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Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2005
the NYPD didn't put them up for shits and giggles.

No, they did to try and control and contain things.

Also, WTH? A PROTEST is DISRUPTING things? Heaven forbid.

I thought all protests had to be located in a place where nobody would be bothered by them... (remember the Republican convention in NYC? Yeah, you can protest, so long as you stay in this cage 1/2 mile from the convention center...)


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2005
np bro. That dude is fucked up and I am trying to help him.

You know that is not right.

When you post on a thread, you are not SUPPOSED to find the truth, you are supposed to argue your point to death w/o any substantial proof based on the FACT that your "gut" had it right all along!

So you saying that you heard about two donations, in close succession, of the exact same amount seeming to be unlikely was actually sarcasm and you MEANT "yeah sure, this happened!!!! Conspiracy!!!".


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
-Post edited in case 4.6m donation to nypd was from 2010-

Still doesn't change what's going on. Or the fact that people are against a movement that is meant to fight back against people who are destroying the entire country.

If you're against #occupy I'd really just like to hear you say everything is ok. Assure us that all of the corruption really isn't there. or something.

Or is your position that you know the system is broken, but who cares... it's still sort of working, right?
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Nov 17, 2002
When you have something to lose you'll start caring. [ Pointless story deleted ]

When you have something to lose, some skin in the game. You'll change your tune. You will change your tune.
You are so immersed in your own deluded world it's simply impossible for you to recognize your personal values and viewpoints aren't Laws of Nature. I dare say I have more skin in the game than you do, yet I don't share your views at all. I did somewhat many years ago, earlier in my career when I was greedier, more self-absorbed, and much more ignorant of the world (though ironically, like you I was certain I had it all figured out). I was also much more Republican-leaning then, not surprisingly.

I grew out of it, however, as I learned to differentiate between black and white partisan propaganda and reality. I learned to be a skeptic. I started as a lukewarn Reagan supporter, but quickly recognized his actions didn't match his words. I saw that despite the reassuring fatherly speeches, he was actually moving the United States on a reckless, destructive course. I realized he was no better than the Democrats, and was in many areas worse.

You can't do that. You can't get past the propaganda to consider the reality. You kneel before the nutter fringe and swallow their talking points without ever engaging your brain. That's why you are so full of fail.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
Air, I agree, but why are student loans different from any other?

People are not asking for the money to appear in their pants, but to make student loans easy, forbid them from ever going up, and scale up tuition many times faster than inflation or actual operating costs is just dirty pool.

The student loan program is a scam pretty much. Fanny may / freddie mac loan out the money. If the person can't make the payments, the government pays fannie may / freddy mac in full and then you owe the money to the government.

The government will send a swat team to your house to collect the student loan money! They will raid your house as if you're a drug kingpin or something.

Video report of home being raided by swat for student loan debt. (omg ... youtube scholar! yeah.. people upload news videos to this magical site and it's easy to search and share with people! amazing!)


Nov 17, 2002
This is what hypocrisy looks like...
Indeed. Yet another lame attack from the guy who is obsessed with OWS even while he screeches that they're immaterial. Hypocritical indeed.

What is your problem? Did an OWS protestor cut in front of you at Starbucks? Take you favorite smoking bench at the park? Kick your dog? Sleep with your girlfriend? What? What is behind your mindless rage?


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
There is no hypocrisy unless you are delusional about the purpose of the protests (which many idiots are). These people are protesting the criminal activity of Wall Street investment firms, banks, the Federal Reserve, and the US government, but don't let facts get in the way of bashing hippies Americans.

You're delusional and apparently out of touch with reality. Most of the interviews I've seen and videos are all about "student loans are bad, forgive all debt", "jobs are a right", "education is a right", "corporations are evil". It's all marxist claptrap.

Nothing more than a bunch of commies. The liberals keep viewing this through their clouded glasses making it what they want it to be instead of what it really is. I am happy they are being exposed for their true beliefs however.

If they are protesting government, why don't they protest Obama instead? That's right, they won't, because this is a hardcore radical fringe leftist movement. Why do you think the unions, the communist part, et al. are in such strong support?

These protesters are not my fellow Amerians, they are the enemy, they are anti-American and against the American way of life. May great fuck be upon them.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
This message is hidden because spidey07 is on your ignore list.

You are currently the only person on my ignore list because you are a fucking idiot. Even adding /sarcasm to the end of your posts don't help anymore.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2008
You know what Spidey and OWS have in common? Both groups believe you are your income, and the route to happiness is is paved with dollar signs.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2005
^@starving poster comparison

And it applies, how?

