*** Official ASUS P4C800/Deluxe (875P) Thread ***

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Golden Member
Mar 19, 2000
Originally posted by: computer
Ok......where in CPUz? I don't see it.
I have ver 1.20
Memory Tab - Upper right hand corner
Performance Mode - Box to the right will say (enabled or disabled)



Golden Member
Mar 19, 2000
Originally posted by: ItsMillerTime
jhites, you stated that faster fsb will win out over faster memory; what would you recommend for a 2.8c with ocz pc-3700 gold rev. 2 (512x2 kit)? I wanted to go with 233fsb, 1:1 for reliability over the long run; what's the longest anybody has run these chips at over 3.5G with stability?

Should I rma the pc-3700 for pc-4000 or run at 5:4 with higher fsb?

Found the sp-94 at Maxcooler but still shopping for the Panaflo; anyone have a part number? There is an option for type of connector. Should be getting the sp-94 tommorow but couldn't wait, so I bumped the fsb to 233 and tested at 1:1 with no problem. I was monitoring the cpu temp. Are you guys using Memtest86 version 3.0?
You can get the Panflo 92mm 57cfm here. The SP-94 dropped my temps under full load by 3*C with this fan. I was using a SLK-900U with the same fan and getting full load temps of 46-48C but now with the SP-94/AS5 I am never above 43-45C under full load. Idle I am getting low 30's. They also have AS5 for $4.95 at that site.

Use MemTest86 (ver. 3.0) to check the memory bandwidth and stability. The memory bandwidth is in the upper left corner when you boot to MemTest. You will have to decide which will be faster on your system. Check the bandwidth at 1:1 using fsb233 and then check it again using the 5:4 at the highest fsb the chip will run. I have my 2.8C running at 262fsb using the 5:4 ratio. 3.673Ghz @ 1.488v Full Load


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
Thank you. Well, I don't have it!! In that area on mine, I have "bank interleave" and it's blank and grayed out, and below it "ECC diagnostic: Disabled"!!! And it WAS there the last time I used it on this mobo!! What's going on!!? This is v1.18, I'll see if I can find 1.20.

I just checked their site and I evidently used v1.19 or later last time, since it says v1.18 didn't have PAT. That came about in v1.19 and later.

Thanks John.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
Have any of you noticed that Sandra Pro '04 reports the Raptor as having a maximum UDMA support of 6? This mobo's BIOS only goes up to 5. Sandra even reports at the bottom something like "max UDMA not used, check settings for higher UDMA setting". So, the big question is why does this mobo only support UDMA 5, and can anything be done about that? Mine is set to "auto" and it's still only UDMA 5.


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Xeon
Originally posted by: biscuitboy
Just put in new board today with Thermalright SLK 947U heatsink and Panaflo fan, using OCZ PC4200 RAM and the board fires up, light is on, fan starts spinning but no display??
so i reset AGP card but to no luck
i also noticed once switched on, i was unable to switch it back off again
is there any reason for this??
i tryed every combo of the switch connectors but nothing made any difference.
have to pull power lead out back
do you think its the RAM thats causing no display??
i can try some different stuff tonight when get back from work

Yes, most likely it's because your timings aren't set right in the BIOS.

this is the first time i have switched it on.
brand new. If i put my old PC2100 RAM in and see what happens or i could try clearing the BIOS.
strange how it should have used defaults and bootup anyway, or screen display


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2000
Originally posted by: computer
Maybe that extra 700mhz is enough to do it. I'm going to run some more tests on the new mobo tonight. My other tests were done on the mobo (and CPU & memory) I RMA'd and it would only do 3ghz. This new setup is a Malay 2.4C @3.4ghz/281mhz bus @1:1. I haven't tried it yet @5:4 or 3:2.

BTW, what are you guys getting on a Raptor I (37gb) in HD Tach on the ICH5R as a single drive?

