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Nov 17, 2002
This is the precise problem with "progressives" and the rest of "the left."

The Koch Brothers truly are people who should be despised by all Americans.

But, you "progressives" just continue to be such annoying whiny jackasses that we end up rooting for the Koch Brothers out of fun spite.
Whereas this is the precise problem with today's RNC and Republicans like you. You've become so mean-spirited and spiteful you not only don't care about what's best for America, you don't really even care that much about what's best for your party. The only thing you really care about is hurting the left. If America is caught in the crossfire, oh well, there's always going to be some collateral damage in war.

And for this thread, just another reminder that occupy has been a massive failure. Take the hint and move on.
The Civil Rights movement should probably have thrown in the towel after three months too. What could they possibly accomplish?

Typical lazy, ADD-addled Americans, raised on the instant gratification of television and indoctrinated to think no further ahead than the end of the quarter. If sweeping changes can't be completed in a few weeks, well hell, they just aren't worth doing. Sure, we're drowning in pervasive corruption, but screw it, there's probably a game on, and it's critical I see who's going home on Dancing With the Stars this week. Right?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
Kalle Lasn.

I don't know who that is.

Being an intermediate level internetter, I was aware that anonymous was behind #occupy which is why you see all of the guy fawkes masks all over the place. If this guy who you are under the impression of being behind it was behind it, he's probably be indefinitely detained under the latest police state legislation that's passed.


We Are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We Do not Forgive.
We Do not Forget.



Nov 17, 2002
I don't know who that is.

Being an intermediate level internetter, I was aware that anonymous was behind #occupy which is why you see all of the guy fawkes masks all over the place. If this guy who you are under the impression of being behind it was behind it, he's probably be indefinitely detained under the latest police state legislation that's passed.


We Are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We Do not Forgive.
We Do not Forget.

Google's not that hard. Look him up. He started Adbusters magazine which condemns our excessive consumerism and seeks to expose the dishonest corporate marketing that feeds it. He reportedly posted the original idea for what became OccupyWallStreet. It's not clear to me that he is active in the movement itself short of giving ideas. I haven't dug into this, however.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I don't know who that is.

Being an intermediate level internetter, I was aware that anonymous was behind #occupy which is why you see all of the guy fawkes masks all over the place. If this guy who you are under the impression of being behind it was behind it, he's probably be indefinitely detained under the latest police state legislation that's passed.


We Are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We Do not Forgive.
We Do not Forget.

Kalle Lasn spends most nights shuffling clippings into a binder of plastic sleeves, each of which represents one page of an issue of Adbusters, a bimonthly magazine that he founded and edits. It is a tactile process, like making a collage, and occasionally Lasn will run a page with his own looped cursive scrawl on it. From this absorbing work, Lasn acquired the habit of avoiding the news after dark. So it was not until the morning of Tuesday, November 15th, that he learned that hundreds of police officers had massed in lower Manhattan at 1 A.M. and cleared the camp at Zuccotti Park. If anyone could claim responsibility for the Zuccotti situation, it was Lasn: Adbusters had come up with the idea of an encampment, the date the initial occupation would start, and the name of the protest—Occupy Wall Street. Now the epicenter of the movement had been raided. Lasn began thinking of reasons that this might be a good thing.

Lasn is sixty-nine years old and lives with his wife on a five-acre farm outside Vancouver. He has thinning white hair and the small eyes of a bulldog. In a lilting voice, he speaks of “a dark age coming for humanity” and of “killing capitalism,” alternating gusts of passion with gentle laughter. He has learned not to let premonitions of apocalypse spoil his good mood.

The magazine, which he founded twenty-two years ago, depicts the developed world as a nightmare of environmental collapse and spiritual hollowness, driven to the brink of destruction by its consumer appetites. Adbusters’ images—a breastfeeding baby tattooed with corporate logos; a smiling Barack Obama with a clown’s ball on his nose—are combined with equally provocative texts and turned into a paginated montage. Adbusters is not the only radical magazine calling for the end of life as we know it, but it is by far the best-looking.

Lasn was interrupted by a phone call about the Zuccotti eviction while in bed, reading Julian Barnes’s “The Sense of an Ending.” He rose and checked his e-mail. There was a message from Micah White, Adbusters’ senior editor and Lasn’s closest collaborator.