Again, taken out of context. Are you saying that we all need to be poor and starving before we have the right to protest the GROWING gap in social strata in the US?

How many of you still do not see than almost all the civilizations that continued this way either fell over on themselves or had their legs chopped off at the knees?

There is a difference between saying "hey, we wanna get paid more" and "You pay these guys so much, but whan you actually tally the $$ and get the %%, they PAY LESS all under the name of 'development'".

It's crap.


Nov 17, 2002
You're delusional and apparently out of touch with reality. Most of the interviews I've seen and videos are all about ...
Therein lies the root of your ignorance. You limit yourself to sources within the nutter bubble. You then pat yourself on the back for finding the world is exactly as you expect it to be. You've immersed yourself in an alternate reality, then shriek about how everyone else is out of touch.

Of course you'll run from this unpleasant truth, just as you run away whenever you're confronted with your lies and fallacies. It's what you do best. This thread is full of examples, but you lack even the minimal integrity to slink away in shame. Instead, you just double down again and again on your dishonesty.


Nov 17, 2002
There is no hypocrisy unless you are delusional about the purpose of the protests (which many idiots are). These people are protesting the criminal activity of Wall Street investment firms, banks, the Federal Reserve, and the US government, but don't let facts get in the way of bashing hippies Americans.

Exactly. This has been pointed out again and again, but the apologists for that corrupt status quo are not to be deterred. They have propaganda to deliver.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
^@starving poster comparison

And it applies, how?

Again, taken out of context. Are you saying that we all need to be poor and starving before we have the right to protest the GROWING gap in social strata in the US?

How many of you still do not see than almost all the civilizations that continued this way either fell over on themselves or had their legs chopped off at the knees?

There is a difference between saying "hey, we wanna get paid more" and "You pay these guys so much, but whan you actually tally the $$ and get the %%, they PAY LESS all under the name of 'development'".

It's crap.

Most billionaire donations do go to the 99% in that poster. The USA 99% wants it to go to them.

Problem is the schools in Africa don't update the textbooks every year to keep McGraw-Hill happy. They also don't use schools to subsidize enormous research budgets. So a $1mil donation to Africa teaches a city full of kids, that same donation teaches one college classroom in the USA. Obviously a lot of other factors but Bill and Melinda and Uncle Warren seem to focus mostly on the worldwide 99% not the USA 99%. Probably because they don't feel that the "lottery" of being born in the USA should entitle you to anything, to put it in Warren's words.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Therein lies the root of your ignorance. You limit yourself to sources within the nutter bubble. You then pat yourself on the back for finding the world is exactly as you expect it to be. You've immersed yourself in an alternate reality, then shriek about how everyone else is out of touch.

Of course you'll run from this unpleasant truth, just as you run away whenever you're confronted with your lies and fallacies. It's what you do best. This thread is full of examples, but you lack even the minimal integrity to slink away in shame. Instead, you just double down again and again on your dishonesty.

Answer this question then. Why are the communist part, unions and far left groups supporting the protests? You can't get around that fact.

Why are the anarchists/communists (the protesters) planning on taking over PRIVATE PROPERTY in oakland such as homes and other properties?

I will judge them by their words and actions and so far, I've got them pegged correctly. Nothing they have said or done can lead one to think otherwise. If one simply doesn't or cannot see what they are really about, then it is you who ignore reality and facts. It's the mind of a liberal at work, it's how the mind of a liberal thinks - ignore reality.


Oct 9, 1999
There is no hypocrisy unless you are delusional about the purpose of the protests (which many idiots are). These people are protesting the criminal activity of Wall Street investment firms, banks, the Federal Reserve, and the US government, but don't let facts get in the way of bashing hippies Americans.

Sure about that? The message changes depending what 99%'r you ask.

Edit: And anyone who accuses the banks, the fed, and the US government of a grand criminal conspiracy are certifiably looney.
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Nov 30, 2006
Ha, Kevin Rose has joined. OWS has officially jumped the shark. He must be taking a break from his $7 a cup teas.
On a similar note, Michael Moore was at the Portland protest the other day advocating that the Top 400 income earners should pay an additional $1mm in income taxes. Someone asked him how much Moore was going to pay extra since he's worth $50mm. He ignored the question which was repeated several times.

It's OK when you're talking about other people's money...but the second they start talking about your own money it's suddenly somehow very different. Go figure.
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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
Sure about that? The message changes depending what 99%'r you ask.

So, do you take what 1 person says and pretend it's the view of all of them? ( what you're doing )

Or do you look at it logically and conclude that any protest brings out idiots since we have so many of them here.

