**Official 2018-19 NFL Week 3 Thread - Where Quitting at Halftime Happens**

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Sep 6, 2000
holy crap, this is a deshone-kizer-esque performance

Don't look now but FitzMagic is doing his damnest to bring TB back into the game despite Godwin dropping every pass thrown his way and running 95% of the time on 1st down for a yard or two. Pitt seems determined not to run time off the clock and keep passing to presumably give Fitz another crack at it during the final 2 minutes.
Mar 11, 2004
Sherman has always played fast and loose with the contact rules. USUALLY he gets away with obvious PI, but once in a while he gets called for it.

My issue was more the announcers trying to act like it was a close call and then trying to act like the 2nd play wasn't pass interference at all. I don't know who the announcers were but they sucked more than usual (which is saying something).

Right, but the money aspect wasn't at all my point. My point was the purpose of this sport is for entertainment. That's it. If anything, people will get saturated with football and get tired of it before they ever give 2 shakes about "player safety" or "tired" players.

We look at pro athletes as socially detached, overpaid crybabies anyway that can no longer relate to the struggle of common people, because they only work "on the clock" half the year yet make 1000 times more.

So 99 percent of fans care less about how "tired" they are.

Speak for yourself.

I disagree. If that were the case stadiums wouldn't go fucking silent when there's a bad injury on the field.

I'm 99% sure you're just pulling shit out of your ass. I think plenty of fans have some concern for player health, and the ones that don't well they tend to be fucking morons in general so fuck them, they can keep getting their lard asses stuffed on a bag of dicks (let them go jerk off to the UFC if they want their false gladiator shit), or if they're Buffalo fans I guess they could tongue each other's assholes some more.

Eh, I thought it had been pretty common knowledge that Dak was nothing special but they were just clicking on all cylinders last year with Zeke helping him out a lot. At least that is the vibe I got outside of Cowgirls nation talking about him.

I'm not saying Dak is going to be great, but he's hardly the actual problem, and man people really fucking suck about their take on young QBs, especially if they have success. Its like people have no awareness for how QBs have developed (Manning, Brady, Brees, were nowhere close to the QBs they became their first few years, yes Brady won Super Bowls on underrated - as far as talent goes - Pats teams, and Manning had Faulk and then Edgerrin James and in general a quite good team around him before he finally took the next step like 5 years later, and people thought Brees might be done after that bad shoulder injury and even before then the Chargers weren't totally sold on him because he wasn't as good as he became later). People are being stupid because of the whole team played beyond itself in 2016. Losing Witten and them letting Bryant go and not doing much to improve their WR situation doesn't help. I don't believe their line has played as well as it was either. Dak is still young and he has plenty of time to develop.

I think you mean 2016 because they weren't clicking on all cylinders last year because Zeke was suspended for a good portion of it. They might have had some injuries on the line as well.

Their problems, as always go right back to the owner because he meddles too much. Which, maybe Garrett is a good QB coach, but he just isn't a good head coach, I think. Granted, I can't imagine anyone else being a good fit, but again its because the owner wants to run the damn team but he's about as qualified to do that as any of us are.

Hell they'd get WAY more revenue by just getting rid of both a preseason game and TNF and just starting the season a week early. Play all of the games you'd have on TNF like you would any other weekend.

Ok, so you're saying add a game (at the expense of a preseason game), ditch TNF other than the opening day, and have all the teams open on that day? Personally, I'm fine with 16 games, and if they're going to extend the games then they should just go to 20 since they'd inevitably end up there. But I think that's too much and they'd need to overhaul so many aspects to try and compensate (preseason, practice time, roster count, roster rules for during the season, etc). And players should (rightly) make a huge fuss about pay if they were to do that.

I think this is unproven. I've never seen any proof that TNF games increases injuries. Its a regular season game. Its not like a starter is getting hurt because of extra practices or extra preseason games.

I don't think this is proven. I think you're making an assertion because you don't like TNF games. I don't think TNF games increases injuries any more than Sunday or Monday games.

I'm not sure that there's a correlation to normal injuries, but I can almost guarantee that it is worse for the brain. While that might not matter too much during an player's career in the NFL, it is fucking devastating to their long term health.