“Eerie timing!” White wrote. Earlier that night, Adbusters had sent out its most recent “tactical briefing”—a mass e-mail to ninety thousand friends of the magazine—proposing that the nation’s Occupy protesters throw a party in mid-December, declare victory, and withdraw from their encampments. A few hours later, officers from the New York Police Department began handing out notices stating that the park had become dangerous and unsanitary, and ordering the protesters to leave, so that it could be cleaned. Those who refused to go were arrested, and whatever they left behind was carried off by the Department of Sanitation, to a depot on West Fifty-seventh Street. After a long night of angry marches and meetings, the protesters were allowed back into Zuccotti, with newly enforced prohibitions on tents and on lying down. The protest continued, but the fifty-nine days of rude, anarchic freedom on a patch of granite in lower Manhattan were over.

White reached Lasn by telephone shortly before nine. Lasn was in the bathtub, and White told him details that he had learned online about the eviction. The police had established a strict media cordon, blocking access from nearby streets. “It was a military-style operation,” he said. These words made Lasn think of the bloody uprising in Syria. He quickly decided that the apparent end of Zuccotti was not a tragedy but the latest in a series of crisis-driven opportunities, what he calls “revolutionary moments,” akin to the slapping of a Tunisian fruit vender. “I just can’t believe how stupid Bloomberg can be!” he said to me later that day. “This means escalation. A raising of the stakes. It’s one step closer to, you know, a revolution.”

Lasn and White quickly hammered out a post-Zuccotti plan. White would draft a new memorandum, suggesting that Phase I—signs, meetings, camps, marches—was now over. Phase II would involve a swarming strategy of “surprise attacks against business as usual,” with the potential to be “more intense and visceral, depending on how the Bloombergs of the world react.” White could hear the excitement in Lasn’s voice. Even as Lasn vented about the morning’s counterrevolution, he was doing what he could not to splash.

This is how Occupy Wall Street began: as one of many half-formed plans circulating through conversations between Lasn and White, who lives in Berkeley and has not seen Lasn in person for more than four years. Neither can recall who first had the idea of trying to take over lower Manhattan. In early June, Adbusters sent an e-mail to subscribers stating that “America needs its own Tahrir.” The next day, White wrote to Lasn that he was “very excited about the Occupy Wall Street meme. . . . I think we should make this happen.” He proposed three possible Web sites: OccupyWallStreet.org, AcampadaWallStreet.org, and TakeWallStreet.org.

“No. 1 is best,” Lasn replied, on June 9th. That evening, he registered OccupyWallStreet.org.

White, who is twenty-nine years old, was born to a Caucasian mother and an African-American father. “I don’t really fit in with either group,” he told me. He attended suburban public schools, where he began a series of one-man campaigns against authority. In middle school, with his parents’ blessing, he refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. In high school, he founded an atheists’ club, over the objections of the principal. This led to an appearance on “Politically Incorrect,” and atheist organizations flew White to their conferences to give talks. “It all went to my head,” he said. “I became a little ego child. Ego destroys. I was too young to understand that.”

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/11/28/111128fa_fact_schwartz#ixzz1g4fUI2kq
I've taken the liberty of bolding some sections that are pertinent and/or illustrative. Anyone considering supporting the Occupiers - and certainly anyone so stupid and/or foolish as to believe that thousands of largely useless sheeple just spontaneously showed up - has a responsibility to know these people. What you THINK you are supporting may not be anything near what you are actually supporting - the abolition of capitalism, the destruction of America in anything near its present form, and the transformation of free Americans into property of an all-powerful authoritarian state. (But don't worry, this state will know best how you should live your life, so it's okay.)

EDIT: Just to be clear, I posted only a small portion of the article. Everyone here should read it.

A good tip for life: Know thy master BEFORE you do his bidding. In this case, thy master is in part self-described "transgender anarchists". Be proud - who knows more about establishing a good society than transgender anarchists?
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Dec 21, 2005
For those folks who haven't been introduced properly, I'd like you to meet the OWS puppet masters:


It's a pretty thorough write-up and inside look at the personalities, motivations, underlying anarchist philosophies, and machinations behind the entire OWS movement -- as well as a very telling glimpse of what those puppet masters have planned for the next few phases of their "revolution."

EDIT: I see that werepossem beat me to it. I highly suggest that everyone here read that entire article. It seems to be the most thorough and revealing piece to date...
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Dec 21, 2005
I don't know who that is.

Being an intermediate level internetter, I was aware that anonymous was behind #occupy which is why you see all of the guy fawkes masks all over the place. If this guy who you are under the impression of being behind it was behind it, he's probably be indefinitely detained under the latest police state legislation that's passed.


We Are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We Do not Forgive.
We Do not Forget.

