Observing Middle Aged Americans Purchasing Food.


Sep 12, 2012
I'll admit that when I'm in the supermarket purchasing my food for the week, I'll look into the carts of other people. I'm sure most of us do it. And, I don't stare but just casually observe. What I see is a ton of carbs. Breads. Pastas. Sugary donuts. Cheap red meat. Processed meats. Chips. Soda. The standard American diet, or SAD. Then I'll look at the person, and it all fits. They look ill. Bloated. Sick. Fatigued. Consumed with inflammation. They look much older as well. I have a feeling that if I were to ask their age, most would say mid 40s, or maybe 50. Many would even be probably younger. Yet, their cars are washed every week. They just don't care enough about their bodies. It looks painful when they walk. Screw materialistic shit. If you don't have optimal health you don't have a life IMO.

Are you guys seeing what I see when you go food shopping? I don't want to be negative but it's just striking to view so many people afflicted with poor health. Every time I see this it's a wake up call for me to get my nutrition on point.
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Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
You are looking at substance abusers. Getting clean of an addiction is tough sledding. And unfortunately, most are quite content to indulge their addiction right up until it kills them. I have a friend that had a double bypass in his 40's, he tried for a while after it, but he is right back to his old ways. He knows intellectually it is killing him, and making his quality of life crap. But he is an addict, and access to his "drug of choice" is ubiquitous and inexpensive. That is a hell of a monkey to keep off your back when it is everywhere you go, ready to jump on at a moment's notice.
Reactions: Kaido and Mai72


Jun 19, 2004
Now look at the number of yoots who don't even go to the grocery store regularly because their diet consists of 90 percent fast food. King convenience has reigned for about 30 years now so, your observations are correct. The public has been trained to eat this way and many no longer know how to cook.
In a related issue, how many cube monkeys think they'll retire early after being trained for 30 years?
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Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
Many don't have the money to afford healthy food nor the cooking skills to make palatable meals out of it, unless just drenched in salt and fat.

Look on the bright side. If they were buying bags of beans for cheap protein and calories, you'd have to smell a lot more flatulence.

You obviously have different values than they do and that's the great thing about freedom, that you can live any way you want, as long as you respect the rights of others to do the same.

On the other hand when you wrote "Screw materialistic shit. If you don't have optimal health you don't have a life IMO." it comes off like you just want some consolation for not having nice things. Good health is a fair consolation, and many people don't value it enough until they lose it, but the most important thing is freedom of choice.

You should approach these people in the grocery store and insist that you care about them and that they follow your instructions.

Take their grocery cart, demand that they memorize a list of things you want them to do, and block their exit if they try to get away from you. Make sure to have a friend film this for youtube and try to make it turn into a physical confrontation for clickbait.

Telling US, doesn't help THEM. You must use social media to change the world, one shopper at a time. You'll probably be able to make more youtube videos (less time spent in hospital emergency rooms) if wearing a helmet.

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Reactions: Asmodeus and Rifter


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
You are looking at substance abusers.
Interesting observation. I felt that his observations described me. I guess, my "substance abuse" is caffeine. And some (powdered) tea. And (a little) water. Though I was drinking nothing but water yesterday, and I felt mildly better, overall. Sort of a "water fast", up until I went to McD's.


Mar 15, 2007
I'll admit that when I'm in the supermarket purchasing my food for the week, I'll look into the carts of other people. I'm sure most of us do it. And, I don't stare but just casually observe. What I see is a ton of carbs. Breads. Pastas. Sugary donuts. Cheap red meat. Processed meats. Chips. Soda. The standard American diet, or SAD. Then I'll look at the person, and it all fits. They look ill. Bloated. Sick. Fatigued. Consumed with inflammation. They look much older as well. I have a feeling that if I were to ask their age, most would say mid 40s, or maybe 50. Many would even be probably younger. Yet, their cars are washed every week. They just don't care enough about their bodies. It looks painful when they walk. Screw materialistic shit. If you don't have optimal health you don't have a life IMO.