Despite everything said in public about the situation, I think it was that play that really got Harbaugh fired.

(because he's the one that dumped Alex Smith for the shitty shitty Kaepernick)

They weren't gonna win jack shit with Alex Smith so nothing lost even if they might not have gained anything either. Kaepernick was as good as Smith was for them. I'll always go with the younger player (let alone when you can dupe the next dumbass team into giving up two good picks to get Smith so he can go manage games for them; Chiefs got ridiculously lucky that they were able to land Mahomes). The problem is, the 49ers ownership lost its mind and forced the coach out and then the team fell to pieces. Blaming that on Kaep just shows you're fucking moron that knows jack shit about NFL football. Even the greatest players can't overcome shit like that, and expecting a young QB to is so stupid that, well you being an Alex Smith fan makes a lot of sense.

Which, Smith seems like a great guy, and he busts his ass, he just lacks the mental aspect (not the intelligence, but the mindset - that "its on me, and I'm not going to let us lose" type of thinking and the intuition - hell Andy Reid has been taking potshots at Smith - he won't say his name but he keeps saying how game manager QBs limit you so much and its almost hilarious how he tries to contain his joy over going from Smith to Mahomes) and skills to be a great NFL QB. If he hadn't been in such a fucked up organization for his first several years, maybe things would've been different. But why people are eager to act like Kaepernick didn't end up in possibly a worse situation (had the pressure of being on a loaded team that had perennial NFC championships and Super Bowls in mind, then the coach who corralled all of talent, ego, and drama of that team is fired by the owner - probably because Harbaugh didn't suffer their idiocy, and then they go with fucking Tomasula? Who of course lasts one year, only for them to have Chip Kelly, who management ditches again after one year; sounds like they'll give the current GM and coach some time, and we'll see if Garopolo lives up to the hype (I think the media and fans got too high on him too quick but he has potential to be solid to good and maybe even great - after all he is still quite young).

RG3 was also good at one point in time, and now he's a 3rd stringer who I believe has been inactive every game so far, after sitting out a year. There's a reason the average NFL career is 3 years I believe

Kaepernick didn't have a catastrophic injury like RG3 though. And he actually played decent (yes he had some bad games, but most players that aren't Tom Brady do) that last season, despite the rest of the team being pretty shitty and all the coaching/management bullshit going on. Which that also doomed RG3 (stupid ass ownership fucking up how the team was run). Its doomed a fair amount of other players too.

The average QB career is likely over 3 years (maybe not by much since there's plenty of ones that don't last too long - mostly because they probably never should've made it to the NFL not because their body broke down which is a much bigger reason why other positions don't last as long; but if you're not complete and total dogshit you can get 5+ years easily by moving from team to team as backup; fucking Matt Cassel is still in the league as 2nd stringer, so don't tell me that Kaepernick is done because of, well you can't really say why other than you think he sucks, too bad that's not backed up by anything resembling a rational argument).

According to this QBs are over 4 (almost 4.5), substantially longer than for other positions (but punters/kickers a bit higher, for likely obvious reasons):

Some want to claim its race. I would like to fill people in on something. Mike Vick spent two years in prison after running an illegal dogfight ring. He came back. You know why? Because he was way better than Kaep will ever be. Donte Stallworth hit and killed a guy, but he could still play and as I recall, got a job with the Pats. AP was a child abuser. All were black. One was a felon.

The race angle is pure garbage.

Saying race has nothing to do with it is fucking stupid. He was kneeling to protest systemic racism which of course racist fucksticks tried to distort into a whole host of other bullshit. You do realize you're actually reinforcing that Kaepernick was singled out and blacklisted with your argument, right? The politics of racism (which is a much bigger issue and far more problematic because it lets the racist fucks dupe dumbshits with "I'm not racist, look I employ black people!" type of dumbass arguments) were very much at play. That you can point and go "nuh-uh, look at these black people that weren't discriminated against!" and think that's all that needs to be said is dumb. None of them made political statements at a time when someone that ran on and won the Presidency on a blatantly racist campaign (and has spouted racist garbage nearly the entire time in office). Bullshit, Kaepernick was a better passer than Vick (that's not really much, Vick was not a great passer, but he was capable of making some "wow!" plays some, which Kaepernick did plenty of as well). I like that your argument for how the NFL isn't racist is that well if you can play great they'll overlook your off the field transgressions, so you can try and fit your bullshit narrative that Kaepernick was awful. Your argument isn't fit to be garbage. Its not fit to wipe my ass with, but it might be good enough to wipe your mouth after all the shit you just spouted out of it (ok, maybe your hands and you typed).