People do this at any protest or gathering. You get a camera and a mic and you go surprise interview random people who are most likely idiots and most likely not prepared to make any sort of official statement on the matter.

This is a dumb tactic and really proves nothing whether you do it at a sarah palin rally or #occupy. Same result really.

Edit: And anyone who accuses the banks, the fed, and the US government of a grand criminal conspiracy are certifiably looney.
There's too much documentation for any of it to be ''looney''. We're here bitching about 500 Billion in bailouts... and then we find out the federal reserve gave 17 Trillion to foreign banks.

The federal reserve is a PRIVATE for profit business.

All of the corruption is undeniable. And then you have things like #occupy oakland where they have well documented police brutality and then the police issue statements where they blatently lie about even using the ordinance they were using...

You can't lie when people are video taping everything.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2005
Most billionaire donations do go to the 99% in that poster. The USA 99% wants it to go to them.

Straw man.

You did not state the actual dollar amounts, and you side-stepped the whole tax issue.

Problem is the schools in Africa don't update the textbooks every year to keep McGraw-Hill happy. They also don't use schools to subsidize enormous research budgets. So a $1mil donation to Africa teaches a city full of kids, that same donation teaches one college classroom in the USA.

You are mixing arguments. You just included colleges, donations, Africa and starvation all in a thread about how it is unfair that regulation has been stripped back to levels similar to the 1920's in regard to corporations, and our economic indicators all point to depression which we are fighting right now.

The fuel efficiency of your car does not depend on the taxes you paid on it, although both may be fair topics to discuss IN AND OF THEMSELVES.

Killing babies is wrong, mmkay, but it doesn't have anything to do with the 2nd amendment, mmmkay...

Obviously a lot of other factors but Bill and Melinda and Uncle Warren seem to focus mostly on the worldwide 99% not the USA 99%. Probably because they don't feel that the "lottery" of being born in the USA should entitle you to anything, to put it in Warren's words.

Again, misfocus. these guys are not looking for donations, AAMOF, they are more likely to support NOT bailing out our companies. the main problem is, we let them get so big that many of us are standing on something that will have problems if they fell.

Kind of reminds me of the tobacco giants branching out into consumer goods. If they are brought to bear for all their genetic research and other tomfoolery, what would happen to all the "good stuff" they provide?

Most in this protest are just looking for controls and a leveling of the playing field. Similar to what most "Red blooded Amerikuns" ask for too.


Nov 17, 2002
Answer this question then. Why are the communist part, unions and far left groups supporting the protests? You can't get around that fact.
To the extent that they are, because they also oppose pervasive corruption. Because they recognize they share some common goals. Maybe even because they see an opportunity for self-promotion, beyond the OWS agenda.

I don't need to "get around" that fact because it means nothing. "Politics makes strange bedfellows" is one of the oldest sayings in the book for good reason. So is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." If you really need a few absurd examples to prove how dumb your guilt by association innuendo is, I can provide them.

Why are the anarchists/communists (the protesters) planning on taking over PRIVATE PROPERTY in oakland such as homes and other properties?
If you can offer objective, credible evidence that this is an actual goal of the OWS movement (as opposed to a couple of fringe folks making noise -- just like your purported salary demand lie), provide it and I'll take a look. Otherwise, I will assume this is just more of your dishonesty.

I will judge them by their words and actions and so far, I've got them pegged correctly. Nothing they have said or done can lead one to think otherwise. If one simply doesn't or cannot see what they are really about, then it is you who ignore reality and facts. It's the mind of a liberal at work, it's how the mind of a liberal thinks - ignore reality.
Which of course is exactly my point you're running from again: you limit your input to other nutter sources within your bubble, so you only hear things you already believe. Your so-called "reality and facts" are being spoon-fed to you by people who want to keep you ignorant and outraged. If you had the balls (and the honesty) to venture out into the real world, you'd find it's not the simple-minded, black and white surreality you've been sold.
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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
Thread cliff notes since almost everything is TLDR.

We all know there is vast corruption in politics and the financial sector. #occupy stands for protesting politicians being bribed and not voting for the people. #occupy stands for stopping banks from taking depositor money to bet against investments it sells customers. #occupy stands for pay your fucking taxes.

If your corporation makes billions per year in profit, you shouldn't be getting money back.

We the people. Not we the corporations. Average people dont have billions of dollars to take senators to lunch and bribe them to pass laws. This practice needs to stop. Voting shouldn't be based on who you played golf with last week or who just sent you a honey baked ham.... it's based on the needs of the population. Not what can make corporation xyz billions of dollars and then leave office and goto work for them.

If you aren't appalled by all of this stuff happening, I dare say that you're not a real American.
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