My 2.4C tops out right around the same speed. Any chance you can run benchies at 1:1 and 5:4, same FSB? I'd like to see how much performance I can actually gain by changing mobos. Specifically looking for DVDShrink benchmarks. My Sandra scores are 5900/2820 @ 280 5:4 and 6100/3150 @ 263 1:1.

Have OCZ EL PC4000 Copper, wish I had gold. It should be fine up to 275 +- 5.

More info regarding 5:4 vs 1:1

The general rule is that if you can get another 15MHz FSB by going 5:4 compared to 1:1 then do it because your system will run faster. Sacrifice the 1:1 to gain higher FSB. Ideal is to max out your RAM and CPU at 1:1 meaning grab a 2.4C and some PC4000 and shoot for 275MHz or a 2.6C and shoot for 260MHz. The 2.4 @ 280 will get better buffered mem bandwidth, roughly another 300 but not sure what that translates to in real-world apps. If you're running 2.8C on up, grab some fast timing PC3500 because at the FSB you're running at it's a waste to run slow-timing PC4000.


Jan 21, 2004
Thanks jhites,

Just received my sp-94 and ordered the Panaflo from Cooler Guys.

I'll try the 5:4 ratio and find the max fsb. So the pc3700 should be ok?


Senior member
Oct 27, 1999

I was the guy who had slower speeds with USB 2.0 than 1.1. I had to go into the control panel and update the drivers. I did an automatic search with the ASUS CD in the drive and it helped my speeds quite a bit.

Don't know why I had to do this as the USB 2.0 drivers are supposed to be built into WinXP.


Senior member
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: biscuitboy
Originally posted by: Xeon
Originally posted by: biscuitboy
Just put in new board today with Thermalright SLK 947U heatsink and Panaflo fan, using OCZ PC4200 RAM and the board fires up, light is on, fan starts spinning but no display??
so i reset AGP card but to no luck
i also noticed once switched on, i was unable to switch it back off again
is there any reason for this??
i tryed every combo of the switch connectors but nothing made any difference.
have to pull power lead out back
do you think its the RAM thats causing no display??
i can try some different stuff tonight when get back from work

Yes, most likely it's because your timings aren't set right in the BIOS.

this is the first time i have switched it on.
brand new. If i put my old PC2100 RAM in and see what happens or i could try clearing the BIOS.
strange how it should have used defaults and bootup anyway, or screen display

Yes, but it doesn't automatically set it to your RAM's correct settings you have to do that yourself. If your using PC-4200 then you should try the following settings to start with:

Set the following:

Advanced Tab --> Chipset:
DRAM CAS# Latency . . . . . . . .2.5
DRAM RAS# Precharge . . . . . . 4
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay. . . 4
DRAM Precharge Delay. . . . . . .7
DRAM Burst Length. . . . . . . . . 8

If you got the Performance Version of this RAM then your starting settings would be:

Advanced Tab --> Chipset:
DRAM CAS# Latency . . . . . . . .3
DRAM RAS# Precharge . . . . . . 4
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay. . . 4
DRAM Precharge Delay. . . . . . .8
DRAM Burst Length. . . . . . . . . 8

Performance Acceleration Mode. . . . . .[Auto] (set auto to start with then enable it once you get booted up and everything looks good.)

Put everything else to defaults except for your Graphics Aperture Size, set this to the max Value of your Video Card (i.e. 128 or 256 depending on the 9800 card you have.)

Advanced Tab --> JumperFree:
AI Overclock. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .[Manual]
CPU External Frequency (Mhz). . . [266] (This is your FSB)
DRAM Frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [400] (This is where you set 1:1, 3:2, 5:4 etc.)
AGP/PCI Frequency (Mhz). . . . . . . [66.66/33.33]

CPU VCore Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . [1.6]
DDR Reference Voltage. . . . . . . . . [2.85V]
AGP VDDQ Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . .[1.7] (For a 9800 Pro I'd use 1.7 but you could use 1.6 to start with for just about any video card)

Performance Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . .[Auto] (to start with I'd leave this to Auto and once you determine that your stable, then change it to see if it works for you.)