Anonymous, as a group, had nothing to do with creating OWS -- unless, of course, you have proof that Lasn and his anarchist colleagues are themselves part of Anonymous? I sincerely doubt it; but, I guess it's theoretically possible given that Anonymous is, well... anonymous.

You REALLY need to read the article werepossum and I posted above... you apparently don't understand a single thing about the real personalities and ideals that shape the backbone of the entire movement.

For instance, did you know that Kalle Lasn himself -- a self-proclaimed anti-corporate anarchist who frequently speaks of "killing capitalism" -- frequently issues "tactical briefings," via email, to the various OWS General Assemblies scattered around the Globe? He has also called for the next phase of the movement to be "more visceral," including the occupation of many private properties in an effort to escalate confrontations with the Government.

Doesn't that make you just a tad bit concerned; or, as Spidey has been claiming, are you completely cool with such criminal tactics and anarchist ideals?
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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
For those folks who haven't been introduced properly, I'd like you to meet the OWS puppet masters:


It's a pretty thorough write-up and inside look at the personalities, motivations, underlying anarchist philosophies, and machinations behind the entire OWS movement -- as well as a very telling glimpse of what those puppet masters have planned for the next few phases of their "revolution."

EDIT: I see that werepossem beat me to it. I highly suggest that everyone here read that entire article. It seems to be the most thorough and revealing piece to date...
LOL Had it bookmarked.

But remember, children, this is not a movement aimed at destroying the underpinnings of our society, just one aimed at starting a revolution creating a society more in line with the desires of transgendered anarchists. As long as you have faith that transgendered anarchists are in fact the wisest among us, it's all good.

EDIT: I'd forgotten this little gem:
Those who were around at the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street movement talk about the old “vertical” left versus the new “horizontal” one. By “vertical,” they mean hierarchy and its trappings—leaders, demands, and issue-specific rallies. They mean social change as laid out by Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and Barack Obama’s “Dreams from My Father,” where outside organizers spur communities to action.
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Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011

A good tip for life: Know thy master BEFORE you do his bidding. In this case, thy master is in part self-described "transgender anarchists". Be proud - who knows more about establishing a good society than transgender anarchists?

Founding fathers were pretty much transgender anarchists, what with the tea party and wigs and all


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Founding fathers were pretty much transgender anarchists, what with the tea party and wigs and all
Okay, that made me laugh out loud. Thanks!

EDIT: The more I think about that the funnier it gets. I have this mental picture of all these guys in fancy suits ever so seriously discussing the future of the new republic, while other people peep through the curtains at them.

"Ooh, look! Transgendered anarchists!"
"Sssh! Don't scare them!"
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Dec 21, 2005
The sad fact is that I brought up Kalle Lasn and his colleagues' roles VERY early in this thread, yet folks like airdata never even bothered to look him up or fully understand the movement.

I'm looking forward to his response to the New Yorker article, but only if he bothers to read the entire thing...


Feb 1, 2008
I can see a new direction to OWS that "might" become the major turning point.
That is, start to focus on the Hispanics, blacks, the elderly, and the attempt to squash voting rights of minorities across the country. Truly a huge part of the OWS movement.

Follow the playbook of MLK and the march for civil rights. Instead of focusing so much on the money, banks, and class warfare, begin to focus on civil rights issues.
Focus on the organized attacks against Hispanics, blacks, elderly, and yes... the gays, by local governments and law makers.
All their attempts, nation wide, to place minorities into second class citizens.

This might be the answer in turning OWS into an overwhelming national cause that no one could ignore, write off, or dismiss as some temporary fluke.
Draw some real attention to the cause.
Just as did the civil rights marches back in the 1960's.
Redirect the OWS focus towards injustice targeted against America's minorities.
Change the game once and for all, to their favor.
And place all those that would fight against the movement on notice, "do not mess with these people". Do not mess with this cause!


Dec 21, 2005
I can see a new direction to OWS that "might" become the major turning point.
That is, start to focus on the Hispanics, blacks, the elderly, and the attempt to squash voting rights of minorities across the country. Truly a huge part of the OWS movement.

Follow the playbook of MLK and the march for civil rights. Instead of focusing so much on the money, banks, and class warfare, begin to focus on civil rights issues.
Focus on the organized attacks against Hispanics, blacks, elderly, and yes... the gays, by local governments and law makers.
All their attempts, nation wide, to place minorities into second class citizens.

