Odds of Trump Exiting the Race

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Feb 4, 2009
Yea, thanks for pointing out that it is a different topic that I didn't bring up in this thread. I am pleased to see that you are showing that you are not just shilling for Hillary and company supporters.

As for Benghazi mom, her son was a public figure and is fair game, regardless of what she wants. Either way, you are aware that "Benghazi Mom" wants Hillary in jail, right?

my points from another thread



Apr 8, 2013
Frankly, the fallen soldier's families picked fights with him. Just because their kid fought in a war doesn't mean they get a pass for using his death to promote their chosen political candidate.

These people immigrated to the US, then their son fought in the US military and died saving others. But Trump wants a ban on immigration of Muslims to the US. They don't get a "pass" just because their son died in combat. They get a pass for being absolutely right in their criticism of Trump.


Apr 8, 2013
On the thread topic - Trump is far more likely to resign from office if elected than to get out of the race. That said, there's a small chance of it in this case, which is not something I'd say about any other candidate.


Feb 1, 2008
Trump really isn't the issue. Not any more...
We should be closely watching the republican leadership.
They literally are selling their very souls, and any credibility, and their moral and national patriotism as Americans for one thing and one thing only, for the future of the US Supreme Court.
Donald could kill someone walking down Fifth Avenue. Donald could say the most disgusting things about women, Hispanics, and yes even about the parents of fallen soldiers, and the republican establishment leadership would be totally silent.
Or... if they did say anything it would only be to deflect the issue from what Donald had said.
And this great price they pay just for control of the US Supreme Court.

And say Trump does win and they get their extremist right wing controlled high court, then what?
What then do they do with Donald?
Because, Donald will still be there, as president, acting like Donald day in and day out.

And how do they even know that there Trump enabled right wing extremist high court would rule the way republican leadership wants the high court to rule?
Plenty of republican appointed justices sitting on courts up and down the chain have ruled with fairly liberal views.
Does Paul Ryan really believe he can take for granted that a Trump US Supreme Court would privatize social security when challenged?
Or that this Trump US Supreme Court would overturn abortion rights already in place for women?
Or that a Trump Court would overturn marriage equality?

With putting up with Donald Trump and his insanity, by their keeping silent, how do the Paul Ryan's actually know how things would turn out in the end? Even with their Trump appointed US Supreme Court?

I predict if Trump is elected, and he easily could be, things will not turn out for the Paul Ryan republican establishment as they expect.
Quite the opposite, frankly...
And where will that leave them? The Paul Ryan's? The establishment?
They will have to live with Donald Trump for many years, and look themselves in the mirror every day knowing they stood by and said nothing.

And after the people realize president Donald Trump is indeed just a scam artist and took all of America for a ride down the path of self distraction, will the people who loved Trump still love Trump?
Or will they realize if they thought their life was bad pre Trump, it could certainly become much much worse post Trump.
And the fools that enabled Donald Trump then elected president Donald Trump will demand government and politics fix the mess the people created for themselves, once again calling on that much despised US government they so hate, demanding it step in and make their pathetic little lives "great" again.

Like I have said before, in a evil sadistic way I do hope Donald Trump becomes the next president.
Because people need to learn that hard lesson of ignorance and poor judgment once again.
They once learned it after 1929. And again after 2000.
And they kept on learning it for eight long years up until 2008, and in so many ways.
Well, it's high time for a refresher course.

This movement started by the Tea Party that overtook then nearly destroyed government, and enabled the Ted Cruz's, the Sarah Palin's, and enabled Donald Trump, they need to learn this was not the same as with George Washington fighting for freedom from England.
No it was not, T party members...

The democrats had it right all along with controls on banks and controls on guns and restraint on starting needless war.
The democrats had it all right.
But no one listened, and the lunatics then took over.
So now comes the lesson learning process. Naturally, the hard way.
Lets just hope that this time around America can come out go this intact.
And we are not left with pledging allegiance to Vladimir Putin.
Because under a president Donald Trump, well... anything is possible.
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Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
These people immigrated to the US, then their son fought in the US military and died saving others. But Trump wants a ban on immigration of Muslims to the US. They don't get a "pass" just because their son died in combat. They get a pass for being absolutely right in their criticism of Trump.

It's clear that Trump's supporters are just as literate as their Hair Furor. Every single one of them see it as Mr. Khan using his son's death to diss Casino Mussolini and to promote Hillary. They are clearly too incompetent to listen to Mr. Khan's own words to figure out what he was saying, preferring to listen and react to Combover Caligula's version of events.

