*** Official ASUS P4C800/Deluxe (875P) Thread ***

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Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
Originally posted by: jvwheel
Clint, Thanks very much again for your reply. I received my replacement board yesterday and just finished the installation. Everything went as you said it would so I was able to retreive my data and back up my files. I did a partial backup today using the backup program in XP but I wasn't sure how much I wanted to backup and carry over to a clean install on the intel controller. I didn't back up any of the windows folder. The system does not seem as stable as it was when I had it running with the old motherboard. It seems to take longer to open files and sometimes the mouse hesitates. I am locking up when running programs I know that I have run troble free before. I suspect that I did not have the setup exactly the same as when I removed the board and I have corrupted windows. It's better I just start over. I did run WMD on the system again and as you said it has a thousand errors on bank one even with the new MoBo. I talked to ASUS help and they said they didn't have any knowledge of the problem. I find that difficult to believe but there wasn't anything to be gained by pursuing it further with them. I'd thought I'd do this follow-up post to keep you informed and express mt graditude for you help. You and Dave R are the only persons to respond to my request for help even though I've posted on several forums. I do appreciate that. Best Regards, John
I did a partial backup today using the backup program in XP but I wasn't sure how much I wanted to backup and carry over to a clean install on the intel controller. I didn't back up any of the windows folder.
That's always a dilema! If the system is totally stable, then you can copy over everything. I use that integrated XP Native MSBackup for the first backup before I install Ghost. If you have your HD partitioned on the backup and try to restore to non part'd drive, that may mess things up. Otherwise I don't know why after restoring you'd have stability problems if everything was exactly the way it was before. At any rate, you can or did get your files/data back from the HD and can back those up then start over due to the instability.

Asus is JERKS. They know damn good 'n well about that WMD problem and Promise controller! I even sent them the thread I started on the issue from this forum! I still have the emails and if I can find them, I'll paste it in a post.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
Ok, I found it, I pasted some of it below. This was from several months ago. Nick's address is NICK.TRUSNER@ASUSTS.com so you need to email him and "refresh his memory".

Nick, thanks for the reply. Call me Clint.

As I stated in my email, it doesn't matter which memory is used, it happens with all types of memory (Geil, Kingston, etc), and regardless of settings (SPD or manual), and with only one stick installed. It also happens and is much more severe with the new "Microsoft RAM diagnostics" which works similar to Memtest, you boot off the floppy. (BTW, Memtest is not chipset dependent, it doesn't even see the chipset). It also happens regardless of video card (Nvidia, 3dfx, ATI, etc.) and power supply (Top-rated Fortron-Source or a cheap Leadman Powmax) both of course are P4 approved and are 400 watt. All temperatures are cool, even the CPU (2.4C), except for those two "9915" components I described in my original email below*, which are too hot to touch. I use a P4B533 in our main PC now, and the memory I tested in the P4C800-E Deluxe can be placed in the P4B533 and all tests are run flawlessly. At any rate, Geil uses a P4C800xx as one of their test boards anyway, and this issue also happens with OCZ memory (that guy "Xeon" aka Michael mentioned below, uses OCZ) and OCZ also told me the P4C800 is one of their test beds. I also stated I already registered in order to register the mobo, but all of your links for motherboard registration are bad (please see original message at bottom), but that is now irrelevant as you'll see below.

I'll gladly provide some links:
http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=29&threadid=1032281&FTVAR_MSGDBTABLE=&STARTPAGE=41 (currently 41 pages long). You might have to register and login to see that exact URL, so try the prefix http://forums.anandtech.com/ and on that page please scroll down a bit and click "Motherboards" then "Official ASUS P4C800/Deluxe (875P) Thread " (it's right below the P4P thread). It's a VERY LONG thread, 41 pages and counting. Note the last few pages from maybe page 36 on.

As you can see, another member "Xeon" tried my suggestion to see if he too had this issue, and he did. He too had the thousands of errors using the M$ RAM diagnostics program with completely different parts and is using Rev.2 of this mobo. So, this is obviously another 'bug' or issue with this motherboard. Someone on your end needs to check this out and see WHY this is happening, perhaps it's "normal", it could be when something is connected to the Promise controller some kind of (for lack of a better term) "feedback" is taking place causing the errors. There is also another forum at ABXzone.com, but I can't find the exact links now, I lost them, some are mentioned at Anandtech. (I had a crash on this PC, not the one with the P4C800 on it, and I had to "restore to last working condition" and lost my IE history from yesterday). Here is the main page, you can search for the mobo there. http://www.abxzone.com/forums/ At both of the forums and others, there are issues with the LAN dying or not working, USB Legacy problems, the board not working with the stock retail Intel HSF unit due to board flexion, and others. Those I've not had any problems with, I ONLY have the problem I described with the Promise controller. You can find many more at Google.

