially you are more a low level authoritarian thinker filled with arrogant suppositions that because you think something it has to be right. Your truth is mostly just a program you picked up in the process of becoming a conformist group thinker. You are sort of ground level un-evolved human, man at his most primitive state.


Jul 13, 2005
once again you fail to read.

1) they are illegals. Why are they allowed access to any programs<-- they pay into the system. Then they must meet eligibility requirements...
2) most are low income, they will pay almost no taxes. And the taxes they pay, will never cover their costs of Social Security and Medicare.<-- you really do not have a clue do you? There are still eligibility requirements -- such as you must work 40 quarters or 10 years to even be eligible for Social security....

So yes most of these illegals will be freeloading on federal programs. And these are people that should never have been here in the first place. They cut in line, they snuck in, took American jobs, and now are taking American entitlements. And they aren't even American.
are you really that dense......


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
As long as you can demonize the left you don't have to look at your imbecility. It is still obvious to others though. Liberals and conservatives both care about Americans they just have differing notions about what caring is. Conservatives have a problem seeing that what they call caring doesn't become caring just because it's what they feel. Liberals tend to look to science to see if something is effective. They will deal with uncertainties and grays whereas you like being right and things black and white.

Essentially you are more a low level authoritarian thinker filled with arrogant suppositions that because you think something it has to be right. Your truth is mostly just a program you picked up in the process of becoming a conformist group thinker. You are sort of ground level un-evolved human, man at his most primitive state.

At least you didn't refer to him as "Clarice". Sometimes you're almost as creepy as Hanibal.


Oct 18, 2009
once again you fail to read.

1) they are illegals. Why are they allowed access to any programs
2) most are low income, they will pay almost no taxes. And the taxes they pay, will never cover their costs of Social Security and Medicare.

So yes most of these illegals will be freeloading on federal programs. And these are people that should never have been here in the first place. They cut in line, they snuck in, took American jobs, and now are taking American entitlements. And they aren't even American.

And once again, michal, you refuse to even acknowledge simple facts or show the ability to see beyond what's able to penetrate that wall of concrete protecting your fragile mind. Worst yet, you have no concept of which you speak, either in today's terms or potential future terms.

First, let's address the first criticism, they're illegal immigrants. Yep, they are. But what's hoped is that, to go through all the steps necessary to stay here, such as the criminal background check, they'll be very much on their way to citizenship, an end result I think everyone wants. And that's what's needed, a long term view that gets the current illegals to become U.S. citizens.

And all these programs? They're allowed access to selected programs because anyone working in the U.S. or a U.S. territory gets FICA withheld from their paychecks. So, I guess you're advocating just taxing them for decades, they hit 60+ and that's it? They don't get the payback like everyone else that's paid into it over decades? Michal, I cannot believe you're that dense. Then again, maybe you are.

Just as an FYI, FICA payroll tax, which covers SS/Medicare payments deducted as a payroll tax has no minimum income exemption, so EVERYONE pays into it, you moron.

And here's the current schedule:

Social Security: 12.4% on your first $117,000 of wages
Medicare: 2.9% on all your wages

Total FICA: 15.3% maximum

If you're an employee, then you pay one half of this total (probably as a withholding on your paycheck); your employer pays the other half for you (and then gets a deduction for their half on their corporate tax return, since it's an expense - for them it's as if the FICA "half" is an additional piece of salary).

Notice anything that exempts low income earners from paying?

Also, in case you are oblivious, with SS, you get out kinda what you put in. SS is based on both time and income. You earn work credits for years worked and you have a minimum number of work credits you must have to draw from SS. Then your income comes into play as to amt. you receive. This and the time you've spent working gets formulated into a payment.

Essentially, a low income over short period = very low benefits. High income over long period = much higher benefits. True, you will draw more than you put in, but again, it's proportional to amt. put in, which in and of itself is derived by percentage of income earned.

And everyone draws more out of SS and Medicare than they've put into it, U.S. citizen or not.