This might be the answer in turning OWS into an overwhelming national cause that no one could ignore, write off, or dismiss as some temporary fluke.
Draw some real attention to the cause.
Just as did the civil rights marches back in the 1960's.
Redirect the OWS focus towards injustice targeted against America's minorities.
Change the game once and for all, to their favor.
And place all those that would fight against the movement on notice, "do not mess with these people". Do not mess with this cause!

Ummm... ok then. Random wtf?!



May 1, 2006
Occupy did a good protest. At the chamber of commerce at an event,they had people lie side by side under a red carpet for the guests to walk on.

Nice symbolic, peaceful protest.


May 24, 2004
I can see a new direction to OWS that "might" become the major turning point.
That is, start to focus on the Hispanics, blacks, the elderly, and the attempt to squash voting rights of minorities across the country. Truly a huge part of the OWS movement.

Ooh goodie! This is the tactic that worked for prohibition!!!! Yay for movements!


Oct 7, 2011
Occupy did a good protest. At the chamber of commerce at an event,they had people lie side by side under a red carpet for the guests to walk on.

Nice symbolic, peaceful protest.

Yes I often lie the corpses of my enemy's under a red carpet so I can both walk over my enemy's and maintain my status in high society.


Nov 17, 2011
It would have been fun to walk on them. They obviously want people to do so, why not throw them a bone and give them one of the strange things they actually are asking for?


Nov 17, 2011
The sad fact is that I brought up Kalle Lasn and his colleagues' roles VERY early in this thread, yet folks like airdata never even bothered to look him up or fully understand the movement.

I'm looking forward to his response to the New Yorker article, but only if he bothers to read the entire thing...

It appears the libs have fled the thread after these posts resurfaced. Interesting.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Just another #Occupy criminal act. Of course no ones responsible, it didn't really happen blah, blah, blah, agent provocateurs, blah, peaceful protesting, blah

SANTA CRUZ, Calif- Santa Cruz Police are asking for the public's help in identifying Occupy Santa Cruz suspects who took over a building on River Street last week.

According to Santa Cruz Police, the suspects left behind more than $30,000 worth of damage to the vacant Well Fargo building before finally leaving Sunday night.

If you can identify any of the individuals please contact SCPD Investigations at 831.420.5820 or leave a tip via their iPhone app or website.



Oct 19, 2001
Just another #Occupy criminal act. Of course no ones responsible, it didn't really happen blah, blah, blah, agent provocateurs, blah, peaceful protesting, blah

SANTA CRUZ, Calif- Santa Cruz Police are asking for the public's help in identifying Occupy Santa Cruz suspects who took over a building on River Street last week.

According to Santa Cruz Police, the suspects left behind more than $30,000 worth of damage to the vacant Well Fargo building before finally leaving Sunday night.

If you can identify any of the individuals please contact SCPD Investigations at 831.420.5820 or leave a tip via their iPhone app or website.


criminal trespass, vandalism, etc. Throw the book at em.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Just another #Occupy criminal act. Of course no ones responsible, it didn't really happen blah, blah, blah, agent provocateurs, blah, peaceful protesting, blah

SANTA CRUZ, Calif- Santa Cruz Police are asking for the public's help in identifying Occupy Santa Cruz suspects who took over a building on River Street last week.

According to Santa Cruz Police, the suspects left behind more than $30,000 worth of damage to the vacant Well Fargo building before finally leaving Sunday night.

If you can identify any of the individuals please contact SCPD Investigations at 831.420.5820 or leave a tip via their iPhone app or website.



The building should have been bulldozed long ago.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
For those folks who haven't been introduced properly, I'd like you to meet the OWS puppet masters:


It's a pretty thorough write-up and inside look at the personalities, motivations, underlying anarchist philosophies, and machinations behind the entire OWS movement -- as well as a very telling glimpse of what those puppet masters have planned for the next few phases of their "revolution."

EDIT: I see that werepossem beat me to it. I highly suggest that everyone here read that entire article. It seems to be the most thorough and revealing piece to date...

Better than your Puppet Masters, Koch brothers, Murdock, Corporations and talking heads Rush & Co.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
I'm not in the Tea or Republican parties, and I don't watch cable news or listen to political radio... moron.

Its ammusing that liberals always claim the other side is a puppet of group XYZ, when they are the biggest supporters & followers of unions.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008

The building should have been bulldozed long ago.

If you'd have said that there wasn't very much damage and the police chief radically and unfairly overestimated the damage i'd have agreed with you, but the building looks like it's in good enough physical shape to be reopened some time in the future when they find tenants.
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