OFFICIAL 2011 goals report, 2012 new goals thread

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Sep 29, 2004

What do you mean by plates?

For what it's worth, I hope to get to some of your number by end of 2012.


Senior member
Feb 21, 2001

What do you mean by plates?

For what it's worth, I hope to get to some of your number by end of 2012.

45 lb barbell plates. It's just nice being able to see and do a clean set of 45 lb plates on the bar. No 2.5s, 5s, 10s, 25s, or 35s.

I do hope to reach those goals by the end of the year, too.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2011
Been thinking about goals for the following year and here are a few.

Bench 250lbs currently 175lbs
Run 3 miles currently 1.5 is where a gas out at
50 push-ups with out stopping currently I can get about 20-25
20 pull-ups with out stopping currently around 8-9

Cant really think of anything but I know Ill think of more as the week goes on at the gym.
Sep 29, 2004

For running, if you can do 1.5 miles, I bet you that your issue with 3 miles is pace. Try out the RunKeeper app if your phone has GPS. It's awesome for pacing yourself.

Awesome goals! I think you'll do it. Is the bench 1RM? (1 rep max)


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
2012 goals:

1. regain my appetite for base mileage on my bike. It really helps keep trim when I get a couple rides a day just commuting to/from work, but some days I'm so mentally shot I just want to go straight home and veg out, instead of taking a longer route. It also helps take my mind off things that depress me... gimme my endorphin fix!

2. drop from ~163lbs back to about 152, or even 150 if I can ride enough (some diet adjustments wouldn't hurt either). The extra weight is contributing to back strain since I'm on my feet all day, for one thing.

3. finish the Midnight Century before sunrise this year. Pretty sure I can do it if I train and keep my stops really brief. Since it's self-support, at night, on a combination of road and deep gravel, this is what the bike looks like at launch (plus a 3-liter Camelbak and stuffed jersey pockets): 2009 bike setup
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Golden Member
May 15, 2005
By ~June 2012

For work sets:

Squat 225lb (Started at 50lb back in July now at 180)
Bench 165lb (Now at 140)
Deadlift ~300lb for one rep (225 for work sets as of now... haven't tried just one max)
10 Wide Pull ups (Started at 0 in October... now up to 4)

These numbers will put me at about intermediate level for my body weight (140-150) according to that ExRx chart.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2011

For running, if you can do 1.5 miles, I bet you that your issue with 3 miles is pace. Try out the RunKeeper app if your phone has GPS. It's awesome for pacing yourself.

Awesome goals! I think you'll do it. Is the bench 1RM? (1 rep max)

For my running, I run on a treadmill. Right now there is over a foot of snow on the ground so running outside is an option. I also like the treadmill more since it seems to be easier on my knees

As for my bench, I have never tried to max out. I am doing the 175lbs 3x10. My goal is to be benching the 250 3x10


Senior member
Nov 3, 2002
2012 Goals.
1RM 170 OHP
1RM 275 Bench
1RM 405 Dead
1RM 315 Squat

Listed in order of most difficult to least.
Sep 29, 2004
For my running, I run on a treadmill. Right now there is over a foot of snow on the ground so running outside is an option. I also like the treadmill more since it seems to be easier on my knees

As for my bench, I have never tried to max out. I am doing the 175lbs 3x10. My goal is to be benching the 250 3x10

175 at 10 reps means you can probably do 233? Nope. That calculator sucks.

Based on my own experience as we are not far apart, I bet you could get 200 up once. Maybe 205 or 210.

FWIW: I am doing 5x5x185 and I did 1RM of 205. If my shoulder gets better, I am betting that I'll do 210 by the end of the year.


Senior member
Nov 3, 2002

175 at 10 reps means you can probably do 233? Nope. That calculator sucks.

Based on my own experience as we are not far apart, I bet you could get 200 up once. Maybe 205 or 210.

FWIW: I am doing 5x5x185 and I did 1RM of 205. If my shoulder gets better, I am betting that I'll do 210 by the end of the year.

That calculator isn't far off IMO. I'd wager that he can come close to 230x1, and I'd also bet money that you can do 210x1. Just remember to warm up properly when going for a 1RM and not just doing it after your regular work sets.