I'm not even saying he's great (I've said he's usually average, sometimes above and sometimes below) but he's good enough to be the starter for a fair amount of NFL teams. With a good coach he absolutely could improve. Fucking mediocre game manager Alex Smith improved some under Andy Reid. Which, look at the fucking dumbasses still trying to act like Alex Smith is anything more than the QB you roll with until you find something better and/or worth taking a chance on (and if your coach is worth a damn that happens sooner than later). But jokes on them, they'll get to enjoy the mediocrity and heartbreak for a 2nd time (kinda odd how many 49er fans are also beloved patriot fans...). Actually I get a laugh out of how many of them stood up for Alex Smith being mediocre to shitty with arguments like: "he has a new coach/offensive coordinator every year! There's no stability! He has no weapons!" that now are ignoring how much of that was true for Kaepernick the past few years that he'd played. But hey, why know what you're talking about when you can trot out stupid shit because you just didn't like the guy?

And you're really going to try and argue that he wasn't better than fucking Blaine Gabbert? Or that he wasn't better than a whole lot of the garbage that got trotted out the past couple of years?

And don't give me this "well if he could play he'd have been signed" bullshit. We've seen lots of QBs get chance after chance even when they were clearly dogshit (fucking Mat Cassel has made almost $100million). Of course no coach will want to try to deal with what comes with him now. They'd have the fuck sitting President be constantly shitting out his mouth (to try and distract from his own shitshow), so they'll have to start talking politics (or not talking but they'll still have to field tons of questions about it) and all sorts of shit that has nothing to do with football. And it'll bring a media circus. None of which has anything to do with his on field play. There's maybe 3 players that teams would be willing to put up with that for. If you really think that what Kaepernick started isn't more hated by the NFL than players beating their wives, kids, and pets, well you're just choosing to be willfully ignorant.
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Mar 11, 2004
Looks like Griffen is really having some problems. Had no idea about any of this.


Damn. When I first saw the report about him threatening to shoot someone, and then read how it was he was just weirdly aggravated at the hotel over something, I didn't think it was a big deal. But wow, definitely something going on there.

First I've heard of this also. Hopefully he gets the help he needs. Right now his wife and kids are probably scared out of their minds.

Yeah, I hope so too.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Heard on the radio that the NFL head hanchos are having discussions in regards to all the RTP penalties called. Hopefully by TNF they will have changed the rule and/or told them to stop calling all these bullshit penalties.


Dec 11, 2006


Dec 11, 2006
Heard on the radio that the NFL head hanchos are having discussions in regards to all the RTP penalties called. Hopefully by TNF they will have changed the rule and/or told them to stop calling all these bullshit penalties.

No, that isn't the way it works. They are currently having a discussion about having a real discussion about the RTP calls. The discussion about the discussion will take weeks, maybe even months, to go back and forth on before they finally make a decision to have the real discussion. Then they will congratulate each other for being "decisive" on the issue and next they will schedule the real discussion about the RTP issue. Then if the discussion goes well they'd have to schedule multiple votes, including union negotiations which are notoriously fierce.

They can either sit back and laugh their way to the bank or they can wait a while for it to get even more absurd and still laugh their way to the bank. Heads they win/tails they win.


Sep 6, 2000
My issue was more the announcers trying to act like it was a close call and then trying to act like the 2nd play wasn't pass interference at all. I don't know who the announcers were but they sucked more than usual (which is saying something).

Speak for yourself.

I disagree. If that were the case stadiums wouldn't go fucking silent when there's a bad injury on the field.

