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Nov 17, 2011
YES! I could get behind this. Subpoena the bastards and then let lines of citizens pepper spray the crap out of them! I'd pay $20 each to pepper spray the CEO and board members of corporations.........as long as I get to pick the corporations.

The money made could be used to feed the homeless, something the OWS non-bathers do not want to do.


Nov 17, 2002
Everything someone says which does not fall in line with your view is a lie.
No, everything you say that is dishonest is a lie (sort of by the definition of the word). There are thousands of posts in this forum. There a very few of them I call out as lies. You just have a disproportionately high share of them. While I know you feel entitled to have the world revolve around you, the solution to having your lies called out is not shooting the messenger. It's you lying less.

No wonder people don't take you seriously...you minimize yourself when you post.
That's a beautiful example of irony, right up there with Spidey calling others bat shit crazy. Here's a cookie honey. Why don't you go play now. Grown-ups are busy here.


Nov 17, 2002
YES! I could get behind this. Subpoena the bastards and then let lines of citizens pepper spray the crap out of them! I'd pay $20 each to pepper spray the CEO and board members of corporations.........as long as I get to pick the corporations.
I wonder if we could raise enough to balance the budget? Hmm.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
You're lying again. Variations of that moronic talking point have been shot down countless times in this thread. Not that you won't keep repeating it, of course, because parroting disinformation is what you do. Nonetheless, OWS does not have the resources to feed or house the homeless, nor is that their mission. It's attacking corruption and greed.
Evidently wanting a loan to be paid back as agreed is greed and corruption, whereas wanting a free house is not. Go figure. Would it be parroting disinformation to ask exactly how stealing houses is fighting greed and corruption?

One of us is looking at what they SAY they are doing - fighting greed and corruption - while the other is looking at what they ARE doing - stealing houses and turning public streets and parks into garbage dumps.

New defense strategy. Your honor, I know it looks like I was stealing his stereo, but I was actually fighting greed and corruption. Now gimme your wallet.


Nov 17, 2002
Evidently wanting a loan to be paid back as agreed is greed and corruption, whereas wanting a free house is not. Go figure. Would it be parroting disinformation to ask exactly how stealing houses is fighting greed and corruption?

One of us is looking at what they SAY they are doing - fighting greed and corruption - while the other is looking at what they ARE doing - stealing houses and turning public streets and parks into garbage dumps.

New defense strategy. Your honor, I know it looks like I was stealing his stereo, but I was actually fighting greed and corruption. Now gimme your wallet.
WTF? Did I miss a law or something. Is it now an actual requirement that all righties be reading impaired?

In the first place, this post had nothing do with OWS occupying foreclosed homes. It was about cybrsage's recurring brain fart that OWS somehow has the resources and responsibility for feeding and housing the homeless.

In the second place, had you bothered to read and comprehend the post I did make to you about foreclosed homes, I said (and read all the words carefully, 'cause it's really tricky:
"While I largely disagree with that bit of OWS, I certainly empathize with it."
See, I told you it was tricky. To keep it simple for you, the word you need to focus on is "disagree". I disagree with what they're doing (which is, of course, exactly the opposite of what your rant above suggests). Yes, I do empathize with them. That means I understand why they feel it's OK. I DO NOT AGREE with them, however.

Of course I suppose that duhversion was much easier for you than actually trying to address my rebuttal of your latest attack on OWS. That would be the one where you seem to endorse greed and corruption as the underpinnings of our society.


Nov 17, 2002
Sine it helps prevent your fragile self estime from crumbling, I suppose you should keep pretending everyone said which you do not agree with is a lie.