All these settings are a base to start with. Once you know all is well running prime95, MemTest-86 then you could start bumping up the FSB as high as she can go and still be rock solid, then and only then would I try to tighten the memory timings.


Senior member
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: ItsMillerTime
Thanks jhites,

Just received my sp-94 and ordered the Panaflo from Cooler Guys.

I'll try the 5:4 ratio and find the max fsb. So the pc3700 should be ok?

With a 2.8C the PC3700 Rev2 is going to work good.

I'd max it out at 1:1 and push the FSB up first as high as it can go, then tighten timings. See what kind of performance you can squeeze out of it then, test 5:4 and compare the performance.

Every setup is different so no one here can tell you definatively which is going to work better for you, from a divider standpoint that is.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000

I was the guy who had slower speeds with USB 2.0 than 1.1. I had to go into the control panel and update the drivers. I did an automatic search with the ASUS CD in the drive and it helped my speeds quite a bit.

Don't know why I had to do this as the USB 2.0 drivers are supposed to be built into WinXP.

Thanks Rich.

Amazing how many times I have to ask question.

Have any of you noticed that Sandra Pro '04 reports the Raptor as having a maximum UDMA support of 6? This mobo's BIOS only goes up to 5. Sandra even reports at the bottom something like "max UDMA not used, check settings for higher UDMA setting". So, the big question is why does this mobo only support UDMA 5, and can anything be done about that? Mine is set to "auto" and it's still only UDMA 5.

Can a few of you please post your Sandra UNBUFFERED memory bandwidth bench? My buffered results are good at over 6450mb, but the unbuffered Integer ALU is only 3036! The "Float iSSE2" is good at over 4855. What would make the Int ALU be so low? This on Sandra Pro 2004. Strange that the tests seem different on '04. On the BUFFERED is where you normally see "ISSE2" and the UNbuffered is where you normally see "FPU". (This results are at 280mhz bus, 1:1, w/2.4C @about 3.39ghz).

I'd still like to hear some Raptor results for Sandra and HDTach.

virtuamike, sure, (unlike others) I'll be glad to run the benchmarks at 5:4 and 3:2 and post them tonight. Maybe be then at least ONE person will post their Sandra & HDTach Raptor results and Sandra memory bench results. Or at least give me a link to a previous post where they may have stated them. The #$%&@ POS search function at this forum is pathetic and useless. It refuses to find ANYTHING, even posts of my own I KNOW I've posted.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000

UNbuffered (Those 9 boxes UNchecked) :
.....Setting in BIOS ------- Result
.............1:1 ...............3036 & 4855 MB/sec
.............5:4 ...............2506 & 4008
.............3:2 ...............2186 & 3409

Buffered (All boxes checked in "options") :
..... Setting in BIOS ------- Result
.............1:1 ...............6461 & 6443 MB/sec
.............5:4 ...............5925 & 5953
.............3:2 ...............5216 & 5228

This is all at 280mhz bus w/2.4C (about 3.39ghz). The first number is the first result (red) on the Sandra graph and the 2nd is of course the one under it, the blue. Memory is Geil Ultra Platinum PC4000 @ 2.5-4-4-7. "266" setting in BIOS is 3:2. "320" setting is 5:4.

I tried at 290mhz bus, and the settings other than 1:1 were far below that of 1:1 @280mhz bus:

290mhz bus:
UNbuffered (Those 9 boxes UNchecked) :
.....Setting in BIOS ------- Result
.............1:1 ...............NO POST (BIOS error)
.............5:4 ...............2664 & 4147
.............3:2................2123 & 3513

Buffered (All boxes checked in "options") :
..... Setting in BIOS ------- Result
.............1:1 ............... NO POST (got a BIOS error)
.............5:4 ...............6143 & 6159
.............3:2................5393 & 5404

I didn't try at anything higher than 290mhz bus. You can see as far as this goes, 1:1 with 280mhz bus still has better memory performance than 290mhz bus at settings other than 1:1.