I'm 99% sure you're just pulling shit out of your ass. I think plenty of fans have some concern for player health, and the ones that don't well they tend to be fucking morons in general so fuck them, they can keep getting their lard asses stuffed on a bag of dicks (let them go jerk off to the UFC if they want their false gladiator shit), or if they're Buffalo fans I guess they could tongue each other's assholes some more.

I'm not saying Dak is going to be great, but he's hardly the actual problem, and man people really fucking suck about their take on young QBs, especially if they have success. Its like people have no awareness for how QBs have developed (Manning, Brady, Brees, were nowhere close to the QBs they became their first few years, yes Brady won Super Bowls on underrated - as far as talent goes - Pats teams, and Manning had Faulk and then Edgerrin James and in general a quite good team around him before he finally took the next step like 5 years later, and people thought Brees might be done after that bad shoulder injury and even before then the Chargers weren't totally sold on him because he wasn't as good as he became later). People are being stupid because of the whole team played beyond itself in 2016. Losing Witten and them letting Bryant go and not doing much to improve their WR situation doesn't help. I don't believe their line has played as well as it was either. Dak is still young and he has plenty of time to develop.

I think you mean 2016 because they weren't clicking on all cylinders last year because Zeke was suspended for a good portion of it. They might have had some injuries on the line as well.

Their problems, as always go right back to the owner because he meddles too much. Which, maybe Garrett is a good QB coach, but he just isn't a good head coach, I think. Granted, I can't imagine anyone else being a good fit, but again its because the owner wants to run the damn team but he's about as qualified to do that as any of us are.

Ok, so you're saying add a game (at the expense of a preseason game), ditch TNF other than the opening day, and have all the teams open on that day? Personally, I'm fine with 16 games, and if they're going to extend the games then they should just go to 20 since they'd inevitably end up there. But I think that's too much and they'd need to overhaul so many aspects to try and compensate (preseason, practice time, roster count, roster rules for during the season, etc). And players should (rightly) make a huge fuss about pay if they were to do that.

I'm not sure that there's a correlation to normal injuries, but I can almost guarantee that it is worse for the brain. While that might not matter too much during an player's career in the NFL, it is fucking devastating to their long term health.

They weren't gonna win jack shit with Alex Smith so nothing lost even if they might not have gained anything either. Kaepernick was as good as Smith was for them. I'll always go with the younger player (let alone when you can dupe the next dumbass team into giving up two good picks to get Smith so he can go manage games for them; Chiefs got ridiculously lucky that they were able to land Mahomes). The problem is, the 49ers ownership lost its mind and forced the coach out and then the team fell to pieces. Blaming that on Kaep just shows you're fucking moron that knows jack shit about NFL football. Even the greatest players can't overcome shit like that, and expecting a young QB to is so stupid that, well you being an Alex Smith fan makes a lot of sense.

Which, Smith seems like a great guy, and he busts his ass, he just lacks the mental aspect (not the intelligence, but the mindset - that "its on me, and I'm not going to let us lose" type of thinking and the intuition - hell Andy Reid has been taking potshots at Smith - he won't say his name but he keeps saying how game manager QBs limit you so much and its almost hilarious how he tries to contain his joy over going from Smith to Mahomes) and skills to be a great NFL QB. If he hadn't been in such a fucked up organization for his first several years, maybe things would've been different. But why people are eager to act like Kaepernick didn't end up in possibly a worse situation (had the pressure of being on a loaded team that had perennial NFC championships and Super Bowls in mind, then the coach who corralled all of talent, ego, and drama of that team is fired by the owner - probably because Harbaugh didn't suffer their idiocy, and then they go with fucking Tomasula? Who of course lasts one year, only for them to have Chip Kelly, who management ditches again after one year; sounds like they'll give the current GM and coach some time, and we'll see if Garopolo lives up to the hype (I think the media and fans got too high on him too quick but he has potential to be solid to good and maybe even great - after all he is still quite young).

Kaepernick didn't have a catastrophic injury like RG3 though. And he actually played decent (yes he had some bad games, but most players that aren't Tom Brady do) that last season, despite the rest of the team being pretty shitty and all the coaching/management bullshit going on. Which that also doomed RG3 (stupid ass ownership fucking up how the team was run). Its doomed a fair amount of other players too.

