[OCA]4670K vs 3570K Gaming performance

Magic Carpet

Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2011
Another nice recent round-up.

This article will test the new processors Intel Haswell, whose announcement was held in the early summer of 2013:

  • Core i7-4770K;​
    Core i7-4770K;
  • Core i7-4770;​
    Core i7-4770;
  • Core i5-4670K;​
    Core i5-4670K;
  • Core i5-4670;​
    Core i5-4670;
  • Core i5-4570;​
    Core i5-4570;
  • Core i5-4430.​
    Core i5-4430.
As their opponents have chosen the following models:
  • Core i7-3770К;​
    Core i7-3770K;
  • Core i7-3770;​
    Core i7-3770;
  • Core i5-3570К;​
    Core i5-3570K;
  • Core i5-3570;​
    Core i5-3570;
  • Core i5-3550;​
    Core i5-3550;
  • Core i5-3470;​
    Core i5-3470;
  • Core i5-3450;​
    Core i5-3450;
  • Core i5-3330;​
    Core i5-3330;
  • Core i3-3250;​
    Core i3-3250;
  • FX-8350 BE;​
    FX-8350 BE;
  • FX-6350 BE;​
    FX-6350 BE;
  • A10-6800K;​
  • A10-5800K;​
  • Phenom II X6 1100T BE.​
    Phenom II X6 1100T BE.
Aug 11, 2008
In the first article, every game except skyrim seemed to be gpu limited at 1080p.
But still, disappointing results for Haswell in gaming, based on the two articles.

I do agree that at current prices, if one can find Ivy Bridge cheaper than Haswell, which it usually is, Ivy would be my choice for gaming. If one uses a lot of productivity apps where Haswell shows more improvement, then it could make sense.

Also interesting is that hyperthreading seems to make little difference for quad cores, and the i3 is still quite competitive, based on the second article.


Apr 22, 2012
In the first article, every game except skyrim seemed to be gpu limited at 1080p.
But still, disappointing results for Haswell in gaming, based on the two articles.

I do agree that at current prices, if one can find Ivy Bridge cheaper than Haswell, which it usually is, Ivy would be my choice for gaming. If one uses a lot of productivity apps where Haswell shows more improvement, then it could make sense.

Also interesting is that hyperthreading seems to make little difference for quad cores, and the i3 is still quite competitive, based on the second article.

The ocaholic one seems to be very "unique".



Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
Pretty much what Shintai said. Author of the article either is an idiot or had some severely flawed test methodology.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2009
That's why I asked if there any other articles testing the cpu's in a bunch of games. One bench of skyrim isn't really enough to prove the ocaholic benches are bogus.


Aug 27, 2012
That's why I asked if there any other articles testing the cpu's in a bunch of games. One bench of skyrim isn't really enough to prove the ocaholic benches are bogus.
Hardware.fr has a test of various Haswell SKUs versus their IVB/SNB predecessors. No performance regressions, although the improvements aren't breathtaking either. But it's enough to see that the ocaholic benches seem to be useless.

Magic Carpet

Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2011
Hardware.fr has a test of various Haswell SKUs versus their IVB/SNB predecessors. No performance regressions, although the improvements aren't breathtaking either. But it's enough to see that the ocaholic benches seem to be useless.
Well, if Haswell scores worse than IB/SB, there must be some error, certainly. However, the point is, except in a few games, its performance is about the same as its predecessor. Which isn't exactly news, right?!

I think it's clear, at the same price, Haswell is a must for a new build. However, if you can get a 3770K for half the price of 4770K, go for it
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Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2012
The ocaholic one seems to be very "unique".

What kind of a dumb setting is this? Benching skyrim calls for ultra settings (especially shadows). Skyrim is noticeably less demanding for the CPU on low settings.

Fact of the matter is that anything on that chart is easily playable at more than 60 fps.


Jan 4, 2013
There were some anomalies in the ocaholic test that make me wonder if some inadvertent errors were not creeping in somewhere, for instance, some charts show lower frame rates when overclocked.


Apr 15, 2001
What kind of a dumb setting is this? Benching skyrim calls for ultra settings (especially shadows). Skyrim is noticeably less demanding for the CPU on low settings.

Fact of the matter is that anything on that chart is easily playable at more than 60 fps.