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2004
just got PC built
very nice it is
excellant motherboard
got the P4 2.6 800FSB with OCZ PC4200EL 2x256Mb RAM, Thermalright 947U with Panaflo 92mm, Raptor 70Gb SATA drive and it is very snappy.
just going to see how much can overclock
temps are around 25C for CPU

Quick question
I have a decision to make on which soundcard I should use with this motherboard
I have a Audigy 1, a SonicFury (SantaCruz in US) and the onboard sound with the board
which out of these do you think is the best to use??
I mainly listen to mp3's and occasional games using an amp and stereo speakers



Senior member
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: biscuitboy
just got PC built
very nice it is
excellant motherboard
got the P4 2.6 800FSB with OCZ PC4200EL 2x256Mb RAM, Thermalright 947U with Panaflo 92mm, Raptor 70Gb SATA drive and it is very snappy.
just going to see how much can overclock
temps are around 25C for CPU

Quick question
I have a decision to make on which soundcard I should use with this motherboard
I have a Audigy 1, a SonicFury (SantaCruz in US) and the onboard sound with the board
which out of these do you think is the best to use??
I mainly listen to mp3's and occasional games using an amp and stereo speakers


Welcome to the forum and to this MB!

I have an Audigy2 and it cranks. I can't imagine using anything else now that I've had it for awhile.


Senior member
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: computer

I was the guy who had slower speeds with USB 2.0 than 1.1. I had to go into the control panel and update the drivers. I did an automatic search with the ASUS CD in the drive and it helped my speeds quite a bit.

Don't know why I had to do this as the USB 2.0 drivers are supposed to be built into WinXP.

Thanks Rich.

Amazing how many times I have to ask question.

Have any of you noticed that Sandra Pro '04 reports the Raptor as having a maximum UDMA support of 6? This mobo's BIOS only goes up to 5. Sandra even reports at the bottom something like "max UDMA not used, check settings for higher UDMA setting". So, the big question is why does this mobo only support UDMA 5, and can anything be done about that? Mine is set to "auto" and it's still only UDMA 5.

Can a few of you please post your Sandra UNBUFFERED memory bandwidth bench? My buffered results are good at over 6450mb, but the unbuffered Integer ALU is only 3036! The "Float iSSE2" is good at over 4855. What would make the Int ALU be so low? This on Sandra Pro 2004. Strange that the tests seem different on '04. On the BUFFERED is where you normally see "ISSE2" and the UNbuffered is where you normally see "FPU". (This results are at 280mhz bus, 1:1, w/2.4C @about 3.39ghz).

I'd still like to hear some Raptor results for Sandra and HDTach.

virtuamike, sure, (unlike others) I'll be glad to run the benchmarks at 5:4 and 3:2 and post them tonight. Maybe be then at least ONE person will post their Sandra & HDTach Raptor results and Sandra memory bench results. Or at least give me a link to a previous post where they may have stated them. The #$%&@ POS search function at this forum is pathetic and useless. It refuses to find ANYTHING, even posts of my own I KNOW I've posted.

LOL! For cryin out loud, what kind of talk is this? Don't you think if someone had an answer they would have answered the question?

Pssst everyone........ let's just hold back on providing answers to computer about his questions so he'll scream and shout LOL! Neener, Neener, Neeeeeeeeneeeeeeeer! Hahahahaha


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
Pssst everyone........ let's just hold back on providing answers to computer about his questions so he'll scream and shout LOL! Neener, Neener, Neeeeeeeeneeeeeeeer! Hahahahaha
Screw you. Don't tell me "no one has the answer" when ANYONE can take 30 seconds and run the go**amn Raptor benchmark and memory benchmark. I joined this thread MONTHS before I even got this ****ing mobo and ended up ANSWERING more posts than ANYONE on the questions of OTHERS. I ask a simple thing and it's like getting proverbial blood from a stone.