The average QB career is likely over 3 years (maybe not by much since there's plenty of ones that don't last too long - mostly because they probably never should've made it to the NFL not because their body broke down which is a much bigger reason why other positions don't last as long; but if you're not complete and total dogshit you can get 5+ years easily by moving from team to team as backup; fucking Matt Cassel is still in the league as 2nd stringer, so don't tell me that Kaepernick is done because of, well you can't really say why other than you think he sucks, too bad that's not backed up by anything resembling a rational argument).

According to this QBs are over 4 (almost 4.5), substantially longer than for other positions (but punters/kickers a bit higher, for likely obvious reasons):

Saying race has nothing to do with it is fucking stupid. He was kneeling to protest systemic racism which of course racist fucksticks tried to distort into a whole host of other bullshit. You do realize you're actually reinforcing that Kaepernick was singled out and blacklisted with your argument, right? The politics of racism (which is a much bigger issue and far more problematic because it lets the racist fucks dupe dumbshits with "I'm not racist, look I employ black people!" type of dumbass arguments) were very much at play. That you can point and go "nuh-uh, look at these black people that weren't discriminated against!" and think that's all that needs to be said is dumb. None of them made political statements at a time when someone that ran on and won the Presidency on a blatantly racist campaign (and has spouted racist garbage nearly the entire time in office). Bullshit, Kaepernick was a better passer than Vick (that's not really much, Vick was not a great passer, but he was capable of making some "wow!" plays some, which Kaepernick did plenty of as well). I like that your argument for how the NFL isn't racist is that well if you can play great they'll overlook your off the field transgressions, so you can try and fit your bullshit narrative that Kaepernick was awful. Your argument isn't fit to be garbage. Its not fit to wipe my ass with, but it might be good enough to wipe your mouth after all the shit you just spouted out of it (ok, maybe your hands and you typed).

I'm not even saying he's great (I've said he's usually average, sometimes above and sometimes below) but he's good enough to be the starter for a fair amount of NFL teams. With a good coach he absolutely could improve. Fucking mediocre game manager Alex Smith improved some under Andy Reid. Which, look at the fucking dumbasses still trying to act like Alex Smith is anything more than the QB you roll with until you find something better and/or worth taking a chance on (and if your coach is worth a damn that happens sooner than later). But jokes on them, they'll get to enjoy the mediocrity and heartbreak for a 2nd time (kinda odd how many 49er fans are also ********************* fans...). Actually I get a laugh out of how many of them stood up for Alex Smith being mediocre to shitty with arguments like: "he has a new coach/offensive coordinator every year! There's no stability! He has no weapons!" that now are ignoring how much of that was true for Kaepernick the past few years that he'd played. But hey, why know what you're talking about when you can trot out stupid shit because you just didn't like the guy?

And you're really going to try and argue that he wasn't better than fucking Blaine Gabbert? Or that he wasn't better than a whole lot of the garbage that got trotted out the past couple of years?

And don't give me this "well if he could play he'd have been signed" bullshit. We've seen lots of QBs get chance after chance even when they were clearly dogshit (fucking Mat Cassel has made almost $100million). Of course no coach will want to try to deal with what comes with him now. They'd have the fuck sitting President be constantly shitting out his mouth (to try and distract from his own shitshow), so they'll have to start talking politics (or not talking but they'll still have to field tons of questions about it) and all sorts of shit that has nothing to do with football. And it'll bring a media circus. None of which has anything to do with his on field play. There's maybe 3 players that teams would be willing to put up with that for. If you really think that what Kaepernick started isn't more hated by the NFL than players beating their wives, kids, and pets, well you're just choosing to be willfully ignorant.

Even *if* you believe Kaep is an above replacement level player rather than a mostly distraction/backup type guy akin to Jay Cutler (I disagree but realize opinions differ), there's still the not so minor problem that Kaep is currently suing the NFL for "collusion" which means he's unlikely to ever play a down for any team again. You don't give a contract much less a starter role to the plaintiff in a lawsuit against you. Besides SF can likely sign someone like Matt Moore that's a plausible starter for less money and less drama than Kaep and still likely get the same season win total in the end.