Something like
8 of 50%
5 of 60%
3 of 70%
1 of 80%
1 of 90%
1 of 1RM.

Acclimation is a huge thing. Getting used to holding the heavier weight vs just jumping up to something heavy.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
For me, it's:

1. Lose 10 pounds
2. Cardio at least twice a week
3. Weights at least once a week

Each is quite modest and attainable but represents where I slipped a bit in 2011.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006

175 at 10 reps means you can probably do 233? Nope. That calculator sucks.

Based on my own experience as we are not far apart, I bet you could get 200 up once. Maybe 205 or 210.

FWIW: I am doing 5x5x185 and I did 1RM of 205. If my shoulder gets better, I am betting that I'll do 210 by the end of the year.

Nah it sounds reasonable to me. For 10 rep max, it was always somewhere above 70% but below 80% of my 1 rep max. Looks like they estimated 75% .

I say was, because I haven't done a 1RM since high school, but I did it nearly every week except during summers for 4 years in HS. I never tried for 10RM either lol, but 70% was usually around 12 reps and 80% around 6 reps, +/- given the day.

If you're doin 5x5 185, I'm assuming you can do 6 or 7 reps at least for 1 set, which would put you in the same ballpark. I'm not sure about your injury, but injury-free and if you're used to going for you could lift about 230-235 too.

-and, what Melchoir said-


Senior member
Mar 2, 2008
Ugh! Looks like for 2011 I'll end up with roughly 4900 miles
I could hit 5k if I took off from work, but I have no days left for the year.
Sep 29, 2004
That calculator isn't far off IMO. I'd wager that he can come close to 230x1, and I'd also bet money that you can do 210x1. Just remember to warm up properly when going for a 1RM and not just doing it after your regular work sets.

Something like
8 of 50%
5 of 60%
3 of 70%
1 of 80%
1 of 90%
1 of 1RM.

Acclimation is a huge thing. Getting used to holding the heavier weight vs just jumping up to something heavy.

Thanks for the warm up plan. I would have tried 210 if I didn't do 200 and 205 first.

And shameless bump .... no update since Dec 24


Senior member
Jan 16, 2011
Goals for 2012 in order of priority:

1. Break 4:40 in the mile. My PR has been close to this for 4 years now but I still haven't been able to do it I'm much more of a distance runner and I almost feel like I have maxed out my speed, but my 800m is faster to the point where I still hope that I can do it.
2. Try an official marathon when I'm ready. I don't want to attempt it unless I feel I am in shape enough to hit a decent time.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
2012 goals:

1. regain my appetite for base mileage on my bike. It really helps keep trim when I get a couple rides a day just commuting to/from work, but some days I'm so mentally shot I just want to go straight home and veg out, instead of taking a longer route. It also helps take my mind off things that depress me... gimme my endorphin fix!

2. drop from ~163lbs back to about 152, or even 150 if I can ride enough (some diet adjustments wouldn't hurt either). The extra weight is contributing to back strain since I'm on my feet all day, for one thing.

3. finish the Midnight Century before sunrise this year. Pretty sure I can do it if I train and keep my stops really brief. Since it's self-support, at night, on a combination of road and deep gravel, this is what the bike looks like at launch (plus a 3-liter Camelbak and stuffed jersey pockets): 2009 bike setup

Goals check.

1. The first goal was to get more bike riding and not get so mentally fried at work that I don't want to go riding. That's working, I'm getting some respectable rides in. AND we are hiring a second mechanic, so I won't have to float the boat by myself at the bike shop this year.

2. Lose fat, gain power. That's coming along OK, I lost an inch off my waist and am down from 163lbs to a plateau at 155ish. By summer, I should lose one more inch and get down around 150-152lbs, I think that will take care of itself. Power is improving, I now climb at an estimated 320-340 watts for ~7-10 minutes.

3. I haven't benchmarked myself on the Midnight Century route yet this year, but I have the endurance to do it, which is unusual for me to have ~5-6hr endurance at this point in the year. This time last year, a 4-hour ride put me on the verge of total leg lockup.

How about you guys?
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Golden Member
Jul 3, 2001
I never set any goals for 2011 except for weight loss. I'm pretty proud of what I've done, even though I made excuses for the first 2 months and didn't get started until March. I've lost 36 pounds so far. It was hard to get motiation to get started, but easy to keep going once the results started showing.