No one is saying this is NOT a good board, I know it's the BEST 865/875 chipset mobo around, the testing websites confirm that, this is why I bought it. It just seems to have numerous issues with some boards. It would appear the "quality control" and testing of the boards is not very good, and none of the review/testing/benchmark sites hook up ALL peripheral devices and actually use the board for extended periods. I also seriously doubt that anyone has done this test I have done.

To answer some of your questions; There is nothing hooked up to my P4C800-E Deluxe, it's not even in the case. I NEVER put a mobo in a case and hook all periph's up to it until I'm POSITIVE it's working correctly. Only the minimal things are hooked up; of course the CPU, power supply, memory, and video card, and floppy drive to run tests. It's when something is hooked up and ENABLED on the Promise controller is when the errors start. I have hooked up a WD Raptor SATA drive on the ICH5R and installed XP Pro with no problems. I CAN MOVE that Raptor HD to the Promise SATA connector and IT WILL BOOT AND WORK OK. It has since been removed and it's back the minimal compliment. An ATA133 IDE HD can also be hooked up to the controller as an add-on storage drive and it works as well.

I've narrowed the problem down to the Promise controller. I get NO memory ERRORS with it enabled, but nothing connected. If I connect ANYTHING to the SATA or IDE connectors on the Promise chip, I get thousands of errors. The device MUST BE ACTIVE to get errors. In other words, if the drive is not plugged in to power, no errors. If the drive is jumpered INcorrectly, no errors. When it's DISabled, I get no errors. When it's ENabled I get no errors if nothing is connected. I only get errors with the controller enabled and with something correctly connected. It can be an SATA drive, OR an IDE drive, doesn't matter, just as long as it's connected to the Promise connectors and shows correctly in the Promise BIOS screen.

So, since others are having this problem, it would be logical for someone on your end to determine what's going on with this Promise controller before any RMA's are looked into. You may have to recall the motherboard, of course then a massive RMA would be needed. But if you can get with Promise** and determine what and why this issue is occurring, and something like a BIOS update will fix it, then an RMA will not be necessary. Either way, RIGHT NOW, an RMA would be useless since I'm not the only one with this issue. Even though a "seemingly working computer" can be obtained with this motherboard, it would be foolhardy to use it in a mission critical computer as I need it for, or even a typical PC for that matter, when there is obviously something that is causing massive errors with anything hooked up to the Promise controller & it enabled. This many memory errors would be indicative of potential serious stability issues when a user uses the Promise controller. So, that's why I've been in a "holding pattern" for about two months now.


Aug 7, 2004
Originally posted by: jvwheel
Clint, Thanks very much again for your reply. I received my replacement board yesterday and just finished the installation. Everything went as you said it would so I was able to retreive my data and back up my files. I did a partial backup today using the backup program in XP but I wasn't sure how much I wanted to backup and carry over to a clean install on the intel controller. I didn't back up any of the windows folder. The system does not seem as stable as it was when I had it running with the old motherboard. It seems to take longer to open files and sometimes the mouse hesitates. I am locking up when running programs I know that I have run troble free before. I suspect that I did not have the setup exactly the same as when I removed the board and I have corrupted windows. It's better I just start over. I did run WMD on the system again and as you said it has a thousand errors on bank one even with the new MoBo. I talked to ASUS help and they said they didn't have any knowledge of the problem. I find that difficult to believe but there wasn't anything to be gained by pursuing it further with them. I'd thought I'd do this follow-up post to keep you informed and express mt graditude for you help. You and Dave R are the only persons to respond to my request for help even though I've posted on several forums. I do appreciate that. Best Regards, John

Out of curiosity did Newegg sent you a rev2 replacement or rev1?