Sep 6, 2000
That's an interesting statistic, Dak=Brock?

Not really, Brock had Emmanuel Sanders and Demaryious Thomas to throw to. Dak had past-his-prime diva Dez Bryant for his WR1 last year and "would be a WR3 on other teams" Allen Hurns as his WR1 this year. It's an open question whether the Bills or Cowboys have the overall worst receiving corps in the NFL this year. In his prime John Elway would have struggled with the current Cowboys receivers.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Not really, Brock had Emmanuel Sanders and Demaryious Thomas to throw to. Dak had past-his-prime diva Dez Bryant for his WR1 last year and "would be a WR3 on other teams" Allen Hurns as his WR1 this year. It's an open question whether the Bills or Cowboys have the overall worst receiving corps in the NFL this year. In his prime John Elway would have struggled with the current Cowboys receivers.
I don't really buy the receiver argument. Sure there are some phenomenal WR's that are out there, but IMO the QB is a lot more important then the WR's are. I mean look who Peyton had for his whole career. Brees doesn't have the greatest WR core. Same with Brady, he typically has a bunch of people no one has heard of until he makes them great. Dak and Brock are clearly not on the same level as those guys though and they are both bottom 3rd QB's in the NFL.

Also as a Redskins fan, Kirk Cousins his past 3 season was setting records for passing yards and the Redskins receiving core was a joke for the most part. I mean last year his #1 was Josh Doctson. That dude is pretty much a bust at this point. Terrel Pryor did jack shit and dropped everything thrown his way too. Reed was hurt for like 12 games and Chris Thompson was hurt for half the season. Yet Cousins still put up over 4k yards.


Aug 11, 2005
Not really, Brock had Emmanuel Sanders and Demaryious Thomas to throw to. Dak had past-his-prime diva Dez Bryant for his WR1 last year and "would be a WR3 on other teams" Allen Hurns as his WR1 this year. It's an open question whether the Bills or Cowboys have the overall worst receiving corps in the NFL this year. In his prime John Elway would have struggled with the current Cowboys receivers.
Could also say that the Cowboys have a much better o-line and running game....which should help your passing game.....should!


Sep 6, 2000
I don't really buy the receiver argument. Sure there are some phenomenal WR's that are out there, but IMO the QB is a lot more important then the WR's are. I mean look who Peyton had for his whole career. Brees doesn't have the greatest WR core. Same with Brady, he typically has a bunch of people no one has heard of until he makes them great. Dak and Brock are clearly not on the same level as those guys though and they are both bottom 3rd QB's in the NFL.

Also as a Redskins fan, Kirk Cousins his past 3 season was setting records for passing yards and the Redskins receiving core was a joke for the most part. I mean last year his #1 was Josh Doctson. That dude is pretty much a bust at this point. Terrel Pryor did jack shit and dropped everything thrown his way too. Reed was hurt for like 12 games and Chris Thompson was hurt for half the season. Yet Cousins still put up over 4k yards.

I'm not saying Dak would be a Brees level player with better receivers, but he could definitely be in the "Andy Dalton/completely serviceable as a starting QB tier" with better receivers. Brock had better receivers in ESanders and DT and still sucked so he doesn't get that presumption that he'd improve with better WRs.

As for Brees "not having the greatest WR core" I have to disagree as Michael Thomas, Ted Ginn, and Cameron Meredith are pretty damn good IMHO. You're correct that QBs like Brees make their receivers look a helluva lot better, heck Brees made Willie Snead look like a rising superstar before he went to the Ravens and everyone realizes he's a JAG.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
My issue was more the announcers trying to act like it was a close call and then trying to act like the 2nd play wasn't pass interference at all. I don't know who the announcers were but they sucked more than usual (which is saying something).

Speak for yourself.

I disagree. If that were the case stadiums wouldn't go fucking silent when there's a bad injury on the field.

I'm 99% sure you're just pulling shit out of your ass. I think plenty of fans have some concern for player health, and the ones that don't well they tend to be fucking morons in general so fuck them, they can keep getting their lard asses stuffed on a bag of dicks (let them go jerk off to the UFC if they want their false gladiator shit), or if they're Buffalo fans I guess they could tongue each other's assholes some more.