Carry on.
Sorry sweetie, but the grown-ups are still talking and you can't have more cookies. They'll ruin your dinner. You just run along and play and we'll call you when we run out of other nutter parrots.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
The core purpose of OWS is fighting corruption and greed. (It even says that on their website, something I didn't realize since I haven't visited it since its early days.) I suppose then if you count corruption and greed as integral "underpinnings of our society," I can understand why you find OWS threatening. On the other hand, I find corruption and greed to be undermining the underpinnings of our society, and therefore welcome OWS' efforts to purge them. I guess it just depends on your personal values.

While I largely disagree with that bit of OWS, I certainly empathize with it. After all, they saw Uncle Sugar bail out the Finance sector elites to the tune of close to a trillion dollars, even more if you count the Fed shenanigans. It's certainly easy to understand why they think they might also deserve a little break, if we're giving a thousands of billions of dollars to the very crooks who looted America and trashed our economy.

Maybe we could compromise and just pepper-spray the CEOs and board members who faced no accountability to date. No, I'm sure that's too harsh. We should save that for people exercising their Constitutional rights while sitting peacefully in a public space. Those are the real evil-doers, for sure.
Since you insist . . .

Evidently wanting a loan to be paid back as agreed is greed and corruption, whereas wanting a free house is not. Go figure. Would it be parroting disinformation to ask exactly how stealing houses is fighting greed and corruption?

One of us is looking at what they SAY they are doing - fighting greed and corruption - while the other is looking at what they ARE doing - stealing houses and turning public streets and parks into garbage dumps.

New defense strategy. Your honor, I know it looks like I was stealing his stereo, but I was actually fighting greed and corruption. Now gimme your wallet.

Again, the concrete actions OWS is taking are stealing houses, trashing parks and public streets, obstructing people actually trying to do legal jobs, playing drums, taking drugs, and spreading disease and pestilence. If you choose to believe that OWS is stealing houses, trashing parks and public streets, obstructing people actually trying to do legal jobs, playing drums, taking drugs, and spreading disease and pestilence to fight "greed & corruption", well, it's still a free country. In a country of 300+ million, I suppose even something like fighting greed and corruption with body odor will have its followers. Supporting stealing homes in the name of fighting greed does seem rather stupid though.

Oh, but wait. I forgot that you aren't supporting the stealing of homes, you're only supporting the people who are stealing homes. 'Cause they're fighting greed and corruption.


Nov 17, 2002
Since you insist . . .

Evidently wanting a loan to be paid back as agreed is greed and corruption, whereas wanting a free house is not. Go figure. Would it be parroting disinformation to ask exactly how stealing houses is fighting greed and corruption?

One of us is looking at what they SAY they are doing - fighting greed and corruption - while the other is looking at what they ARE doing - stealing houses and turning public streets and parks into garbage dumps.

New defense strategy. Your honor, I know it looks like I was stealing his stereo, but I was actually fighting greed and corruption. Now gimme your wallet.
Re-posting the same steaming pile of dung under a different quote doesn't make it any less crap and it doesn't make it any more responsive. Yes, OWS is posting these incidents as news on their web site (along with all the other OWS-related events and activities). No, I don't agree with it.

But just like Spidey, you choose to fixate on the bits that reinforce your preconceived biases while dismissing the majority that don't. There are how many tens of thousands of people participating in OWS? Now what tiny fraction of them joined in occupying foreclosed homes? It may make their news since there's not a lot new going on right now, but it's not a significant piece of OWS.

Again, the concrete actions OWS is taking are stealing houses, trashing parks and public streets, obstructing people actually trying to do legal jobs, playing drums, taking drugs, and spreading disease and pestilence. If you choose to believe that OWS is stealing houses, trashing parks and public streets, obstructing people actually trying to do legal jobs, playing drums, taking drugs, and spreading disease and pestilence to fight "greed & corruption", well, it's still a free country. In a country of 300+ million, I suppose even something like fighting greed and corruption with body odor will have its followers. Supporting stealing homes in the name of fighting greed does seem rather stupid though.