So long.


Senior member
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: computer
Pssst everyone........ let's just hold back on providing answers to computer about his questions so he'll scream and shout LOL! Neener, Neener, Neeeeeeeeneeeeeeeer! Hahahahaha
Screw you. Don't tell me "no one has the answer" when ANYONE can take 30 seconds and run the go**amn Raptor benchmark and memory benchmark. I joined this thread MONTHS before I even got this ****ing mobo and ended up ANSWERING more posts than ANYONE on the questions of OTHERS. I ask a simple thing and it's like getting proverbial blood from a stone.

So long.

Screw me? No sorry you can't, you're not my type.

For god sake Clint, I was nudging you in a playful way about the way you seem to think people are REQUIRED to answer your posts.

If you want to get serious about the matter then here you go:

That's the great thing about a forum, you chooooose to participate when you want and if you want or if and when you can, it's not a requirement Clint. No one here gets paid to do your tasks, and to get angry or spiteful because someone doesn't answer your post immediately or when you feel it's necessary, is ridiculous.

That's the simple truth of the matter, the fact that you took this to heart the way you just goes to show that you really do think it's a requirement that people answer you, right when you ask for assistance and that it's expected.

If I make a post and I don't seem to get any answers, I go to another forum (several actually) and I post to as many of them as I feel is necessary (depending on how Urgent the problem is) to try to get an answer, but I certainly won't become agitated or spiteful to the people in a forum just because they aren't answering a question or request for help.

I honestly can't believe you feel this way, and I'm sorry your upset, but this is like the third or fourth time I've seen you do this, so in a playful way I wanted to try and show you how ridiculous it sounds. It wasn't meant to make you angry or pissed off. I'm off to go working on this RC Helicopter.

Take care,


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
The name is Clint. And those benchmark questions I've asked for several days now of which have been ignored. Someone asked me below to run some benchmarks, and hours later I had MORE than he asked for. I guess it's expecting too much to ask for the same in return. It's just upsetting and discouraging that I get ignored after the help I've given over the months. It's not like someone is asking to totally "gut your case" and "disassemble everything" in a day long effort. It's simple benchmarks that EVERYONE at this thread has already run on numerous occasions. Ok, so what are other 800-E Deluxe forums?


Senior member
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: computer
The name is Clint. And those benchmark questions I've asked for several days now of which have been ignored. Someone asked me below to run some benchmarks, and hours later I had MORE than he asked for. I guess it's expecting too much to ask for the same in return. It's just upsetting and discouraging that I get ignored after the help I've given over the months. It's not like someone is asking to totally "gut your case" and "disassemble everything" in a day long effort. It's simple benchmarks that EVERYONE at this thread has already run on numerous occasions. Ok, so what are other 800-E Deluxe forums?

Yeah, I know it's something that may only take thirty minutes or so to do, and yes you definately do answer peoples posts and help a lot, that isn't the issue at all, because we all know you do your fair share here, but it shouldn't be that you have to. People have other priorities in their lives and frankly these forums falls at the bottom of the list. I personally do it because I enjoy it, if it becomes anything else I'd quit coming here and drop the threads before it became a necessity or a JOB.

Overclockers.com is a good one, hardforum.com, abxzone.com and of course www.xshellr8.com , there are just tons of them out there. These however are my favorites besides this one of course. I have a bunch more if you really want them, just drop me an e-mail and I'll throw a list together.

At any rate, don't sweat it, this stuff just isn't that important....

BTW, I honestly don't believe you're getting ignored, it just think people are busy doing other things that's all. When it comes to the hardrive issues, I have nothing to add. I've done like zero testing effort there other than check to see if it's operating up to par and both my drives are, but that's the extent of my delving there.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
I noticed last night that when the Raptor is connected to the Promise controller, it's reported as **UDMA 6 instead of the UDMA 5 on the ICH5R. Another thing; this time around my HD benchmarks or HORRIBLE and I have no idea why. Last time, I got over 85xxxK for it on the Promise and over 77xxxK for it on the ICH5R. The Maxtor, and Seagate 7200rpm/8mb/80gb drives got about 63xxxK. Now, I can't get over 59xxxK for ANY of them on ANY controller!! On Sandra, I can't get more than 37xxxK for any of the drives this time, and last time got over 40. It's like Rev.2 of the mobo is a LOT slower than the Rev. 1.2 I previously had.