I'm not saying Dak is going to be great, but he's hardly the actual problem, and man people really fucking suck about their take on young QBs, especially if they have success. Its like people have no awareness for how QBs have developed (Manning, Brady, Brees, were nowhere close to the QBs they became their first few years, yes Brady won Super Bowls on underrated - as far as talent goes - Pats teams, and Manning had Faulk and then Edgerrin James and in general a quite good team around him before he finally took the next step like 5 years later, and people thought Brees might be done after that bad shoulder injury and even before then the Chargers weren't totally sold on him because he wasn't as good as he became later). People are being stupid because of the whole team played beyond itself in 2016. Losing Witten and them letting Bryant go and not doing much to improve their WR situation doesn't help. I don't believe their line has played as well as it was either. Dak is still young and he has plenty of time to develop.

I think you mean 2016 because they weren't clicking on all cylinders last year because Zeke was suspended for a good portion of it. They might have had some injuries on the line as well.

Their problems, as always go right back to the owner because he meddles too much. Which, maybe Garrett is a good QB coach, but he just isn't a good head coach, I think. Granted, I can't imagine anyone else being a good fit, but again its because the owner wants to run the damn team but he's about as qualified to do that as any of us are.

Ok, so you're saying add a game (at the expense of a preseason game), ditch TNF other than the opening day, and have all the teams open on that day? Personally, I'm fine with 16 games, and if they're going to extend the games then they should just go to 20 since they'd inevitably end up there. But I think that's too much and they'd need to overhaul so many aspects to try and compensate (preseason, practice time, roster count, roster rules for during the season, etc). And players should (rightly) make a huge fuss about pay if they were to do that.

I'm not sure that there's a correlation to normal injuries, but I can almost guarantee that it is worse for the brain. While that might not matter too much during an player's career in the NFL, it is fucking devastating to their long term health.

They weren't gonna win jack shit with Alex Smith so nothing lost even if they might not have gained anything either. Kaepernick was as good as Smith was for them. I'll always go with the younger player (let alone when you can dupe the next dumbass team into giving up two good picks to get Smith so he can go manage games for them; Chiefs got ridiculously lucky that they were able to land Mahomes). The problem is, the 49ers ownership lost its mind and forced the coach out and then the team fell to pieces. Blaming that on Kaep just shows you're fucking moron that knows jack shit about NFL football. Even the greatest players can't overcome shit like that, and expecting a young QB to is so stupid that, well you being an Alex Smith fan makes a lot of sense.

Which, Smith seems like a great guy, and he busts his ass, he just lacks the mental aspect (not the intelligence, but the mindset - that "its on me, and I'm not going to let us lose" type of thinking and the intuition - hell Andy Reid has been taking potshots at Smith - he won't say his name but he keeps saying how game manager QBs limit you so much and its almost hilarious how he tries to contain his joy over going from Smith to Mahomes) and skills to be a great NFL QB. If he hadn't been in such a fucked up organization for his first several years, maybe things would've been different. But why people are eager to act like Kaepernick didn't end up in possibly a worse situation (had the pressure of being on a loaded team that had perennial NFC championships and Super Bowls in mind, then the coach who corralled all of talent, ego, and drama of that team is fired by the owner - probably because Harbaugh didn't suffer their idiocy, and then they go with fucking Tomasula? Who of course lasts one year, only for them to have Chip Kelly, who management ditches again after one year; sounds like they'll give the current GM and coach some time, and we'll see if Garopolo lives up to the hype (I think the media and fans got too high on him too quick but he has potential to be solid to good and maybe even great - after all he is still quite young).

Kaepernick didn't have a catastrophic injury like RG3 though. And he actually played decent (yes he had some bad games, but most players that aren't Tom Brady do) that last season, despite the rest of the team being pretty shitty and all the coaching/management bullshit going on. Which that also doomed RG3 (stupid ass ownership fucking up how the team was run). Its doomed a fair amount of other players too.