Are you guys seeing what I see when you go food shopping? I don't want to be negative but it's just striking to view so many people afflicted with poor health. Every time I see this it's a wake up call for me to get my nutrition on point.

welcome to 50 years ago whats new?

i think you just shop at the wrong stores? However I have talked to people who have lost toes from diabetes and they still continue to eat mcdonalds with apple pies and diet coke. ;( most people would rather take pills then eat healthy i would agree. ((im not sure what fat peps are washing their car every week i never wash mine and am thin!))


Mar 15, 2007
Interesting observation. I felt that his observations described me. I guess, my "substance abuse" is caffeine. And some (powdered) tea. And (a little) water. Though I was drinking nothing but water yesterday, and I felt mildly better, overall. Sort of a "water fast", up until I went to McD's.

really you eat at mcdonalds? or was that a joke?


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
really you eat at mcdonalds? or was that a joke?
No joke. I'm a Gen-X'er, turned kind-of-millennial. I seem to share some of their traits. (Though, I didn't have Common Core in school. I escaped just before that got put in.)


Mar 15, 2007
No joke. I'm a Gen-X'er, turned kind-of-millennial. I seem to share some of their traits. (Though, I didn't have Common Core in school. I escaped just before that got put in.)
why ? do? you? eat? at ? mcdonalds? just think of the size SSD you could buy from all that savings, not to mention calorie savings.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
why ? do? you? eat? at ? mcdonalds? just think of the size SSD you could buy from all that savings, not to mention calorie savings.
I hadn't eaten all day, and I spent $11 on four larger burgers, and I didn't have to cook anything myself. Seemed like a win/win at the time. (And I got three meals out of those four burgers.)


Mar 15, 2007
I hadn't eaten all day, and I spent $11 on four larger burgers, and I didn't have to cook anything myself. Seemed like a win/win at the time. (And I got three meals out of those four burgers.)
So u saved the 4 burgers and ate for breakfast lunch and dinner? Sounds like bad idea x 3.. u think u can fast and then eat burgers? Not a good plan at all


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
why ? do? you? eat? at ? mcdonalds? just think of the size SSD you could buy from all that savings, not to mention calorie savings.

Calories are an essential nutrient. It's entirely possible to choose how many of them to eat, and eating fewer, tends to cost less too.

Get the burger, skip the soft drink, apple pie, and not too many fries... tho I do remember what McD's fries were like back when they used lard and those might have been worth trading a few years of life for.

You don't have to spend a lot to get a couple McDoubles, then eat some veggies on the side. You can in fact stay within a healthy RDA of everything doing this once in a while opposed to every day, though if you are sodium sensitive you might want to avoid the fries, ketchup, and pickles.

McDoubles are a bit lame unless you're starving but if you slap a slice of home grown tomato on, they're not bad for $1-something.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I hadn't had McD's for like two weeks, at least, maybe longer. Just didn't have the money.

(before I went the other day.)


Mar 15, 2007
I hadn't had McD's for like two weeks, at least, maybe longer. Just didn't have the money.

(before I went the other day.)
trying to make us all sad? the one chance you got money you blow it on burgers.. i know we all have our addictions (drinking first of many cups of coffee for the day) maybe you could make your own burgers and save some $$ and not eat chemicals.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I get "teased" by my brother and sister when they come over and look in my refrigerator because it never looks full. When I look in a standard fridge, there is hardly any room to put anything because it's stuffed full of crap. It's like that when I go to my brothers or sisters house.

My fridge typically has 4-5 almond milks, a gallon of milk, a bunch of raw meat, eggs, my chicken salad for lunch for the week, some yogurt and juice boxes for my son, cheese, fruits, and veggies. Then there are the one offs like condiments or left overs, but that's basically it.

While my sister and brother aren't unhealthy by any means nor fat, they aren't as into eating properly as I am, which is really only during the week. Weekends my wife and I eat out all the time and eat bad. But I exercise regularly and eat well during the week so it's fine by me.

When I grocery shop I only go into the aisles for very few things. I typically just shop the outter perimeter for the most part. All of the processed crap is in the middle aisles.