Goals for 2012 are much more ambitious (and exciting!):

Chinups - 10 - I can almost do 2
Pushups (real ones, not girl ones!) - 50
Run 5k race - hopefully in May - currently can run 2.5km on treadmill no problem
Weight - 130 lbs
Climb Kilimanjaro - September
Complete Tough Mudder - October - this one is dependant on my team actually forming

Chinups - I'm up to 4 so far
Pushups - I haven't really tested this. I'm doing a lot of pushups in p90x, but different types all the time. I'll have to try it on a rest day and see what my max is now.
5k race - Can run 5k straight usually 3 times a week. Signed up for race Apr 29.
Weight - Almost there, but switched focus a month ago to gain muscle instead. Lost 48 total.
Climb Kili - Signing up for Sept 1 or 8 in a week or two as soon as my brother decides if he's coming with me or not! Need to start hiking more to train and wear in boots a bit.
Tough Mudder - ENLISTED OCT 6!!!

Doing a 10k in July
Doing Spartan Sprint in August
Will have completed p90x round 1 in 10 more days!


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
1) Continue towards current pull-up goal (20); once achieved, buy a dip belt and add weight
2) Incrementally increase the total time spent running to 45 mins
3) Keep practicing my Muay Thai basics at home after daughter is born, b/c I have to quit classes for a while
4) Weigh in at 175 lbs
5) Maintain balanced diet
6) Maintain family responsibilities -- learn how to be a dad, and do the best job I can

This is the thread I was lookin for when I started bumping threads 3 pages deep lol. Anywho:

1) Hmm, I'm kindof slipping on this one...still a goal but I let so new goals get in the way. I need to pick up the pace if I'm gonna make this in 7 months.
2) Up to about 38 mins atm
3) Slipping on this one too. I practice every couple of weeks.
4) I've decided I need to put on some major muscle (especially back...not just lats), so I'm not sure how realistic this is anymore. I'll change it to say I want to stay under 12% bodyfat, which I'm still doin good on atm.
5) doin it!
6) always a goal; gonna strike it from this list though

New list:
1) 20 pullups by Nov!
2) work towards being able to complete these exercises: (a) muscleup (b) planche (c) front lever (d) v-sit
3) strengthen grip and fingers
4) bring running workouts to 45mins straight
5) maintain balanced diet and under 12% body fat

I realize the exercises in #2 are gonna take some time (in years) to work towards doing proficiently. But they are now a goal I am determined to work towards.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2007
Weight: 225 +/- 5
Squat: 600x1
Bench: 415x1
Deadlift: whatever I can x1

I also plan on competing in no less than 4 BJJ tournaments and should have my blue belt by the end of the year.

Since this is up top, I figured I'd update it with some of my updated goals.

Starting Yoga(Not sure what days), Judo(Mon/Thurs) and practice wrestling/no-gi mostly takedowns(Saturdays only) at some point after I graduate. These are all to complement BJJ and will be done as complementary/supplementary work.
Start actually warming up, doing lots of dynamic stretching and working on smaller muscle groups I normally avoid.
I'm doing my first power lifting comp this summer
2/4 of the BJJ tourneys down so far, with 2 more lined up before July.
Lifts aren't taking second place to anything but I think any massive gains will be made after august when I don't have to worry about looking as good without my shirt on. And I'm changing a lot of stuff up/rehabbing a little.
Getting a PT to work on some stuff mostly tweaking form, pointing out weaknesses I can't see while I'm under the bar and Oly lifts.
And add HIIT on at least one day... fucking cardio

Not so sure about the blue belt, I got passed over at the last test because I "need more time under my belt" None of the 3 could point out anything I needed to improve upon when I talked to them individually just got the same basic "Just keep doing what you're doing" which kind of pisses me off because the people that got promoted are worse than me technically, in practice and in determination/reliability. I've missed a day or 2 all year, aside from the 2 weeks I just had to take off thanks to a Staph infection. Typically they only do one test a year... Hopefully I take a few more gold medals and they'll change their mind I'm already 15-4 taking gold in 3/5 and silver 1/5 of the tournaments I've been to :|
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