None of them recognize the legitimate criticism Mr. Khan has regarding the fact that he and his family are Muslim immigrants who immigrated from Pakistan and have become American citizens. That their son, in defense of his nation and the men who served with him, gave the ultimate sacrifice a citizen can give their country. His parents are proud of their son and under a Trump presidency that would have been impossible. The parents support Hillary because she isn't blaming them and their religion for terrorism, nor is she seeking to ban people like them from immigrating to our nation. Trump is and that's what the Khans are responding to.

All Trump can do is attack them.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2016
What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.

Even though Trump isn't gonna emerge from this incident with the grieving Muslim father and his dead, Muslim, Army Captain son unscathed, I actually believe that he's gonna get himself involved in another incident again. And the next time THAT happens, it could easily be far worse than this one.

For as much valid criticism as there is of Hillary, Trump will end up doing something stupid that makes every just look away from what Hillary is doing, and will just end up putting himself in the spotlight once again.

He could've been smart and not say anything about the grieving Muslim father's remarks, but his fragile, thin-skinned ego refused to let it go. His ego craves the hell out of attention, good or bad.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
I'm convinced that Trump really does not want to win and be responsible for governing.

Trump's ideal situation would be to come within a percentage point of Clinton, and say that the election was rigged and stolen from him. He's started the 'election is rigged' argument now, especially as of yesterday.

Trump is an entertainer, and he's got his highest audience/ratings yet. When it comes down to it, that's all he wants. And who knows, maybe he has an end-game just purpose to help cut out some of the rot in politics.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I'm just hoping after election day he just comes out and says he was on team Hillary all along, constantly pushing the envelope to see just how far he could push it and take it, chastising half of America in the process for being stupid enough and gullible enough in their us vs them team mentality to see it for what it was. He could call out American politics as a sham and deliver the ultimate troll in his concession speech.

That at least would be far more memorable then a "It was rigged!" spiel.

I hope not. I'd prefer that he maintain his current personality and further work to drive his new coalition completely out of the republican party for good, so that the R's can once again be a relevant party.

He has successfully managed to contain all of the racists, xenophobic, bigoted, uneducated dumbasses of the country into one single army of acolytes that will follow him wherever he leads. I imagine the GOP would be more than happy that he continue the process of extracting that diseased and swelling pus out of the zit that is their Big Tent. Better yet that an outsider show up and clean the dirty laundry that only they left out to gather and fester. Allows them to claim "no responsibility!"

There's a lot of disillusioned Dems that are more centrist than anything and probably willing to run over to a GOP that restructures itself as the rational party instead of the banner of hate that it has been flying for several decades now.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'm convinced that Trump really does not want to win and be responsible for governing.

Trump's ideal situation would be to come within a percentage point of Clinton, and say that the election was rigged and stolen from him. He's started the 'election is rigged' argument now, especially as of yesterday.

Trump is an entertainer, and he's got his highest audience/ratings yet. When it comes down to it, that's all he wants. And who knows, maybe he has an end-game just purpose to help cut out some of the rot in politics.

Hmm, I'm not sure. I think his preferred scenario would definitely be to win. He's already said what he envisions a Trump administration to be, and that's him not being the CEO or whatever, but more like the chairman of the board.

What that says to me is that if he won he would basically pick other people to actually run the government while he went around basking in the glory of everyone having to pay attention to him. He might run into problems actually doing that, but let's not pretend this is a guy who thinks things through.


Feb 15, 2002
So basically we should be looking at a possible Pence presidency since Trump will only be a figurehead.


Jun 17, 2005
Depends how things go. I could see Trump packing up his toys and flying home if its close to election day and he's polling bad plus Hillary is very mean & unfair to him during the debates. That was my first though when he said elections are rigged. Trump cannot accept failure which usually is a good thing but not always a good thing.

I doubt there will be more than one debate. When his antics and name calling don't work against Hillary he will simply refuse to participate in any further debates.


Golden Member
May 6, 2013
I wondered if he was sending a signal that he thinks Hillary will win when he recently said the election would be rigged if he lost. Too bad. because I'd like to see him get elected in hopes he'll create chaos and trigger world war 3. A nuclear WW3 not the conventional WW3 some conservatives say we are currently in against the terrorists.

Not that he would cause a nuclear war by nation building. He's against propping up Arab governments like we've been doing. I mean he'll probably overreact to a terrorist attack and anger the Russians to the point of a nuclear standoff that finally pops into a real WW3. My anarchist summary again.

To expand my little summary, maybe he'll order a military retaliation so extreme (against a single terrorist attack) that one or two of the U.S. generals will refuse to do it. Then Trump may order the generals removed from duty. But hold your horses, that could lead to U.S. soldiers allied with those generals to prevent their removal. And thus a civil war in the making.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I wondered if he was sending a signal that he thinks Hillary will win when he recently said the election would be rigged if he lost. Too bad. because I'd like to see him get elected in hopes he'll create chaos and trigger world war 3. A nuclear WW3 not the conventional WW3 some conservatives say we are currently in against the terrorists.