Going to my pool this weekend for the first time, I am reminded about just how much middle aged people don't give a crap about their health. There are like 3 adults you can tell workout out of the entire place, and I'm one of them.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Many don't have the money to afford healthy food nor the cooking skills to make palatable meals out of it, unless just drenched in salt and fat.
This is such bullshit.

Everyone has the means to eat healthy. It's not expensive. That is a huge misconception.

You could cook a healthy meal consisting of chicken and a salad for 3-4 people for the price of one value meal at McDonalds.

People are just lazy as shit and don't want to do it, because they are lazy as shit.


Mar 15, 2007
It still blows my mind that people use price as an argument against fast food.

fast food is cheap? what do you order jr cheeseburger? You think the nutrition you get is well worth the $$? or is it more like you pAy $$$ for garbage. Ya making your own meal cost more but its real food. Its like using 85 fuel in your high compression car sure it will work but might throw a error code and run like poo (same as fast food right?)


Mar 15, 2007
I get "teased" by my brother and sister when they come over and look in my refrigerator because it never looks full. When I look in a standard fridge, there is hardly any room to put anything because it's stuffed full of crap. It's like that when I go to my brothers or sisters house.

My fridge typically has 4-5 almond milks, a gallon of milk, a bunch of raw meat, eggs, my chicken salad for lunch for the week, some yogurt and juice boxes for my son, cheese, fruits, and veggies. Then there are the one offs like condiments or left overs, but that's basically it.

While my sister and brother aren't unhealthy by any means nor fat, they aren't as into eating properly as I am, which is really only during the week. Weekends my wife and I eat out all the time and eat bad. But I exercise regularly and eat well during the week so it's fine by me.

When I grocery shop I only go into the aisles for very few things. I typically just shop the outter perimeter for the most part. All of the processed crap is in the middle aisles.

Going to my pool this weekend for the first time, I am reminded about just how much middle aged people don't give a crap about their health. There are like 3 adults you can tell workout out of the entire place, and I'm one of them.

why does your pool have so many adults? i guess your fitness center? apartments? damn my fridge is PACKED but i guess i should get a bigger one.. hmm 5 dozen eggs yogurts 3 types of milk almond regular and some sort of cooking milk. 8 diff types of fruit 8 diff types meat / chicken feet heh.. leftover's, cabbage/ veggies. nothing to bad in there frozen fish and chicken in freezer for inbettween shop runs.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
why does your pool have so many adults? i guess your fitness center? apartments? damn my fridge is PACKED but i guess i should get a bigger one.. hmm 5 dozen eggs yogurts 3 types of milk almond regular and some sort of cooking milk. 8 diff types of fruit 8 diff types meat / chicken feet heh.. leftover's, cabbage/ veggies. nothing to bad in there frozen fish and chicken in freezer for inbettween shop runs.
I'm not sure what you are asking about a pool. Parents pay for memberships for families to go to pools, and thus go to the pool to enjoy it.


Jan 4, 2013
It's still possible to eat rather unhealthily even while cooking most of your own food. Fresh baked bread a couple times a week used to be a thing at my house, along with homemade noodles and plenty of cakes, pies, and brownies. So even though we were also making our own main dishes, soups and sauces, etc., I got really overweight from all the refined carbs and am still fighting the legacy of that life even today. Sugar and flour are my heroin.


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2003
So is butter good or bad this week? How about eggs? Red wine? Coffee? Medical "science" changes the standard of what is healthy every 3-4 years. I'm not sure it's fair of you to judge my eating habits just because your "research" is more current. Nutrition and health has too much pseudo-science and cult like fanaticism for me to take what you believe seriously. I'll keep eating a variety of foods that I enjoy in moderation and enjoy being healthy instead of agonizing about every calorie and gram of fat and spending every spare moment at the gym for the same result. For the record I don't have any chronic pain that affects the way I walk, if I walk like an old man, it's because I'm an old man, not because of pain.

I do appreciate your concern for my well being, and I'm glad I can be a source of motivation to keep you on your one true path.
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