Oct 18, 2009
Originally Posted by michal1980
once again you fail to read.

1) they are illegals. Why are they allowed access to any programs<-- they pay into the system. Then they must meet eligibility requirements...
2) most are low income, they will pay almost no taxes. And the taxes they pay, will never cover their costs of Social Security and Medicare.<-- you really do not have a clue do you? There are still eligibility requirements -- such as you must work 40 quarters or 10 years to even be eligible for Social security....

So yes most of these illegals will be freeloading on federal programs. And these are people that should never have been here in the first place. They cut in line, they snuck in, took American jobs, and now are taking American entitlements. And they aren't even American.

are you really that dense......

Thank you for agreeing. And thx for the added info. I'd forgotten how much work it took to even qualify for SS. Work less, so sorry.

In all honesty, I don't like the huge influx of illegals, either. But reality says either we deal with the problem constructively, such as getting them on the path to becoming citizens, or destructively, such as requiring every single person to attain a tattoo on their foreheads identifying them as citizens, or starting huge armed sweeps of cities, regions, etc. and making each and every person prove citizenship. Or better yet, citizenship checkpoints everywhere, random inspections of your abode at any hour to ensure no illegals are illegally hiding, of course hiding without your knowledge, right?

There are almost no other real, viable solutions. And before anyone says laws, hell. Business doesn't want any change to the status quo. If business in the U.S. would refuse to hire illegals, the attraction of coming here would fade rather quickly. But, nope. Lots of lip service paid to the problem, but no takers on any sort of solution, esp. if it involves business actually having to take an active role in discouraging illegal immigration. "Too onerous." "Too costly." (Time and/or money.) "Too hard."

So, we're stuck with somehow dealing with it in realistic and practical terms. Michal's aren't by any stretch.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
are you really that dense......

And once again, michal, you refuse to even acknowledge simple facts or show the ability to see beyond what's able to penetrate that wall of concrete protecting your fragile mind. Worst yet, you have no concept of which you speak, either in today's terms or potential future terms.

First, let's address the first criticism, they're illegal immigrants. Yep, they are. But what's hoped is that, to go through all the steps necessary to stay here, such as the criminal background check, they'll be very much on their way to citizenship, an end result I think everyone wants. And that's what's needed, a long term view that gets the current illegals to become U.S. citizens.

And all these programs? They're allowed access to selected programs because anyone working in the U.S. or a U.S. territory gets FICA withheld from their paychecks. So, I guess you're advocating just taxing them for decades, they hit 60+ and that's it? They don't get the payback like everyone else that's paid into it over decades? Michal, I cannot believe you're that dense. Then again, maybe you are.

Just as an FYI, FICA payroll tax, which covers SS/Medicare payments deducted as a payroll tax has no minimum income exemption, so EVERYONE pays into it, you moron.

And here's the current schedule:

Social Security: 12.4% on your first $117,000 of wages
Medicare: 2.9% on all your wages

Total FICA: 15.3% maximum

If you're an employee, then you pay one half of this total (probably as a withholding on your paycheck); your employer pays the other half for you (and then gets a deduction for their half on their corporate tax return, since it's an expense - for them it's as if the FICA "half" is an additional piece of salary).

Notice anything that exempts low income earners from paying?

Also, in case you are oblivious, with SS, you get out kinda what you put in. SS is based on both time and income. You earn work credits for years worked and you have a minimum number of work credits you must have to draw from SS. Then your income comes into play as to amt. you receive. This and the time you've spent working gets formulated into a payment.

Essentially, a low income over short period = very low benefits. High income over long period = much higher benefits. True, you will draw more than you put in, but again, it's proportional to amt. put in, which in and of itself is derived by percentage of income earned.

And everyone draws more out of SS and Medicare than they've put into it, U.S. citizen or not.

Are you guys really this stupid? I mean seriously. We are faux legalization millions of low income workers, who will hardly pay anything in taxes, and end up with massive benefits.

OMG they pay a tiny amount of SS for 10 years & Medicare and then get to draw on it for 20+ years? Why those illegals are getting such a raw deal!