**And, I still have yet to figure out why the ICH5R Vs. Promise controller are OPPOSITE from what every other website has shown. They all show the ICH5R to be superior, but that is not the case from my tests, the ICH5R is slower. This is on BOTH versions, 2 and 1.2. Could be that it's the UDMA 5 Vs. UDMA 6 issue since this mobo evidently has no UDMA 6 native support. That's senseless.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2000
Originally posted by: computer

UNbuffered (Those 9 boxes UNchecked) :
.....Setting in BIOS ------- Result
.............1:1 ...............3036 & 4855 MB/sec
.............5:4 ...............2506 & 4008
.............3:2 ...............2186 & 3409

Buffered (All boxes checked in "options") :
..... Setting in BIOS ------- Result
.............1:1 ...............6461 & 6443 MB/sec
.............5:4 ...............5925 & 5953
.............3:2 ...............5216 & 5228

This is all at 280mhz bus w/2.4C (about 3.39ghz). The first number is the first result (red) on the Sandra graph and the 2nd is of course the one under it, the blue. Memory is Geil Ultra Platinum PC4000 @ 2.5-4-4-7. "266" setting in BIOS is 3:2. "320" setting is 5:4.

I tried at 290mhz bus, and the settings other than 1:1 were far below that of 1:1 @280mhz bus:

290mhz bus:
UNbuffered (Those 9 boxes UNchecked) :
.....Setting in BIOS ------- Result
.............1:1 ...............NO POST (BIOS error)
.............5:4 ...............2664 & 4147
.............3:2................2123 & 3513

Buffered (All boxes checked in "options") :
..... Setting in BIOS ------- Result
.............1:1 ............... NO POST (got a BIOS error)
.............5:4 ...............6143 & 6159
.............3:2................5393 & 5404

I didn't try at anything higher than 290mhz bus. You can see as far as this goes, 1:1 with 280mhz bus still has better memory performance than 290mhz bus at settings other than 1:1.

Seeing the same results that we found in the CPU/oc forum, that memory bandwidth at 1:1 beats out 5:4 every time. However, 5:4 almost always has higher FSB/oc than 1:1 meaning higher overall benchmarks. Can you run another set of benches at 280 1:1, 280 5:4, and 290 5:4? Found that DVDShrink is one of the best at measuring realtime performance (plus it's free, all you need is a DVD to rip/test, use deep analysis and then backup, it'll show you backup time). 3:2 really is a waste of time to run. Only reason to run 3:2 is if people are going cheap and sticking with PC3200.

Sandra Drive Index: 21496 KB/s, Raptor on IC7.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
Can you run another set of benches at 280 1:1, 280 5:4, and 290 5:4?
Why do you need me to run them again? They'll be the same within a couple MB/sec.

Regarding the Raptor on your IC7 benchmark, are all boxes checked in the module options ("bypass windows disk cache" on or off)? And, is it on the ICH5 controller or on the other controller (I don't recall if that mobo has Si or Promise). Version 2003 or '04? Last time I used 2003, this time 2004 because I lost my '03 version. I'm wondering if that has something to do with the greatly reduced Drive Indexes I'm getting.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
I came across another benchmark tool here. I got a total score of only 364 which sounds really HORRIBLE considering what others I found had in some searches. I saw scores of over 550 with cheap memory and slower CPU's. I don't get it. Maybe it's the cheap video card I have on it right now just for testing but that can't make that much of a difference. I don't use a DVD drive so I can't run DVD Shrink.
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