Jul 30, 2004
Clint, I suspect that ASUs won't ever reveal / acknowledge the problem unless they develope a costly solution. I would think something like this could possibly bankrupt a company so they have everything to gain by pretending ingnorance and hoping the problem goes away. I just got my machine back up after a clean XP install on the Intel Controller. It was interesting that the Intel Controller did recognize my Promise RAID and listed it as functional. I didn't go any further than that as I didn't see how XP would recognize it without the Intel driver installed - but it may have? I simply deleted the raid and created a new one as I was prepared to do the clean install anyway. As yet i've only done a minimal installation of my software until I run some diagnostics. I've only installed the drivers for my PCI devices, My internet software, and Norton Internrt security. You mentioned you used Ghost - I have the Systemworks with Ghosts buit have never used Ghost. Is there an advantage over other backup software. I'll let you know the results of the diagnostics. Best Regards, John

newegg.com did supply a Rev 2 this time but told me in advance that they do not look at the product for revisions - they just ship what the supplier provides. It is interesting that I got a Rev 2 with the latest (1016) BOIS. I think if one made it an RMA issue they may look. I did make the revision an issue and the BIOS as well because my last board had very old BIOS and didn't flash properly. (It is interesting that ASUS just placed a new revision of the BIOS Flash Tool on their download website.) I did call and expedite a replacement. I had to order a new board and they shipped it 2 Day FedEx and changed my RMA from replacement to full refund. It worked for me. And - it is also interesting that he BIOS update program didn't work on my last board but appears to works on this board.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
How did the Intel controller recognize Promise RAID?

XP doesn't need any HD controller drivers prior to its installation if the HD is on the ICH5. But when you have a HD on the Promise controller, you do have to hit F6 though as soon as the install screen shows up and put the Promise floppy in when prompted or XP will say "Duuuuuuuuuh.......I don't see any hard drives".

I guess Ghost is sort of like Drive Image or Drive Copy. It's a mirror imaging program. It copies EVERYTHING on one or all partitions and saves it as an image file (to another HD, partition, or DVD), which can be restored whenever you need it. It puts the HD(s) or partitions back to their EXACT states as when the image file was created. It's great if you have to start over due to driver corruption if you make an image before any drivers were installed. I make several images in steps.


Jul 30, 2004
Thanks for the info on Ghost - I've decided to invest the time and read up on it. It appears there are many functions including one where a person may store the images to another systems HDD in a peer to peer arangement. Thats my next project - to connect my two computers together so that we may share files and devices (printer, scanner, maybe the internet -(dialup)). My other machine has a lot more HDD space including a Highpoint RAID. Haven't decided how to do that yet - I have to research more.

Anyway, in answer to your question, How did Intel recognize the Promise RAID? - I'll just go through my process.

I unpluged my drives from the promise Sata Raid Connections and repluged them into the SATA Connections. I was careful to make sure I reconnected the Promise SATA RAID 1 connector to the Intel SATA 1 connector and did the same with connection 2. I don't know why but I just thought it would be safer to do it that way. I then powered up the machine and hit DEL to enter Setup. The screen displayed the usual but when it came to load the Promise RAID, it went through the usual process, but returned the message that no drives were connected. I then entered Setup and disabled the Promise Controller, set the Onboard IDE Operate Mode to YES for the S-ATA RAID and ENABLED for the Serial ATA BOOTROM. I saved and exited Setup and when prompted I hit Ctrl I to enter the Intel RAID Setup. The Intel RAID configuration screen showed my two drives as a RAID 0 and Normal. I pressed 1 for Create a RAID but the message came back that no drives were available. I expected this as the utility was showing the RAID 0 as already configured and as Normal. I didn't exit the utility and boot into the system to see what would happen because I didn't want to save that system configuration (although I was curious). I just continued in the utility to delete the Promise RAID and recreate the RAID 0 using the Intel utility. I can't say for certain what would have happened if I had booted to the Promise RAID but think since the Intel RAID Utility recognized the RAID 0 setup by the Promise Controller and evaluated the RAID as Normal it very well may have worked. I couldn't image that it would be a stable setup but.....

Anyway thats what happened.

My new install is functioning well and appears stable. I ran the MS WMD and found absolutly no errors. It's really disheartening that all of that storage capacity on the Promise side may be totally worthless. I agree that ASUS should take responsibility here and evaluate the extent of the problem. As it stands I think ASUS is making false claims pertaing to the capacity of this MoBo. If they don't define the extent of this problem and do what's possible this may eventually lead to a class action suit - that can't be cheap.

Thanks for all your help, Clint. I really do appreciate it.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
I was careful to make sure I reconnected the Promise SATA RAID 1 connector to the Intel SATA 1 connector and did the same with connection 2.
You connected the Promise and Intel controllers to each other??

If you're saying that on the Intel controllers they recognized the previous Promise RAID array you created while on Promise, Ok, I understand that.