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Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2012

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Yes. When you are getting 120+ fps you shouldn't even bother with low settings.

The review is kinda dumb. Crysis 3. 720p lowest or 1080p highest (gpu bottleneck). No one is going to play crysis 3 at 20 fps. Do something like 720p highest to get the actual CPU fps.
The reviews tend to be too academic and have often no practical meaning. If you are benching CPUs you do something like 600p/720p highest to get the maximum fps the CPU will give you. If this is something over 60 fps its of limited importance; if its over 120fps min then its of 0 importance. Its extremely important when you are CPU bottlenecked at max settings below 60 fps. Same with FC3.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
It doesn't make a difference. Low settings at 720p = cpu limited. High settings at 720p = cpu limited. This, being a CPU benchmark, the only goal is to show the strengths and weaknesses of the CPUs in question. Low or high does not matter. The only ultimate goal is to remove the GPU from the equation and that's that. The benchmark did just that despite the "low" settings.

Low or high also will not change the results. Most games will favor the 4770k in ST performance in single screen resolutions.


Apr 15, 2001
It doesn't make a difference. Low settings at 720p = cpu limited. High settings at 720p = cpu limited. This, being a CPU benchmark, the only goal is to show the strengths and weaknesses of the CPUs in question. Low or high does not matter. The only ultimate goal is to remove the GPU from the equation and that's that. The benchmark did just that despite the "low" settings.

Low or high also will not change the results. Most games will favor the 4770k in ST performance in single screen resolutions.
max settings, other than AA, should always be used when testing cpus because many settings impact the cpu too. I can lower my res to 1280x720 in some games and be cpu limited even with my 2500k at 4.4. I can hit a wall way before 100 fps in many cases thus proving that all the gpu power in the world will not let you take full advantage of 120/144 hz screens.


Jan 4, 2013
Max settings may stress the CPU more, but if their net effect is to mask the differences between CPUs in a CPU test, then to do so is counterproductive.

It might be best to find the highest graphical settings within a given test setup that still illustrate significant differences between CPUs. This point takes time to find, though.
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Apr 15, 2001
Max settings may stress the CPU more, but if their net effect is to mask the differences between CPUs in a CPU test, then to do so is counterproductive.

It might be best to find the highest graphical settings within a given test setup that still illustrate significant differences between CPUs. This point takes time to find, though.
I am talking about max settings (other than AA) and using a lower resolution.


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2010
I would agree as far as max settings at a low res without AA.

Some graphical settings require cpu cycles, like view distance, and shadows, and even details (draw calls).


Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2012
It doesn't make a difference. Low settings at 720p = cpu limited. High settings at 720p = cpu limited. This, being a CPU benchmark, the only goal is to show the strengths and weaknesses of the CPUs in question. Low or high does not matter. The only ultimate goal is to remove the GPU from the equation and that's that. The benchmark did just that despite the "low" settings.

Low or high also will not change the results. Most games will favor the 4770k in ST performance in single screen resolutions.

Yes but the point is to determine real world capabilities too. Getting 400 fps is meaningless. Also high settings generally require more CPU power due to longer draw distances, Shadows, and sometimes other effects (explosions). As a gamer on a budget do you really care if the CPU you buy only gets 200 fps vs 800 fps on a particular game? No. Your monitor can't display it and the end user experience is the same.

Giving a vastly inflated 'low setting' cpu benchmark does not tell me what my CPU will limit me to at higher settings and a gpu limited 1080p max (below 60 fps) does not tell me what my cpu will limit to me at my playable settings (ex turning off AA). The end result of these types of artificial benchmarks are that, me, the gamer, has NO CLUE WHAT FPS my cpu will give me at playable settings.

This review fails twice. By running games at LOW at 720p and by maxing out the games at 1080p so much they are GPU limited (crysis 3-20 fps, FC3-30fps).


Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2012
For example on GW2.

i7-3630qm and 660m (1058/1250). Lion's Arch (maybe 15-20 people in frame). Estimated Error +/- 3fps.

Lowest settings
1024 x 768 -67 fps (cpu limited gpu at 50-55% at 845/1250)
1080p - 65 fps (cpu limited, gpu at 60-65% at 1020/1250).

Auto detect
1080p - 44 fps (CPU limited, gpu at 80%, 1058/1250)

1080p- 24 fps (gpu limited)
1024 x 768 - 29 fps (CPU limited, gpu at 75-80%, 1058/1250).