Oh, but wait. I forgot that you aren't supporting the stealing of homes, you're only supporting the people who are stealing homes. 'Cause they're fighting greed and corruption.
Yep, you managed to parrot most of the talking points. Maybe you and cybesage should set a play date. I'm sure that simple-minded caricature makes it so much easier for you to continue to demonize the best, albeit slim, hope we have for attacking the corruption and greed that is destroying America. Of course you don't actually seem much interested in making America better. It's far more important that your parks look pretty and that you not have to walk an extra five steps to get your morning Starbucks fix.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Re-posting the same steaming pile of dung under a different quote doesn't make it any less crap and it doesn't make it any more responsive. Yes, OWS is posting these incidents as news on their web site (along with all the other OWS-related events and activities). No, I don't agree with it.

But just like Spidey, you choose to fixate on the bits that reinforce your preconceived biases while dismissing the majority that don't. There are how many tens of thousands of people participating in OWS? Now what tiny fraction of them joined in occupying foreclosed homes? It may make their news since there's not a lot new going on right now, but it's not a significant piece of OWS.

Yep, you managed to parrot most of the talking points. Maybe you and cybesage should set a play date. I'm sure that simple-minded caricature makes it so much easier for you to continue to demonize the best, albeit slim, hope we have for attacking the corruption and greed that is destroying America. Of course you don't actually seem much interested in making America better. It's far more important that your parks look pretty and that you not have to walk an extra five steps to get your morning Starbucks fix.
Observing what these people do is not talking points. Repeating what they tell you to say while ignoring what they do is talking points.

Ticks demanding a bigger slice of dog.


Nov 17, 2002
Observing what these people do is not talking points. Repeating what they tell you to say while ignoring what they do is talking points.

Ticks demanding a bigger slice of dog.
Just keep fixating on the 3% and ignoring the 97%. Reality is for suckers anyway.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just keep fixating on the 3% and ignoring the 97%. Reality is for suckers anyway.
But I'm not fixating on the 3% - I'm living my life, working long hours, asking nothing from others except what I'm willing to earn. I'm ignoring the 3%. I bought a very modest house and paid it off - and stayed there. My college was paid for partially by my parents and partially by me, taking night courses and working when I needed to do so. I don't run up debt, I don't drive expensive cars, I don't have a smart phone or a Macbook (or any laptop.) I'm not demanding anything from anyone other than that they follow the law, and I vote for whichever candidate seems least likely to damage the freedoms for which I most care. And if I ever need charity, I'll ask for it humbly - with the understanding that it IS charity, not with the assumption that the world owes me anything for my mere existence.

That USED to be the American way. Now those on the left are attempting to rip down that world, to replace it with a new world in which Government provides for us all and we all provide for Government. A world in which getting stoned, carelessly strewing garbage, and shitting in the streets and parks is in fact noble as long as you claim you're doing it to fight greed and corruption. A world in which it's okay (or at least excusable) to seize what you want as long as you point to others doing the same thing, because you're doing it for a noble cause - to fight greed and corruption. That's bullshit. What people give as justification means less than nothing; what people do means everything. Want me to be impressed with OWS? Tell them to take a bath, get a job, and buy what they want. Then I'll listen to what they want.

Adam Carolla is exactly right. These are the people who grew up feeling special and couldn't take it when they learned they aren't.


May 24, 2004
When did things change to the 97% versus the 3%?

I would divide it up as 3% care about OWS, 97% are tired of their childish antics.


Nov 17, 2011
Sorry sweetie, but the grown-ups are still talking and you can't have more cookies. They'll ruin your dinner. You just run along and play and we'll call you when we run out of other nutter parrots.

lol Now you are pretending you are a grown up! How precious.


Dec 21, 2005
Just keep fixating on the 3% and ignoring the 97%. Reality is for suckers anyway.
At least that 3% has accomplished something -- albeit something that's criminal and deplorable.

Empathy for their whacked out entitlement ideas, or not, you really need to start condemning them (loudly), and actively working to get rid of them from OWS.