The average QB career is likely over 3 years (maybe not by much since there's plenty of ones that don't last too long - mostly because they probably never should've made it to the NFL not because their body broke down which is a much bigger reason why other positions don't last as long; but if you're not complete and total dogshit you can get 5+ years easily by moving from team to team as backup; fucking Matt Cassel is still in the league as 2nd stringer, so don't tell me that Kaepernick is done because of, well you can't really say why other than you think he sucks, too bad that's not backed up by anything resembling a rational argument).

According to this QBs are over 4 (almost 4.5), substantially longer than for other positions (but punters/kickers a bit higher, for likely obvious reasons):

Saying race has nothing to do with it is fucking stupid. He was kneeling to protest systemic racism which of course racist fucksticks tried to distort into a whole host of other bullshit. You do realize you're actually reinforcing that Kaepernick was singled out and blacklisted with your argument, right? The politics of racism (which is a much bigger issue and far more problematic because it lets the racist fucks dupe dumbshits with "I'm not racist, look I employ black people!" type of dumbass arguments) were very much at play. That you can point and go "nuh-uh, look at these black people that weren't discriminated against!" and think that's all that needs to be said is dumb. None of them made political statements at a time when someone that ran on and won the Presidency on a blatantly racist campaign (and has spouted racist garbage nearly the entire time in office). Bullshit, Kaepernick was a better passer than Vick (that's not really much, Vick was not a great passer, but he was capable of making some "wow!" plays some, which Kaepernick did plenty of as well). I like that your argument for how the NFL isn't racist is that well if you can play great they'll overlook your off the field transgressions, so you can try and fit your bullshit narrative that Kaepernick was awful. Your argument isn't fit to be garbage. Its not fit to wipe my ass with, but it might be good enough to wipe your mouth after all the shit you just spouted out of it (ok, maybe your hands and you typed).

I'm not even saying he's great (I've said he's usually average, sometimes above and sometimes below) but he's good enough to be the starter for a fair amount of NFL teams. With a good coach he absolutely could improve. Fucking mediocre game manager Alex Smith improved some under Andy Reid. Which, look at the fucking dumbasses still trying to act like Alex Smith is anything more than the QB you roll with until you find something better and/or worth taking a chance on (and if your coach is worth a damn that happens sooner than later). But jokes on them, they'll get to enjoy the mediocrity and heartbreak for a 2nd time (kinda odd how many 49er fans are also ********************* fans...). Actually I get a laugh out of how many of them stood up for Alex Smith being mediocre to shitty with arguments like: "he has a new coach/offensive coordinator every year! There's no stability! He has no weapons!" that now are ignoring how much of that was true for Kaepernick the past few years that he'd played. But hey, why know what you're talking about when you can trot out stupid shit because you just didn't like the guy?

And you're really going to try and argue that he wasn't better than fucking Blaine Gabbert? Or that he wasn't better than a whole lot of the garbage that got trotted out the past couple of years?

And don't give me this "well if he could play he'd have been signed" bullshit. We've seen lots of QBs get chance after chance even when they were clearly dogshit (fucking Mat Cassel has made almost $100million). Of course no coach will want to try to deal with what comes with him now. They'd have the fuck sitting President be constantly shitting out his mouth (to try and distract from his own shitshow), so they'll have to start talking politics (or not talking but they'll still have to field tons of questions about it) and all sorts of shit that has nothing to do with football. And it'll bring a media circus. None of which has anything to do with his on field play. There's maybe 3 players that teams would be willing to put up with that for. If you really think that what Kaepernick started isn't more hated by the NFL than players beating their wives, kids, and pets, well you're just choosing to be willfully ignorant.

Dude, calm down. You can disagree and we can have a respectful dialog without you needing to lose your shit because your garbage QB has no right (and inferior QB talent) to start at the QB position.

Yet, no one ever accused SJWs of being intelligent.

Anyway, the Week 4 thread is coming up soon!


Feb 3, 2005
Dude, calm down. You can disagree and we can have a respectful dialog without you needing to lose your shit because your garbage QB has no right (and inferior QB talent) to start at the QB position.

Yet, no one ever accused SJWs of being intelligent.

Anyway, the Week 4 thread is coming up soon!

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