Conclusion: Lowest settings are nowhere close to highest settings in terms of stressing the CPU. As nobody with a decent setup is going to play at low (incredibly washed out and crappy looking) the low setting benchmarks are useless. At max settings 1080p is a poor standard because it does not tell me how my CPU can hold up, being held up by the GPU.

Low: 1024 x 768 - 67 fps and
Max: 1080p - 24 fps
tell me absolutely nothing about how my system will do at playable settings (autodetect- 44 fps) or if I had a system with a 780m in it (bottlenecked to 29 fps). If you are going to test games you need to check playability.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
Yes but the point is to determine real world capabilities too.

Are you serious? If you're implying that any active PC gamer is going to actually game on a 4770k or 3930k at 720p. No. This isn't a laptop. This is a desktop CPU review. It isn't the determine real world capabilities of 720 gaming, it is to determine CPU performance and only that. The readership there and at desktop oriented websites do not care about 720p "real world capabilities".

It is to determine the CPU performance with the GPU performance removed from the picture. Period. Owners of the 4770k that play PC games do not give a crap about 720p gaming - It is not a notebook oriented website. That methodology makes sense on a laptop but doesn't make sense for a desktop. The only goal was to remove the GPU from the picture. That goal was accomplished. If anyone cared about 720p "real world capabilities" they would probably get one of those 50$ APUs and be done with it. For an APU 720p "real world capabilities" makes sense because the chip can only do low resolution gaming - That isn't what 4770k owners or 3930k owners do. They do not care about 720p, they just want CPU oriented benchmarks because they if they're an active PC gamer and desktop user, they have a dGPU.

I would further add that many graphical features such as advanced shadows, SSAO, HDAO, and stuff along those lines is handled by the GPU. Some of the highest features aren't, but by and large they require a DX11 class GPU. So what happens if you use highest settings in such a game? Congratulations, you just turned a CPU benchmark into a CPU + GPU benchmark. Waste of time. That just skews the test depending on what game is being tested.
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Apr 15, 2001
Are you serious? It isn't the determine real world capabilities. The readership there and at desktop oriented websites do not care about 720p "real world capabilities". This isn't a laptop benchmark-athon, give me a break man. This is a desktop CPU benchmark and 99.9% of such users at the readership of HWC have discrete GPUs.

It is to determine the CPU performance with the GPU performance removed from the picture. Period. Real world capabilities? Give me a break. That isn't what the readership there or the readership at most Desktop PC oriented websites are concerned about with CPU benchmarks. They removed the GPU from the equation and that's that.

Your vision is distorted by some notebook benchmarks. Owners of the 4770k that play PC games do not give a crap about 720p gaming thus the notion of "real world capabilities" is laughable. It is not a notebook oriented website - that methodology makes SENSE on a little laptop but doesn't make sense for a desktop. Do you own a desktop? Don't apply your notions of laptop benchmarking to a desktop oriented website like HWC, Guru3d, among many others. The only goal was to remove the GPU from the picture. 4770k desktop owners that play PC games own discrete GPUs and DO NOT care about 720p "real world capabilities".
you said low or high does not matter and that is WRONG. again many settings impact the cpu so using low settings is stupid as it tells you nothing about how the cpu can handle the game. you can run gta 4 smoothly on low settings with a low end core 2 duo but on max settings even a 2500k cant stop the game from crapping itself in areas. so the way to test cpus is to run them on all high settings except for AA and use a low res.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
A lot of those high settings REQUIRE a DX11 GPU. So if you test some games at the highest settings, CONGRATULATIONS, you just turned a CPU benchmark into a GPU benchmark.

HDAO? GPU. SSAO? GPU. DOF? GPU. Motion blur? GPU. Light shafts and bloom? GPU Tessellation? GPU.. This obviously depends on the game BUT this is why you don't blindly turn every game to ultra settings in a CPU benchmark. Have fun with setting high settings in every game and turning a benchmark intended to be for the CPU and CPU alone into a GPU benchmark.

HWC did the right thing by not choosing highest settings. Doing so is stupid - many of those settings USE the GPU and not the CPU. That runs CONTRARY to the goal of the review which is to measure the CPU and CPU alone.
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