To the rest of the world, whether you like it or not, your "empathy," or just your simple silence, begins to look a lot like support or tacit approval... (See also: Islamic Terrorism).

On another note, what, exactly, has your supposed 97% accomplished?
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Nov 17, 2002
At least that 3% has accomplished something -- albeit something that's criminal and deplorable.

Empathy for their whacked out entitlement ideas, or not, you really need to start condemning them (loudly), and actively working to get rid of them from OWS.

To the rest of the world, whether you like it or not, your "empathy," or just your simple silence, begins to look a lot like support or tacit approval... (See also: Islamic Terrorism).

On another note, what, exactly, has your supposed 97% accomplished?
You need to follow the thread. Someone posted a link to a collection of 44 OWS photos. Spidey jumped in and ranted how they proved what he'd been saying all along, that OWS was all about destroying capitalism and promoting socialism. I challenged Spidey to take a closer look, because in those 44 photos I could read 100 or more signs, only two of which denounced capitalism. I suggested it would be a simple way for him to regain a grasp of reality, by going through each of the photos and objectively counting how many agreed with his deluded world view vs. how many did not.

Spidey finally responded, in his usual hysterical style, showing the three photos and screeching how they "proved he was right" and all the rest of us are in denial. In those three photos were the two signs I'd already mentioned denouncing capitalism, plus one sign with an anti-billionaire message that was sponsored by some socialist group. (I missed that one. It was in the small print at the bottom of the sign.) Naturally he completely ignored the other 41 photos and 97 or more signs that contradicted him because they were focused on the core OWS message of corruption, greed, etc. His cognitive dissonance is so overpowering that all he could see was 3 signs out of 100+.

Thus the king of crazy demonstrated yet again that he is incapable of acknowledging the reality of the 97%. He can only see the cherry-picked 3% that reinforce his delusions.

So in that context, when you say the 3% has accomplished something, you're saying those denouncing capitalism have accomplished something. I'm betting that's not what you intended.
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Nov 17, 2011
When can I give $20 and hit Bow with pepper spray? I want to do my part in helping pay down the deficit.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
You shouldn't chide someone for not reading the thread, it's become huge and way too large of a pain in the butt to read completely. Spidey has proved his point over time that there are large blocks of communist and socialist supporters among the #Occupy crowd. There were signs shown very early in the protests along with support from communist and socialist organizations. Just because only a couple showed up in a single block of 44 pictures makes no definite limit on what the support is amongst the #Occupy people.


Nov 17, 2011
OK, you can have another cookie this morning ... but be sure you finish lunch later. Now go play.


Bow: MY EYES! It burns! Wahhh!! Mommy, he sprayed me in the eyes wth pepper spray!!!!!!
Cybr: Handing $40 to the debt reduction committee. Grab him, I just paid to hit him again, that was fun! I see why the campus police did it. He would smell better, too, but he wet himself when I sprayed him.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
But I'm not fixating on the 3% - I'm living my life, working long hours, asking nothing from others except what I'm willing to earn. ...

Congratulations you're the 53% ?
Glad things are ok for you. However, it's been made clear that there was all sorts of fraud and unsavory practices going on to loot the american economy.
#occupy wasn't started to tell "rich" people to give people hand outs. It was started to bring people to justice who have profited from the tragedy of other peoples lives, and to remove corruption from government.

If you want to ignore all that, fine. But it's happening whether or not you want to think about it.
Adam Carolla is exactly right. These are the people who grew up feeling special and couldn't take it when they learned they aren't.

He was right about a small minority of people protesting. People asking for fraudsters to be held accountable for throwing our country into the toilet is completely different from asking for a hand out.

Being mad that some 5,000 people employed by failed "too big to fail" corporations got $1m+ bonuses, is not asking for a hand out. If the entire country is in a recession... you don't need $1m bonus. especially not if your business just had to get an infusion of money from the government to stay afloat... where is all of that bonus money coming from if you can't pay your own bills?