Not that he would cause a nuclear war by nation building. He's against propping up Arab governments like we've been doing. I mean he'll probably overreact to a terrorist attack and anger the Russians to the point of a nuclear standoff that finally pops into a real WW3. My anarchist summary again.

To expand my little summary, maybe he'll order a military retaliation so extreme (against a single terrorist attack) that one or two of the U.S. generals will refuse to do it. Then Trump may order the generals removed from duty. But hold your horses, that could lead to U.S. soldiers allied with those generals to prevent their removal. And thus a civil war in the making.

I've said before that were "The Republican nominee for president" to win the presidency, he would be the quickest president in history to face impeachment.
Feb 4, 2009
Its like he wants an easy out.
As its been said its like he started out as a joke/attention thing then did real well, now reality has set in and he's like F-this, I have a good life, a nice office and get to do whatever I want. Why am I still here?


Donald Trump, trying to reassure a distressed mother with a crying baby, said Tuesday that he loves hearing babies cry at his rallies and told her not to worry -- only to change his mind just a moment later.

"I love babies. I hear that baby cry, I like it," Trump said at a campaign event here as a baby could be heard crying in the audience. "What a baby. What a beautiful baby. Don't worry, don't worry. The mom's running around, like, don't worry about it, you know. It's young and beautiful and healthy and that's what we want." But less than two minutes later, as the baby continued to wail, Trump took back his words.
"Actually I was only kidding, you can get the baby out of here," he said to laughs. "I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I'm speaking. That's OK. People don't understand. That's OK."


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2002
he cant quit now. But he can pick fights with fallen soldiers families

It would be really interesting to see how badly he reacts as president. Regardless of your political ideology, being president of the US means the whole world is watching every single thing you say and do and then picking it apart with a fine tooth comb. You need to be "grace under pressure" for that job... Trump just couldnt handle it. He cant even handle semi tough questions from the press.
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Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
I wondered if he was sending a signal that he thinks Hillary will win when he recently said the election would be rigged if he lost.

I know the "sociopath" expression sounds like a stereotype, but it DOES apply to him.

Trump cannot send out a signal that he "thinks that Hillary will win", as you notice him saying that "the election would be rigged if he loses", it doesn't even leave the POSSIBILITY in his brain that he could lose. There are only two alternatives, A) that he wins, or B) that he wins but got scammed out of the race by a "rigged system" and HRC un-rightfully takes the presidency.

I saw Trump "freaking" in disbelief and ranting how the system is rigged on TV either in 2008 or 2012 when Obama won....at this very instant I knew this guy is nuts. Please remember he's also one, if not THE most prominent "birther" - he and other persons like him LIVE off delusions and fairy tales. HRC could win in a land-slide so obvious it wouldn't even leave a doubt that Trump failed, he'd still be convinced he'd won...and so would 95% of his supporters.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2007
Its like he wants an easy out.
As its been said its like he started out as a joke/attention thing then did real well, now reality has set in and he's like F-this, I have a good life, a nice office and get to do whatever I want. Why am I still here?


He's anti-baby. That's taking it another step...
reporters who were there are indicating it was very clearly a joke. everyone in the room understood it as such.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
It would be really interesting to see how badly he reacts as president. Regardless of your political ideology, being president of the US means the whole world is watching every single thing you say and do and then picking it apart with a fine tooth comb. You need to be "grace under pressure" for that job... Trump just couldnt handle it. He cant even handle semi tough questions from the press.

dude can't even handle his freakishly small hands.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2007
Really grateful you were here to clear the air on this one.

thanks for the update. It would horrify me to believe that Trump was anti-baby.

the text reads pretty bad out of context, it just foments outrage and counter claims of faux outrage. better to end any chance of wasted internet vitriol with better/factual information.

as for the original topic:
it seems like trump doesnt want the actual job but just to win or prove he could win. whatever the pretext, he'll lose and claim he did win or maybe his health or whatever allows him to save face.

given how bad they are running the campaign the whole trump as sleeper agent working for the clintons doesnt seem so out there.
Feb 4, 2009
the text reads pretty bad out of context, it just foments outrage and counter claims of faux outrage. better to end any chance of wasted internet vitriol with better/factual information.

as for the original topic:
it seems like trump doesnt want the actual job but just to win or prove he could win. whatever the pretext, he'll lose and claim he did win or maybe his health or whatever allows him to save face.

given how bad they are running the campaign the whole trump as sleeper agent working for the clintons doesnt seem so out there.

I just saw an extended clip of the baby run in. I agree it wasn't that bad but it is in poor taste, then mocking one of his supporters while she leaves'. Strange behavior.
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