Social Security pays out more then you put in when your poor. Medicare pays out multiple times your payments unless your a really high earner.

You illegal alien supporters continue to ignore the costs of these programs. Who cares if they pay in, if at the end of the day they get more out then they put in, its welfare.

These illegals just won the lotto, no punishment for breaking our laws, and to top it off, a bunch of handouts. That will show all those people not to break into America.

Obama just told the world to come to America illegally, have some kids, and you'll get to stay, and we'll give you some handouts. Don't follow the rules, don't go to jail, America is so freaking rich, we can given hundreds of thosands of dollars in benefits to everyone. All current Americans are wealth, working, well educated, our roads and infrastructure is perfect, so we have money left over to take in everyone elses poor. Come on in.

Obama said this in his speech

"Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable"

I guess accountability now means getting handouts. I wish I could get a parking ticket and have the government pay me. But fuck that I'm an American I deserve to get screwed.
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Jul 13, 2005
Are you guys really this stupid? I mean seriously. We are faux legalization millions of low income workers, who will hardly pay anything in taxes, and end up with massive benefits.

OMG they pay a tiny amount of SS for 10 years & Medicare and then get to draw on it for 20+ years? Why those illegals are getting such a raw deal!

Social Security pays out more then you put in when your poor. Medicare pays out multiple times your payments unless your a really high earner.

You illegal alien supporters continue to ignore the costs of these programs. Who cares if they pay in, if at the end of the day they get more out then they put in, its welfare.

These illegals just won the lotto, no punishment for breaking our laws, and to top it off, a bunch of handouts. That will show all those people not to break into America.

Obama just told the world to come to America illegally, have some kids, and you'll get to stay, and we'll give you some handouts. Don't follow the rules, don't go to jail, America is so freaking rich, we can given hundreds of thosands of dollars in benefits to everyone. All current Americans are wealth, working, well educated, our roads and infrastructure is perfect, so we have money left over to take in everyone elses poor. Come on in.
ohhh cry me a freakin river dude............
Your arguments have been disproved time after time.....all you are doing is spouting Republican talking opps....Republican crying points!!


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
^ I'm always curious why anyone thinks pointing out an example of a terrible immigration failure and the nearly complete loss of people's culture and homeland is a great example of why we should just have open borders and skip happily along in setting up another terrible immigration failure...


Oct 18, 2009
Are you guys really this stupid? I mean seriously. We are faux legalization millions of low income workers, who will hardly pay anything in taxes, and end up with massive benefits.

OMG they pay a tiny amount of SS for 10 years & Medicare and then get to draw on it for 20+ years? Why those illegals are getting such a raw deal!

Social Security pays out more then you put in when your poor. Medicare pays out multiple times your payments unless your a really high earner.

You illegal alien supporters continue to ignore the costs of these programs. Who cares if they pay in, if at the end of the day they get more out then they put in, its welfare.

These illegals just won the lotto, no punishment for breaking our laws, and to top it off, a bunch of handouts. That will show all those people not to break into America.

Obama just told the world to come to America illegally, have some kids, and you'll get to stay, and we'll give you some handouts. Don't follow the rules, don't go to jail, America is so freaking rich, we can given hundreds of thosands of dollars in benefits to everyone. All current Americans are wealth, working, well educated, our roads and infrastructure is perfect, so we have money left over to take in everyone elses poor. Come on in.

Obama said this in his speech

I guess accountability now means getting handouts. I wish I could get a parking ticket and have the government pay me. But fuck that I'm an American I deserve to get screwed.

Then do you agree you won't take more out of SS and Medicare when you retire in 40 years? That you'll voluntarily stop taking payments when you're about 72?

Or do you even understand EVERYONE takes more out of SS than puts in, despite income levels? And Medicare, some will take out more than in, some won't. But I guess everyone that takes out more is taking welfare, eh? Pretty sure that includes a LOT of retirees your parents know....and will probably include you, too.