Spidey has proved his point over time that there are [small] blocks of communist and socialist supporters among the #Occupy crowd. There were signs shown very early in the protests along with support from communist and socialist organizations.

fixed for you.

There's all sorts of people out and about. You can find any number of people at an #occupy event. Trying to say that the thoughts of a few people are the same as the entire group of protesters is just dumb and illogical. I know this is the basis of any far right wingers talking points at all time. You take the actions and thoughts of a few people and pretend everybody in the larger group they belong to thinks in unison with them. One black guy wrongs you, so you start hating all black people. Same line of thinking.

That's fine though. I'm not backing people who walk around w\ signs saying end capitalism or any sort of communist tag lines. I'm just backing purely logical thinking. You don't give a corporation the power to bribe government officials who in turn tear apart regulations that are in place for a reason, or pass laws to aid a corporation.

You don't give a failed company billions of dollars to bail them out and then sit by and watch them give billions of dollars in bonus money to people who obviously failed at their jobs.

You don't just print more money than we're in debt to give to every failed nation around the world and then watch the value of our currency plummet...

all of that is horrendous bullshit that should not be tolerated by any real america.

And I suppose you guys will be fine if they start detaining #occupy protesters indefinitely without trial in internment camps? That would be very american wouldn't it?
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No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
LOL! Texts from police in denver. Don't believe the line of bullshit that occupy supporters think the police are with them or support them.


Text Messages Call Protesters Hippies, Retarded

In one of the messages, an officer texted other officers, "They're supporting the same BS protests going on on Wall Street. The typical 'Tax the Rich' 'Eff the Cops' anarchist crap.

In another text, an officer talks about the crowd getting rowdy and says "The fun might be coming soon."

Another text calls the protesters "a buncha occupy Denver retards."

Police expressed worry about what the protesters were armed with, mentioning urine-filled balloons and "one of the protesters who had a dozen homemade weapons on him on an RTD bus. Machetes, shivs, nunchucks, throwing stars … all kinds of stuff to shank cops if they grabbed him."


Dec 21, 2005
You need to follow the thread. Someone posted a link to a collection of 44 OWS photos. Spidey jumped in and ranted how they proved what he'd been saying all along, that OWS was all about destroying capitalism and promoting socialism. I challenged Spidey to take a closer look, because in those 44 photos I could read 100 or more signs, only two of which denounced capitalism. I suggested it would be a simple way for him to regain a grasp of reality, by going through each of the photos and objectively counting how many agreed with his deluded world view vs. how many did not.

Spidey finally responded, in his usual hysterical style, showing the three photos and screeching how they "proved he was right" and all the rest of us are in denial. In those three photos were the two signs I'd already mentioned denouncing capitalism, plus one sign with an anti-billionaire message that was sponsored by some socialist group. (I missed that one. It was in the small print at the bottom of the sign.) Naturally he completely ignored the other 41 photos and 97 or more signs that contradicted him because they were focused on the core OWS message of corruption, greed, etc. His cognitive dissonance is so overpowering that all he could see was 3 signs out of 100+.

Thus the king of crazy demonstrated yet again that he is incapable of acknowledging the reality of the 97%. He can only see the cherry-picked 3% that reinforce his delusions.

So in that context, when you say the 3% has accomplished something, you're saying those denouncing capitalism have accomplished something. I'm betting that's not what you intended.
Trust me, I've been following, and that was exactly as I intended. I was using those percentages to challenge you to present something, anything, that the non-whackjobs (those you have begun referring to as "the 97% of OWS") have accomplished to date.

For Spidey's "3%," one can easily point to their overt criminal and deplorable activities (aka their "accomplishments"); however, I'm not sure the same can be said about the other 97% of OWS you outwardly support... Again, what, exactly, have they accomplished?
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