Yes, Ghost has external settings. You can create the image files to, and restore from a CDRW drive, DVD Drive, USB, Firewire devices and tape drives, or P2P. You have to go into the Advanced settings and tell it to assign drive letters & drivers to any external devices or tape drives.


Junior Member
May 15, 2004
My apologies in advance if this subject has been covered previously...

I am considering a P4C800 Deluxe for a new machine I'm building. I noticed a popular online retailer has a P4C800 Deluxe /and/ a "P4C800 Deluxe UAY" listed. The latter being ~$20 cheaper. Anyone know what the difference is between these boards?


Jul 30, 2004

retailer has a P4C800 Deluxe /and/ a "P4C800 Deluxe UAY" listed. The latter being ~$20 cheaper


That is about the price difference between a P4C800-E Deluxe and a P4C800 Deluxe. Is it possible that is what you are comparing?


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2002
I am on Revision 1006 for my P4C800 Deluxe mobo, which is the most stable and best for ocing ?


Junior Member
May 15, 2004
How are two PATA HHDs set up for RAID using the Promise controller? There is only one connector which implies both HDDs go on a single 80 pin cable, but are both drives configured as Master, Master/Slave or what?


Mar 26, 2003
Iceflatline, I believe you set them up as cable select. However, i wouldn't reccomend hooking them up like that. You are COMPLTELY defeating the advantage of RAID with that setup.


Junior Member
May 15, 2004
Originally posted by: ScissorClaw
Iceflatline, I believe you set them up as cable select. However, i wouldn't reccomend hooking them up like that. You are COMPLTELY defeating the advantage of RAID with that setup.

Yes, I agree. But apparently there is no other choice if you want to built a RAID using EIDE drives. Any other options?


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
That's ridiculous. You'd think with all the hi-end features that went in this mobo they'd at least have two IDE connectors for RAID! No telling how much slower it's going to be since you have to slave one of the IDE HD's.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
That's ridiculous. You'd think with all the hi-end features that went in this mobo they'd at least have two IDE connectors for RAID! No telling how much slower it's going to be since you have to slave one of the IDE HD's.


Mar 26, 2003
Originally posted by: iceflatline
Originally posted by: ScissorClaw
Iceflatline, I believe you set them up as cable select. However, i wouldn't reccomend hooking them up like that. You are COMPLTELY defeating the advantage of RAID with that setup.

Yes, I agree. But apparently there is no other choice if you want to built a RAID using EIDE drives. Any other options?

Their sure is! You can do the same thing I did and buy a couple of PATA to SATA adapters. I used them to hook up a pait of 120GB WD JB's and it worked like a charm. I includeed a link to where you can purchase them. They are pretty much available at just about most computer hardware sites. If I recall correctly, they were also priced about the same at all of the sites. You might be able to find a seller that has free (or reduced) shipping though.

:wine: CHEERS!!!!!

High (Wish I Was) Point PATA to SATA Adapter


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
Has anyone tried BIOS v17 for this mobo? It seems screwed up (no surprise). Mine (800-E Deluxe) hangs for about 15-20 sec during POST right after the "checking NVRAM...." shows or something like that, and immediately before "USB legacy disabled in the BIOS".


Junior Member
Sep 7, 2004
new here, so i'll try n do my best.

MB: p4c800-E Deluxe, CPU P4 3.2prescott, OCZ 1gB pc3200, not OC'd (yet)

on my second Mb, first one rma'd no post.
2nd motherboard everything seems to be working fine, but i'd loose my raid(0) after a day or so.
wouldnt be able to read, then wouldnt be able to boot.

am running raid(0) on promise controller. have 3 hitachi 80gb 7200 rpm SATA
1 on the intel, 2 in raid(0) on the promise

i'd have to unplug the raid, to be able to boot, would reformat, redo everything, and lose it again a short time later.

drives indepndantly would format fine, in raid format fine.

drove me crazy so i figured to do away with the raid and try it non-raid

changed the windows driver for the non-raid (fastrack ide)

everything seems to work, untill i rar'd up a 4gb fileset

i had chksum errs, when i transfered over my network.

i tested the rar set on the computer and it came back bad, i sfv'd it, and the sfv had different bad files, (som,e same some different)

i ran memtest 86, but would not load.. something about it having a prescott bug ?
found memtest 86+, ran fine, mem tested fine all tests 100%
windows memory diagnostic(s) ... 100% fail.
now the way i understand it, it wmd tests the memory in a more "windows" type environment (whatever that means)

i tested the sticks in singles. and pairs, in all 4 slots every configuration.

turned out the only way to rid myself of these errors was to disable the promise controller in bios or remove the drives from it.

like i said, 3 hitachi drives (non are used for boot), all 3 are data.
all 3 formated just fine (repeatedly)

am i looking at two different problems here ? or one ? or is there something with the hitachi drives (sata using the marvell chjipset ?)

currently the box was sent back (minus the drives) for another rma, where the tech has reported the memory diag err's but no chksum err's on files. although he is using WD sata hdd's

any hints or clues ?

thank you... now back to reading this awfull long thread...



Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
gutternuts, no one is on this thread anymore, it's dead. You're probably going to have to post this at another area of the forum. Since there is no "Storage" area, I guess "general hardware" would have to do. I don't use RAID so I can't help you there.


Dec 30, 2000
Trying to resolve a sound issue on my P4C800-D. Current setup consists of 1 HD attached to the SATA1 controller and on-board sound disabled w/ new sound card in last slot. Latest BIOS and WindowsXP SP2. Sound cracks/pops via SPDIF out whenever the HD is active. I have tried diff controllers, HDs, cables, new sound card w/ no success. Not OCing at all, every setting is default in the BIOS. Also, I'm using an ATI 9800 video card. Can anyone shed any light on my issue?



Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2000
Well I guess this thread is dead because they removed it from the "Motherboards" forum! :Q

Has anyone tried BIOS 18 on this mobo?


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
Originally posted by: computer
Well I guess this thread is dead because they removed it from the "Motherboards" forum! :Q

Has anyone tried BIOS 18 on this mobo?

Installed 18 this morning... so far no problems.
No real changes to note running a Northwood. If you are running a Prescott you would have unlocked clock Im presuming (backwards unlock)

Notes on update....

1. I was unable to flash using afudos of any version...kept getting "unable to open rom file"
2. Installed using Asus update. Asus Update did not find it listed as an update and only offered version 16 via internet update.
3. Was able to flash from file downloaded to my computer.


Dr Hoek

Junior Member
Nov 8, 2004
I hope this thread doesn't die completely. With your help (I've read almost every post), early this year, I built the rig in my sig. It's a rock. Fairly OC'able AND whisper quiet. The Arctic Cooler was the final piece to attain "quiet".

Now I've created an annoying POST problem I hope one of you can help me solve. I had a 74G Raptor on SATA 0 (Intel non-RAID) as the boot drive and a 180G Deskstar on Primary-Master IDE along with 2 Opticals and a ZIP drive using the other 3 IDE "spots". I'm now on BIOS 1014. This was always rock solid. Then I removed the Deskstar and upgraded to the new Maxtor Diamond 10 300G SATA drive and put it on SATA 1. My son does a lot of video creation and I needed the room. Now when I boot cold, the POST initially fails to detect either HD, gives an error message stating as much then gives the insert system disk message. If I reboot, all goes as it should. If I enter BIOS on that cold boot, it takes a while to detect the HD's. The other dives detect normally. If I disconnect the Maxtor, all okay. I've reset all the settings for the non HD's from auto to the appropriate fixed settings where possible. I can now shut down for up to about an hour and boot normally. Any longer and the HD's fail to be detected on initial boot.

Any ideas on solving this annoying problem? There does not seem to be any way to set user defined settings for HD's on this board. The Promise controller and Legecy USB are disabled. Any chance a newer bios would help?

Thanks for all your help.

Dr Hoek

Junior Member
Nov 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Govnah
Trying to resolve a sound issue on my P4C800-D. Current setup consists of 1 HD attached to the SATA1 controller and on-board sound disabled w/ new sound card in last slot. Latest BIOS and WindowsXP SP2. Sound cracks/pops via SPDIF out whenever the HD is active. I have tried diff controllers, HDs, cables, new sound card w/ no success. Not OCing at all, every setting is default in the BIOS. Also, I'm using an ATI 9800 video card. Can anyone shed any light on my issue?


What Sound card are you using? I have a similar setup (see below). Audigy in last slot. My SPDIF out has ZERO background noise. But the Creative drivers are a real pain to get loaded right. Had to do a second clean XP install initially because of trouble installing the Creative software. I'm also not using any other slot. Aren't the Intel non-RAID SATA connectors labeled 0 & 1? If so, you could try plugging the HD into SATA 0. I don't know why this would help but can't hurt to try.
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