Jan 28, 2002
Liberals don't care about Americans. They pretend to care about the poor, and middle class, but go out of their way to destroy the middle class, and undercut the poor. But as long as those people become government dependents the left is happy.

Boom! Goes the Parrot.

Up next: Why can't Mikey read.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Then do you agree you won't take more out of SS and Medicare when you retire in 40 years? That you'll voluntarily stop taking payments when you're about 72?

Or do you even understand EVERYONE takes more out of SS than puts in, despite income levels? And Medicare, some will take out more than in, some won't. But I guess everyone that takes out more is taking welfare, eh? Pretty sure that includes a LOT of retirees your parents know....and will probably include you, too.

based on this nearly everyone gets some welfare because of Medicare.


Based on those charts, I will be benefiting the least. Most illegals will be benefiting the most.

I will be losing money on SS. gaining a little in Medicare.

Illegals that haven't been paying taxes here for years, and all of a sudden become eligible for these benefits are winning the lotto for breaking the law.

I cannot grasp the liberal mindset, the one that see's nothing wrong with rewarding people for breaking the law. Its even worse then that, they are the ones that are rewarding people for breaking the law.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Boom! Goes the Parrot.

Up next: Why can't Mikey read.

Please explain to me what I'm not reading.

You on the left are making this way more complicated then it is.

Step 1, break the law
Step 2, collect benefits.

Not that complicated.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
^ I'm always curious why anyone thinks pointing out an example of a terrible immigration failure and the nearly complete loss of people's culture and homeland is a great example of why we should just have open borders and skip happily along in setting up another terrible immigration failure...

This makes excellent logical sense. Where it may go off the rails, as I mentioned above, is when you are instantly informed by your sense of ego protection that what Obama is doing automatically equates to another terrible immigration failure. You would want to look to a less likely emotionally ego protective liberal to make a potentially more objective evaluations of that. You conservatives are wonderful at making instant gut instinct decisions about things with near perfect faith in your capacity, but because you can't look inside and see the influence you ego has on your thinking any subjective or bigoted programming you may have been exposed to in life can easily shape and form the guts of those opinions.

This is an example of where the soundness of your thinking in the opinion you expressed here easily slops over to the assumption that the unconscious opinions you hold are as rational as the statement.

This is what bigotry is and why it is so hard for a bigot to see. He has the best of intentions, to prevent the repetition of a second immigration disaster, a highly moral position, but without the self reflective capacity to detect that disaster is a subjective thing, that your definition or inner unexamined assumption of what disaster is has been inculcated.

A racists, as an example is only trying to save people from inferior beings, a highly moral position to take, but the notion that blacks are inferior, even where there are individual cases that would imply that, are conditions caused by other than the color of ones skin.

It's low level thinking to assume that bad black actor 1 and bad black actor 2 equals black actor 3 is inferior.

Furthermore, we haven't even touched on any analysis of how immigration tragedy 1 compares to our current situation, whether the conditions that created a tragedy then exist now to logically imply that using the same solution would equate to a second disaster. If life were so easily reduced to applying successful solutions derived in the past, we would surely not have so many problems today with all your history to draw on.

When Mulla Nasrudin found a parrot blown off continent by a powerful storm, he trimmed it's beak and claws, painted it brown and exclaimed, now you look more like a proper bird.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000

Boom. Called it.

Break into the country get Medicare and social security for free. Talk about a great deal. More illegals should come, maybe Obama will let them stay too.

Up next, Obamacare for illegals.

It's really angering to me. My wife, who had nothing in England, immigrated here legally and has to wait 4 or 5 years before she is eligible for benefits, yet Obama is handing it too people who arrived illegally. It is grossly unfair to those who wait, do all the paperwork, and pay a lot of major fee's (not all that much different in terms of $$ from what the illegals pay the transporters to get them to the border). We have been working for over a year to bring my wife's minor child, legally, same thing - pay lots of fee's, jump through lots of hoops, wait a long time. Understandably it makes my wife really anger too.
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